Central Point herald. (Central Point, Or.) 1906-1917, September 30, 1909, Image 1

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    4/ *
C entral
C E N T R A L P O IN T ,
VO L. 4
who less than thf*
Ross donation claim on the Jackson­
ville road, at what was then considered
a stiff price, last Monday closed a deal
with J. C.
¡12 acres o f
Ciilaoun o f M e fo S i,
p la c e
fo r
a con­
O R E G O N , T H U R S D A Y . SEPTEMBER 30. 11K)9.
Fruit Harvest Ls On
High School Foot Ball
Lewis Tract Sold:
At Snowy Butte
Team Organized
Consideration $15,000
years ago, bought 64 acres o f the old
Delayed wedding.
NO 2 1.
W edding D e lls.
Local People Want
A quiet w edding was solemnized at
A wedding which was scheduled for ^
,at g.e M. E. parsonage Tuesday after­
4:00 P..M. at Medford Sunday was de- i
____ _
noon when Miss Dora Jones, the dim m ­
While fruit gathering of certain ear- layed for a short time, and thereby ^ It is passing strange that Central
That t+iero will be something doing in
ing daughter o f Jacob Jones, of this
the way o f football in this section was ly varieties o f apples and pears has nangs a tale, in which C. S. Sanderson, Point, in the heart o f t.h«-greatest fr lit
city,.became the bride of Mr. James
indicated Tuesday evening when the or­ beun in progress on a small scale at the “ V' t ‘ J'knOWn rt'at “ state dealer o f ten- K |t , the v,.ork) ear.I a t have her mur-
1 tral Point, appeared in the role o f an
. Ply mire, a W’ell known young man o f
ganization.of the‘ 'Central Point High Snowy Butte orchards for some time apt pupil o f the original Dan Cupid.
kets supplied with an abundance of
Medford. Rev. T. J. 11 azelton perform­
School Footbull team was perfected the actual harvest season was inaugur- j When the af ternoon southbound S. P. good fruit but it is a fact that often it
the ceremony. A large circle o f
with the following promising lineup:
ated there Tuesday when the p.eking o f train rolled in at the local station on is impossible for the householder tc buy
will join in best wishes to the
Manager! Homer Peart, Captain Bri- rthe £raatest crop o f Wintr-. Nellis ev* i Sunday a winsome young lady stepped
Better Gradevf Fruit
happy young couple.
er harvested in that orchar1 was com, 1 off whoso demeanor showed that she which the orchards arc now laden.
Medford papers announce that fruit
! menced with a »full crew o f Rickers, was expecting someone, who failed to
The entire tract embraces some of ard Dunlap I g , I.awrence Nichols 1 t. j q ne pear crop ill that ..orchard two appear. ¡Mr. Sanuersou, always alert I nun in and around that tow n are taking
the finest land in the valley and the Clarence Par.key 1 e, Roy Cochran r g, | years ago was a ltcut l breaker but it j to the wants o f hoineaeekers and other | steps to see that the local markets are Clws. A. Pilli key Weds
price o f nearly $500 an acre shows the Oliver Manu r t, Homer Peart r e, F. i is believad the crop .this season is even ; transient tou-ists, noticed the apparent i regularly supp led with lirst class fruit
Young San Jose Lady.
heavier than that o f Ui)7 and the price dilemma of the young iudy and polite y i a l H * ■t *s t*me similar action was taken
advance o f land values within the past Ross q b. Toots Ross r h, Bridane San­
will beat least as good.
accosting her inquired if she was look- j at Central l ’omt.
A t the residence o f the bride, 221
few years.
derson 1 h, Tom Kincaid f b.
The apple crop is also good this year ing far someone to meet her. Sue ¡e- I
While Mr. Lewis realized n hand­
North Ninth street, Mrs. Rose M. Par-
The boys hereby authorize the Her­ the block o f Newtown trees in the plied that she W’as, naming a
young I
some profit on his transaction it is a
tello, an attractive ami popular young
County Assessor Here.
ald to issue, a cliallenge for them to Snowy Butte grove being the best gentleman who Mr. Sanderson knew as
safe prediction that his successor will
woman of this city, and Char es A.
