C E N T R A L P O IN T H E R A L D . T H U R S D A Y . M ARCH 11. 1909. C entral P oint H erald S k e lid fro m S. A. P a TTISON, I’ U UUSI1 EH Unde Sam Murray has just discovered ti at hi1 has been in a trance lor the past 50 or 75 years and during all that time lie never discov- ered what he was good for. The other day hedropp. d a soda crack­ er on his foot, smashed his toe, awoke with a start and—made the greatest ihscovery of the age, to-wit: He had discovered that he was intended for a grocer and he has stiuek his calling and is ¡..dependent local newspaper devoted to the interests o f Cent nil Point and the Rogue River Valley. Published Every Thursday. Sibscripttoit or ice, $1.50 per year, in advuwee. A ll Now SeHing Groceries I.ntei-.l as Second-class Matter, May 1. 1.».):!, at the Post (Hike at Central Point, ©regon, under the Act of Congress of March II, lhV'J. lilt He is uept so busy making his customeis happy, practicing theGal- den Rule, and restoring the lost art of telling the truth that he has no time to gro w old or to part his hair in the middle. Call and see this wonderful man. Admission is fixe at LltC MON. M u rray & lonJon AprJe Mdrktt He; oi l. 0 T r a lic e K e l s o e ’s, Y FIR R E S U L T o f tho city elee- D.iALLKb IN GOt*i* THINGS TO EAT ■ lion Monday i.i one o f the must important local happenings In the history of Contra! Point. By the expressed will o f the peo­ ple and by an overwhelming ma- j irity the death knell o f the old regime has been sounded and Central Point has at last taken JESSE APPLEGATE, PETER APPLEGATE, her place with other progressive :: ..I towns and cities of the state \ Abstracter Purveyor S i,l ,A l iI 2 i i O ^ Mi which are beginning to unite ?! Five years experience on Twenty years experience in s-tsa I f a r s a a r ì j - j ì s i k s - their efforts in the building of l i ( i t s c io , i ' o t r r : .lc t i!« r •.Sect locnlio’i. lo'i • • L G / e I>. w i t Leli c e ll direct d ire c t to b> i' • tion assured. Estimates fur- o f Jackson County for sale. » V- ¿e sci:;*‘ . icn > iio.ie v.' oo pvasession k description wcl & u’ - tc This is as it should be, and I Ci.n ’ < ■ * h i. ■ A* , ,. nishen on all kinds o f con­ ■j ki S m »3 now we should all unite in keep­ aram JACKSONVILLE, ORE struction work. ing the ball o f progress rolling * » » » » i t i i i i r i i T ^ i i " i r .. which has at last been started under such auspicious circum­ stances. When practically all o f the peo­ ple of a town express themselves as being for improvements as they did here Monday there is no occasion for the town to ever take another backward step, and if our course can be kept on the same line we have started on we will soon have a town here sec­ will purify your blood, invigorate ond to none in Southern Oregon in modern c o n v e n i e n c e s and your system and renew your bodily DAILY pleasant surroundings. strength for the strenuous work of During March and April Lot us all forget the “ late un­ the coming busy season. pleasantness’ ’ and unite into a from all Parts of the Fast boosters’ club with the single VIA W e sell all the leading Spring Rem­ purpose of making our town the UNION PACIFIC edies and can supply you with best ever. OREGON SHORT LINE The Herald did all that it could your favorite whenever you call. to help carry tho election for THE OREGON progress and better general con­ Railroad & Navigation Co. ditions and it is glad that it done SOUTHERN PACIFIC so. The Herald was not alone in the good work, however. $33 from Chicago Every progressive citizen, every $30.50 from St. Louis far-sighted business man and $25 from Omaha every “ live wire” in tho town was squarely in the fight for $25 from Kansas City MARY A. MEF, Proprietor water and all kinds o f progress, Correspondingly low from all other points. and every one of them is entitled to credit for the good work done. TO THE PUBLIC W e are just getting started in •H -l-H -H -H -l-l-H -t -W-k -t-K -H -H -H - Write letters to everybody you know the good work. in the East and tell them about these low colonist rates. Send them litera­ ture about Oregon, or send their ad­ ft is no wonder the water dresses to U3 and we will do it. In this proposition and the progressive ! C . S. S an d erson , M an ager way you can be a great help in the candidate for mayor won out growth and progress of your state. Farm and Fruit Lands, City Property, Business Monday by such overwhelming Opportunities, Mining Stocks For Sale. majorities. T&e, ladies o f the APPLEGATE & APPLEGATE Surveyors and Abstracters I Filled Carefully GENTRAL POINT REAL ESTATE G0.j YOU CAN REPAY FARES Special attention given to rentings, care and man- agement o f property. LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH US; WE CAM SELL J . 