CENTRAL rOINT HERALD, Till Loodl and Personal Dr. F. Davis, dentist, over Hatfield’s store. J. J. Houck, of Gold Hill, was in Central Point the forepart o f this week. L. A. Bisseil and family, of Table J io c k , left Thursday for a visit at their old home at Cleveland, Ohio. Mrs. Ruby and son, o f Smith county, Kansas, visited h°r father, G. W. Jef- f rs, during the week. Mrs. K. H. Sickafoose left Monday evening for a visit with friends in the W illamette valley. Mr. and Mrs. Gorden, of Klamath Fall , visited Mr. and Mrs. A. W. C.« mens for several days last week. F op . S ale Household goods cheap. C. E. Wolverton, Ash street Centra' Point Sunt. J. Percy Wells, of Jackson­ ville. paid the Central Point schools an official visit on Tuesday of this week. It is understood that active work v ill he resumed on the Cascade coal mine, east of town, within a few days. The ladies of the Christian church will serve a chicken dinner on Thanks­ giving day in the Town Hall. 24tf H. T. Findlay, the well known or- chardist, with inter«* ts at Table "Rock and near Medford, was in town Mon­ day morning. Rev. T. J. Hazelton and family ar­ The Pacific Monthly. rived last Friday from Kalis pel, Mont., where he has formerly been engaged in The Pacific Monthly, of Portland, Or­ pastoral work with the Methodist Episcopal church of that place Mr. egon, is a beautifully illustrated month- Hazelton has received the appointment ly magazine. If you are interested in to the work at this place and has al- j ajrying t fruit raising, poultry raising, ready entered upon his duties. He will ^ t i . - - . i i i 1 . or want to know about irrigated lands, hold regular services in the M. ml . church here next Sunday morning at 11 timber lands or free government lands o'clock and will preach at Gold Hill in open to homestead entry, the Pacific the evening of that day. Monthly will give you full informati m. J. K. Foster, and family, former res -1 1 he Pr ic e 's i 1-50 * year. ¡dents of this section, arrived from If you will send 25 cent« in stamps, Philadelphia. Penna., last Saturday, ' three late issues will be sent you so where they have been ro-iding for the that you may become acquainted with past four years, and have resumed res- it. Read the following spiendid offers: idence on their farm on Rogne River. Offer No. 1 —McClure s Magazine, Mr. Foster is a native Oregonian and a Woman's Home Companion and the four years residence in the east served Pacific Monthly, costing $4.50, will be to make him a greater admirer of the sent at a special rate of $3.00. Rogue River valley than ho- had ever Offer No. 2—McClure's Magazine, before been. He was amazed ut the , Review of Reviews and the Pacific rapid growth of Central Point since he 1 Monthly, costing $6.00, will be sent for went away, as well as the entire valley. $3.60. . _ Offer No. 3-H u m an Life, Ideal T. M. Jones proprietor o f the Cen- H(jmeB anJ the Pacific Monthly will be fcral Point furniture Store, is th«* . ... ... , sent for 12.00. busiest man in town this week getting , ready to remove his big stock of house Order by number and send your order furnishing goods into his new quarters accompanied by a postal money order in the Rostel building. Mr. Jones will <‘>r thu am,,unt to ths Paclflc Monthly, have one of the neatest and best ap- Portland, Oregon, pointed stores in the valley when once I settled in his new quarters and will be N O TIC E FO R P U B L IC A T IO N . able to display his big, new stock of D ep a rtm en t o f th e Interior goods in a manner never before at Land Office a t R oseburg. O regon, tempted in Central Point. The new S ep tem b er 20, 