Central Point herald. (Central Point, Or.) 1906-1917, September 30, 1909, Image 2

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H i g h T r i b u t e t o t h e C o u n t r y Press.
Jti a recent paper published by the
A ssociation o f International C oncilia
tiou Kdwurd C ary deals w ith the re
g . A . P a t t is o n , PUBLISHER.
upoutfihillty o f the press in Interna
ttonal affairs and its relation to the
A n independent local new spaper
p eace m ovem ent. Mr. Cary speaks, ot
d e v o te d t i t h e in terests o f C entral
course, from the standpoint o f a peace
P oint and the R o g u e R iv e r V alley.
advocate, but he d oes not take the il
P ublished E very T hursday.
S u b scrip tion p rice, 51.50 p er yi ar, in liberal attitude o f som e o f the peace
ad v oca tes w h o ch arg e the new spapers
w ith the responsibility fo r m ost mod
E ntered as S econ d -class M atter, M ay 4, era w ars Indeed, he denounces many
1900, a t the P oet Office at C entral Point, o f these vasrne and sw eep in g d en u n cia­
O regon , under the A c t o f C ongress o f tions as bein g due to lack o f in form a ­
tion and inability to m ake definite and
M arch 3. 1879.
accurate statem ents. In a quite intel­
» > ligent m anner he treats o f the tw o
t i
fu n ction s o f m odern new spapers—that
o f gath erin g the new s and c o m m e itin g
thereon—and sh ow s that ow in g to the
great new s gathering agen cies th«*
average new spaper is precluded from
The Portland Chamber of Com­ colorin g the new s even if it desired to |
merce has for several years main­ d o so. H e goes fu rther to sh ow tbiF ,
practically ail new spapers are careful
tained a permanent horticultural in their com m ents ami fo r the most
exhibit on the second floor of the part m erely reflect public op inion. In­
Chamber of Commerce building deed, his main criticism c f the press is!
in that city but in order to secure aimed at the headline writers- o f n cer
a ground floor location more ac­ tain section o f our big city dailies,
w h o in ject m isleading and sensational
cessible to the transient visitors m atter into the caption* w hich is not
to the city it is now being re­ borne out by the text. From this he
moved to the ground floor of the goes ou to pay a tribute to the country !
new Commercial Club building press that is th»» m ore g ra tify in g In
on Oak street. The manage­ that it com es from so high a sou rce
C entral P oint H erald
Timber and Coal Lands
We are now prepared to furnish you. home from
Engineering and Surveying Contracts
Taken and Estimates F u r n i s h e d
cellar to garret—Stoves, Ranges, Graniteware,
ers, Garden tools, Furniture,
ment of this exhibit is particular­ Hr sa y s:
A** ha** already been Intimated, the
ly anxious to secure the very best question of the responsibility or Journal ,
ism in International affair?- is quite a* ,
specimens o f Oregon grown fruit lnipr.rt.-int for the smrJIei papers, includ-
im- the weeklies, as for th# larger, and In
nuts etc., from every section of tlie
Unit*-.) States it Is even more impor­
the state and without expense to tant These papers have * very large to­
tal circulation
They are usually read
the producing district, will care more deliberately, with closet attention. .
ej.tet more intimately into the minds
for and keep on exhibition till and
nt'd ttie lives of their readers Their in-
specimens entrusted to them, terpretatinr o f current events may not
carry more weight, but thev make a more
giving due credit not only to the continuous anti probably a more effective
• >n the whole, the content-
town or district sending the spe­ • impression.
if these papers correspond In this view I
their function Th* v «r® less ephem !
cimen hut to the individual grow­ of
eral and sensational
It was »hese lour !
nnl** t hat |)r Nicholas Murray Holler. {
er as well.
president of t’olumhin urvlversity. largely
Within the past week a repre­ had in mind when he said in on® of his
. 1 1.
before the Un v< ielty o f <’«■>-
sentative of the Herald, on be­ penhagee
In 1H0S. At Its best or eren in
It.s average state the Am:” ‘tcan newspaper
half o f the Central Point Com­ is
conducted with snbrletv and with a
mercial (!luh, visited this exhibit due sense o f responsibiiii v us an institu­
tion powerful for good < r evil la .i demo­
and learned something of the cratic comm uni tv *
methods of the management i s
A Freneh mn n naiyotl L ovensplel hn.s
well as the beneficial results of
colli-'Icii inoro timo 100 tc»n.* o f poi-t
the exhibit.