4 - H -l"l"l- l-H -M -l- l- H -l- H - H - l- H - l- I- b,»-»- t- H - l- l - 1 - 1 -L"M - M- H - M - M 1 1 I I I- “ Vote 'er w e t " wa>*the battle cry among the progressive Mon­ day. It was a good slogan and “ an easy one to holler” and it had no reference to anything but just pl ain water. There was not an “ anti’ in sight Tuesday morning. A» vro approneli tho Lincoln cento •inry It (» well to recall the marvelous amstery of the ICngllsIi language ac qii I m l by one who bail but a few month»' real sekool training lu hi» whole life This country has pro wit: An umtK-ided one-half interest m the N. W. i» o f N. R V. ami East S o f N E of Section Tifftship 36 South. Rang* 2 West. W. M.. at private sale, from ar.d after The relation between aeroplanes and •toot annulions Is very cloudy, ex rept that noil her seem to regulate •Iwtr ups sud downs by schedule S aturo a t . M arch 27. 1909. •------------- ------------ Trespass notices, printed on doth, j far sale at this office. 50 cents per dozen. tf i Job W o r k N e a tly House Cleaning Paints, Stains and Varnishes Make the old house look like a new one Sporting Goods j Finest line of trout flies and all fishing tackle. D one. :. r~ That said prsmiaes will be sold on the following . terms Not less than fCM'.Oe cash and afl o f the balance in cash on or before Ève month? after date o f sale. J o » M. S wimeiah » Dated February 23, 19W* 4W49 The Hardware Man W . C. LEEVER, C e n tr a l P o in t M a r k e t LEWIS & SONS, Props. Fresh and Salt Meats B e e f, P ork , M u tto n a n d V e a l. Highest Market Price Paid for Beef, Pork and Mutton. W e invite your patronage. D. C. C E N T R A L P O IN T , ORE. G R IM C ity Draying and T r a n s fe r C e n tra l F*oint. All kinds o f hauling promptly done. OU I R CLUBBING OfFERS. O regon Retail Dealer in Wood. CEN TRAL POINT LODGE NO. 198 ^ I. O. O. F. By special arrangements with the t Meets every Saturday evening evening at publishers, the Herald is able to make 7:30 p. m. in A. O. U. W. Hall, the following attractive clubbing offers | comer Second and Pine Sts. Visit­ o r the coming year. Any of these| ing brothers are specially invitd to • , ! meet with us when in t»wn. combinations will give you a large E rnkst H a t h a w a y , J . W . J a c o b s , amount of high class reading matter _ Secretary. Noble Grand, for the year at a lower price than ever before offered. P R O F E S S IO N A L ■The Herald gu, es you the local news of your neighborhood. It is continually J EROME L. RAWHOUSER boosting your town and community, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. thereby enhancing the value of your Office second floor John Ross building. property and helping your business. over Herald office, Pine street. As a business proposition you should Call residence from office phone when support the hlerald and as a matter of necessary, day or night. keeping in touch with your own com­ CENTRAL POINT ......................... OREGON munity you should read it. Read these clubbing offers and then £ ) R. H. P. HARGRAVE send in or bring your subscription. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON $1 50 Herald $1.50 McClures Magazine Office over First National Bank Womans Home Comp. $1.25 Medford s S s t Oregon $3.00 Review of Review# $7.25 Total for anyone from any place if you want Our price for all to. Deposit the necessary amount with our local agent anil he will telegraph Herald $1.50 tickets promptly. Worlds Work $3.00 Every bodys $1.50 $1.00 Delineator Inquire of Agents or write to $1.00 Better Fruit WM. McMURRAY General Passenger Agent $8.00 Total The Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co. Our price for all Southern Pacific Co. (Lines in Oregon) Herald *1.50 PORTLNAD, OREGON $3.00 Recreation NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. M e d fo r d garden. OREGON1 C e n tr a l P o in t P h a r m a c y , ' beautifying your yard, lawn or RATES From Fresh, Pure Drugs town were practically a unit for water and progress, as they