1909. store will afford about 2500 feet of floor N o tice is h ereby g iv en th a t C larence E. W olver- to p * o f B u tte F a lls, O regon, w ho. on A u g u st 22, space on which to display his stock. l'.f 7. mail** H om estead A p p lica tio n No. 145:17, No. Mrs. A. P. Gillet returned Friday 0-125«». fur S W 1 1 , S ectio n 6. T ow nship 35 South, Too much booze injudicious'y handled hariK«* 2 E ast. W illam ette M eridian, has filed from C.tnyonville where she has been o f in ten tio n to m ake F inal com m utation for the past month. She wasaccompa- in a dry town was the cause of trouble notice Proof, to e sta b lish claim to th e land sbove d«*- nied home by her daughter, Mrs. Du­ ■Saturday evening, when two young .scribed* before U . S, C om m issioner W. H. Canon, a t M edford. O regon, on th e 5th day o f N ovem ber. men apparently looking for trouble 1909. b-11. „ A Clnimjm t nam es a s w itn esses: G eorge H. W est. D. H. Iirown, of Roseburg, has leas­ created a disturbance at a quiet dance G eorge E. Cowden, B enjam in H eb erlin g and in a local hall. When the owner of Monroe B aldw in, all o f B u tte F a lls, O regon. ed the building formerly occupied by B E N J A M IN L .E D D V , R egister. the building requested them to leave the Central Point Meat Market and has the hall a mixup occurred, in which the opened a fish market therein. aggressors were landed in the street T. M. Jones is preparing to erect a C. W. McDonald, formerly engaged and later were haled before the city iri the shoe business in Medford, was n corder and fined. Prohibition o f the building on hi.< lots on Manzanita street h>-»r«» Tu«*sdoy looking over the future local option variety does not always which he will occupy as an undertaking possibilities of Central Point. remove hhe evils aimed at when other parlor. The chapel will be 20x40 fee . towns within easy reach can supply the Mr. and Mrs. Arnold, relatives of wherewithal to put men in a condition Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Norcross, are " G r e e n c a w n -n -n -n l" to raise Cain. here from Iowa visiting and enjoying A lo n g th e q u iet c ity s tr e e ts T h e h a w k e r w e n d s h is w a y . tho scenic and other attractions of the H e lo u d ly c r ie s h is g re en su p p lies valley. F r o m «lawn tiJ! c lo s e o f d a y . School Noies. K o w o fte n h a s h e w ea ried u s T ill on th is ea r ly m orn W h en on h is rou n d he m a d e reso u n d : “ G ie e n c a w n -n -n -n ! G r e e n c a w n -n -n -n i” L ost A silk watch fob with gold trimmings, Masonic ensign engraved. The Central Point schools opened Mon­ Finder »»lease return to F. F. Cooper day, Sept, 6t.h, with an attendance of and receive reward. 240 pupils, that is increasing rapidly. Miss Eva Norcross, a successful Miss Mary Hanley has returned from teacher whose home is here, has re­ her mountain home and has entered the turned 1 > Kola, a suburb of Salem, Or- Eighth grade. v here she holds a position in the Within the next week or so baseball public schools. wifi take the place o f tennis. In the list of new buildings already Prof. Cooper is exp« c ing another completed and in course of construction teacher to relieve him of some of his here this year the now dwellings of resfionsiblities in teaching. II. J. Gar«lru»r and W. K. Alexander Prof. Cooper has just begun his ten­ were inadvertently overlooked, and nis playing. He has good luck. there are probably others. Merritt Meariman and Arthur Marsh­ Ray Ross mixed in a football game all are considered the champions at ten­ on the school grounds last Friday and nis this year. Some few have been try­ came out