CENTRAL POINT HERALD. THURSDAY MAY 13, 1909. We are operating a Planing Mill in connection with our Retail Yard and are equipped to give Tinish in Special Dimensions. you Interior Freshly milled stock has many advantages over stock that has been on hand and our facilities fo r supplying you with everything needed in vour building is what makes our’ s the Leading Lumber Yard in Southern Oregon BIG PINES LUMBER COM PANY I Me.” ! At Start'8 he found a large crowd of the new men, who welcomed him I heartily, plying him with countless questions and harking to his maudlin tales of this new country which to him was old. He had followed the muddy river from Crater lake to .the delta, searching the bam and creek beds lu a tireless quest till he knew each etream I and tributary, aud. like Gale, he had lived these many years ahead of the | law, where each man was his own ! court of appeals and where crime waa unknown. “Oh, there's lots of countries worse'u this," he declared. "W e may not be very han'aome to the naked eye, and W e may not wear our handk’chlefs In our shirt cuffs, but there ain’t no wld- ders and orphans doin’ our wasbin', aud a man can walk away from his house, stay a month and And it there when he comes back.” “Those days are past." said Stark. "There’s too mauy new people coming in for all to be honest." "They'd better be,” said Lee ag- gresslvely. “ We ain't got no room for stealers. Wby, I had a hand In rnakln’ the bylaws of this camp myself, ’long with John Gale, and they stlp'lates that any person caught robbln’ a cache Is to be publicly whipped In front of the tradin’ post; then, If It’s winter time, he’s to be turned loose on the Ice barefooted, or. If It's summer, he’s to A G ood Spring Tonic will purify your blood, invigorate your system and renew your bodily strength for the strenuous work of the coming busy season. We sell all the leading Spring Rem­ edies and can supply you with your favorite whenever you call. Prescriptions Filled Carefully From Fresh, Pure Drugs Central Point Pharmacy, M A R Y A . MEE, ■H - M - H -I"H "I"M - I"1- H - l-H - I - H - H - H - Poprieto •¡- 1- Ì- H - I - H - 1- H - Ì - H ' l - l - 1 I- 11 t- H - H - H - ¡CENTRAL POINT REAL ESTATE C0.I X C. S. Sanderson, M an ager Farm and ^Fruit Lands, City Property, Business Opportunities, Mining Stocks For Sale. Special attention given to rentings, care and'nian- agement o f property. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. Coal Entry Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, March 20. 1909. Notice is hereby given that Ellsworth Finch, o f J Medford. County o f Jackson. State o f Oregon, on March 17, 1909. filed in this office Application to Purchase, under the provisions o f section 2847, U. S. Revised Statute«, the SEVi o f Section 20, Town- ! ship 35 South, Range 1 East, W. M. Any and all persons claiming adversely the lands described, or desiring to object for any rea­ son to the sale thereof to applicant, should file their affidavit* o f protest in this office on or before the 15th day o f May, 1809, otherwise the applica­ tion may be allowed. BENJAM IN L. EDDY. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Coal Entry No. 04770. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, March 29, 1909. Notice ia hereby given that Jarr.es Bowling, o f Medford, County o f Jackson. State'of Oregon, on March 17, 1909, filed in this office Application to Purchase, under the provisions o f section 2347, U. S. Revised Statute*, the NEH of Section 20, Town­ ship 35 South. Range 1 Blast, W. M. Any and all persons claiming adversely the lands described, or desiring to object for any rea­ son to the saie thereof to applicant, should file their affidavits o f protest in this office on or before the 15th day o f May, 1909. otherwise the applica­ BENJAM IN L. EDDY. . tion may be allowed. Register, ¡& ; j i NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Coal Entry No. 04769. X _____________ I “THE OAKS” GEO. M. BO R D EAU X, Proprietor : C Oregon G R IM City Draying and Transfer C e n tr a l R o in t, All kinds o f hauling promptly done. EUROPEAN O rego n Retail Dealer in Wood. FINE SAMPLE ROOM PLAN Hotel Nash The Home o f Commercial and Mining Men H o te l Naw li Co.. P ro p rieto r« M e d fo r c L O re g o n Dining-room Unsurpassed. Refurnished Throughout. and General Teaming “W E PLAY NO FAVORITES” C E N T R A L PO IN T : OREGON. C ENTRAL POINT LODGE NO. NOTICE FOR PU BLICATION . Coal Entay No. 04761. 