Central Point herald. (Central Point, Or.) 1906-1917, November 18, 1909, Image 1

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    C entral point
ESTABLISHED A P R I L 20, 1 9 0 0 .
VOL. 4
Centra! Point Realty
Water Bond Deal
Southern Pacific Depot
Market Very Brisk
Finally Closed.
Fish Lake Ditch
y „ //
NO 31
On the Eve
Eagle Point Apples
Changes hands.
of a Boom.
Top Spokane Show
The Central Pint realty market has The increased business of the South­ At a special meeting of the Town After spending between $25,000 and
been decidedly brisk during the past ern Pacific Company at this place has council yesterday morning Central Point $30,000 in preliminory surveys since
the reorganization of the State Bank was authorized to wire their taking an option on the properties of
week, sales aggregating more than necessitated
and the addition Chicago correspondent to deliver the the Fish Lake Ditch company early in
$10,000 having been closed during that of another man. here
Pleasants, who bonds to S. A. Kean & Co. upon pay­ the summer, the control of that com­
baggageman ment by them of the purchase price. pany has passed into the hands of Fred
W. A. Cowley, who arrived here and freight cleric, has been
given ex- Holbrook Withington, legal adviser of N. Cummings as the representative of
Wednesday evening, closed
depart- the council in the bond matter, was a syndicate. The syndicate plans to
G. S. Moore and E. L. arra, or e ment> an(j [j. M. Blackburn has
directed this final act which commence active construction work at
old livery barn corner, a . econ an ¡ven a berth in the office. Mr. Black- presentand
y make available the once upon an irrigation system which,
Pine streets, the consideration bemg | burn jg from Brownsville. Oregon, and money coming from
the bond sale.
when completed, will place water upon
$4000. The property consists of three is a brother of the present agent.
As soon as the city engineer com­ 55,000 acres in the Rogue River valley
lots with a frontage on Pine street of I It is certainly gratifying to be able pletes
the plans and specifications for and will cost $1,250,000, including the
82J feet and is 140 feet deep. It is one j to record these facts. It not only the distributing
system bids for con purchase price of the present system.
of the most desirable business locations I d monstrates the rapid growth of Cen­ struction will be called
for, and it may Since the time when the option was
in town and Mr. Cowley has made the I tral Point, but also shows that our reasonably be expected that
surveying parties have been in
authoritative announcement that he i town is fast becoming of sufficient im­ will soon be under way.' active work given,
for the syndicate and after
will erect a first class brick or concrete portance to compel the attention of the
thousands of dollars in this
block building the full size of the lots! railroad officials. With the coming of
preliminary work Mr. Cummings re­
early next spring. The bui'ding will be even
small things may we not Improvement Club
cently went to San Francisco, where
three stories high and will be occupied expect these
he took over the control of the present
in a large part by Mr. Cowley himself |
with a big department store. The
The plans of the new company have
thii;d floor may be fitted up as an opera 0 . E . S . Members Visit Medford LOdije
not yet matured, but they expect to
house or for lodge rooms although that
A regular business meeting of the start work in the very near future upon
matter is not yet definitely settled.
A dozen members of Nevita chapter, Ladies' Improvement Club will be held their new system. The old canal will
Saturday afternoan Mr. Cowley closed O. E. S., visited Reames chapter at in the commercial club rooms tomorrow be made twice the size of the present
a deal with S. A. Pattison for 60 lots Medford last Wednesday evening as in­ (Friday) afternoon at 2:30. All ladies one
and many new lines are to be run
in the Central Point Townsite and in vited guests of the Medford lodge. A interested in the advancement of the in the
valley, placing 55,000 acres of
the Pattison addition. The considera­ most pleasant evening is reported by j civic and social conditions of the town land under
tion in this deal was $6000.
those in attendance. Those making up are expected to be present.
made during the summer
Mr. Cowley, who is a former merch­ the party were: Mr. and Mrs. Hatfield,
are complete and show every change
ant and capitalist of Concord, New Leever, McKillop, Fox, Myers,; Mrs.
in elevation in the valley. From these
Hampshire, was on a tour of the west Frederick and Miss Hanley;
Sclool Directors’ Convention
maps it is possible to lay off canals
looking for a promising business loca­
which will furnish water to the greatest
tion. He had visited this valley two
Something of an innovation along j number of acres,
years ago and had a good general idea
school lines was inaugurated in this I While the consideration is not given,
of the conditions and when he landed
last Saturday, when the first con- [ it is known it ran up into six figures,
here last week and noted the improve- \ Lots in the Central Point Townsite vention
trustees and clerks j Within a week Mr. Cummings ex-
ments since his last visit, he almost im­ and the'Pattison Addition are for sale ever held of in school
county convened j pect9 to have his plans in such shape
mediately decided to invest and locate by S. A. Pattison, who is authorized to in the opera Jackson
house. County Superin- j as will enab e him to give further de-
here. “A man cannot possibly lose by ^ handle this property during the winter. tendent J. Percy
presided at the J tails in regard to the future of the
investing in Central Point property,” Warranty deeds given without delay. meeting and Prof. Wells
acted j ompany.