ir-;«I m.-inuscripts nini furnctl tfìem o v o ­
Portland is spending a vast lo Ih** Frenuli goreruim -nt. Ilo nmsr
sum o f money every year adver­ hu ve boen ransucUing ilio m aguzin*
tising Oregon and the exhibit is w astohasket».
maintained solely hv Portland1
O oorgo n om arti Shaw clops not Hko
people. They want exhibits Lorn i Hoosc-volt If KoospvoJf ev er took I ho
every section of the state, how­ I:<>u!il< to form an «'pinion o f S haw tho
ever, and are willing to meet the iiisliko is d«.'Uhi lo*.* m imm i.
expense of providing ja»’s and
o m a n IfPa«! «if C h ic a g o S c h o o ls j
preserving such fruit as can be | A in W ch
oosin g Mrs Flla 1«' Y oung as j
best handled in that way or they ! KUpcrintcinltMit *»f tho public sch«>«)is o f J
will maintain a plate exhibit of ihe K«*eo/n| largest city o f tho coun try
fresh fruits if the material is tli«' C hicago school I nut r«l has o cca sio n ­
supplied by individuals or com- ed m ore com m ent ihan perhaps ever |
merc ial bodies in theoutl n , di - attt*n<lt*«l the election o f a sch ool au- j
piM'iiilciiilcnt in ilu* nation's history i
li is significant that most o f Hie c o m ­
The Central Point Commercial ment has b«'«‘ :i i f an :»pprovang char I
Club should take advantage of acter A m on g tic- C hicago pap«*rs this j
this means of publicity and se­ fact is in part acc«»untc«l for hv th«* |
cure“ and forward specimens of pi»pul:tritv aial know n ct’i« fpnoy *»f!
M r- Y oung, hat in the rcm aim ler o f j
our unexcelled fruit crop of the tli.- coui .H a this fact eon!,I hav«* hml I
present year. It is worth while litth- or no ¡iHliictn-e, sim ply hecatise i
to do this if we care for publicity il was unknow n, at least outside <»t
or want to build up our town and limited si ’I p '«»I < in lns. T'heref«»rc tin*
coiiiim 'iid.i i ¡' ii imrsi he ascribe«! to th«*
on«* (‘«■:isiih>rntioii that a w om an has
To make the proposition still b«‘cn given this r«*s|Min>iblo position
more attractive the Southern Il is rec«-gniz«“*d as a logical ou tcom e <»f
Pacific company has agreed to Hi«* e v er larger part w om en have taken
furnish free transportation for as p ublic school teachers.
Mrs. Y oung is six ty fo u r years old
all suitable specimens intended
for this exhibit and consigned to and fo r f«»rt> seven years has been a
t«-..« h««r, h a vin g ad vanced step b y step
the Portland Chamber o f Com­ from tin* low est grade to the highest.
Al! o f this tim e has bo«»n spent in C hi­
This matter is passed up to the \ cag o. m ost o f it in the public schools,
local Commercial clnh. If that hut part <*f it as p rofessor «»f education
organization stands for anything in the F n h o r -it y o f C h icag o am i part
f a
piHivipal c f th«' C h icag o Nor­
iii particular it should take ad- j. m al li.»ol. Som ething o f the charac­
vantage of this opiKirtnuity. It ter o f the w om en may he ju d g ed from
is well worth while.
the fa« * lint slit» m ade up f«»r her
lack o f a c o lle g e «-ducalion in o d d m o­
m ents a fte r * ■•coining a teacher and
siu d icd for ti:N d«'gr«*e <»f d*»ctor o f
A s u sin liv treat**.! a sp rainm nnkla i iiiiosopl y, w hich she receiv ed w h en }
forty-llv«» years «»Id.
will usually ilisa' It» tli** Injured p e r s o n
W oiiifii uliv.tfly have been sch ool su
for a m onth or m ore, b iV ! V applyin g
('h u m b erh iirs l.itiiiroiU. j r . i <•;•: « rvir.j; perim ctuleui i in many west«*rn o«mu
thi* d irection s with each.. I-title tnitii- ties : d «Ì a I -w states, but this is
. ully. a euro may. *i\ m o i,. \*s« s, be e f ­ the llr»t .nue o.«* ha* lu-cri plac«-d at •
fected in
s than on e creek’ s time. tin* head *«»f Hie sch«n»ls o f a grout
i'l»«* res it -if the new «lepurturc !