1SS I. O . O . F . Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon. March 20. 1909. N otice is hereby given that John P. Molony, of Medford. County ot Jackson, State o f Oregon, on March 15, 1909, filed in this office Application to Purchase, under the provisions o f section 2847, U. S. Revised Statutes, the NWV* of Section 18, Township 35 South. Range 1 East, W. M. Any and all persons claiming adversely the lands describee, or desiring to object fo r any rea­ son to the sale thereof to applicant, should file their affidavits o f protest in this office on or before the 15th day o f Mav, 1909. otherwise the applica­ tion may he allowed. BENJAMIN L. EDDY.. Register Meets every Saturday evening at 7:30 p. m. in A. 6 . U. W . Hall, comer Second and Pine Sts. Visit­ ing brothers are specially invitdto meet with us when in tswn. J as . E. G r i e v e , Gey. L. F ord , Secretary. Noble Grand. PROFESSIONAL ■ ■——— * »■» ' ... i i i — .i ■ i Drs. Anderson & Pollnitz D .E. DAVIS Resident Dentist - - - Oregon j the open spuce before the bar. M edford Notional bank United States Land Office, “Let’s have a look at yoif,” he pant­ In the County Court of the State o f Oregon, for Roseburg, Oregon, March 2. 1909. Jackson County. ed. “ Well, if i t ain’t a nigger!” $50.000.00 N otice is hereby given that in pursuance o f the In the matter o f the administration o f the estate CAPITAL “What's up?” cried the men crowd­ United States Mining Laws J. T. Hagan, whose o f Philip L. Simpkins, deceased. Poet Office addreaa ia Tolo, Oregon, in behalf of N otice is hereby given that, by an order o f the ing about $ 1 0 ,0 0 0 .0 0 . . . the __ prisoner, , who crouched. , . . i himself and Thomaa B. Wilson, co-ow ner with County Court o f the County o f Jackson. State of J U R P L U J terror Stricken, ID tbfficial Plat Survey Simpkins, deceased. . . . . - .» . . -r, . __ No. 704 and by the field-note* on file in the office All pe rsons having claims against the said de­ IlC 8 a thief, said Kuunion, mop- | o f the Register o f the Roaeburg Land ceased District, or his estate are hereby notified and re­ We transact a General Banking pfner the sweat from his brow. “ I ! S U te o f Oregon. Said Placer Claim being the quired to present the same, with the proper vouch­ . . . . . a ii «.a, v. W est half e f the North«iaat «t 'srter o f Section ers. to me. the undvrsigrud administratrix, at my caught lllm after your grub pile, Stark. Nineteen. Township Thirty-six South, Range Two residence at Central Point, Jackson County, O re­ Business and respectfully solieit He dropped a crate O f ham« when I : West. W. M. and also for Patent for that portionl gon, within six months from the date hereof. . . . , . , . - or halva Lard urn L«xle Claim, beginning at the your patronage. P hkona S im pkins . c a m e upon » u m a t ld tried to run, but I corner Number One, which is identical with the ■ Administratrix. dropped him.” A trickle of blood corner »um ber one o f the location, and rtmwtog ! Dated this 15th day o f April, A. D. 1909. . , . . » » « , . thence East (variation 19deg. East) riv e Hundred i from the negro 8 head showed how he Forty and Fifty Four Hundredths feet to corner j hnd been fe P e d number Tw o: thence South 72 deg. East Variation 19 deg. East. Eight Hundred Nineteen and Fifty ! ! Huntiredths feet to corner number Three; thence* ^ “ ' - i ' | South (variation 19 deg. East) Fifty Tw o and Fifty (To b e C o n t i n u e