Central Point herald. (Central Point, Or.) 1906-1917, May 13, 1909, Image 1

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    C entral
VOL. 4
Educational Meeting.
Pacific & Eastern Changes Hands.
H erald
po in t
Building Operations.
MAY 13, 1909.
Recent Deaths.
Chalmers Gillmore has just finished a
J. R. Allen of New York, a well
The Teachers’ Educational Meeting
known mine owner anU railroad man, pretty cottage on north Third street.
held in the opera house Friday and
has purchased the Pacific & Eastern
F. F. Clark has secured the contract
Saturday o f last week was one railroad from Edgar Hafer and associa­
for building a handsome residence for
of the most interesting and successful tes. Negotiations which have been car-
W. E. Alexander on his property at
gatherings of its kind ever held in ! ried on for a month past were brought Oak and Fifth streets. The building
Jackson County. The first session con- A ° a successful conclusion Saturday, will be 28x40 and will be modern in all
vened Friday evening at 8:00 o'clock, when the stock was fonyarded to the ! appointments.
when a most interesting program was purchaser, who will extend the road to
rendered by pupils of the Central Point the Bi g Butte timber belt, a friendly | L. G. Quigley has secured the con-
public schools and other local talent. agreement having been made with the tract for building a handsome bungalow
Southern Pacific, which will furnish the f° r J- 0« Isaacson, cashier of the Cen-
The program follows:
tral Point bank. The building will con­
Instrumental Solo - -
tain six rooms, with all modem con­
and Olsson
veniences. Work will be commenced
(Negro Dialect)
Miss years ago, when he purchased for Robt.
Gladys Holmes! S. Towne of New York the Blue Ledge at once.
N O . 4
Railroad Erom Crescent City. Calif.,
Constance Heatherly.
Medford Finally Wins.
to Central Point.
There were things doing at the Med­
ford baH park Sunday afternoon, when
the Medford team, reinforced by Jack­
sonville and some other towns, cleaned
up both Hilts and Central Point in a
double header engagement. Hilts took
the first turn at the game, and for nine
long innings there was an aggregation
of errors on both sides that would be
difficult to duplicate in any state in the
Union. Neither side had any edge
over the other, however, in the way o f
fuss and fumbles until the eighth, when
the score was switched from the Cali­
fornia boys’ favor to Medford’ s column.
The game was interesting all right,
even though the players were all frozen
stiff as graven images. And it really
was the weather that was to blame for
the entire trouble, for the way the
cold wind howled over the diamond
was a caution. During the two hours
that the Hilt game lasted the Central
Point team sat around and shivered
and when thair game was called the
boys were humped up like a bunch of
maverick steers in a Wyoming blizzard.
The first game was just good practice
for Medford and they went into the
second game in good feather. The first
Eirsl Strawberries May 8th.
| two innings settled the cathop for Cen­
tral Point to the tune of four to noth­
A. C. Chittenden, who grows small ing, but after that the Pointers got
fruits and vegetables on Rogue river, , warmed up and played the game. For
3j miles north o f Central Point, supply­ | six innings everybody played ball, with
ing in a large measure the local market, not the shadow of a tally on either side
brought the first ripe strawberries to I and in the ninth Medford scratched in
town Saturday morning. The soil in j another one and won the game by a
Mr. Chittenden’s locality is specially big margin. The game showed, how-
adapted to berries and small fruits and | ever, that the two teams are pretty
some day that will no doubt be an im- f evenly matched under equal conditions
portant industry to help in the develop- and lovers of the game may expect
ment of Central Point.
j some good entertainment during the
j remainder of the season.
After the game the team managers
TnC City Well.
I from Grants Pass, Central Point, Jack-
sonville and Medford got together and
Work at the city well is progressing \ formed a league and arranged a sched-
satisfactorily although there has been ule of games. Central Point will play
some delay during the week occasioned Jacksonville next Sunday at the latter
by the pump. The small pump first in- place and Medford will play at Grants
stalled soon proved inadequate for the | Pass.
work and a four inch pump was substi­
Manager Grieve will make, an effort
tuted. The well is down a little more
than 30 feet and is now in coarse grav­ to secure funds with which to erect a
el. A strong flow of water may be grandstand on the local grounds in
found at any time but it is hardly ex­ order to better accommodate the fans,
pected that a sufficient amount will be as well as to secure n e c e s s a r y
struck short of 40 feet and it is possi­
ble the depth may be considerably deep­ funds with which to keep up his team's
er than that.
share of the expense money.
