Central Point herald. (Central Point, Or.) 1906-1917, November 18, 1909, Image 2

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This is the season when you have
to give the Heating Stove question
your consideration.
W e are in a
position to help you with
It’s a day to be proud of!
should feel and look your best.
Come in and look them over and
we are sure that you will find one
in our large assortment that will
surely please you
it’s the day when you
You can attend to
your mental enjoyment, but we will attend to your
outward appearance, and you can rest assured that
it will be right if you allow us to garb you in one of
That will look good to you if you will only take the time to
look our stock over
W e have one o f the most complete
lines in Southern Oregon
You dont have to go to Medford
the very swaggerand cleverly-styled
Model Clothing Co.’s
VV. C. Leaver.
Suits and Overcoats that have been so very careful­
“The Hardware Man”
ly selected by us for our customers
C entral P oint H erald
Union Needed
I ' a t t i s o n , P u b l i s h e r .
There is the “ Rochester,” really a smart suit for middle-aged men, a gar­
An independent local newspaper
devoted to the interests o f Central
I’oint and the Rogue River Valley.
Published Every Thursday.
Subscription price, $1.50 per year, in
During the past week it has been
suggested to the Herald that the mat­
ter o f securing the organization o f a
fruitgrow ers’ union here should be
taken up by the commercial club at
once. It is beyond question that such
an organization, with a big community
Entered as Second-class Matter, May 4, grading and packinghouse, where all
19(H), at the Post Office at Central Point, the fruit in the neighborhood could be
Oregon, under the A ct o f Congress o f handled under the direction o f an expert j
March 3, 1879.
| superintendent, would be o f great value j
to the merchants and other business
i.s kept » » file at th e P a k e A ik -
THIS P A P I K v e iit i . s in o A g e n c y . I n c . VII men o f the town. The fruit industry
Mouth M*tin Street. I joh Angelen, and 779 Market is our greatest asset and on it depends
Street. San Francisco, where contracts for adver­
! the prosperity o f all o f us, and for that |
tising ran be made for it.
reason all should help to get such an |
, , organization started. A t present all |
i i
the small growers who have not enough |
fruit to ship a car or who has no friend J
with whom they can ship are compelled j
There are a number o f differ­
to haul to Medford to find a market
ent ways that the Republican They naturally buy many o f their sup­
party in Oregon can adopt for plies there and bring home with them. |
The Herald believes the matter should
the suicide route, but about the
easiest way would be for it to be taken up at once by the commercial
club and every assistance and en­
adopt the advice o f Judge Henry
couragement possible should be extend­
L . Benson, brother of Secretary- ed to the fruitgrowers in effecting such
of-State-Govennor Benson, and an organization. Rut this cannot he
“ stop catering to the public. ” I done by the club so long as it is im-
Judge Benson refers t o the d irect! i«>»sihle to get a quorum at a business
j ineetmS-
Croup Cured
Child’ s life Saved.
And you
should see the “ Chesterfield, ” an Overcoat that savors
New York.
W e could enumerate forever, but w e would
you look and know.
Our values are as phenomenal in their bigness as
the prices are in their moderateness.
Suits and O vercoats
5000, IN 1912
primary and other reforms that
have been brought about through
the demands o f the public. The
public will no longer be ignored.
— McMinnville Telephone-Regis­
ment that bears the atmosphere o f the Custom Tailors’ shop.
$15.00 to $40.00
Model Clothing Co.,
Leading Clothiers,
Main and Bartlett Streets
Medford Oregon
“ It affords me great pleasure to add
my testimony to that o f the thousands
who have been benefited by Chamber-
ains Cough Rem edy. My child Andrew
when only three years old was taken
Order O f Notice O f Seulement
A Methodist Minister Kecommends with a severe attack o f croup, and Holds Record lor Land Locations
County Court o f the State o f Oregon, for
Chamberlains Colic, Cholera and Diar-j thanks to the prompt use o f Chamber
Jackson county claims as O ne OI Its Jackson County.
rhoea Remedy.
o f the «state o f Francis Swimelar,
lains Cough Remedy his life was saved
Order appointing day for final settle­
“ I have used Chamberlains Colic, and today he is a healthy and robust land locations in the w est—that is in­ deceased.
ment. etc.
