CENTRAL POINT HERALD are producing the “ Private Secretary” will hold their dress rehersal. During the past week the young people have been working overtime, and now every­ thing is in readiness for their appear­ ance tumorrow night. The seat sale has been exceptionally good and every thing promises to be an absolute suc­ cess. If you have not already secured your tickets, you had better get busy, as the best ones are now practically all sold. The Ladies’ Missionery Society wifi meet next Wednesday, Nov. ilth , at the residence o f Mrs J. W. Merritt. Local and Personal Dr. E. Mavis Jcntiit, over Hatfield’ s store. tf. A. W. Moon went to Portland Satur­ day njtfht on a business trip. Eiwood’ s for stationery. 25tf Peter Sampson was in town from Elk c.xUv yesterday on land business. Eiwood’ s for drugs and druggist sun­ dries. 25tf THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 18. 190?. anksgiving Sale Wanted Th — TABLE LINEN, NAPKINS, SETS, TOWELS, ETC. A very large line at Powerful Saving Prices Good timber land in a Here is a Linen sale that should interest every woman that has a home. No matter how Jas. P. Hargadone, a Portland timber body, up to 5000 acres. man, was in town during the week on much table linen you may have, you can find room for another cloth, especially when we business. N o t over $1.00 p e r tell you that not again for years will table linen be so low. The tariff will increase and Bert C. Mayer, the photographer, John Whynot, a former resident of wishes to announce that his gallery will thousand. keep up the prices. We bought double what we actually needed because we knew that t \is eity, was here for a few days dur­ be open next Thursday, Nov. 25th. prices would be higher and we wanted to protect our customers. At this sale we have re­ ing the week from Salem. A Thanksgiving sermon will be de­ duced the prices on top of our savings and can offer you the best linen bargains ever shown Misses Mary Olsson, Pearl Ross and livered it the Christian church Sunday- in Medford. You should see these in justice to yourself. Josephine Houston were Medford visi­ morning by the pastor. Regular ser­ tors last Saturday. vices in the evening. All are invited. TABLE DAM ASKS NAPKINS, ETC. Jim Grieve and Jim Cornutt were Don’ t forget the big home talent a yard for 58-inch bleached Table See 50c for one dozen finished Napkins at Medford last Saturday afternoon. show at the opera house tomorrow damask, worth 30c That was sure a hard pair for the Med­ i night. The Private Secretary is one 98c for fine $1.25 Mercerized Napkins a yard for 58-inch bleached and cream ford police to look after. j o f the most popular plays o f the time damask, former price 50c $1.19 for Napkins worth $1.50 Dolph C. Kerr, representing the and the people who will produce it here a yard for 70 and 72-inch bleached Fischer Flouring Mills, o f Silverton, j are all born for the part they_take. $1.89 for Napkins worth $2.50 linen and union damask, worth 75c Oregon, was in town one day last week The benefit is for the Central Point FOR A SQUARE D E A L visiting with !«s old time friend D. E. i f,ami a m,jst worthy organization. $2.39 for Napkins worth $3.00 and up to a yard for 70 and 72-inch bleached Blackburn, the Southern Pacific agent and cream damask, worth 85c Recent frosty mornings were some­ $0.00 Napkins for $4.89 at this place. thing o f an innovation for this season a yard for 70 and 72-inch bleach^! F'oit S ai .E —Good Jersey cow, to be In the Rogue River valley, 28 degrees All table sets, cloths and fine hemstitched half bleached table damask, all pufe fresh within .’¡0 days. Enquire o f Mrs. linen sets to go during this sale at great Nancy Obencbuin, First and Maple sts. above zero being unusual for Novem­ linen, former price $1.00 ber. Visitors from the east, fiowcver, 31d32 reductions. You can also save money on q Q c a yard for 72-ir.ch all pure linen Regular services at the Methodist can hardly believe that such weather towels, crashes, table padding, etc. B A U G H M A N BROS. P ropri.lora uO bleached damask, best $1.25 sellers church next Sunday. Sermon a t l l A. is not 'a the regular order. M. Epworth League at t>:30 P. M. and M. J. Womack and associates are Don’ t miss this opportunity to save money Other prices up to $1.39 for $2.00 Linen evangelistic service at 7:311. All are getting work under way on the mining New building, newly on needed linens invited. damask property recently bonded by them on furnished, h o t a n d Dr. and Mrs. Davis left Tuesday the mountain west o f town. They are cold water in every morning for San F’rancisco and Oak­ gettirg some splendid prospects, which land, where they will spend a week room. In the heart of may indicate that they have struck the visiting friends. They expect to re­ the business center. mother lode which has fed the old W il­ turn abi ut the 24th mst. low Springs p ’ acers which proved so Lewis & Sons bought a pig from J. rich to the early gold seekers. C O R N E R OTTI A M ) D A V IS Fennemore the other day that weighed Walter Painter returned from Bel­ 700 pounds. If they had let it grow up OREGON lingham, Washington, Friday, w h ere1 P O R T L A N D to be a full sized hog it might have been . . . . ,. ,. . • . , . ,. .7 ., , i. • ■ he has been employed in a shingle mill entered at the next State l air in the , ______ for some time. Mr. Painter’ s friends same class with Salem and Portland. ; were surprised to see him on the street A Hairs Breadth Escape. Christian