C E N TR A L Local and Personal 15he PACIFIC MONTHLY P O IN T H F .R A L D , 1 he fis.iway at this dam has been the source of much trouble and expense to the state for the past few years owing i to the illegal fishing that has been done ! there since seining lias been permitted ( in Josephine county, and it was not un- ' til the appointment of H. A. McAllis­ ter as Master Fish Warden, that there was any attention paid to it. It is to hoped that the new fishway will stop this trouble. T H U R SD A Y , J U L Y 29. IDCK). BIG 13 CENT SALE FOR A (food piano cheap for cash. Enquire at this office. lltf. Mrs. J. H. Grove of Gold Ray was in P O R T LA N D i O REGO N town Saturday Chaimas Gilmore was at Medford f The Leading Magazine ' Tuesday afternoon. of Che West Mrs Baker, of Ashland is visiting Beautifully Illustrated —Timely Mrs L. L Love this week. A rticles — Readable Stories. F H — Goodatout work team and ! Read Jack London’s Vivid nnd J A Golden Wedding. Interesting Story Now Running harness*. Inquire at Photo tent. 17dl8 Our entire stock of wool dress goods and silks-n o matter what the former price means that a man and wife have lved Serially. Arncles eask month Mrs. Drake and two daug htersof to a good old age aud consequently have describing the resources end every third yard for 13 cents per yard Meadows precinct were shopping in our opportunities to be found kept healthy. The best way to keep city Monday. in the West. healthy is to see that your liver does K . U A s Seats! C IsM b e O ttr its duty 365 days out of 365. The only J. B. Welch, the well known lumber­ All ladies’ waists up to $3, u tU a lo s ». U s is ) U All wash goods up to 35c to ■ss s i s l S i M u u e s e way to do this is to keep Ballards Her- man, of Asbestos was in our city Mon­ ■k.Wl#MMS»crbns this sale $1.13 close at this sale at 13c yd. bine in the huuse and take it whenever day. your liver gets iractive. 50c per bottle. Merrit Brown, one of Eagle Points Sold by Mary A. Mee. 20e towels this sale 13c $2 muslin underwear $1.13 best known merchants was in town THE PACIFIC MONTHLY first of the week. 20c children's hosiery this Muslin, cambric petticoats, P o rtls a d . O r s s o n u ssi Eaclossd Is 2Sc (os which rsu Mr. and Mrs. Joe Boswell have re­ C setln ••nd sale 13c drawers etc. $2 now $1.13 mm U U lt uumh«r* your Table Rockets. turned from Butte Falls, where they iu « |u io « . have been camping for several weeks. N a m e ■< - — — ■' — Elmer and Floyd Kyle 'eft Sunday A J d r e e » ------------------------------— ——— -— *- - - (Crowded out of last issue) evening for. Le anon Oregon, where --------------- -----------------------------------I _____ I An important transactions in real Ladies’ $25 and $30 suits for 13c. Does this sound unreasonable? It is true they will visit with friends and re­ M. M Clark and C. S. Sanderson j estate took place here last week. Three ladies club together and buy three suits. The third one gets hers for latives for a couple of weeks. Mr. E. 0 Bis«« was contracted f >r by 13c no matter what the former selling price has been. were at Jacksonvi'le Tuesday. Jacob Jones left Monday evening for Coroner A. E Kellogg, of Gold Hill, Mr. Daggett who recently purchased the Will Stewart orchard. The consider­ an extended trip through Minnesota ation $7250. and possession to be given and other northern states.i During his was in town Saturday afternoon. absence of three months he will visit Mrs. F. W. Maple was at Portland Sept. 1st. his old home at Crystal Lake, Minn. during the forepart of this week. A Chinaman in the employ of B. Con­ THE CO Paul Demmer and Miss Opal Hearing W, E. Whiteside and M. Elwood ner is wrestling with an attack of the grip "all same as miLcan man" of Medford were married in that city drove to Medford Monday •0 afternoon. 