This liniment i** a most, r *wark *ble pro* city
\ aration ; try it for a sprain o r a bruise will tliet*«Vor<- >e w au iii'd w ith m uch
* r when hud up with i chronic or mu. -
cular rheum atism , and you are certain
• n «-:;«' o f Ills letters t * Ids w ife TT.ir-
t«• ho tlo lv h io d w ith the prompt r e lie f»
w hich it atf» ds. .-'old hv V .u v Y. M oo. r\* T h aw >'atd ho ‘ ntcm b J to settle
«i «
ai. l I“«• a sen ator." As there are
so many mil!
. i ir«* - a roil ml P ittsbu rg
Theao «’.«-siring 1« -?onj in
r.i.d tin* • .*:i.yciif»on is naturally keen.
t >anoM w ill «Io w eil h : e !
.). il
In* w -'tinl pr* hab'y have f«»und it m ore
vi rov e at tho
«'Xpm: -i\•- ¡ , n ia v p i" : out o f the p on ­
\ Sprained \nku*
B. H. HARRIS & Company
China, Tinware, Washing machines, Lawn mow­
5,000 IN 1912
Office in Jackson County Bank-Upstairs.
Carpets, Wall pa­
Medford. Ore,
In fact anything you may ask for,
kept in a first-class up-to-date house furnishing
B. J. A Y D L O T T
Cem ent W ork er
r o a d p o i n t s in . s o u t h o r e .
SidewalkH, Foundations, H asem ents and B uildings con -
stru cted in first class m anner. I'c-nient will ou tlcst
any otiier Building M aterial.
T he C em en t A g e is on,
D on ’ i b e behind tho tim es. R em em b er 1 am here to
S ta y , and 1 G u arantee e v e r y p art o f m y w ork : : -
C em ent F or Sale
C om p loete
--A n d
H ouse
U n d erta k ers—
Pass the word to your relatives and friends to come row
Low C o l o n i s t R a t e s
To Oregon will prevail from the East
S eptem ber 15th to O ctob er
T ilK F IX K A R T S 1’ A L A C K , A .-Y .-I*. KXI’ O S IT IO X , S K A T T L K .
Via the
In to the P a la ce o f F in e 'A r t s th ere has Rone as fine a c o lle ctio n o f
w o rk s o f art as lias ev er been sh ow n at a w orld s fa ir.
It Is m ad e up
o f loan c o lle c t io n s fro m Great Ilrita ln , F rance, Italy, G erm a n y and the
E a ste rn states o f A m erica .
A lso th ere are va lu a b le sp ecim en s o f w ork
by the lea d in g m o d e r n artists o f Japan arid C hin a, and m any o f the m ore
n o tu b lc w o rk s o f th eir an cien t artists.
So v a lu a b le is the c o lle c tio n that in su ra n ce I n c it e sum o f $ 1 ,2 2 5 .0 0 0
has been p laced u p on it w ith L lo y d s.
T h e b u ild in g is a b so lu te ly fir e p ro o f. It Is o f rein fo rce d r o n c r o te and
bric k an d. at Ihe end o f the E x p o s itio n , it w ill revert to tho U niversity o f
W a sh in g to n , by w h ich it w ill b o used as a S c h o o l o f C hem istry.
Ore. Railroad# Navigation Co
------- A N D --------
[Lines in Oregon]
■ i
t j w g f s 'V
d. wfr'it’if''
...55 : <>ih~
* ' '“*1 * .
St. Louis,
St. Paul,
Kansas City, 25.00
H F I’ R E I ’ A M )
Depov.it the amount of the fare with any O. R. & N. or S. P.
agent and ticket will he delivered east without extra cost.
-• .«
* -ir ■*- ' ■" ■ ‘
Send the name and address ot any one interested in the
State for Oregon literature.
I jä L
* «t ¥ T f . ' « q
■■ * sc • >
, y-'if.
w.-aESri’5 i
Wm. M cM urray, General Passenger Agent
« M ' M ï -v »
O regon
T h e P a la ce o f O rien ta l E x h ibits a n d M a n u fa ctu re rs B u ild in g have a
r U
s U YV
/ î i M l l f U
1 à a
,d A g r l
Ym kon «Jrenu
“ * • ' ||
n ilic e n l d isp la y bu ildin g.!, and in the ba ck g r o u n d the state b u ild in g s o f
O reg on and C a lifo r n ia are located .
C o n stru ctio n w ork on these b u ild in g s w as c o m p le te d last year and
ex h ib its a re b ein g receiv ed am i p la ced In p osition .