d .) ' Seven Hundredths feet to corner Num ber Four; ! thence N«>rth72 t a b l e t « r e \ i e v e / h e ! The location o f theSalva Lardum Lode is re- L iv e r 1 a b le ts , i n e t a D ie t s r e l i e v e t n e corded in ^ oWce o f th e R e o r d e r o f Jackaon ill feeling at once, strengthen the d i - i County, Oregon, on pages 312 and 313 Volume 3, .. . . „ 4 , Mining Records o f Jackaon County. Oregon, gestive functions, puriiy the stomach ] Any and all persons claiming adversely any l iv p r a n d b lo n d h p ln in cr t h p « v « t p m t o ' portion o f said Mine or Surface ground are re- nver ana Diooa, neiping tne system to , (Juirwl to th*ir aiverse claims with the Regin- do its work naturally ---- M r s . R o s a ! tei- o f the United State* Land Office at Roseburg. „ r,. . , .. , in the State o f Oregon, during the sixty days P o t t s , Birmingham, Alabama. These period o f publication thereof, or they win he are or sale by Mary A. Mee. i b*rr' d Mr vlrtur. of th. p wj™»« ■ ■ ■ 1 - "| • ■ - — j Register. D. LI V E R Y Land Office at Roseburg. Oregon, SUMMONS. March 23. 1909. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS Notice is hereby given that Myrtle McDow, o f . In the Circuit Court o f the State o f Oregon, o f ; Medford. County of Jackson, State of Oregon, on the County of Jackson. Office second floor John Rosa building, March 17. 1909. filed in this office Application to Della Noffsinger, plaintiff, vs. Thomas K. N off- j ever Herald office, Pine street. Purchase, under the provisions o f section 2847 U. singer, defendant. S. Revised Statutes, the W v-ofN E V * of Section To Thomas K. NofTsing*r. the above named de- | Residence at Central Point Hotel be set adrift on a log with his .hlrt | the fendant. In the name o f the State o f Oregon, | Phones; Bear Creek, Table Rock. Trail Creek you are hereby required to appear and answer the o f f .’» 1 lands (Inscribed, or oesiring to object fo r any rea- complaint o f the above plaintiff in the above en­ W illow Springs euch!XXf> to the sale thereof to applicant, should ^nle titled Court, now on file with the Clerk o f said i “ Either would mean certain deutb, | son their affidavit* o f protest in this office on or before Court, within ten days from the date o f service of C E N TR A L P O I N T ...........................O R E M * paid a stranger—“frost in winter, mos­ the 15th day o f May, 1909, otherwise the applica- this Summons upon you, if served in Jackson | ' BENJAM IN L. EDDY. tion may be allowed. County, Oregon; but if served in any other county I quitoes in summer!” Register. in the State o f Oregon, then within twenty days •That's all right,” another bystander from the date o f the service of this Summons upon , r you; or if personally serve«! on you «iut o f the i declared. “A man’s lffe depends on NOTICE FOR PU BLICATION . State o f Oregon, then within six weeks after the 1 his grub up hero, and I’d be in favor of date o f such service; and if served by publication Coal Entry No. 04771. thereof, then within six weeks from the date o f ! enfdrdug that punishment to the let­ Practical, Modern Dentistry the first publication, and you are hereby notified j ter." that if you fail to appear and answer said com- , at Live and Let Live Prices Lard Office, at Roseburg, Oregon, plaint, as hereby required, the plaintiff will apply “All the same, I take no chances,” March 20. 