Central Point herald. (Central Point, Or.) 1906-1917, December 02, 1909, Image 1

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    C entral
VOL. 4
10 O B.
Will Sub-Divide
More Real Estate
Sales This Week
po in t
Medford Defeats
Should Povo
Large Tract.
A man who shows faith by
Dr. J. M. Keene, one of the buyers
W. E. Whiteside reports the follow­
his works.
Mr. Allen has
! o f the Prall place, lying just outside
ing sales made through his agency dur­
River’ val-
| the city limits to the southeast, states
ing the past week: J. A. Wetzel, of
that it is the intention of himself and
ley’and is showing that faith
Yoncalla, to C. E. Lange, who recently
his partner, Mr. Carleton, to sub-divide
every day.
Within a few
arrived here from Oklahoma, 52 acres
months he has bought and paid
in Willow Springs precinct, two” miles I *be ent're tract into small home places.
| While the plans have not as yet been
west from town, consideration $6500.
for the Pacific & Eastern and
Mr. Lange recently disposed of a large 'vorked ° ut- il ‘8 prohabl® the ^
rapidly making a first-class
general merchandise business in Okla- be cut to one five and ten acre tracts
railroad'out of it, "not only to
homa, and, having decided that he and thus made to furntoh homes for a
. . . __ large number of families. The place is
the timber belt but across the
wanted to engage in the fruit growing
. . . . . . . .
one of the most desirable in the valley,
divide to give this valley an
business, he has visited all the princi­
being practically all the finest blacx
eastern connection. He re
pal fruit sections on the Coast and has
soil suitable for the production of all
cently bought the Hopkins or­
chosen this valley as the best. He will
set most of his Wi low Springs pur- kinds of f ™ ts and vegetables, and the
chard, adjoining Central Point,
chase to fruit, and for the present will open.ng of such a tract means great
for $168,000 and says it is
, ., , ,
«• i
i things for this section ot the va ley.
seed the balance to alfalta. Mr. Lange . * * , .
, Ai_ 0
worth more than that price.
. . . _. ___________ , iir With this place and the Snowy Butte
has also bought two acres from J. W.
, .
He is projecting an electric
f ______ , orchard sub-divided and f u r n i s h i n g
Myers, in the north part of town, and
„ ,
, .
railroad from Grants Pass to
... , ...
___ , _, , ,, small homes for many well-to-do fami-
will build a comodiou9, modern dwell-
. . . .
. .
rp.. .
__ _____ -
■ hes it will be but a short time until
Central Point, and on to Med'
ing thereon. This is a portion of the
Central Point and Medford wi 1 have
ford and Ashland, which will
Amy tract The price paid for this
grown together, with a fine hard sur
place was $1250. Mr. Lange will make
place all sections of this rich
faced boulevard connecting the busi­
an elegant home here and is of the class
valley in c’ose touch with all
ness sections of the two towns.
of people we need to beautify and build
other sections.
up the town.
Miss Irene Wilson has bought Lots 3
and 4 in Block 37 from Mrs. J. E. about rourself when you are crippled
Roberts, the price being $300. Miss with rheumatism or stiff joints—o f !
c 1!
Wilson has a'so bargained for Lots 1, course you have tried lots of things ilc in S G il K d n C h
2, 3 and 4 in Block 25 from F. K. and they have failed. Try Ballard's
Moore at a consideration of $1000.
Snow Liniment—it will drive away all
F. O. Cochran has bought o f Mr. ¡aches, pains and stiffness and leave you
Ferguson, of Medford, one acre in the as well as you ever were. Sold by j
Constance addition for $300. The tract Mary A. Mee.
Another important real estate deal is ;
(Table Rock Correspondent)
is located east of the school house and
reported, this being the I. J. Hanson
Mrs. Lee Watkins, living on the des-
just one block from the city well. Mr.
farm, two miles north of town on the ert near Agate, had a very narrow
Cochran will build a nnmber of houses Agricultural College Offers
Practical Short Courses Tolo road, which was sold last Saturday
on this property for rent, he now being
j to H. T. Platt and S. T Howard^of <soape ^rom drowning Monday evening
the owner o f more good paying rental
the Nicholson Hardware Co., Horace of last week. She was visiting friends
properties than any other resident of
(Special Correspondence )
on this side of the river and started for
the town.