Science services are held with two good feet under him, as a Eslray Notice. Do you know that every time you every Sunday morning at 11:00 in the i report reached here and was published There came to my place about Jan’y have a cough or cold and let it run on lodge room, second lloor o f the G. A.R. a short time ago to the effect that he 1, 1909, a light roan heifer, about two thinking it will just cure itself you are building. All are cordially invited to had lost a foot in an accident in the years old. Marks, crop off right ear inviting pneumonia, consumption or | attend these services. Subject for next mill As a matter o f fact, he met with and crop and ¡iWa||0w fork off left ear. some other pulmonary trouble? D on’ t Sunday, “ Soul and Body.” the accident all right and the foot was Branded TJ on leithip and C on right risk it. Put your lungs back in perfect i F'oii S alk or T rade —One “ New all but severed, the wound being so hip Owner please call, pay charges ; h;'alt'h anV StoP" tha 7 7 0Ug h with Bal- Deal” 10 inch gang plow, one “ Canton serious that at first the surgeons in­ and take animal away. |ards Horehound Syrup. Price 25c, 50c Clipper” 12 inch gang plow, one Mc­ tended to amputate, but later they S. K. March, ) and $1.00 per bottle. Sold by Mary A. Cormick mowing machine “ Big 1“ mod­ undertook to save the member and suc­ Central Point Mee. el, one 10 foot McCormick rake. A llas ceeded. Mr. Painter was in the hos Mrs. Cooksey’ s place. good as new. Flmiuire ol F’erguson & pital but 14 days, and within six weeks Murray. 31tf he is walking around without a cane. Bert C. Mayer and Mrs. Mayer ar­ W anted — Salesman in Central Point rived from Los Ange(es Sunday even- and every city and town in Oregon, Complete line of Dry Goods and iig and will open their photograph gal­ Washington, Nevada and California to lery as soon as the building being pre­ Shoes. Furnishings tor Fall are sell and demonstrate the H. & C. Auto­ pared for them is ready. Mr. Mayer mobile Tire W a t e r . Inflates any tire now being shown. We carry an was here for a while in September and in two minutes without human energy operated a tent gal’ery with splendid extra strong line of Ready-to- or aggravation. Attached to any auto­ patronage. mobile without altering engine. Sells Wear goods, furs, ladies’ and men’s S. S. Aikin, of Prospect, bought two for $35.00. Salesmen make from *30 to furnishings, etc. We are special fine lots in Block 30, opposite the school $75 per we*k, prefer owner o f automo­ agents for “ Centemen” gloves, the grounds, Saturday, the consideration bile to represent us. Address M. G. “ Henderson” corsets, “ Florsheim” NBK3HSLÄ3 ‘ S i.2 t3 m z* iib ix being $225.00. C. S. Sanderson made Norris, 217 Henne building, Los Ange­ shoes, “ John Cross” women’s fine the sa'e. Mr. Sanderson also made les, California. the sale o f the M oore— Farra property shoes. Centrally located at 125 at Pine and Second to Win. A. Cowley. East Main Street 19 29' 43 59' 73c W. E. W H I T E S I D E Hotel Houston The HUTCHASON Comp’y i Medford, Oregon Near the Postoffice Van I J y k e ’« M ED FO R D OREGON OPERA H O U S E Nov. 22-23-24 L ost — Between the Bniley ranch and Agate, Thursday, Nov. 11th, a large black leather hand bag, containing a purse with money, papers and other valuable articles. F’inder please notify Susio E. Arnold, Ashland, Oregon, and receive reward. Rhone 1317. 3ld32 Tonight the members o f the cast who Consumption Statistics. prove that a neglected cold or cough puts the lungs in so bad a condition that consumption germs find a fertile field for fastening on one. Stop the cough just as soon as it appears with Ballards Horehound Syrup. Soothes the torn and inllumed tissues and makes you w vll again. Sold by Mary A. Mee. Richard Darling Stock Co. IN HIGH GLASS REPERTOIRE Monday— “ The Country Girl,” a four-act Rural Drama Tuesday— “ Across the Blue Ridge,” Comedy-Drama a Comedy- V a n D y k e ’s four-act Western Wednesday— “ A Soldier’s Sweetheart,” a four-act Comedy- Drama B. J. M ED FORD A Y D L O T T Cement Worker Sidewalks, Foundations, Basements and Buildings con­ structed in first class manner. Cement will outlast any other Building Material. The Cement Age is on. Don’ t lie behind the times. Remember I am here t o Slay, and 1 Guarantee every part o f my work : : - SPECIALTIES BETWEEN ACTS Wood Saw. ADULTS, 35C Sick Headache This distressing disease results from Having purchased the wood saw out­ fit o f Chas. Painter I am prepared to a disordered condition o f the stomach do first class work. Call on and can be cured by taking Chamber­ 26d33 W. J. Albert. lains Stomach and Liver Tablets. Get Admissions Cement For Sale N O T IN T H E COMBINE OREGON CHILDREN 25G a free sample at Mary A. Eiwood’ s for postal cards. READ READ TH IS M ee’ s drug 25tf| [ store and try it. TH IS T he largest and best line o f U n derw ear ever show n b etw een Plenty of Wool shirts, Gloves and for Everybody Mittens Portland and San Francisco, including m any lines of U nion Suit, Overcoat and Cravenette stock is rapidly diminishing Suits Good heavy Cotton rib Union, extra good values, sold Cooper’s natural wool spring needle, grade de luxe, ¡$4 ” everywhere for $1.50, our price $1.25 Good ribbed wool. Cooper make Spring needle. Union suits, ¡*2.50 [MEDFORD’S LEADING CLOTHING HOUSE] Our THE finest " “ “ “ Silk and wool, heavy, Union suits, Fine line Boys’ Union suits, wool, fine value, “ 5 You’d better hurry Price $10 to $40 5 81.25 TOGGERY [OF COURSE!