I ho O ile u ta l P alace
h U
ou lliW
se IU
ill U
C must v aluable c o lle c t io n — o f F a. E astern a r t that has ev e r
w ill
been sent fr o m th .“ O rien t, an d w ill p resen t d isp la y s fr o m Japan, C hin a.
India C ey lon , S trait* S ettlem ent*. F ren ch Itido C h in a, R o m e o , Java an d
all th e eastern c o u n tr ie s o f Asia.
T h e M an u factu rers bu ild in g e n c lo se s a vast a m o u n t o f e x h ib it sp ace
and every fo o t o f this bas been e n g a g e d fu r d isp la y p u rp os es by d o m estic
an d fo r e ! n m a a u fa c tu n - r h e In le re g t m a n ife s te d In AW a d e p a rtm e n t o f
Ihe U a s k a -Y u k o n -I ’ actflc E x p os ition Is w o r ld -w id e au d c o m p e titiv e d is­
p lays w ill be g en era l and c o m p r e h e n s iv e .
E x h ib its are b e in g d aily ro­
t - c i v - d an d ill-“ h o w «o rU o f in s ta lla tio n is ra p id ly b e in g a c c o m p lish e d .
d i TciivTr’ c c
U O lllL ijJ
I will not give prices on my goods but will say that
I will be undersold by no man, in Glass ware. Tin
ware, Table ware, Granite ware or Racket goods.
1 carry a fine line of Groceries, sell at a living price
and give good weight
Farm Produce Taken in Exchange
T h e O F F IC E C A F E
SU 'ong healthy Women
If ;i woman is str«»n. ,md healthy in a womanly way, moth­
er ht.ui nr-an* to her h«it * id* sutfering. The »rouble lies
in the f.’ i «fat the .. ;n\ women sutler from weakness and
disc i-o ->f the distinct!' feminine «irganistni au«i arc untitled
lor motherhood. Tiiis can he remedied.
When hot.and dry drop in and get a cool glass of Weinhardt
When cold and wet try a smile of Astor Whiskey
Dr. Pierce s Favorite Prescripiio.i
C o m the treni«
Ik-J liedlim nl i or j Cuín
fit «
I f fo r no o th e r r. i«n i C h»iul ritiinj Sem.- staiistlcia u has .. * Hgur«-«l that
-.«Ive should in* kept in c v*-!'v house­ I per «en t o f tho p«vpu* ow n m ore
no Ul on accoun t o f *ts g reni a.tu -m ih e than h a lf the w ealth
Is there any re*
ir«»atmt»nt o f burns. It allays tisi pain* ’ ai'.on t*etw«H-e. the tu
fa cts?
H o st instantly, and unU’.^ t n e i.nur; \
i a sever«* « tie. h«-a!s the p a r u .«th ui
\ dnlty pap< r n v e n tly ha«! in «•«!*
oavin g a scar
T h e salve is also ur. • it'-rial «m " I la ir v l ' aw 's M iai." N\»th-
«piaMod fo r chat»; • «i I antis *»»re m pt‘1* s b. ; ’ .k* ig t u
v ts fv-r thè hot sca»
r «I «h a »a o f th* skin. P r ic e « c« n t*
«I y ? tr\ \ Mee.
nnd d iso rd e rs o f w om en*
It n«-.3 d ire c .iv
G.c d elica te and im porta n t
or| ..n .i co n c e m o «« in m oth erh ood * m aking them
h caltn y , fivro-
▼¿¿crous« '-iril# and elastic*
, *Favorite Prr» r'n* i m ” L. -iishcs the indispositions of the
period o f ex a
•y and makes bob y's advent easy and
almost painL *. It o-
«J vitalizes the feminine
o r i >n.s. and n. .res .« l-
y i J robust ba by. Thousands of wom en hava
test.tied to i » • \ ’dv'us ¿nerits.
It h’.i.vcs lit-;. * '
• i S tron g.
h Mmkca S ic k W o m e n W ell.
Honest dru
• .v*r uh iifutes. ami u rfc them upon you as “ just
as jfo o d ." A ccept n > seertt nostrum in place o f this non-secret remedy. It
contains n.it a d«. n of alcohol and not a ¿rain t>f habit-f«»rni:n* o r injurious
dru^s. I> a p e fih v c extract of healing, n a tn e Am erican roots.
1 am still doing business at the same
old stand and will assure all courte­
ous treatment and pure goods.