13 per cent off on all All children’s dresses Glenn May has been seriously ill but last Wednesday. Demmer won local Don’t forget the entertainment by fame by driving the winning antomobi e Prof. Knox at the opera house to-night. Is now reported to be improveing. SUCCKfeMORS TO suits one-half price in tttie auto races at Medford July 4th. Dr. Anderson was out here Monday J. F. Hopkins is at Seattle and other visiting his patients who are all im­ Bring your horses to Frank Hawk, proveing including Mr. Arnold Bailey He guarantees to stop interfering and northern points on a business visit. Medford Oregon forging. Crippled feet aspecially. tttf. Sheriff Jones and R. B. Dow, of who was so badly is better in the re­ Henry Clock Who has been gore from Jacksonville, were in town Tuesday cent mix up wilh W. J. Scott. Religion«; services will be conducted here seventeen years came in the first morning. of the week, he was renewing acquaint­ Mrs. Emil Brophy, of Ashland, visit­ at the School house next Sunday at 11 ances with old time friends, and sees ed with her mother, Mrs. Pleasants, of o’clock by Rev. M. C. Davis «nd A. C. Howlett and on the river bank at 2 in great changes in our valley since leav­ this city Sunday. the afternoon when the ordinance of ing here. proprietor of the Hotel baptism by immerson will be adminis­ The Welch Lumber Co., who at one T. H. or Moore, Medford, spent a few hours tered. time conducted a lumber yard in this Moore City, have installed a planing mill out in town Thursday evening of,last week. near the city well, and are now turn­ A. E. Stevens, of the Kanes creek Notice o f Sale o f Water Bonds ing out an nxcellent quality of dressed district, left Sunday evening for Mis­ soula, Mont., where he will try his luck lumber. $ 2 5 ,0 0 0 Central Point, Oregon FIN EST CANDIES Prof. P. J. 0 ’Gara, the government at Uncle Sam’s land lottery. Bridane Sandtrson, catcher for the fruit expert, has been culled to Wash­ ICE COLD SODAS* CREAMS AND ICES The Common Council of Central Point, ington upon gome business connected Central Point champions, held down Oregon, receive sealed bids up to with his department. He expects to short for Grants Pass at Hilt Sunday. 6 o’clock will Short order meals and lunches. Table board by P. M. August 2, 1909, for the They telephoned Manager Grieve for a return to the Rogue river valley about good sale of $25,000.00 6 per cent 30 years day or week. Our place is neat and clean, our player but Sandy was the only one Sept. 1st. water bonds. Bids to be accompanied at liberty and-------- service prompt and courteous, our prices are Will Mueller and L. F. Gregory, of Christian Science services are held by a certified check equal to 5 per cent reasonable. Give us a trial. Medford, were in town Tuesday. Mr. every Sunday morning in the G. A. R. of the amount hid for The right to Mueller is engaged extensively in bee Hall, opera house building, at 11:00 reject any and all bids is reserved. Geo. Ross Bldg. Corner First and Pine Sts. Bids will be received for any part of Pacific Radio Wireless Tele­ culture and his business in this city was o’clock. are invited to attend these said to dispose of some of his product to the services. All Subject bond issue. for Sunday; Aug., Bonds to be delivered to buyer in phone stock is now selling local merchants. 1st "Love” of $5,000, or multiples thereof, at $5.00 per share Get in Mark Welch drove his White Steamer Jack Ross has installed a new soad sums and payments therefor to include se­ on this while it is cheap. over the Siskiyou mountains last week, fountain, along with other new fixtures cured interest to date of delivery. going as far south as Hilt. On his re­ his candy shop and soft drink empo­ Right reserved to sell any portion of Call for Literature turn trip he was less than two hours in rium, and now has as neat appearing said bonds to local purchasers on same making the trip from Coles, Calif., to place as you would care'to see. terms as accepted bid. TmrmMBsrivern Ashland. He rdporte some very bad The brick work on the Rostel build roads in that section. STATEMENT. ing is now completed and the carpent­ Denominations, $250.00. W. E. W H I T E S I D E A fire alarm was turned in yesterday ers have begun their work. afternoon, about 1:30 on account Of a Date of bonds August 1, 1909. FOR A SQUARK DKAL blaze on the roof of Mrs. Mann’s re­ An electric incubator for hatching Bonds mature August 