said Mr. Cowley, “and in my opinion Call at Herald office, Fourth street. as secretary. Hon. F. J. F H. Cooper
Ackerman, j
the business opportunities here are
superintendent of public instruotion, j The Richard Darling Stock Company,
much better than in any other town 1 1
was present and addressed the
have visited on this trip. Your climate Deal with up-to-date people, i-e
, conven-
, ' which for the past ten weeks has been
is delightful. This glorious spring-like &
y °ur i'on °n the. lr"Po ance and 'falue °
at the
29tf 1the cause of education of such meet- ; theatre a in stock
is booked
for three
weather is particularly gratifying to the meats.
lings. Following Mr. Ackerman’s in-j nights in the Central Point opera house,
New Englander who is accustomed to
! structive address a general discussion 1 commencing Monday, Nov. 22nd. The
40-degree-below zero freezes. I want
A Broken Back.
i of a number of important subjects was company during their Medford engage-
some of this myself so I have invested
indulged in, the subjects discussed be- j ment have given exceptional satisfac-
a little money and will return in a few That pain in your back caused
„<• enjoy-
Ronds.” “Consolida-
„„,1 will
—in prove a _____
ing: ‘•Clerks’
Clerks Bonds,
Consolida- Hnn
tion and
source of
weeks and become a permanent fixture lumbago, stiff muse'es or a strain is by
an tion,”
with you."
thing to get rid of. BallardsSnow High Schools. ” So much interest was p0int. Their opening bill will be Central
Accompanying Mr. Cowley was G P. easy
cures rhetin atism, lumbago, manifested that/the session did not ad-1 Country Girl,” a four-act w e s t “The
Lyle, also a Concord man, although he sore and stiff
muscles, strains, sprains,
for lunch until 12:10 P. M.
has been for some time located at Rich- ^ burnSf bruigt,g gcaldg and all aches joum
the afternoon session the fo'low- F or S ale —No. 1 Jersey cow, cheap.
mond, Indiana. Mr. Lyle was also and paing. You need a bottle in your ing At reso’utions
were adopted:
much impressed with Central Point and house Sol>db Mary A Mee.
Wm. Hostettler,
Resolved, That we, the school boards 28d33
the Rogue River valley, and in all pro- j
1£ miles southwest ot Central Point.
bability he will also locate here perma j
nently in the spring.
! the erection of his building. He will sion, hereby endorse the Union High
Mr. Cowley left for Ills home Monday , bring a number of his friends with him School and the County High School fund.
By motion the county superintendent
morning to arrange his business affairs
in Concord expecting to retnrn to Cen-! ing Central Point such a town as its lo- was instructed to give this resolution If you have livestock or other person­
publicity through the county press, and al property to sell, see me for plan and
tral Point inFebruary to prepare for 1 cation and surroundings warrant.
the same official was further instructed
to appoint a committee of three, with ‘erms; 1 .wil1 make al‘ «rrangements
himself as chairman, to devise ways for advertising, etc., if desired and will
you satisfaction in results.
and means to get these questions before guarantee
It is easy to get good prices for prop­
the voters at the regular election in 1910. erty
you know how. I know how.
The question of school supplies brought That’s if why
you need me.
I will not give prices on my goods but will say that
Call on or address
I will be undersold by no man, in Glass ware. Tin
r-EO. L. N eale ,
free text books to be furnished by the
ware, Table ware, Granite ware or Racket goods.
Central Point. Ore.
state. A copy of the resolution was
I carry a fine line of Groceries, sell at a living price
ordered sent to the school boards’ con-
i vention at Eugene.
and give good weight
The convention also went on record
af favoring the training of teachers by
the state.
Altogether the convention was a
decided success.
Central Point is on the eve of a boom
Every present indication points to an
unprecedented growth l oth in popula­
tion and business during the coming
The completion of the water system,
which is now assured, will mean every­
thing to the town's future and the re­
cent extensive realty purchases ma le
by Mr Cowley and his announced plans
for building and establishing a business
both on a big scale, is most gratifying.
Mr. Cowley also promises to bring a
number of his friends here who will ir-
vest money, build homes, engage ir
business and help to boost the town.
Other indications of what the imme­
diate future has in store for Central
Point are the projected electric car line
which will give us speedy and cheap
connection with all parts of the valley,
and the recent sale of the Fish Lake
Ditch Co's, plant which is said to in­
sure such an extension of the system
as will cover practically a 1 the fruit
land in this section. Let us all get in
line and help boost.