most generally are in all towns. And the ladies, (!od bless them, gen­ erally succeed in having the men vote for what they (the ladies) want, and it is well that such is the case. Anything you may need for L OW A Good Spring Tonic Prescriptions Garden Tools (Reported by W. Dennis 4k Sons. Ltd. I : The apple situation is very much ti e 1 same as reported last week. Supplies all round have been lighter, and what | ever change there may be is in the j direction of improvement. London trade is more cheerful and enquiry for better stock a little more active. There is a decided scarcity of first j class box fruit, both from California and Oregon, and the bulks now held by 1 some of the trade mainly consist of | itocks that have been accumulating fur 1 quite a long time. During the past week prices have i been as follows: | California Newtowns, 4 tiers, 6-C to , 7-5 per box; 41 tiers, 5-5 to 6-S per box. Oregon Newtowns, 9s to 12s per box; Washington and Coloured fruit, Ran i Davis, Baldwins and Wineaap, Os to 8 ; - per box; State Baldwin», 21s to 25s per 1 VH | barrel; Greenings, 24s to 25s per barrel; Nova Scotian Baldwins, 17s to 20s per barrel; Nova Scotian Starks, 17s to 18s per barrel; Nova Scotian Ft-llawaters, 16-6 to 20s per barrel; Nova Scoiinn ! Ben Davis, 14s to 16-6 per barrel. _________________________ I Outing Magazine Field and Stream $3.00 $1.50 Total $9.90 Our price for all ¡$.',.05 Herald $1.50 Ladies World $ .50 Farm and Home $ .50 Good Literature $ .36 Total *2.85 Our price for all Herald $1.50 Womans Home Comp. *1.2b Success Magazine $1.00 McClure’ s Magazine $1.50 Total Our price Herald * Womans Home Comp. Success or Good House- keeping, American Boy. Sunset or any o f 50 other $1.00 magazines - - - $5.25 for all 3.05 $1.50 $1.25 $1.00 Total $3.75 Our price for all 2.KO Proportionate reductions can be had on all the standard magazines and periodicals by subscribing in connection with the Herald. Call at this office and make your selections from our list if you do not find a combination that suits you in this column. Job work o f all kinds neatly done at this office. Cali and sea samples. J. E. CN Y ARI, PRES. j. A. PERRY VIC€-P*E* Medford National Dank CAPITAL $ SURPLUS $10,000.00 5 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 Savings Department. Safety Deposit Boxes. W e transact a General Banking Business and respectfully solicit your patronage. ----------------------------------------- - NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department o f the Interior, j U. S. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, December 17, 1908. I Notice is hereby given that James Davies, of ; Trail, Oregon, who, on January 12, 1904, made ! Homestead Entry. No. 23328, for South East *4, Section 8, Township 33 South, Range 1 East, Wil­ lamette Meridian, has filed notice o f intention to make FTnal five year Proof, to establish claim to j the land above described, before W. H. Canon. U. ; S. Commissioner, at Medford. Oregon, on the 9th ; day of March, 1909. Claimant names as witnesses: John J. Win- ! ningham. John W. Miller. John Byron Dunkin and j Alfred Morine, all of Trail. Oregon. BENJAMIN L. EDPY. Register. SUMMONS. 1» the Circuit Court of the State o f Oregon, in and tor the County o f Jackson. Zoa Bryant, Plaintiff, vs. Charles A. Bryant, Defendant. To Charles A. Bryant, Defendant. In the name of^ the State o f Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the com­ plaint filed against you in the above entitled suit in the above entitled court on or before the Ttth day of February. 1909. which is the time pre­ scribed in the order for publication of this sum­ mons for answering herein, and you will take notice if you fail so to appear and answer, that for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint fBed herein, a succinct statement r i which is as follows: “ For a decree o f the court forever dissolving vhe contract o f marriage now existing between plaintiff and defendant.” This summons is published for six weeks in toe Central Point Herald by the order of the Hon. H. K. Hanna, judge of the above entitled court, made on the 26th day o f December, 1908. and the first date of publication thereof is the ith day «■ January. 1909. and the last date o f publication ef the same is the 18th day of February. 190». W illiam I. V awtbr . M a b l o n P u r d in . Attorney* f<* plaintiff.