Special short courses that are bound Howard, of the First National Bank, of
These sa'es, aggregating $9350. were to be of great interest to many through- Medford, and Rev. Allen Howard, of home in her buggy, believing the water
all made through the Whiteside agency. out the state are offered during the i GIendaltf- The price paid was $200 an was not very deep ot. the road. Just
winter by the Oregon Agricultural Col- acre’ or $40.000.00 for the 20° acres, before reaching the bridge the buggy
leoe Thse courses will commence Jan- ¡ Practlcally al1 the land is adaPted to went off the grade and upset, throwing
lege, in se courses win commence ja n ¡
, _ j ....... ..... ,
_. *
The Correct Time
the ____
new Mrs. Watkins into deep
j alfalfa and it is , understood
water. She
uary 4th and continue for a period of
to stop a cough or cold is just as soon six weeks. There will also be a special ; owners will seed the entire tract to was carried by the current against the
as it starts—then there will be no dan­ short course covering a period of five [ i that crop. Col. F. L. TouVelle and wire fence, which she clung to and
ger of pneumonia or consumption. Just ,
, j
made her way along it to the bridge
days, commencing , Monday.
j ! Bay J Cline made the sale
a few doses of Ballard’s Horehound
and was there met by the people living
11th, offered particularly for those who j
Syrup taken at the start will stop the
near by and taken care o f until Mr.
are unable to take the longer course. Prominent Christian
cough. If it has been running on for These short courses are of special value
Watkins took her home. The horse
some time the treatment will be longer, to practical farmers, horticu turists and j
Scientist Excommunicated was drowned.
but the cure is sure. Sold by Mary A.
stockmen throughout the state.
Every department of the agricultural! The inner councilroom of the First
Deal with up-to date people. Lewis
college will take part in these courses. | Church of Christ Scientist-the Mother
& Sons is the place to buy your
given in the subjects o f general agri- j ae c « t conference for 20 hours, ending
Eugene VanderKarr, the infant son culture, dairying, horticulture, mechan- on the 16th Inst, during which Mis.
of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Murray, of this i ical arts, domestic science, forestry and Augusta f . Stetson, accused of “ men-
New Irrigation Book Free.
city, died Wednesday of last week of | commerce. Taught as these subjects tal malpractice,
w as in consultation
pneumonia, aged 9 months. The babe will be by experts, with many object withthe board of directors. Thedelib- •“ Well Irrigation for Small Farms,”
had been ailing for some days w ith ,
aecompUghed on the erations were secret and aside from the s a publication just issued by the Gen-
other troublep, but was improving when ; coj|eg,e farlI)i those who take the cours directors and the accused no one was
to which it I C0*,eKe farm, those who take the cours
attacked by pneumonia, to which it | eg eannot fajl t(> receiye lrreat benefit. , admitted, but after the final seen t s. - erel Passenger Department, of the Or­
egon Railroad and Navigation Co., and
succumbed in a short time Tho funeral es cannot f ad to receive great benefit.
Valuable co-operation will he lent the s*on bad been closed Mrs. Stetson made
was held Thursday at 10:00 A. M., brief college staff by practical men largely ; a statement in which she
the Southern Paci/ic, Lines in Oregon.
services being held at the grave by responsible for the success of large the authority of the mother churc ,
a his booklet sets forth in a practical
Rev. T M. Jones. The sorrowing par­
farms, o r c h a r d s , dairies and stock , hows to the judgement against her and concise way the possibilities for profit
ents and grandparents have the earnest
ranches of the state. Exhibits in all sa>’8 that she will obey
my leader 0f inexpensive irrigation, and should be
sympathy of many friends.
these lines will be made and the rail-: a,ld un'te with those who have con- in the hands „ f every farmer in Oregon
roads have agreed to carry the exhibits | demned her actions and practices. Mrs.
Copies may be obtained free onappli-
without charge. There are no entrance Stetson s public statement is as follows: cation to Wm. McMurray, General Pas-
1 ” Our helnved
examinations required for these short |
beloved leader
leader, Marv
Mary Raker
Baker seuger Agent, Portland.
If you have livestock or other person­ courses. The only expenses will be for j Eddy, has requested us all to unite with
al property to sell, see me for plan and
board and room, which will cost from j thoae ir> our cha‘ ch who are supporting
terms. I will make all arrangements j $3 50 to $4.50 per week, and laboratory the mother church directors. 1 have
for advertising, etc., if desired and will and registration fees that will amount! received a copy of her letter addressed
guarantee you satisfaction in results.
to not more than $3 in any one course. . to the trustees of our church.”
It is easy to get good prices for prop­
‘ For 25 years I have gladly obeyed
There will be no fees connected with !
erty if you know how. I know how.
! her in every question. I have always
the five-days’ course.
That’ s why you need me.
j found that by doing this I draw nearer
Call on or address
j to God. Students know that I have
G eo . L. N eale ,
Elwood’ s for drugs and druggist sun­ ' j taught them to do likewise, without
Central Point. Ore. dries.
questioning her wisdom; therefore they
, do not need any word from me in add-
i ing to what our beloved leader has said
to guide them at this hour.”
“ They will know that it is right for
them to unite with those who supported
the mother church directors in the
judgement rendered against me. I my­
self have been obeying that judgement
and I shall continue to do so. I shall,
furthermore, obey my leader by unit­
ing with those who felt it was right to
condemn me in their testimony. Vy
leader’s letter induces me to believ ■
that 1 may have been wrong where I
felt that I was abso'utely right.