grown there for years. It is estimated a lesidcOL of Aledloid. “ 4ou stopped
do equally as well should he again put
W. T. Grieve, the affable assessor of Pankey, o f Central Point,Oregon, were
the Newtowns will average ten boxes at the wrong station,” said he. “ isn't
the property on the market three years and a I who saw the games .these I oys
or betteu to the tree and the fruit is of [, this
Medford7“ said she. “ Not by four Jackson county, was here during the married on .Wednesday night of lasL
put up a year ago will bank on them
enormous size and excellent quality, a j r.nles north,’ ’ eplied “ Sandy. ” “ This Week looking up property values and
Rogue River valley land is an abso­ being able to make a good showing this
large percentage of the crop being four , is Central Point, the Hul> of the Rogue detei mining the amount each one week, by Judgo F. B. Brown.
lutely safe investment and as. a specu­
Tlie huine was tastefully decorated
: River vahey," he added. “ What shah s I j - jui U contribute to ll.e bony politic.
lative proposition it has been proven
A large number o f men and women I do? I am expected in Medford at With one deputy Mr. Grieve cleared up for the occasion anil after the ceremo­
, many times within the past three or
wilt be crap ay ?d from now until the | four o'clock anu I must be there,” ex­ the work o f assessment within flic lim­ ny delightful refreshments were served.
four years that it has Wall Street in­
Cured of Malignant Cancer.
picking and packing season is over, claimed the fair traveler, and “ Sandy,” its o f Central Point wjthin three days
Mr. and Mrs. Pankey will be at homo
vestments beaten to a frazz e amount
I which will probably run inlw November. wise to the ways o f home seekers, and i at a cost to the taxpayers o f some $12
at 224 N rth Ninth street until October
.o f capital and risk taken being figured
John N. Hayes, who resides a few
a married man himself, commenced to
1, when they will leave for Jackson
. on an equable basis.
quiz her.
last year, Since taking charge o f the
miles north o f town, was in from his
county, Oregon, where they will reside.
oltice last January Mr. Grieve has been
farm Tuesday attending to land busi- j
— San Jose Mercury.
young lauy had trav-led all the wav i busy installing new methods in that ,
A Burglar in Town.
ness. LastJune Mr. Hayes was suffer- j
from Aiicbigan to marry her atiinaneed
(Special Correspondence)
his name is “ bad cough.” He doesn’t
ing from two cancers on his lower lip ! Oregon apples will he well reyresent- lover, who had preceded her to the been trying to at once get the office on i
Table Rockets.
< care for gold or si ver but he will steal
golden west, and that some alleged a business basis as well as to equalize j
your health away. I f he appears at and his friends believed that he had but ,}(j at the Second National Apple Show
your house arrest him at once with Bul­ a short time to live. When he was at Spokane November 15-20,” said Ben | traveling mail, who, m a crowded car,
Miss Prances Aiken, principal of the
tion on ra.lroad property $8000 a mile
lards Horehound Svrup, it may mean here Tuesday every sign of the m alig-: H. Rice, manager o f the apple show, j had shared her seat section from Grants
A gate school, visited with friends hero
claimed to be fannjigr while on city property he has done
consumption if you dont.
A cure for nant growth had disappeared and his
«•ween. “ While the crop , is generally with the country, had told her [hpt much to equalize the burden of taxation
all coughs, colds ami chest troubles.
Apple picking has commenced at Col.
lip was healed over smoothly, with much sma ler than last ygar, the qual­ Central Point was Medford and had on property owners. Mr. Grieve, is
Price 25c, 50c and $1.00 a bottle. Sold
every appearance of being absolutely ity is o f ,the verv best, and growers in cal ed the porter to assist her from the starling out with every indication of Washburn’s orchard.
by Mary A. Mee.
making a faithful and just pu ilic.vEcr-
S. K. Adams is operating his sorghum
i ai parts o f the state i M'e show ing the train.
Then “ Sandy” got busy. A team vant.
The story o f hid healing as told by i keenest interest in the various contests.
While the first apple show was an un­ and buggy was secured in the absence
Scott Pav.ir is having a two-story
Mr. Hayes himself sounds almost naira-
expected success, we have assurances of any possible automobile and in a few
j culous. Mr. Hayes is a believer in i that the second exposition will be even moments he was whirling the bride- Why Druggists Recommend Chamberlains dwelling house and a eonimodious barn
erected on his farm here.