1909. to the said Court for the relief demanded in said | Office over Hatfield's Store said Stark. ‘There’s too many stran­ Notice is hereby given that William T. Goulder, complaint, to-wit: For a decree dissolving the i marriage contract existing between the plaintiff I o f Medford. County o f Jackson, State o f Oregon, gers here. Just to show you how I and the defendant. on March 17, 1909, filed in this office Application Under and by virtue o f an order made by the | etund, I’ve put Runnion on guard over to Purchase, under the provisions o f section 2347, H. K. Hanna, a judge o f said Court, dated my pile of stuff, and I’ll be glad when U. S. Revised Statutes, the NW14 o f Section 20, Hon. the 9th day o f April, 1909, this Summons is serve«! Q R .H . P. H A R G R A V E Township 35 South, Range 1 East, W . M. it’s under cover. It Isn’t the severity Any and all persons claiming adversely the on the defendant by the publication thereof for successive weeks in the Central Point Herald, PHYSICIAN AN D SURGEON of punishment that keeps a man from lands described, or desiring to object for any rea­ six son to the sale thereof to applicant, should file a weekly newsprpar printed and published at going wrong; it*s the certainty of it.” their affidavits o f protest in this office on or before Central Point. Oregon, and the defendant, by said Office over First NaSioaal Beak is required to e p p d ir and ariHWcr within ‘'Well, he’d sure get it, and get it the 15th day o f May, 1909. otherwise the applica­ orde-, six weeks from the date o f the first publication tion may be allowed. BE N JAM IN L. EDDY. .M edford I S * Oregoe proper, in this camp,” declared Lee, ' ____________ Register, hereof. Date o f first publication April 15, 1909. and at that moment, us If his words E. D. Bmr,<;s. Ashland, Oregon. bad been n challenge, the flaps of the NOTICE O F APPLIC ATIO N FOR PATE N T. j . A. n n n y v ie e . p * e t Attorney for Plaintiff, J. t . C N Y A tl, great tent were thrust aside, and Run- Mineral Application No. 0728. nion half led, half threw a man into AD M IN ISTRA TO R’S NOTICE. Biliousness and Constipation. : M URRAY Central Point LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH US; WE GAN SELL IT. Medford FERGUSON & NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. D«*gartment o f the Interior, Land Office at Roue- burg. Oregon. April £7. 1999. Notice is hereby given that AdaC. Dlteworth, o f Peyton. Oregon, who. on A ugust 20th. 1907. made Homestead Entry No. 14513 (S. R .94241), fo r NFJ . o< SWW Section 20, Township 33 South. Range 2 East, W illamette Meridian, Has filed notice o f in- tent ion to make Final Commutation Proof, to es- Lablisb claim to the land above d«*cnbed. before W H. Canon. U. S. Commissioner, at Medft/rd, O re fo a , on the 18th day o f June. 1909 Claimant name* as wit»e**es. John Richardson, Frank Ditaworth. Luther East. J. F. DiUworth. all o f Peyton. Oregon. B e n j a m in L. E ddy . Reg inter. | NOTICE O P G U A R D IA N 'S SA L E O P R E A L E ST4T E . i ' In the Probata Court fo r Jackson County. State o f Oregon, N otice is hereby given that I. Burton E. Hurd, | at Central Point, in said county and state, as guardian o f the estate o f Jobie SwimHar. a minor, will sell the following described real estate o f said ' minor, to-w it: An undivided one-half interest m the N /W . Vi o f N. E. '/« and East V9 o f N. E. 1 1 o f Section 36. Towtship 36 South. Rang* 2 West, W. M.. at private sale, from arid after S a t u r d a y , June 4. 1909. That said premise* will be sold on the following terms; Not less than 1250.00 cash and all o f the halanae in cash on o r before live month* afterdate o f sale. B urton E. H u r d . Dated April 28, 1909. Guardian. 3d7 NOTICE FO R PUBLICTION. United State* Land Offiea, Roaeburg. Oregon. April 27. 1909. N etice is hereby given that John N. Havee. o f ( Central Point. Oregon, who. on OcUiber 14th. 1902. IC E ‘ FOR PUBLICATION. made Homestead Entry No. 12117 (S R 0I M ) , 1 >r NVfc o f N W b Section 22. Township 36 South, Range 2 West, W illamette Meridian, ha* filed no­ Department o f the Interkir. tice o f Wi tent »on to make Final five year proof, to establish claim te the land above d*»cnb#d. before U. S. Land Office at Roaeburg. Oregon. April 1». 1909. W. H. Canon. U. S. Commissioner, at Medford, Oregon, on the 18th day o f June. 1909. N otice is hereby given that George A. Aetzef, of I Claimant namea as witnesses: All Chitenden, Olympia. Washington, who. on November 10. 