CENTRAL POINT HERALD. THURSDAY DECEMBER 23. 1909, X m a s T i m e MEDFORD BOOK Headquarters for Christmas ( Christmas Time, with its strenuous times of shopping and present buying, will soon be upon us. The wise person is the one who does his shopping early'and gets the pick of all *he new things. We have a most complete line of ev­ erything in the Holiday Line and invite you to call and look trfem over.. You are sure to be satisfied I r 4’J j 'T! L iT U S 25 Percent off on all Toys. We are going out of the Toy business Toys, Dolls, Toilet Sets, Jewelry, Books, Holiday Post Cards, etc Kodaks and allPhotographic Supplies Drugs and Medicines Books for Everybody ROOKWO0D & WELLAN POTTERY CENTRAL POINT PHARMACY * M Ali Y A. MEE 45C PROP. | MEDFORD BOOK Central Point Meat Market W. D. Lewis & Sons, Proprietors Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Columbia Brand Hams, Bacon and Lard, Bolognas, Boiled Ham, Cottage Shoulders and other specialties “ 5000, IN 1912 THE STATE Of SISKIYOU CHRISTMAS. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR TIIE ASHLAND CREAMERY RUTTER The recent action of the Jack- Christmas time again draws son County Press association en­ dorsing the movement for the near the happiest day of all the Choicest cuts of Beef, erection of the new state of Sis­ year. Each kid gets of presents Pork, Mutton and Veal kiyou is arousing plenty of com­ a generous fill, maw gcits some ment from Frisco to Portland. too, dad pays the bill. Who As was to be expected the Port­ cares but dad that wood for the land Oregonian, oracle of the fire and sugar and meat are soar- j mossbacks and reactionaries all along the coast, threw a cat fit ing higher than ever before? Main Street, Central Point and has hardly had a full breath Who cares but him that candy since. The awfulness of so and toys—the kidlet’s joys—are much as suggesting something higher to the buyer than an air­ new, something that the Oregon­ ship flyer? And then dad’s roar ian has not been intimately ac­ isheard some more; the old chap’s quainted with for the past .50-odd sore at the trusts galore making years is too muuh for the nerves prices soar for this Christmas of that finnicky old journalistic bore. Spite of all you say it’s Many things to please the children at Christmas Time. lady and she should be granted the greatest day in all the year to make dad pay. But why Bring in the little ones and see them smile. Stationery a license to “ holler” at least to the extent of relieving her pent- shouldn’t he? When he was a kid new Xmas Post Cards, lunches, soft drinks, candies, etc. up feelings. The Portland Jour­ his fool dad did the same old way A share of your patronage is solicited nal takes an entirely different he does today. And as a rule the view of the situation. " If the silly old fool enjoys the joke ev­ creation of a new state will aid en after lie’s broke. But still he’s Pine Street, two doors east of Post Office C E N T R A L P O IX T in the development of that sec­ quick to thank Saint Nick that tion of the coast” and “ if the there’s no fear that Christmas enterprising people up there can cheer will come any oftenerthan local Papers 1 all around it. in Southern Oregon. — pull the project through, hurrah once a year. ____ ! Portland Labor Press. for them and for another bright Central Point has an enterprising pa- j star on the flag,” says that mod- Cured A Severe Attack of Bronchitis per in the Herald. Its citizens as a f or Eczema. T etter And Sail Rheum urn newspaper. That’s the dif­ With Chamberlains Cough Rented) whole do not give it the support it de- _____ ference between a moss back and “ On October 18th, last, my little 3- serves. The town without a paper is The intense itching characteristic of j yoar old daughter contracted a severe a booster. like a merchant who shuts up his store „f these ailments is almost instantly al cold which resulted in a had case of Citizens of the proposed state saye Mrs. (¡. VV. Uibson, six days in the week. It adds value to layed by Chamberlains Saive. Many of Siskiyou art* wise to the fact! bronchitis," Lexington, Ky. "The lost the power every town lot in any place to have a severe cases have been cured by it. that they cannot take their axes| of speech completely and was a very paper published there, for the poorest, yor grie t>y Mary A. Mee. and go out into the woods and sick child. Fortunately we had a l>ot- Ilahbyest rag that ever fluttered from _______________ . literally hew out a r.ew state for 1 tie of I'hamherlaios Cough Remedy in a Washington hand press is better than Mf and „ „ A p. Gillett ghipped . the house and gave it to her according themselves. They understand to their danphtor, Mrs. L. to the printed dinections On the sec­ depending on the correspondence col- L , something of the steps that will ond day she was a great deal betterand umns of a paper in a neighboring town. be necessary to carry the project on the fifth day, October ‘23rd, she was Central Point is one ef (he most prom- M‘ Dubel • of Canyonvllle, for a Christ- to a successful termination. They entirely well of her oold and bronchitis ising towns, with abundant resources j mas present. know it will mean work and plen­ which I attribute to thjs splendid medi­ ty of it to carry the project cine. I recommend Chamberlains Cough Remedy unreservedly as I have found through two state legislatures it the surest safest and quickest cure and a national congress but they for colds, both for chiklrea and adults are fully convinced that they ef any 1 have ever used ” For sale by j O f th e p«in w hich m «nv w om en e x p e rie n c e w ith e v e ry have a just kick coming and a Mary A. Mee, m o n th it m ake« the gcntlene«* end k ird n e s s a lw ay s a sso c i­ ated w ith w om an h o o d seem to he a lm o s t a m iracle. righteous cause to fight for. W hile in general no w om an re b e ls a gainst w h a t re ­ gards as a n a tu ra l n e ce ssity th e re is no w om an w h o w o u ld And, although the Oregonian The Private Secretary n o t gladly be free from th is re c u rrin g p erio d of p a in . still has a number of readers D r . P ie rc e * a F a v o r ite P r e s c r ip tio n m a k e s down this way it should put a Theatergoers who did not attend the w e a k w o m e n s t r o n g a n d s ic k w o m e n w e ll, a n d H ives t h e m fr e e d o m f r o m p a i n pin in the fact that the can’t do ¡day ;iiven by the Central Point hand at I t e s t a b l i s h e s r e g u l a r i t y , s u b .la c s In fla m * it club has been finally dissolved. I the opera house last Saturday night m a t ! o n , h e a t s u l c e r a t io n a n d c a r e s in* missed a gr. P ie rc e b y le tte r , who think so. sented in a much better manner than Central Point Meat Market Toys - Toys - Toys F. W. STORE X m a s P r e s e n t s F o r All For the men we have fine shirts, suspenders, hosiery, neckties, cotton, linen and silk handker­ chiefs, mufflers and gloves. For the ladies we have gloves, handkerchiefs, beautiful ribbons, fine neckwear. Mittens and gloves for the lit­ tle folks. Make your selections early. E li To n e s One door west of Post Office Central Point I Fresh Confections Cool weather is coming on, and with it our new assortment of the finest candies ever shown in Central Point. You Can’t Beat Them G- S- MOORE, At The Old Stand L E S M E IS T E R When You Think • many of the traveling shows which There are two sides to every have stopped in the city. The crowd* story, and in every community which attended was not large but it every citizen represents a story.1 was a pleased audience and the Central Point people deserve much praise. — Is it better to take aides and be. Crants Pass Courier. HAND­ W e Can Suit You In All Your Holiday Needs I neutral and hated by both sides? I -Atchison Globe. An imlL'pemlcnt local newspaper 111 Health More [xaensive Ihao Any Cure devoted to the interests of Central Point and the Hogue River Valley. | This country is now filled with people Published Every Thursday. who migrate across the continent in al | Subscription price, $1.50 per year, in directions seeking thnt which gold can- advance. , not buy, Nine-tenths of them are suf- I fering from throat and lung trouble or Entered as Second-class Matter, May 4, chronic catarrh resulting from neglect- 1906, at the Post Oflice at Central Point, . ed colds, and spending fortunes vainly Oregon, under the Act of Congress of trying to regain lost health. C'ould ev­ March 3, 1879. ery sufferer hut undo the past and cure that first neglected cold, all this sorrow, T U K P A P f W ¡ h k e p t on file a t t h e D a r k A n- l l l l i l I i^l L ll VKK TIH IN G AGENCY, INC., 127 pain, anxiety and suspense could have S o u th M ain S tr e e t, L oh A n g e le s, a n d 779 M a rk e t been avoided. Chamberlains Cough S t r e e t, S a n F ra n c is c o , w h e re c o n tr a c ts f o r a d v e r ­ Remedy is famous for its cures of colds tis in g c a n h e m ad e f o r it. and can always he depended upon. Use » > it and the more serions diseases may be avoided! Sold by Mary A. Mee. UPW ARDS M A D E BRASS & L E A T H E R GOODS C en t r a l P oint H er a ld ! I ïat;,d byf.one crowd. a"d **mir?d by the other, or is it best to be I S. A. P attison , P ublisher . AND fr e e . A ll c o rre s p o n d e n c e s tric tly p riv a te and s ac re d ly c o n fid e n tia l. W rite w ith o u t fear and w ith o u t fee to W o rld ’s D is p e n s a ry M ed* ical A ss o c ia tio n , H . V . P ie rc e , M . D ., P re s id e n t, Buffalo. N . Y . If y o n was* a b o o k th a t te lls all a b o u t w o m a n 's d is e a s e s , and h o w to c u re th e m a t h o m e , send 21 o n e -c en t stam ps to D r. P ie rc e to pay c o st of m ailing only, an d he w ill send v ou a fr e e copy of his g re a t th o u san d -p ag e illu a tra te d i'o m m o n Sense M edical \ d \ i s e r —re \ ised, u p -to -d a te e d itio n , in p a p e r c o v e rs. In h a n d so m e clo th -b in d in g . 31 stam ps. ■ Central Point Real Estate Company C. S. SANDERSON WE SELL DIRT! Manager DIRT! DIRT! We arc in the Dirt business to stay and we should be favored with your business as it was our money that we have spent in advertising in Eastern Periodicals that has raised the price of land in this valley. It is our business and energy that is helping you and we are entitled to your support—and not the Curb Stone Broker. Lands and City Property for sale. Loans and Insurance. Rentals and care of property. Read THE HERALD $1.50 Per Year