F ! Spiritualism, and one night late in June
Colic. Cholera end Diarrhoea Remedy
more so, as tha-^fowers want a chance elect towards Meqford at a greater
* | o f the present year he attended a se-
Frank C, Hancgjiananrominep« drug­
to exhibit their choice apples in com- j speed than he was ever known to drive
| ance, at which he requested advice
parison with fruit from other states a prospective land buyer towards a real gist o f Portsmouth, Va., says: “ For
According to a story published in the 1 from the spirit of his mother regard
and the prize list gives an opportunity I snap.
When the Moore H ot« was the past six years I .have, sold and re- your life away for 25 cents is just ex-
Portland Oregonian on Tue. day, it is 1 ing a possible cure for his ailment.
for every apple raiser to compete. The ' reached there«was found a rather lat- commended Chamberlains Colic, Cho era actly wi.at you are doing if you neglect
now definitely known that the Great The request was granted and in a
contests include car loads, ten boxes, i tied and disappointed prospective bride- “ od Diarrhoea Remedy. It is a greet a
COugh on the chest instead o f
Northern R. R. Co. is the actua owner short time his mother’s spirit form ap­
five boxes, single boxes, barrels, jars j groom and a lot o f grinning friends of , joines
arkeC T handle'’ swmi treating it with Ballards Horehound
peared to him and told him of an herb,
o f the Pacific & Eastern railway.
and plates with cash premiums ranging : *»s who had put up the job, but, as in others for the same purpose Dipt, pay »Syrup. A 25 cent bottle o f this splen-
This announcement may be taken the common sorrel, which he was to
from $1000 sweepstakes in the carload the good old story books, everything ,m' a larger profit but th.s remedy, is jih rt.m(Klv will cure an ordinary cough.
as an assurance that the P. & E. is to gather and prepare according to di­
. c asses down to *3 for, a single plate of ended happily, as the following from a sure to effect a cure, and my customer' .
tonic for
become a part of that great railway rections, which were to wrap the herbs
’ *> certain to appreciate my recommend- *
th lunKH anf* a t^
! five apples.
| Medford paper o f recent date will show: ing it to him that 1 give it the prefer-' /<>•«’ entire system. Sold by Mary A ,
system and it is highly prohable that in a sheet o f wet paper, forming a
“ All the railroads have united in giv-
“ Married—In this city, Sunday, Sep- ence.” S o d by Mary A. Mee,
the road will ultimately be continued compact ba 1, which was to be roasted
j ing a rate of one and one-third fare for tember 26, 1909, Mr. George M. Wil-
from this valley to Crescent City and in the embers for eight hours, then
the round trip to Spokane dnring apple liams, o f this city, and Miss Nellie
taken out and pulverized, after which
on down the coast to San Francisco.
show week and also allow visitors to go : Westerlund, o f Frankford, Michigan.”
This will not only mean a competing the dry powder was to be rubbed into
by one route and .return via. another, j Central Point extends best wishes to
road for the business o f this valley but the cancers once or more each day.
“ The National A pple Show dates the happy couple, the better half of
will also develop a vast area of virgin Mr. Hayes says he followed the spirit
give growers an ppportunity to exhibit which showed the good judgement to
country now without transportation instructions for several days, when the
,.at local county fairs and apple shows leave the train at the best little town
of the Central Point State Bank, on Sept. 1, l!X)i).
cancers simply dried up and the spots
; 6uch as those at Albany and Hood River on earth,
healed over without so much as leav­
and then have plenty, p f time to ship to
ing a scar.
I Spokane and win additional honors and
E. R. Pattissn, o f Salem, Ohio, is
Capila! Stock paid in
Loans, Bonds and Warrant*
Mr. Hayes realizes that he could
A Burnt Child.
j premiums.
here this week visiting his uncle, S. A.
Surplus Fund
Cash and duo from Banks
make big money preparing the remedy
“ I have been in. many o f the fruit dreads the fire. The dread is whole-
Pattison. Mr. Pattison, who is inter-
, . ,
. . .
I .
, and undertaking cures, but he wi I not growing districts of
Washington and some, but not the burn; that can be
ested in an extensive plumbing and ,
_ .
. ...
do so. nreferrine to euv
Interest and Exchange
and - in nearly all sections the healed and instantly releived by apply-
steam fitting business in his home city,
. .
. . . . -- ------
«.— ----
, •
, ,
to humanity in tokenof his appreciation,
r • th
is making a tour of the coast and after
„ ,
. . .
report is tne same—a small orop of ( ing Ballards Snow l iniment. Be pre-
.. ..
o f what the spirit form o f his mother fine ouality.”
i pared for accidents by keeping a bottle
seeing a large section ot the western I
I has done for him.
