C entral H erald CENTRAL POINT, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1909. VOL. 4 Premature Fire Alarm X ity Water Bonds Arouses Citizens Many New Buildings Will Organize Foot Ball In Central Point Suffer More Delay NO 2 No Central Point Fruit Team For Coming Season Dunlap Returns From Shown At The Fair The Seattle Fair ' W e city water bond* were given an­ There are a great manv ways in j With the close of the base ball sea- Should a party o f Central Pointers 1 A. J. Dunlap, who tor the past mon .li other delay this week when S. A. Keen which to estimate the progress and son now-at hand the amatuer athletes drop into the Oregon building at the j has teen in charge of the Jacks’ n & Co., the Uhisago purchasers of the prosperity of a community but the | of Central Point are now turning their Seattle fair they might be inclined to . County horticultural exhibit at the $25,000 issue, forwarded to City Re­ building operations are usua ly consider-- attention to the organization of foot' ask where the Central Point fruit e x -1 Seattle fair, returned home last Thur. - corder Jones arvordinance to be passed ed the most authentic record and ac- j and basket ball teams and everywhere hibit was and in response they would }d»y. having been forced to give up the by the council, providing for the issu­ cordingly we have prepared an estimate , you can find small groups of enthusiasts - per ha: s be informed that Central Point work on account of private business, ance o f water bonds of the town of of the buildings that are now under replaying the games of last season or was not upon the map so far as the big biir Mr. Dunlap says that the Jackson CentralPoint, in the amount o f $25,000, construction in Central Point, or that discussing the merits of forward passes, show is concerned. Not one pound of County exhibit has anything beaten by and prescribing the form of said bonds ' have been completed within the past end runs, etc. Much good material can fruit has yet been exhibited from here mile when it comes to peaches and ... 1 few months, and while the list is only a .. and fixing other details ef said issue. | rou(?h egtimate yet it will convey an | be secured ln town and as soon at ar- yet we know that there are hundreds pears. He says that Medford pears As theoity charter provides that no or- idea of what is doing in this locality to j rangementa are completed they will have and hundreds of boxes of prize winning are better than anything that has been fruits of all kinds that are being sold t h e ' heavens and from Main street dinance may be passed except at a reg- outside readers. As we have prepared a squad to select from that will excel here every week. This is indeed a shown from any other section o f the *he list will total nearly $40,000 and anything in Southern Oregon. Last peculiar state o f circumstances and coast, both in quality and size, and that ahowed a light that had every -appear ular or adjourned regular meeting, the passage of this ordinance will necessar-5 ' !’ 9uit:e ^rohable that we have om't season defeated every some one who is interested in the wel- the Ashland peach exhibit is the same. --------- Central —....« . Point * ucimhm ance of being from a burning building ted a number of small cottages ,v’*t ' within the city limits, and a citizen, illy have to g c over until Monday, Oct. , bave recently been completed. ■pjje thing that came their way at foot ball ^are this locality should take this When Mr. Dunlap returned it left the who had evidently not seen the fire dur­ 4thj 'the next regular meeting of t*1« ; list follows, |and the promoters o f the team this matter* Up’ at once and see that Central county without any one to look after ing the day, sounded the alarm. ‘As the council. IC. B. Hostel, business block, $ 8,000 year have the same confidence in their Point is represented. We know that no their fruit exhibit as none o f the other section bf Oregon or of any other state fire of last spring is still fresh in the Engineer Lee, ot Cottage Grove, who j „ residence, 2,000 m inds'of our people they lost no time in has been secured to prepare estimates] j p Williams, business block, 2,500 men as they did last season. It is not can m'UKd a better showing than can fruit growers seemed willing to devote responding to the call. ■ Promptness' in and specifications o f the new system, is j 1,000 known yet whether the first team will we and it only needs some one to make their time to the matter as he did. the Start of shipping the first box. The I •sueb cases is a good thing even if it is rather slow in reporting as he ehould Mrs.?Randall, 600 organize or not. cottage, Commercial Club should taxe this mat­ oarriy a false alarm. have been in Central Point shortly af- j Mrs. Downing, 500 ter up’ immedih ;ely. The Herald'now places the name of ter the 4th,'instj*aB $100 a bottle, Sold by ¡the aid of crutches or a cane? ?Un- egon Railroad and Navigation Co., and -o'yCrtain to appreciate1!