13f«6, Mrs. All Chitenden. Harry Hayea. GArman Hayes made Timber Application No. 03168. f o r Ix»U 13 ; all o f Central Point. Oregon. ar*914. E ' j o i S w ' i. Section 6. Township ri'cith. BEN JAM IN L. EDDY. Register Range 1 We*t, Willamette Meridian, filed notice ■»{ intention to make Final Proof, to estab­ lish claim to the land above dcHcnheri. before the F or S ale —A splendid 4-year-old Register and Receiver at Roseburg. Oregon, on the 3rd day o f July. 1909. Claimant name* a* witnesf-e*; Bernard Kraken- j horse, brand new harness, new stand­ berger and Warren Beatty o f Ronegurg. Oregon- a rd gajrue rubber-tired top-buggy. Call <#rant Taylor o f Winchester. Oregon; C. Ef. o f Olympia. Washington. at Dr. E. Davis’ dental office, Central %»rit»ger and R. L. Dunn BEN JAM IN L EDDY. Register« Point. 2ti MEDFRODDOMESTIC LAUNDRY. NOTICE FO R PU BLICATION . Department o f the Interi«>r. U. S. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon. April 8. 1909. N otice is hereby given that Edmund Peile. of Trail. Oregon, who, on June 9. 1904, made Home­ stead Entry No. 19600 S. R. 03760, for NV*of NWVi, Section 28, Township 34 South. Range 1 Went, Willamette Meridian, ha* filed notice of intention to make Final five year Proof, to establish claim to the land aliove described, before W. H. Canca, U. 8. Commissioner, at Medford, Oregon, on the 12th day o f June. J909. Claimant names a s witnesses William T. Hous­ ton, o f Trail, Oregon; Edward C. Welch, o f C'-en- tral Point, Oregon; John B. Welch, o f Asbestos, Oregon, and Albert C Waldron, o f Trsil Oregon. BEN JAM IN L. EDDY. Glen Eabrick, Prop. All kinds Laundry work solicited Leave package at Stone’s barber shop or see T. J. Kelso who will call for R eg ister. and deliver family work. Work guaranteed. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Prices right. Coal Entry No. 04825. U M OtTiceat R«*sel»urg, Oregon, April 6. 19091 | Notice is hereby given that John M. Wills, o f 1 Medford. County o f Jackson, State o f Oregon, on j April 1, 1900, filed in this office Application •. Purchase, under the provision* o f section 2347, U. | S. Revised Staate*. the SEV« o f Section 22, Town- ! ship ;if> South. Ftange 1 East, W M. Any and all person* claiming adversely th<- lands de»« riEjed, or deairing to object for any rea­ son to the ^ !e thereof to applicant, should file j their afthlavit* o f protest in this office on or before ; the 20th day o f May, 1909. otherwise the applies- \ t!on may be allowed. BEN JAM IN L. EDDY, Register. Co>y Entry N«*. 94826. Subscribe Xvr the H erald . P re s s e d , R epaired. ALL WOK K GUARANTEED. J. D . W IL L IA M S . Lend Office at ttooeburg, Oregon. Dr E. Davi«, thè «lentiet, ir nt>w prepared to Rive one and all finit ela** Service at hi* pennarient office in thè Hatfield buildin*. 49tf C leaned, Leave orders and packages at Williams Hotel. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. April 6. 190». Notice in hereby given that Eugene E. Jones. o f Medford, County o f Jackson, State o f Oregon, on April 1, 1909. filed in this office Application to > Purchase, under the provisions o f start ion 2347. U. ; 8. Revised Statute*, the NEV« o f Section 22. Tow n­ ship 35 South. Rang» 1 East. W. M Anjf and all person* rlatRung adversely the landviein-riljoil. or desiring to object for any rea- son to the sale thereof to applicant should file , their affidavits o f protest in this offic on or I»efore the 20th day o f May. 1909. otherwise theapp li'’» - tion may lie allowed. BEN JAM IN L. E L D Y , C L O T H I N G - j i J ( ! , Old newsp8()ur* Pur sale. Twenty five for a nickel art the Herald office. A Hfdlind Salve for Sums, (happtd Hands and .Sore Nipples. A* E healing salve for burn*. *nrc% wire nipple* and chapix d hand« Cham­ berlain’ * Salve ia moat excellent. It allays the paw of a hum almaet instant­ ly. and unit»* the Injury ¡» vary »evera, heal* the part* without leaving a acac. Price 25 cents. For sale by Mary A. Mee.