The remains of Constance Heatherly
At the last reSular meeting of the
who died recently in a hospital at Los I Commercial Club the matter of sub-
Angeles, California, were brought to 1 mittinK a proposition to representatives
this place for interment, the funeral j o f the Oregon Southern R. R. Co. offer­
being held from the residence of Mrs. i ing dePot £ rounds a«d terminal facili-
W. A. Owen Saturday, May 8th, at ties was favorably considered. After
10 o ’clock a. m. Interment was in’ the a ful1 ,iiseussion of the matter a
Central Point cemetery.
; special committee consisting of W. C.
! Leever, J. W. Merritt and I. C.
p ,
Robnett was appointed to handle the
Virginia, the two-yoar-old daughter
The company now being formed pro­
of Mr. and Mrs. George Pankey, who poses to build and equip a railroad
reside at the Lewis orchard, east of from Crescent City, California, to Cen­
Bear creek, died very suddenly last tral Point, Oregon, and on to the coal
Thursday night at about 11 o’clock.
mines east of this city. The promoters
The family had driven into town in of the new company claim to haye al­
the evening, returning at about 10:00 ready completed preliminary arrange­
o ’clock and were preparing to retire, ments for financing the road, and it is
when the baby was siezed with a fit of said work will be commenced on the
coughing. She asked for a drink of line from this city to the coal mines at j
milk and while drinking the milk it an early date. This portion of the road
seemed to strangle and died almost can be quickly built and put in operation,
immediately, before help could be but it is expected that nearly three
The heartbroken parents years will be required in which to
have the earnest sympathy of the en­ complete the road to Crescent City.
The new road will be more than 100
tire community in their sorrow.
The funeral was held from the resi­ miles long and will make possible the
dence Saturday afternoon, Rev. T. M. profitable working of the coal beds in
Jones conducting the service. Inter­ this valley on an extensive scale.
ment was made in the Central Point
Vocal Solo (Negro Song) Water Hawk ! •°PPer mine. He is familar with local
Work has been commenced on a new
Clifford' Hatfield ! canditions and it is popularly supposed building on Fourth street which is being
Vocal Solo
Mrs. McKillop he represents Mr. Towne in the pur- built especially as a home for the Cen­
Address ’ ’Industrial Education” Prof, j chase of the Pacific & Eastern, though tral Point Herald. The building is
H. M. Shafer of the Ashland Normal. ! no statement to this effect has been is- 28x28 and will give plenty of room for
The opera house was well filled to sued. He is associated with Mr. Towne the accommodation o f the growing
enjoy the program, every number of in various enterprises. Mr. Towne has business. C S. Sanderson & Sons have
which was of high merit. Miss Holmes long contemplated building a railroad to the contract.
and Master Hawk in their darkey im­ his copper mine, and it is presumed that
The new Whiteside building is rapidly
personations brought down the house this is a preliminary step, and that the nearing shmpletion. The lower floor
and called forth hearty encores, as did
will be occupied by Ed Whiteside as a
both o f the musical numbers. Prof belt on the northeast to the Blue Ledge harness and saddle manufactory and
Shafer’s address was timely and well on the southwest, tapping also the coal store and the upper floor will be oc­
though out. His presentation of this fields.
cupied by Drs. Anderson and Pollnitz
That Harriman may be interested in
new movement in educational work was
as offices and by the Commercial Club
the construction of the line, which will
highly appreciated by the audience.
as headquarter rooms.
At the Saturday morning meeting prove a valuable feeder to his main
the following program was enjoyed by system, is indicated by his agreement
to sell the necessary rails to Mr. Al­
those present:
Vocal Solo
Mildred Hawk len. —Tribune.
B. H. Harris And Miss McDow
To whom it may concern:—
Recitation - - - Gladys Stephenson
Married In Vancouver.
This is to certify that November 7,
Vocal Solo - - Miss Catherine Murpy
Train Schedule Shattered.
11938, I resigned as Manager o f the
Instrumental Solo - . Alice Easley
Bert H. Harris, president o f the
---- -—
i Jerry Lumber & Mining Co. and there-
Rose DeFord
The Southern Pacific train schedule j fore take this method of notifying all Butte Falls Lumber Co., was married
Address "Child Study” Prof. S. I.
Watkins, principal of Gold Hill schools. was put out of commission through this j who may be interested in its affairs at Vancouver, Wash., on May 4 to Miss
Prof. Watkins’ address was followed by division Monday on account of a freigh t: that I am not responsible for any of Myrtle McDow, of Medford, by the Rev.
wreck near Kennett, Calif., on the the present acts of 3aid Co.
an impromptu discussion by a number
WALTER H. BOTTORFF. McKinzie, The couple are now east on
l-4 t
o f educators present and was highly south, and a rear end passenger collis- j
ion near West Fork, on the north.
their wedding journey and will visit
interesting and instructive, more espe­
Six freight cars were ditched near
Michigan and other eastern states be­
cially to the teachers present.
