CENTRAL rOINT HERALD. THI’ R.-DAV, DECEMBER !90<>. Money In The banks A C h a t on Cl o t h e s Fine feathers make fine birds. Fine clothes create prestige. They represent your social standing and determine your judgement and taste. They produce respect and confidence, and impart the assurance which surmounts all barriers. Look at the Men who have forced their personality on the world. Could they have broken the exclu­ siveness of higher society without the stamp of refinement and culture — fine clothes. Another point is that true style requires quality. It is next to impossible to produce fashion without using higher grade material which will stand wear and keep its shape. So that it pays to buy fine clothes. When we decid­ ed to carry men’s clothing many brands were considered. After much debating we selected the HART SCHAFFNER& M A R X GLOTHES The highest testimonial towards this happy choice is that our custo­ mers want no other makes after a trial. They become walking adver­ tisements and bring their friends to us. Complaints are unheard of and the satisfaction unfailing. We are anxious to show you this splendid line, whether you buy or .•u, uj lurt tH'iiftuntr .v uan C opyright by Hurt Schaffner A Marx not We know how greatly to your advantage it will prove to see them. When that old worn suit of yours must be replaced don’t fail to give the Hart, Schaffner & Marx brand a fair trial. You will never regret it. euel & K e n tn e r M edford Mission Block Choked to Dr». Anderson & Pollnitz War With Japan dould not possiblp make so many crip­ ples as rheumatism does every year. And yet there is no reason why this dis­ ease should cripple any one, if all suf­ ferers will rub the affected parts night and morning with Ballard’s Snow Lini­ ment. Cures all aches and pains. For sale by Mary A. Mee. PH YSICIAN S A N D SU RG EO N S Office second floor Jol n Ross building:, over Herald office, Pine street. Residence at Central* Point Hotel Phones: Bear'Creek, Table Rock, Trail Creek W illow Springs—each*XX5 C E N TR A L PO INT ........................... OREGON Death For the first t.me in tho history of I American banking, statements have b 'on obtained :howing in detail the c >ndition of practice ly every banking ! i istitution in the United States at a given hour. The national monetary | commission has just completed and made public the tabulated results of the , investigation of the condition of th* various classes of incorporated banks of the country, the report being mad< on a uniform blank at the close of busi­ ness April29, 1909. The institutions reporting includt 6?33 National banks, 11.319 state banks f 1703 mutual and stock savings banks, ! 1 97 private and 1079 loan and trust | c unpanies. I The tota resources o f all make a stu ! pendous total of $31,100,000,00.1. and : the ar alysis ut resources and liabilities ¡show loans, $11,273,000.003, investmenl ! on btn ls, etc., $4.614,000,000, due from ! banks $2,562,000,000, cash on hand, in j clu ling $809,000, IKK) in gold coin and j c rtificates, $1,432.000,000, other re­ 's urces $1,094,001,009, capital $1,800,- L<00,000, surplus and profits $1,833,000,- j O(K), due to banks. $2 484,000,000, de­ posits, including government deposits, j $14.106,000,000, other liabilities, *370,- | 000,000. The total bank resources of the en- | tire country average $237.24 per capita. The state o f New York leads with $07o.07 per capita. FERGUSON & MURRAY LI V E R Y and ^General Teaming ‘‘W E PLAY NO FAVORITES” C E N T R A L POINT THE : : OREGO N. CRYSTAL O. 1!. N A S H . I ’K O l’. CONFECTIONERY—RESTAURANT, Wholesome cooking Prompt service Reasonable prices Our Sunday dinners strike the right spot :: :: :: Try one of our Hot Tamales Geo. Ross Bldg. Corner First and Pine Sts. A Good Booster Speaking of the wide publicity being I given the recent award of the sweep- stakes prise by the National Apple j Show at Spokane to a car of Rogue | River Spitzenbergs, H. B. Tronson own- ; er of the prize p-oducing orchard tells the following: “ I am getting marked ! papers from every where mentioning I he winning of the Spokane prize, and some i of the comments are really amusing, j one of them in particular, I have really j forgotten the name of the .paper, says j that after taking five cars of app'es j from five acres, the sweepstakes car was