«}’ recommend- j 1 rlce ’»less you have ost a limb or have a de- the Southern Pacific, Lines in Oregon, ing’ it to him that I give it the prefer- by Mary A. Mee ence. ” So d by Mary A. 'Mee, formity - if your trouble is rheumatism, This booklet sets forth in a practical lumbago, sprain, stiff joints, or any- concise way the possibilities for profit thing of a like nature use Ballards Snow 0f inexpensive irrigation, and should be how Big Is Misstfûrf? Liniment and in no time you car, throw ¡n the hands of every farmer in Oregon away your crutches and be as well as Gopies may be obtained free on appli- A MissouriSn.'at'-» banquet is said to anyone. Price 2oc, 50c and $1.00 Sold cation to Wm. McMurray, Genera! Pa:- have thus described his state: by Mary A. Mee. senger Agent, Portland. 22tf j “ If all the wheat raised ’ in Missouri were one grain, the only place to plant it would be the Grand ' Canyon of Ari zona, the only hole in ‘ the earth big enough to contain it. It all the com raised in Missouri werd'oile ear, the on­ ly way to shell it would be by Steam stump pullers extracting a grain at a We are offering our entire line time from the cob. If all the cattle of cl’ the celebrated Lisk Black Missouri were one Cow, she would Enameled Graniteware at cost browse the tender herbage of the trop­ ics, whisk icicles off the north pole with 'g - „ ’3Tr.r*’v - i r’rw*> C 9 M her tail and supply mi k ehou£h to fill a canal reaching from Kansas City to the j Gulf on which to ship the boat loads of cheese and butter. If all the chickens ; in Missouri wire one* rooster, he wou:d 3tra,ldle the f ocky Mountains like a great Gdlossus, and crow untilfte shook notv 41c 5-Qup Pudding Pans, worth 50c the rings from the planet Saturn. If « < 45c i 6-quart 55c all the hogs off Missouri were ene hog, 1 < 54c t 1 he could plant his hind feet on the soil 1 1-2 qt. Tea Pots, “ 70c V < 40c ] of the island of Cuba, his fore feet on 1-quart “ 55c VI the Isthums of Panama and with one 79c 5-quart Sauce Pans, *“ 1.00 .< 1 root of his huge snout dig a sea-level 60c 4-quart “ -80c , canal from ocean to ocean. If all the < • 64c 4-quart Berlin Kettle, • *' 80c mules raised in M issouri were one mule 1 < 36c 3-quart “ . “ * 69c mule he could plant one fore foot in-the soil of Texas, the other amid the for­ ests of Maine and with his hind feet Kick the face off the man in the moon. throughout, unless it was the first in­ ning when Grants Pass introduced a com’ inution of football arid mumblepeg which gave the Californians five runs. They tried it again in the fourth canto and netted three for the sawmillers. The Fishermen just naturallycouldn’t stay on earth at a critical moment. A couple of neat double plays were thrown . into the melee, but outside o t these the game was featureless. The score at 1 the end stood 11 to 4. The batteries w ere: Hilt—McIntyre, Wick and Shaw; ■ Grants Pass—Riggs and Eddrngs. Statement of the financial c?ptuoion of the Central Point State Bank, on Sept. 1, 1909. !.oan.s Bonds and Warrants $49714.25 Capital SU»ck paid in Cash and due from Bankn 39270.49 Surplus Fund BankinR house, furti, etc. Depaait® Expanses 316.41 Overdraft® 122.44 $12600.00 22S.88 81118.42 Interest and E xchange 256.27 SKLtQ'ZD I, J. O. ISAACSON, cashier o f the above named Bank do swear that the above statem ent is true-to the beet o f my knowledge. ,1. 0 .1 I S A A C S O N . A New Clothing Stock Graniteware at Cost Is now open for your inspection, A new and complete line of ready-made clothing Read-our Sale Prices and stock your kitchen while this sale lasts for men SiPh Styles and Quality seldom Shown in a town of this size WE WANT YOUR CLOTHING BUSINESS This is a M o n e y-S a vi-ng Sa le This is your chance to save morieir and our chance to clear our siielves of this line to make room for our new Fall Gooda :: :: :: W . C. LEEVER W e Are Here.Witli Thc'Goods Gambling. your life awsy for 25 cents is just ex­ actly what you are doing if you neglect a cold or cough on the chest instead of treating it with Ballards Horehound Syrup. A 25 cent bottle o f this splen­ did remedy will cure an ordinary cough, heal the lungs and act as a tonic for y vir entirersystem. SoW by Mary A. Mee Cranfill & Robnett