Cholera and Diarrhoea |£emedy for sev­ b oy,” says Mrs. A. Coy, Jr., o f San dividual locations, says the Tribune.
Burton E. H ard, the executor o f the estate o f
.. ,
in N o r t h Da- FrareisSw im elar. deceased, having rendered and
eral years for diarrhoea. I consider it Antonio, Texas. Thousands o f mothers
This party first located in IN
presented fo r settlement, and filed in this court
the best remedy I have ever used for keep it at hand and it has never been I
nf tor
the civil war, when
his final acoount o f his administration <>fsaid ea-
kota, just a lter cm
tate. U ,8 orJ»-rod that Saturday, the 4th day o£
that trouble. I bought a bottle a few known to fail. For sale by Mary A. Uncle Sam was anxious to give every i December. A . D.. 1909, beinu a day o f a subse-
one a farm. The climate o f Dakota be­ ql'ent term « f said court, to-w it: o f the Novem ber
days ago from our druggist Mr. R. R. j Mee.
term thereof. A. D., 1909, at 10 o ’clock, A. M.. o f
coming too warm to suit the old veteran said day. be and the said day is hereby appointed
It rook 8. I shall ever be glad to speak 1
he sold his homestead to a tenderfoot for the settlem ent o f said account; and that notice
it word in its praise when 1 have the r* ■
f saul settlement be published in the Central
and wended his way to Wyoming, o Point
Herald a newspaper published in Central
opportunity. ’* Rev. J. I). Knap, pastor, I llllL R T (.TUI.SC I" lYlOCtS
where he repeated his Dakota perform- Point. Oregon, as often as once a week fo r foqr
M. E. church. Miles Grove, l ’a. Sold by
I ance. Congress having in the riean- consecutive weeks prior to said day o f settlement.
Done October 19. A. D., 1909.
Mury A Mee.
YVith Peculiar Accident
J. R. N EIL.
W e are now prepared to furnish your home
cellar to garret—Stoves, Ranges,
County Judge
cord in the land department and pre- 1
__ ,
. .
sents a second, or in this case a third
China, Tinware. W ashing machines, Lawn mow­
kids I’ldy I OOtbdll
Mark Cross, a well known I ortland j f arm to a man desirous o f living on the hausted all o f his own rights except
j timber cruiser, who left Central l’oint frontier.
that as pretains to an old soldier, and
ers, Garden tools, Furniture, Carpets, W all pa­
about two weeks ago with a party o f I The Wyoming farm disposed of. our ¡s t,as|n(t his claim for a tract o f valua-
The football season was formally
timher men for the purpose o f looking champion moved to Idaho and repeat
bJe tjmpor |an,j 0f the upper Rogue riv-
In fact anything you may ask for,
opened in Central I’oint last Saturday,
over the timber on lrail creek, wasthe , accoi; mixlatinK United States congress er section on his record as a civil war
kept in a first-class up-to-date house furnishing
when the kid team, otherwise known victim o f a peculiar and nearly fatal a c - ! intervening, o f course.
Finally, like veteran,
as lho “ liolialhs of Gath.
did things cident Wednesday afternoon o f last ! the western bound ¡migrant, his course
The only time in the course o f his ca-
to a hunch o f big, husky Medford boys W(,0k_ With his party he was prepar- was .stopped by the Pacific ocean and
that was really too bad. The little mg to leave for the railroad. Cross was
on ¿ q u ir e 'ethat farm claim at a profit was when he located
•'Pinters'' simply waltz the pigskin and the only member o f the party who was hU last Be ffo rtC°tU
which Uncle Sam promised him over 40 on land covered by one of the Oregon
the Medford lads around as they pleas­
riding, besides the driver, and as they years ago.