1, 1939. sidence in the northern part of town. ostrich eggs is one of the features of Bonds not optional before maturity. At the Old Stand, Citizens soon had the b aze extinguish­ the California building at tha Seatt'e Interest and principal payable at op­ Second and Pine Sts. ed and the only damage done was from World’s Fair. It is a recent invention. tion of holder semi-annually. tearing the roof off in order to get at Dr. E. Davis, dentist, is now perma Bonds issued pursuant to the people Central Point, Ore. the fire. 8, 1909. nently located in Central Point. Office March to be addressed to Thos. M. J. M. Samuels, of Agate, who owns over Hatfield’s store. 49tf Bids City Recorder. the stallion Dewey, is maxing prepara­ For the first time in the history of Jones, Proprietor. I tions to hold a colt show in this city Expositions the government has estab­ Certified check payable to the Town BAU GH M AN BROS. Saturday, August 14th, at 1 P. M., and lished an assay office at the A.-Y. P. of Central Point, Oregon. No litigation pending this issue. at that time will have on exhibition a Exposition in the Treasury section of The New building, newly town has never defaulted in the number of fine colts from this horse. the I ¥ . . ? furnished, h o t an d Government pudding. Gold is re- payment of either interest or principal; A premium will be given to the finest cieved W. D. Lewis & Sons, Proprietors IÇ cold water in every nnd assayed and paid for right has no bonded or other indebtedness. colt shown. Those who admire a fine on the grounds. room. In the heart of FINANCIAL STATEMENT. speciman of horse should not overlook the business center. this affair. Assessed valuation 1908, $285,117.00. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Columbia Real valuation (estimated) $756,301.00 Again In The Limelight. Toni Ross received a badly sprained Tax rate 8 mills. Brand Kams, Bacon and Lard, Bolognas, ankle as the result of his wagon getting CORNER 6T ÎI A N D DA VIS 1900 400. 3; Boiled Ham, Cottage Shoulders and other away from him on a steep grade out on The Sanderson Boosey controversy Population Present population (estimated on PORTLAND OREGON i specialties -|- Lanes creek on Monday of this week. was again in the hands of the court of school 1200. He was engaged in haudng lumber and ficials 'ast week, when W. J. Boosey The sensus) proceeds of the sale of these while going down nne'of the innumera­ was arrested for contempt of court for wild be used directly in installing ble steep grades in that locality the failing to obey a mandate of the su bonds water system. brake on his wagon gave way and the preme court. Boosey was taken to an I up-to-date certify that the above state­ heavy load plunged down the hill, Jacksonvi le but furnished bail to the ment hereby to the best of my know­ throwing him out and badly bruising amount of $1000, with Messrs. Har ledge is and true Choicest cuts of Beef, belief. baugh and Knowles as sureties. Boos him. The physicians do not think that Pork, Mutton and Veal THOS. M. JONES. ey’s trial will come up in the Septem­ any bonne are broken but from the se­ Recorder of the Town of Central Point, vere nature of the sprain he will he ber term of court. When this case was carried into the Oregon. confined to his room for some time. supreme court Boosey lost and the Dated at Central Point, Oregon, The ball game between Grants Pass court ordered him tj vacate the strip July 12, 1909. and Hilt,'at Hi t, last Sunday, resulted of land over which the trouble arose. in a IV inning game with a score of 5-3 This Boosey hus refused to do and as a J. in favor of the hoys from Josehpine result he has been held for contempt of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Main Street, Central Point county. Hr!,lane Sanderson played with court. Diarrhoea Remedy the • * 1 ■ i i t l i i “ !*",* the Pass, holding down short and from best and Surest. the report that we get of the game we "It affords me pleasure to state that! Poison Oak Poisoning are led to heluive that Sandy was there I consider the preparation known as Beautiful Shetland Ponies, handsome with hells all of the time. Two apee - 1 Ballards Snow Liniment cures it. Mr. