CENTRAL POINT HERALD THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1910 “ C V Wilson .pec’l police 1» 00 “ J B Holmes, marshal's sal 50 00 j»j ■* •• " “ leeding pris 2 TO Financial report of Treasurer J. O. Feb. C W Wilson, spcc’l police 3 00 Isaacson of the town of Central Point, •• W C I. ever, lig h ts .......... 4 90 Oregon, for term ending.' Mart h 31, 1‘JlO. “ J B Holmes, marshal's sal 69 00 # -, r. . call G eneral F und R eceipts . Mar. W C I.eever, lights 4 90 “ T M Jones, re. order’s fee 11 00 1909- “ J B Holmes, marshal’s sal 60 00 April, rec’d from ex treasurer $ 504 40 “ W C I.tever, merchandise 4 65 “ 44 44 recorder 824 68 “ road fund transferred 100 00 239 11 May, “ 44 i 4 44 ** 12 00 Total $1117 C5, 17 37 June, “ “ Will be open for home­ April 1, 1910, balance in hands 46 Sept., “ “ of Treasurer $1774 60^ 43 94 builders on or about Nov., “ “ R oad F ond R eceipts 43 56 Dec., “ " “ 1909- 1919- APRIL 7, 1910 7 38 April, rcc’d from or*treasurer $ 163 31 [j Feb., “ 44 4« 4« 48 recorder 41 296 60 March, “ Remember the date to it 44 ** •* “ .............. 22 75 131 32 May “ “ 44 44 44 44 41 «< *4 “ 6 00 1174 43 select a fine home site. “ . . 28 60 June “ “ Total............................. - $2892 25 <4 «< 44 “ .............. 2 C6 • % ;•?*> ' : n G e n e r a l F und D i s b u r s e m e n t s . “ ............... 36 ÍG i Sept. “ “ “ 7 44 1909- Nov. “ “ “ .............. 61 Dec. “ “ Apill, M F Eggleston, work on Charter $ 12 0O 1910- « « Feb. April, John McNabb, judge of “ .............. 21 3 00 Mar. “ “ Manager and Sales Agent. election .......................... 44 44 44 “ .............. 16 3 00 J B Holmes, elk of elec’n 44 44 44 “ ............... 100 3 00 " J E Ross “ “ “ FOR A SQUARK D E A L 44 44 44 W e can supply you, in quatities to suit, with “ .............. 310 1 00 “ money pd out by I O Love 62 10 “ C P. Herald, printing Total ........... ....... ............ $ 822 “ I O Love marshal's salary 29 16 R oad F und D isbursements . 6 90 “ W C Leever, street lights For Exchange—20-h. p. automobile * W Warner, treasurer’ s sal 28 54 1909- t rTm-.r for Central Point real estate. Enquire $ 16 i July M P Welch, labor May S A Pattison, lots 0, 6, 7 ÄJI». '.A Call and let us quote you our Prices tills ollice. 49tf and 8, block No. 34.......... 250 00 April Freeman & Wiley, mdse " Ferguson & Murrry, wk 3 19 00 “ T M Jones, services........ “ I O Love, salary............ 29 8 00 “ S A Pattison, printing May Verne Magruder, labor 15 Sept. L Hatfield, overcharge on Will Wright, labor.................... 10 75 “ Will Wright, labor.......... 5 1.25 poll tax, e t c ................... Nicholson Hardware Co., mdse 25 70 “ II Soott, labor........... ....... 2 6 90 May W C Leever, electric lights Medford Iron works, mdse...... 11 45 65 June Williams Bros., lumber .. 3 June “ ** “ m d s e .......... I J Purkeypile, labor................. 84 40 6 90 May Lee Ingram, labor........... 4 “ “ “ “ lights Pat Stidham, labor.................... 74 10 45 60 “ Jas. Shields, salary.......... 19 “ J B Holmes, marshal’ s sal. T M Jones, for A JKium, labor 2 00 31 60 “ I J Purkeypile, salary 21 i " T M Jones, mdse, etc Verne Magruder, labor............. 2 00 2 00 June W Warner, overpaid on “ S P Hammond, watchman Harry Beal, labor 2 50 CO S P Hammond, labor 1 60 poll ta x ............................. “ J B Holmes, dog tags 19 75 3 50 June O K Pankev, overcharge July F A Hawk blacksmithing F A Hawk, blacksmithing..... 55 M E. Rockfeller, labor 2 50 Jeffers & Peart, blacksmithing THE CIRCUS on poll tax........................ “ T M Jones, recorder’s fee 21 65 A A Gillett, labor...................... 5 40 for well............................. 6 30 Total................................. $2323 71 acrobat finds it necessary at all times 4 90 July J B Holmes, marshal’ s sal “ W C Leever, lights......... B J Aydlott, work on well 265 00 Clyde Applegate, work on well 11 00 to keep his muscles and joints supple. April 1, 1910. balance in hands “ “ “ Aug. J B Holmes, marshal’s sal 50 00 Sep. “ “ I J Purkeypile, “ “ “ ....... 18 00 D C Grim, hauling to well 3 00 That is the reason that hundreds of of Treasurer............... . $22,951.29 7 50 “ W C I.eever, lumber “ Ferguson & Murray, livr’y I J Purkeypile, “ “ “ 35 20 A P Gillett, for W F DeFerd Warrant No. 64, $750.00, protested. them keep a bottle o f Ballard’s Snow “ merchandise 4 90 Nov. “ “ “ W C Leever, lights Pat Stidham, “ •* “ ....... 35 55 work on well.................... 13 75 No provision made to pay this warrant, Liniment always on hend. A sure cure 4 90 1910- Sept. “ “ “ “ Geo. Wright, “ “ “ ....... 2 00 A P Gillett, for A J Freel given for semi-annual interest