selected from what was left. Now, I believe the editor of that paper is ca­ pable of holding down a job even in Southern Oregon. He certainly has a fine imagination and here the facts would keep him so busy that he wou d not be compelled to strain it.” J. C. S M I T H Deal„ ,„ Harness and S a d d l e s Keep your horse dry by using Waterproof Horse Covers Keep yourself warm while driving by using Clark Heater Robes, W hips, etc. Call and see my stock—I can please you Martin J. M E D F O Itl) Reddy The Jeweler Dont Be Hopeless about rourself when you are crippled with rheumatism or stiff joints—of c >urse you have tried lots of thir ind they have failed. Try Ballard’s Snow Liniment—it will drive away a ll, aches, pains and stiffness and leave you I as well as you ever were. Sold by Mary A. Mee. Diamonds, W a tch e s, is commonly said of babies who die of the croi p. How unnecessary this is. No child ever had the crcup without having a cold or cough to start with Is you will stop the first symptons of the covgh with Ballards Horehound Syrup there is no danger whatever of croup. Sold by Mary A. Mee. Jewelry Cut Glass Clocksand Silver C h ristm a s Com fort I- or Relative Than a Pair of our Elegant Moccasins or Slippers to the Baby, at prices to suit every Purse Hiawatha Moccasins, for Men, Ladies and Children, Pocahantas Moccasins, for Men, Ladies and Children, Full line of Felt Goods, in Shoes and Slippers, £1.25 to £2.50 .50 to 1.50 .75 to 1.25 D C M CRflDCD I carry the largest assortment assort- nClf! riVI DC.!! ment of Sterling Silver Toilet articles T h e r e is a lm o s t no b u s i­ n e s s in w h ic h an e le c tr ic m o to r o f s o m e s iz e is n o t p r a c tic a l. C a n y o u u se o n e in y o u r lin e ? If y o u c a n uso ono a t a ll y o u c a n uso it to a d v a n ta g e . E le c tr ic p o w o r i s t h e p o w e r o f to d a y . Y o u m a y n o t w a n t to g rin d c o ffe e b u t y o u m a y n e e d a n e le c ­ t r ic m o to r fo r o n o c f th o m a n y th in g s in w h i c h p o w e r is a n e c e s s ity . S en d fo r o u r m an and g e t t h e d e ta ils a b o u t c l o c - t r ic it y —th e p e r fe c t p o w e r. W h a t More Appropriate Gift Can|You Select Fora Friend W e can suit every member of the family from Grandpa SMALL MOTORS Ware and Sterling Silver Novelties in Southern Oregon. Dont fail to examine my stock and get my prices. Fine watch and jewelry repairing a specialty All work guaranteed, Style Certainty i I Write or telephone your wants and we will have our I Representative call on you The fashionable lady of today is very particular about her footwear and she wishes to know that she is absolutely correct when buying her shces. That is one feature about our store. Another strong feature is our prices—they are always low enough to be extremely interesting. Edm eades lir o s . Rogue River Electric Co. POINT LODGE NO. C ENTRAL I O. O. F. 193 Meets every Saturday evening at 7:30 p. m. in A. O. U. W. Hall, corner Second and Pine Sts. Visit­ ing brothers are specially invitd to meet with us when in town. Come and look at our goods, whether you buy or not I J a . s . E . G r i e v e , G e <*. Secretary. L. F ord . Noble Grand. The O F F IC E C A FF When hot and dry drop in and get a cool glass of Weinhardt Beer When cold and wet try a smile o f Astor Whiskey NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Irisolateci Tract. Medford Shoe Parlor S. H. DUFFIELD, Proprietor MAIN STREET MEDFORD P u b l ic , L a n d S a l e . Ree. I am still doing business at the same old stand and will assure all courte­ ous treatment and pure goods. mot. Department o f the Interior. United States Land Office, Ron* burr. Oreron, November 23, 1006. Notice ix hereby riven that, '!>r<« t««l by Ihe f »mm. <*ioner of the <»eneral !» r » l Office, under the provision* of the r.ct o f O » n r r«*p- approved I He aato to the highest bidder. a* o ’clock A. M.. on the 7th day of January. I'd at this office, the following tract, of land I> • 1 o f Section 14. T o m ship J6 Smith '.f W M. Any peraofui claiming adversely the above- described lands are advised to file their claim« or objections on or before the time de .g.ia vd for sale BE N JA M IN L. EDDY. J Vf LAWRENCE. Reyi »ter. Receiver. »JOHN* IIARRINGTON n lm ld M P l f l D flM OIIKI.O N /wo tmiiNlj 0001) KLSlILFS