Spokane, Nov. 16. — If the admiring
throngs who fi'eked th rou gh the
ground* of the National Apple Show
here yesterday and today were to I al­
ii; on the exhibits the car-lot of Spitz-
enburgs shipped by Tronson & Guthrie,
of Eagle Foint, Oregon, in the Rogue
River valley, wou'd carry 01 T the grand
p za Th > exhibit is a splendid one
and is attracting much attention, more
perhaps than any other car.
The ear of Newtown Pippins from
Ashland, Oregon, arrived too late to be
unpacked, but it is be ieved that the
judge* will make allowance. They are
splendid apples
The Hood River car has been shippi d
on east to Chicago. Hood River grow­
ers say that the change in rules made
it impossible for them to exhibit their
car. The Hood River exhibit is small.
Thousands of people are in attend­
Hathaway Place
Reported Sold.
S. F. Hathaway reported yesterday
that he had been advised by his agent
in Medford that his place, two miles
north of town and near the Hunt Lewis
orchard, had been sold for $12,IKK). The
name of the purchaser was not learned.
The place contains 20 acres and is
most y set to young trees. Mr. Hatha­
way bargained the place about a year
ago for $7000 and received a paymant
but the p u r c h a s e r failed to come
through with the balance and the place
reverted to Mr. Hathaway to his profit
to the tune of $5000. That’s the way
land values are going around Central
New Irriqation Booh f ree.
“ Well Irrigation for Small Farms,”
s a publication just issued by the Gen-
erel Passenger Department, of the Or­
egon Railroad and Navigation Co., and
the Southern Pacific, Lines in Oregon.
This booklet sets forth in a practical
concise way the possibilities for profit
of inexpensive irrigation, and should be
in the hands of every farmer in Oregon
F or S ale CHEAP-Good work team, Copies may be obtained free on appli­
wagon and harness. Bert Harding, 4th cation to Wm. McMurray, General Pas-
and Oak street, Central Point. 31d seuger Agent, Portland.
Burglary Insurance
Your money is absolutely safe if deposited with
We are fully protected with Burglary Insurance,
which not only covers loss by robbery at night,
but also loss from daylight hold up
Farm Produce Taken in Exchange
Hanso« Sells Twenty Acres.
El wood
W atchm aker- Je w e le r- Optician
W. E. Whiteside reports the sale of
a 20-acre tract belonging to I. J. Han­
son, two miles west of town, to J. E.
Watts, of Medford, the consideration
being $3000. The tract was formerly
a part of the Obenchain farm. Mr.
Watts wi 1 probably set the entire tract
to fruit.
Diamonds, watches, clocks, jewelry, optical
goods, musical instruments, sewing machines
and supplies, notions and stationery
Look at our Christmas line
of China, Cut Glass and
We have on display a line of these articles that
have never been duplicated in Central Point.
Musical instruments, statuary , etc.
D r u g s a n d M e d ic in e
Pine Street
Opposite Post Office
J. W. MERRITT, President
J. O. ISAACSON, Cashier
••m —
i —
Y O U N G MEN!!!
M e rto n
The condition of M. S. Welch, who
has been in a critical condition for pome
time, was reported slightly improved
yesterday, although but slight hopes
for permanent improvement are enter­
tained. All of his children have been
with him for some time, those from a
distance being a son, Wick Welch, of
Tulsa, Oklahoma, and two daughters,
Mesdames Ashworth, of Denver, and
Beeler, of Kansas. Mrs. Beeler left
Tuesday evening for her home in the
sunflower state.
The Presbyterian ladies will give a
luncheon at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Kyle Friday, Nov. 19th, from 2
to 7:30 P. M. The menu will consist of
sandwiches, potato salad, pickles, cof-
i fee, cake and prune whip. All are in­
Out of Town.
My dental office will be closed from
Nov, 16th to and including Wednesday,
Nov. 24, 1909. Respectfully
D r . E. D avis .
Do you realize what a saving there is
for you in our Furnishing Department
l i m P M I M H M R V w ‘SvKVr*MMMfMMI 9 r m H
We have a splendid line of cotton ribbed and fleece
lined for you But listen! A fine line of heavy wools
Men’s Overshirts
We are showing a complete line of Corduroys and Wools in any size from 14 1-2
to 17 Not only this, but men’s dress shirts, such as are found in the large store of the
city Neckwear for the most particular
* j » t * n * * t )*>»» * •»
« M e H t l M M i 't
ll n m —
iiii wi ■ u m
What Would Vou D o ?
t In case of a burn or a scald what
would you do to re ieve the pain? Such
njuries are liable to occur in any fami­
ly ar.d everyone should be prepared for
hem. Chamberlains Salve applied onl
a soft cloth relieves the pain almost in­
stantly and unless the injury is a very
severe one will cause the parts to hea
without leaving a scar. For sale by
Mary A. Mee.
Cranfiil & Robustt I