with a broken arm. The ing t«a start football but cant make it fracture was reduced by Drs. Anderson as tennis is too popular. & pollnitz and “ Toad” was able to Frank Aikins, a former member of enjoy the practice game Sunday after­ the High School has just left for 'kCor- noon as a spectator. vallis. Th«» sale of the Albert confectionery Francis Shields was absent from business and property on Pine street to school Monday on account of lagrippe. Mrs. ( \ ,r«,lia Lesmeister, of Medford, Tennis has been stopped on account which was reported in our last issue. of rain. w*ns mail«» through the office of W. F. Football has been stopped on account Whit ■ ide, the well know n real e tate of two boys getting hurt, one getting dealer. his arm broke. D. F. Blackburn arrived here last This week the first monthly tests are Saturday from W<> >uvill • to take charge o f the local Southern Pacific station as being held. agent. Mr. Blackburn is a railroad man of considerable experience and has for son»«» tint" been in charge of th«* company'» bu-dne . at VYoodville. A fine shower visited this section Fri- d: afternoon and evening during which more than one-fourth of an inch of rain fell. 'Hie shower was o f great benefit to the country in putting the di; t ■ it of business, quenching the bu ­ rs fir-:» and clearing the amoke-buicn at aosphere. .1 O. 1 • urvson, James Shields and B. F Peart returned Sun ay from a hunt­ ing trip on Elk crock. Mr. Isaacson reports that whil » th**ir succi ' wns not p 1 annin1*' he is convinced that ♦K* m*' trip \v»ll b* all tlm: could hen t»i d. as th.*\ foilod out ’o a vercaintx Jtl i w her»* th»* dt *r will he* vvaeri l he t» • .... ..h. v irip up Ihiit way N o t ic e A Decorative Essential. “I guess w e’d better sell that cow,’* enitl Mrs. CorntosseJ. “She doesn't give any milk.” “No,” answered her husband. 4T?ut } we dasn’t sell her. Every summer boarder asks if we ke«?p a cow, an’ I've got to be able to say ‘Yes.* I’m blest if I see what city people find so con­ founded ornamental in a cow.’*—Wash­ ington Star. I sa id to h im . "O w is e s t o n e < >f nil th a t d w ell O n sa n d s, w h y s h u n n e s t th o u th e w orld W ith in th y s h e ll? ” “ G o t o ! ” h e cried . ” 1 s e e th a t th o u W h ere b re e z e s blow H a s t n e v e r lin g ered . B ro k en v o w s T h o u th en s h o u ld s t k now A nd v a n ity . O f su m m e r g ir ls l w ill p o t blab, B u t, b rietiy, th e y h a v e m a d e o f m e A h erm it c r a b .” —N e w York H erald . | D e fin e d . p u b l ic a t io n . for II. S. Land Office a t Ros«.-burg:, O regun, S e p t. 13 1909. N atine is h«’r«»V privón tant Francia M. M., Vy o r T : m l. Oleum», who, on .Inné is, law *3. «nude Honie- .'tei*d : . . 12 .‘*2S . L. Oin'tl. i . N . N W 1 ; N V . S ’ N K h V . 17. T w p 3? S R ? K A iü a io e • .vu-, i«i tant hu* filt-ti n o m e m m ien non P • » «lu* hind at*.ve üt-aci iiteti, tvefor«* W. H, Cation. : < i l 4et.toit». C .etfoti, on Mie (Uh d-»v o f < V f o lier '"*»«« Mrs. Jones—'This paper speaks of a “lobbyist” as If it was a terra of re­ proach. Mrs. Plngore—Of course. A lobbyist. I tnk<* it. is «»m* of those deceitful men who • neak out between the nets f«»r a drink, c laiming they art* merely going | into the lobby. —Philadelphia Press. « ,. i ...tu l i.a i ..i a a s \v near e;-: J o h n « , M athew »*. viV !t»h O G -r W F f L iv .