Kennett and train 16, due here at 5:35
fore they return, visiting friends in
P. M., did not arrive until after 7 the
Chicago, Kalamazoo and Grand Rapids.
Instrumental Solo - - Miss Mulkey following morning.
(Special Correspondence.)
They will be at home June 1.
Vocal Solo - - Miss Catherina Murphy
The second section of train 15 ran in-
Leslie’s Weekly publishes in its latest
Attorney George H. Durham of
Recitation “ Welcome to Parents and the first section, in tunnel 6, near West number a picture showing the contents Grants Pass was a witness to the cere­
Bessie Randall Fork, derailing the engine and two bag­ of the storeroom on the steamer Ham mony. Dreading the shower of rice
Vocal Solo, Teddy Bears, W alter Hawk gage cars on the second and badly burg, with supplies used for the Fare­ and old shoes that greet bridal couples,
Phonic Drill - - First Grade pupils wrecking the observation car on the well Banquet tendered Roosevelt on his the principals stole away to Portland
Vocal Solo - - Miss Eva Norcross rear of the first section. Several pas- recent trip across the Atlantic. Fore- for the ceremony. Arriving there, a
Song “ The Dollies” First Grade pupils songers and members of the train crew most among the good things displayed license was refused because the Oregon
Vocal Solo
Walter Hawk received slight injuries. The wreck are numerous boxes of Hood River ap- law requires that the license be issued
Address "Co-operation Between Par­ was caused by the failure of the crew pies, and fortunately for Hood River in the county in which one of the cou­
ents and Teachers” Prof. U. G. Smith, on the second section to property ob- and Oregon the boxes are so placed ple resides, and they were about to re­
that the labels are easily read in the turn to Jacksonville, when they found
principal of Medford schools.
serve signals.
Prof. SmitR’s address was an ex­
f picture.
that Vancouver was the Gretna Green
cellent one, pointing out the necessity
Send for F ree Booklet on the im­ I Bascom B. Clarke, editor o f the o f Portland. As Mr. Durham was an
for co-operation between parents and
proved plan of treatment and cure of American Thresherman, the leading old friend of county officials at Vancou­
teachers in order to secure the best Rupture, False Rupture (Varicocele), paper of its kind in the United States; ver, the license was procured after the
results in the school room. His address Nervous Disease and Kidney Affections. ; Lee Hardin, o f Indianapolis, Indiana, courthouse was closed and the Rev. Me.
was followed by a general discussion by
j representing one o f the largest of Kenzie officiated at the ceremony.
Mention this paper.
a number of those present. Miss Mary
Mrs. Harris was formerly secretary
I n valid s ’ H o tel , B uffalo, N. Y . American manufacturers, and Morris
A. Mee, a member o f the local school
; O. Eldredge of the United States De­ to her husband and is popular among a
board, spoke interestingly on this
partment of Agriculture, unite in the large circle of friends. Mr. Harris is a
subject, comparing the metheds of co­
Does nothing to foster or encourage speculation. Its officers and direct­
statement that the Oregon Thresher- prominent lumberman and western rep­
Classy Performers.
operation in the past with those of th e
ors do not speculate and no one will be employed by the bank who
j men held the most successful conven- resentative for Dewing Brothers of
Michigan.—Medford Tribune.
present “ A few years ago,” said the
does. It gives facilities only to legitimate and prudent transact­
The Sells-Floto Shows Consolidated tion of its kind ever £athered together
speaker, “ it was generally understood
ions. It distributes its loans rather than concentrate them in a few
in this country, and that the entertain­
that if a child was punished at school
hands. It pursues a straightforward, upright, legitimate banking
ment at Portland was superior to that
For a bum or scald apply Chamber­
he generally deserved what he got and
business and treats its customers liberally, bearing in mind that
ever given in any other city. These lain’ s Salve. It will allay the pain al­
If he made a complaint at home the ular shows, which toured the country gentlemen were invited out to show most instantly and quickly heal the in­
the bank prospers as its customers prosper.
dose was uValfyTepTaiëd” ^thëw ' with heretofore separately. These shows are ^
" ‘^ J ^ t ^ ^ '^ m T e l v ^ s were
jured parts For sale by Mary A. Mee.