“ For 25 years 1 have watched and
prayed for guidance and strength in
correcting every error revealed to me
by God and by my leader or by any of
my brethren. ”
An order of excommunication against
Mrs. Stetson was issued by the board
of directors of the mother church ol
Boston, on the 18th, supreme authority
of the organization. Excommunication
is rarely resorted to in the Christian
Science Church, and in *iew of Mrs.
Stetson’s prominence, the action is re­
garded as most drastic.
Later reports say that Mrs. Stetson
may start a new church with herself at
the head and many adherents of the
First Church of Christ Scientists, of
New York, as charter members.
Lady Has Narrow Escape
Eor $40,000.00
From Death in Flood
Central Point 18-0
Pine Street
Pine street is getting into a teiribh
The Central Point football hoys took
condition because of the greatly in­ a trio up to Medford on Thanksgiving
creased taaffic from former years and lay and about the only thing that they
the question of paving that thorough­ h ive to be thankful for since is that
fare next summer is being seriously Medford didn’t have any more big
considered by a large number of pro- | hllakieg to put up aKainst them. Meil.
gressive property holdeis who are in- f,)rj „.¡mmed the hoys to the tune of
terosted. The argument that is being is o, but the boys say it simply could
advanced is that Central Point is so i , . . , . „
. ..
. .
not he helped. Homer Peart suffered
rapidly growing mto a town of im­
portance and is so certain to become a hrokcn rib in thli Kami" while 8omo
within the next few years one of the of the other boys got off with some
prircipnl shipping points of the valley minor bruises and humps. They hope
that good streets will be absolutely t0 get a return game from Medford.
necessary. Gravel, mud and decom •
_______ __
posed granite were all very well when \
the town was yet in swaddling clothes,
but the time has about gone when these 1
makeshifts can longer fill the bill. |
Every dollar expended in tempora y j
street work save what is absolutely [
------- —
necessary to keep traffic moving is
Cecil, the ten-year-old daughter of C.
thrown away, because it will have to r , Moore, of Lake Creek, lost two fln-
be done over again within a few months, gers and the thumb of her right hand
and the only common sense thing to do Tuesday by explosion of a dynamite
is to put down a first class hard surface cap which she found and without know­
pavement next summer. At least that ing the danger of it threw it in the
is what a lot of the. property owners fire. The child was brought to Med­
are saying.
ford where the mutilated members
were amputated. The hand is so badly
lacerated that it is feared further am­
Cured A Severe Attack of Bronchitis
putation will be necessary.
Giant Powder Cap
Injures tittle Girl
With Chamberlains Co a ah Remedy
“ On October 18th, last, my little 3-
The Gold Hill News has again chang­
1 year old daughter contracted a severe ed hands, Rex H. Lampham, a news­
cold which resulted in a bad case of paper man from North Dakota having
! bronchitis,” sayo Mrs. G. W. Gibson, assumed charge of it this week. "Harry
Lexington, Kv. "The lost the power j F. Murray, who was formerly in charge
of speech comp etely and was a very j of the paper, has opened a job printing
sick child, Fortunately we had a hot-J office in Ashland. Mr. Lampham’s first
tie of Chamberlaios Cough Remedy in ] issue is a very creditable one and if ho
the house and gave it to he* according continues his present policy he is cer-
. to . the
. printed dinections On the sec- tainly entitled to the support of tho
ond day she waa a Kreat deal betterand people o f that town,
ift h H
av O
c t n h e r * 23rd,
?rr) s she
h e 'w
— ---------------
on the
the f fifth
entirely well of her oold and bronchitis
The latest school census, just com-
which I attribute to th’ s splendid medi- : pleted, shows the district to have 372
cine. I recommend Chamberlains Cough pupils as against 370 a year ago with
Remedy unreservedly as I have found 40 lost to this district by the organiz e-
it the surest safest and quickest cure tion of the new district between here
for colds, both for children and adults and Jacksonville. Nine teachers are
*>f any 1 have ever used ” For sale by now empkiyed in the school end all the
Mary A. Mee,
roomstare more than comfortably filled.
Burglary Insurance
Your money is absolutely safe if deposited with
We are fully protected with Burglary Insurance,
which not only covers loss by robbery at night,
but also loss from daylight hold up
J. W. MERRITT, President
J. O. ISAACSON, Cashier
El wood
W atchm aker- Je w e le r- Optician
Mr. Santa Claus is going to make
Diamonds, watches, clocks, jewelry, optical
goods, musical instruments, sewing machines
and supplies, notions and stationery
his headquarters at our store. He
will place his mail box in our dry
goods department.
Look at our Christmas line
children mail all their letters to
Glass and
S A N T A in this box.
W atch our window display of hol­
iday goods.
We have on display a line of these articles that
have never been duplicated in Central Point.
Musical instruments, statuary, etc.
D ru g s a n d M edicin e
Pine Street
Opposite Pest Office
W ANTRI) -One or two small rooms,
either furnished or unfurnished, fur
light hoasekeep ng. Add ess A. M.
F.nch, Centrai iW it, Ore.
Look them over.