> . ,
. ..
country he is o f the opinion that the
A iartaiiig demonstration train will al" ’ays in the house. Best for sprains,
2W5 ¿frai
Rogue River valley beats all others.
i be run by the O. R. & N. Co. through bruises, cuts, scalds, rheumatism, neu-
I, J. O, ISAACSON, cashier o f the above named Bank do swear that the ulwm* statement is
: Sherman, Gillam and Morrow counties rateia, bunions—any and all aches an<l
true to the besft. o f rey knowledge.
•!. <>» t.i*
Good For Billiousness
in Octoher that is expected to aid the pains. Price 25c, 50c and $1.00. Sold
“ I took two of Chamberlains Stomach f a ™ * ™ « * that action of the state in by Mary A. Mee.
, the more intelligent cultivation o f the
From a small beginning the sale and
ee !0j| lirKj ¡n ijnpr0ved farming methods,
use of Chamberlains Cough Remedy has and Liver Tablets last mg
extended to all parts o f the United fifty percent te tte r than I have for ( Lectures wi 1 be delivered by agricu -
States and to many foreign countries. weeks, says J. J. Firestone o f Al egan, tural college experts, who will be on
Why? Because it has proved especially Mich. They are certainly a fine article the train and demonstrations will be
Va’uable for coughs and colds.
for billiousness.” Samples free. Sold made. Dr. James W.ithycombe, direct-
For sale by Mary A. Mee.
' by Mary A. Mee.
¡-or o f the Oregon Experiment Station,
will be at the head of the party o f lec­
turers and the train will really be an
agricultural college on wheels
sideration o f $15,000.
Great Northern
Statement of the financial condition
The Fall Styles Demand
Fine Graniteware at Cost
W eare offering our entire line
of the celebrated Lisk Black
Enameled Graniteware at cost
.* •
T- ■-
Read our Sale Prices and stock your
kitchen while this sale lasts
5-Quart Pudding Pans,
1 1,-2 qt. Tea Pots,
5-quart Sauce Pans,
4-quart Berlin Kettle,
3-quart “
worth 50c
" 55c
“ 70c
“ .55c
“ 1.00
“ 80c
“ 80c
This is a M o n e y - i >a v i n g S a l e
This is your chance to save money
and our chance to clear our shelves
of this line to make room for our
new Fall Goods
W . C. L E E V E R
That the passenger service on the O.
R. & N.. between Portland and Hunt­
ington, has increased 150- percent in the
last six months is the statement of
General Manager O’ Brien. This shows
the remarkable gain in passenger trav­
el iu the Pacific Northwest. From two
daily trains each way between the two
points named nix months ago, the rail­
road company has found It necessary to
increase the number to five dally in
each directoin. Much o f this added
travel is o f course due to the A .-Y P
fair but a arge part o f it is attributed
to the increase o f popu ation in this
state and the influx o f new home seek­
One hundred dollars is offered by
Phillip S. Bates, secretary c f the Ore­
gon Threshers' Association, for the be-t
bushel o f wheat grown in. Oregon. An
additional $100 will be divided as sec­
ondary prizes. All exhibits shou'd be
shipped to The Dalles, Saturday, Nov.
27, where the entries will be judged
and prizes awarded. The contest will
make a wheat show that will be held in
connection with the annual convention
o f the Oregon Threshers' Association
December 2 and 3 at The Dal es. There
is no entry fee and all entries should be
sent forward in standard two-busle l
sachs,- with the grow er’s name attach« d
arid stating where the grain was grown.
W ante d —Capable woman or girl to
a-sist with house work, washing, iron­
ing. etc. two or three days in tte
week. Enquire at this office.
Perfect F it t in g C o rs e ts
Parisian«! Reducing Corset
STYLE No. 555
rpH E best Coiset made
Meet that demand and insure satisfaction to
the wearer.
adjustable side
sfr ps,
perfectly smooth buckle,
no possibility o/ tearing
the d<f|h.
WiJJ reduce
two to tlin-e
These Corsets are scientifically de­
signed for ease and comfort, com­
bined with the most graceful reali­
zation o f the style and vogue.
_______ across the ab­
domen. Made of a good
side steels, «> hose sup­
porters at tin-h» d.
These Corsets insure a perfect.fit in all ready-
to-wear -garments and are worth considering.
ir warranted to i»ive
I(W *
Cranfil! & Robnett