- n a " o f T • O ro - m i. a n t i C halles* ¡V io r .iin o l I’, r s e t . O '-e g o n . BENJAMIN L. K >DV. Ho- Advert «'«non' iec»'stJ* - T h e HUTCHASON Comp’y Successors To Ba! cer-Hntchason Company Medford, Oregon New Irrigation Book free. Look ! ! Ten acres of 8-year-old trees, less than a mile from town. Mostly ap­ ples. A small hous 3 on the place. Only 84500 “ Well Irrigation for Small Farm s,” s a publication just issued by the Gen- crel Passenger Department, of the Or­ egon Railroad and Navigation Co., and the Southern Pacific, Lines in Oregon. This booklet sets forth in a practical concise way the possibilities for profit of inexpensive irrigation, and should be in the hands of every farmer in Oregon Copies may he obtained free on appli­ cation to Wm. McMarray, Genera Pas­ senger Agent. Portland. 22tf B.;t. now I lo n g fe r e a r th ly th in g s A n d m uch m o re str< nous m otion . I ’d f a t h e r h a v e an aero p la n e A m i liy a c r o s s th e ocean. .\> \\ l u r k T e le g r a m . or A TREE J COLUMBIA D ouble-D isc Records, 65c TO WE I N V I T E INSPECT­ . m They fit any machine, CAL', O N '£¿-5 r ,V W w — J. F. KCPK 83 -- J. S. BARNF.TT h a lf m ile s n o r th c a -t fro m C e n tr a l P o in t. î M 1 Ï £ j Medford’s Leading C l c l h i ns H o u s e FIRM TRUE ION OF OUR JTOCK. U :.- .. ul U.: I»A V IfS OREGON T TOGGERY •«» w a s *v!i«n I hnv«» long«**! fo r w in g s A n d th o u g h t h o w tr u ly gran d •’l w o u ld uu lo oe an a n s e l A n d w ith th e a n g e ls stan d . ¡bruit irces - i AM » PORTLAND This space is reserved for NAME. AND TREE-5 THAT WILL „ VI C O R N K it H TII Hoppity Hop. Are you just barely getting around hy the aid of crutches or a cane? Un­ less you have >ost a limb or have a de­ formity—if your trouble is rheumatism, lumbago, sprain, stiff joints, or any­ thing of a like nature use BallardsSnow Liniment and in no time you can throw away your crutches and be as well as anyone. Price 25c, 50c and .$1.00 Sold by Mary A. Mee. THAT HA J A RECORD FOR PUT­ Q. New building, newly furnished, h o t a n d cold water in every room. In the heart of the business center. FOR A SQUARE DEAL T HUY YOUR TREE J ROW. Proprietors W. E. WHITESIDE H om e grow n r o o ts . 6 Hotel H o u s t o n B A U G H M A N B R O S. For This Bargain See Home grow« trees cn «j OUT Near the Postoffice BSBrrfITWIB Up to Date Trees TING v"" '«w« A Mystery Revealed. I >«*partmei\t o f th e Interior. v. Hmtt v. who re sic t ’i.* f>l" * -I.'nr O ' - h pia c<* n«*ar T«do, wi li. ■.; • q murdav, ()v*toln*r Î). v ', '1 R la nu n!»er of horsv \ faiTR :?gi.d| ni it v.'hi vies, househ »Id go. ‘.Is, «'tr . w 1 ■ a. .1.1. Geo. L. N•*al e is the aue ti n .r an.i it is umi st 1 tb; at ev»*rv- timi la lo «* sold. For ill pan..cul ara ■o hill.( which will ci>o ii".,to.l i:i a dio t í P. T«.'onicy, thp e \pe rt g ardìter. b. ' th> w« •Id LA Un thi >n for BU II.• VN *TS A ►primerI h«* fumi M « rd «*xhii .• hr. : Morniay n*t»ran­ urej : VI inclu*s in dmmvtt■r nr < BrBur d and ho nan au»>ih, r i»till grow ine in l.i garde*n w hich is era.1 in« i lar i ihat on « X .il h h : un in ( •ntral Point on i t ng. ?dr. Tw ?y Eas ai.urn* qi«. or lt«*d tl h * l»encfit «»f i k ! « • 1 awn on '■ rd *n :ami 1 re, ht » ind pu,mt»ing plant on Ins prop*•rty big Min OU V rth Y‘ifth street. Tl nre «»nlv earn«****! f ». iml A m b e r i.. -a and \ egetables are. A w a y w ith h u c k leb err ies n o w ! A w a y w ith p e a c h e s too! A w a y w ith c a n ta lo u p e s a n d pears And b err ies b lack a n d blue! T h r ic e w elc o m e n o w th e h u c k s te r ’s v oice, T h o u g h be it c lo se to d a w n ! H o w s w e e tly f a lls ea c h p la in tiv e ca ll: •’G r e e n c a w n -n -n -n ! G r e e n c a w n -n -n -n !'r —B o s to n H era ld . I; nn l outwc;.r any other re­ cords in the world. 1 ouble value for yot'.r '. '.on.; ! Call in ! Get a catalog ! í M iss Mary A. Mce i i