irrigation projects. This claim he re-
ed, and while they were having all this
were driving down the mountain a
Here he has settled on unsurveyed |jnquished to the government, and has
fun they incidentally piled up 20 scores huge dead tree fell alongside the road, land and has located claims for ot »r
it ever since,
p o i n t s i n . s o u t h o r e .
while Medford counted their well earn- striking Cross about the head and members o f his family. He has ex-
i ! goose egg. Then l!ol> Holmes and
body, severely bruising him. The fall-
some o f lus equally guilty partners in ing o f the tree friKhtened the team ar.d !
the crime rounded up thesporting editor they began running madly down the j
and told him that if he didn't “ put din
mountain. In an unconscious condition
gam e in do poiper w e'll do tings to
Cross fell back into the wagon an d d u r-'
you s o . " The lineup and score follows:
mg the team 's wild run he was other- i
M kukkko
C en t ral I V int wise injured and shaken up. The team I
A strong man is strong all over. No man can he
The Complpete House Furnishers
S Johnson
F Jones
atrong who is suffering from weak stomach with its
war fina ly caught and Cross was ]
I, I’ linell
consequent indigestion, or from n m e other disease
B Holmes
brought to Centual Point, where h e :
of the stomach and its associated organs, which im­
—And U n d ertakers—
C kjirum
B Nichols
was given medical attention. His in- [
pairs digestion and nutrition. For when the stomach
1. Thomas
L Peart
is weak or diseased there is a loss of the nutrition
juries are very painful but not necess- i
C Thomas
K Kahler
contained in food, which is the source of ail physical
anally fata'. He was taken to Port­
J Swagler
strength. When a man “ doesn’ t feel just right,’ *
__ ______
W Price
land Sunday night. The driver o f the |
when he doesn’ t sleep well, has an uncomfortable
11 Trow bridge
R Dunlap
Good tough Medicine For Children
^ * «he implicit confidence that many
team, a young man named Hammond
feeling in the stomach after eating, is languid, nervous, irritable and despond*
C Howard
W (irim
mothers place in Chamberlains Cough
ent, he is losing the nutrition needed to make strength.
o f Trail, escaped injury by jumping as
R Twist
F Wils
Such a man sh ou ld use Dr. P ie r c e ’ s G old en M edical
And Grown Foiks. Too ^ emeS>'- a confidence based on many
the tree was falling.
II Strang
D isco very. It cures d isea ses o f the stom a ch and oth er
K Me Fall
years' experience in the use o f it. No
Cross was at one time a resident of
organs o f d igestion and nutrition. It en rich es the b lo o d ,
\\ e can hard y do without < ham- one need hesitate to use this remedy
I. Hubbard
F Ross
Gold Hill, and is quite well known in '
Invigorates the liver. stren g th en s the k id n eys, nourishes
berlains Cough Remedy, says Mrs. Flo- for it contains no chloroform, opium or
Score Med. 0; C. D. 20; timo 1 hour. Southern Oregon.
the n erves, and s o GIVES H E A L T H A.XD STM EM G TH TO
ra Despain, o f Bloyd, Ky.
I found it other narcotics and may be given to a
TH E W H O L E B O D Y .
to be so good for croup and have used child as confidently as to an adult. For
You can’ t afford to accept a secret nostrum as a substitute for this non­
Deal with up-to date people. Lewis
it for years. I can heartily recommend sale by Mary A. Mee.
Trespass notices, printed on cloth
alcoholic medicine o p i n o » n c o m p o s i t i o n , not even though the urgent dealer
fo r sale at this office. 6tl cent* |>er A Sons is the place to buy your
it for coughs, colds and croup In child-
—---------------------— .
may thereby make a little bigger profit. Ingredients printed ou wrapper.
d i'
ren and grown folks to o .’ ’ The above J Subscribe for the Herald.
No Man is Stronger
Than His Stomach ^