Now. h o w e v e r , this is
recognized as a circus o f the best shown. All agree in giving chief credit
J. W. MERRITT, President
J. O. ISAACSON, Cashier
changed and too o#ten Johnny and cla8s and of the greater kind. The un­ for this success to Secretary Philip S.
Susie get more sympathy at home than
. .
, , . . . Bates o f the Oregon Threshermen.
W. C. LEEVER, Vice-President
all there in the amusement world which |
Our prices are lower than others can
is good for them. ’ ’
is really worth while.
I The 0rcKon Retail. Merchants As-
meet. A word to the wise, etc. Butte
Among the prominent educators of
From the opening phgent to the hip- sociation will entertain the National
the county who were present at the podrome races the acts in these com- Retail Grocers Association, who are Falls Lumber Co.
sessions were: County Superintendent bined shows are of the very best class 1 to be in convention in Portland June
J. Percy Wells, of Jacksonville; Prof. obtainable in Europe and America. The 2nd to 5th, and the Oregon merchants ’ - H - I- M T t H -l- 1 i I I H -M 1 I |,i„:-|- |- |„|„i„|,.|.,i..i„H . h.H -b 'I"M "l"i' Fl 1 I 1 I"l"b H -l-H -K -H -H -M -K -t-l-H -H -b -I-l-H -
Moore, principal o f the Jacksonville Nelson Family is a marvelous novelty will circulate in advance a beautiful
schools; Prof. H. M. Shafer, of the [ act, seen for the first time in this souvenir programme, which will be one
Ashland Normal; Prof. U. G. Smith, country in many seasons, they having of the best advertisements of this state
principal of the Medford schools; Prof. been abroad. The Bartik Troupe have ever printed. Going into the hands of
S. I. WatKins. principal of the Gold never been seen in this country before thousands of retail grocers all over the
Hill schools, and Prof. Miller, principal Lon Moore’s brigade of clowns are not country, many of these programmes
of the schools at Kanes creek.
exactly new to the fun-loving public will find their way into the hands of
To Prof. Cooper is due large credit but have many really funny stunts people who want to come to the Pacific
for the success of the meeting. He is which are actually ludicrous and lead Northwest.
doing excellent work in the schools
Klamath Falls is to have a real rail­
all clown stunts.
here and his efforts in the direction of
The Armour big six dapple grays are road, and “ Railroad Day” will be
promoting everything which is for the among the great sights with this im­ celebrated Monday, June 7th Promi-4--
intellectual, social and moral uplift of
nent men from many sections will be
mense circus.
the community should be appreciated
present. There are lots of other com­
by all citizens.
munities in Oregon that would be
Do It Now.
delighted to hold similar celebrations.
Now is the time to get rid o f your In this connection the Lakeview Board
Card oi Thanks
rheumatism. You can do so by apply­ of Trade is Working with Klamath
ing Chamberlain’s Liniment,
Nine Falls toward the construction of roads
We wish to extend our heartfelt cases out of ten are simply muscular which will give LaKeview its share of
thanks to our friends and neighbors for
benefit from the new railroad.
assistance and sympathy shown us at chronic rheumatism, and yield to the
vigorous application of this liniment.
Every commercial body in Oregon
the time of the death and burial of our Try it. You are c°rtam to be delight­
1 that failed to have a representative
ed with the quick relief which it affords.
darling babv.
present at the Oregon Development
M r . ami M r s . G eo . P an key . Sold by Mary A. Mee.
League’s Conference in Eugene last
week missed the most instructive meet­
ing ever held in this state. It goes
without saying that the people of
Eugene gave their visiting friends a
Send your watches b y mail or e x - most hospitable and enthusiastic recep-
Central Point State Bank
Too Busy To Write
Come and See
!! N O T IC E !!
press when in need o f repairs. I tl0n-
will guarantee to return them in The Sherman County Development
League are planning a basket dinner,
good order.
with a full afternoon programme of
M a r t i n J. R e d d y
The Jeweler
Near Post Office
Fine W atch and
Jewelry Repairing
progressive speeches, of which mu. ic
will be a delightful part, for Tuesday,
May Uth.
G U R A M L E l*
Are you going to build this .summer? X
Let us figure on your lumber bill. We T
can prove to you that we will sell you \ J
high grade lumber, delivered on your i X
ground for less money than any other ! T
dealer in the valley- Butte Falls Lum- -¡*
ber Co.
:« f
‘ V
•K-I-K - H t-H I I H I M - 1 l i n i I' M>| p,|..|. H .-H -IH -H -l- H - H -l-H - i- l-l-l- K -H -H l 'H -l-H -l -I-W-H I I 144» - ;