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar-1 Carte, gold watches, diamond rings tacular doubles were credited to him as ! O. P. II. Cornelius, Turner. Oregon hoea Remedy the and surest of j and other valuable presents given well as being responsible for two runs writes My wife has discovered that good results of any I best ever used in in the 12th by a little clever head work ; Snow Liniment cures poison oak poison­ my family.” says P E. have To Bojr* and Girl* Who Win In Our of Come in and get our prices on the following goods: "Who’da thunk it?" \ VI > C A S T C O M l i M ’ ing a very qainful trouble She not on­ Mount Aerial. Ky. This Herrington, univer­ Open 1*4 to * N all > Boy® Bread knives, kitchen knives, dippers, cups, spoons, Messrs. Harding and Mayer, two re- ly cured it cn herself but on two of her sal verdict of all who use is this the remedy. and Girl*. Co*U nothin»» to cake turners, potato mashers, egg beaters, mixing enter. Grt enroll«! at once. Hundred* of cent arrivals from Los Angeles, have friends who were poisoned by this same Its cures are so prompt and effectual dollar® worth of p ri«« and caah boridaa spoons, nickel plated cuspidors, vegetable dishes, o pernal a photographic gallery in a tent ivy. Price 25c, 50c and $1.00, that peod e take pleasure in re RV KIM C O N TE STA N T I S P VI!» C .I* II bowels, oyster bowls, covered dishes, nappies, din­ opposite the opera house, where they Sold by Mary A. Mee, | commending it. whether he win* a rmnd prise or not ner sets from 44 to 112 pieces, toilet sets, soup sets, are now p epared to serve the public cook ware, china mugs, custards, creamers, cups and Write ua today for full i*articulars before it with anything in their line. These gen­ RebullJing lish ’Ady on Ament Dam. : Sold by Mary A. Mee. saucers, meat dishes, knives and forks, granite and i* U lute tlemen expect to become permanent re­ tinware and a fine line of groceries NOTICE . sidents of our city and have leased the r>f the Ir»wM*r I J OlBc* at Ro*»-- Stewart residen«,- on Oak street and Under the supervision of Deputy fish rVt’Hrtnvrt HUMAN lift PUBLISH*« GO.. bumr. Orejron. July 14 1009. '«• iit-rvby »riven that J.»hn N. Hay«*« of have moved their familias into the same warden Clanton, a f o r c e of workmen Ce Noti ntr»! P i t l n 'I W '!. h«'. - r <>ct. 14. V V t »***»•' -,2 S A T I . A V T I C n ú -T O N Mrs. Harding has been in this section were put to work la-’ week rebuilding of Horn.-to*! Knirv No. 1211? IS. R atWM for NW ■>’. T.uvrwhi »G Se uth. Hamrv 2 fur the past three months and becom­ the fishway at the Ament dam across w « N t . W W - S.vtiou lian * tu* Mentiva, h - «ht* m» tira of in- U Km'-Y*T.r Proof- torn- ing very enthusiastic over the climate Rogue river mar Giants Pass. The '•ntî.r, h to. tiln ns*k< tut!'* V lai*1 ».N*-» «|»*rrtt«d. bifore and business prospects, induced her new fishway will a . foot channel cut t.iMi A4' H. lai non. l T S. f\»ir.rnisi»i.in«*r. at Mrdfonb Trespass noti«: as. printed on fk>th g un. on eh* 1st day of i^pt . Husband and hia associate to dispose of around the south s id e of the dam and Or- Claimant i a nw as witii«o.«t. Al Chitrnoen. for sale at this office. ¡0 cents per will lie finished with cement. It will Mr*, ! ChiteTMirn. Harry Hay«**, i>*lemun Hay®*, their California interests and come here tf all of Contrai Point Ortgun. B JOIIN L. E . dozen. take about two months to complete it. Sat Mar. to i cable. sale or The Hutchason Company, Medford Saturday Monday Tuesday ir e 13 Cent Sale Saturday Monday Tuesday um HUTCHASON B aker-H utchason, CRYSTAL Wireless THE O. 13. NASH, PROP. Telephone Stock Hot Peanuts, Fresti <± Sw eet Cigars, Tobaccos, Confectioneries Hotel Houston G. S. Moore, _ Central Point Meat Market I PONIES and CARTS | EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR TIIE | f ASHLAND CREAMERY RUTTER ? ! Central Point Meat Market I GIVEN AWAY ...........t A GROWING BUSINESS hi fo r p u b l ic a t io n A. P. G1LLETT & SON j jum m a a kn ddt Try an Ad in THE HERALD