Central Point herald. (Central Point, Or.) 1906-1917, February 04, 1909, Image 1

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VOL. 3
Local and Personal
W. C. Kinney was in town from Sams j
»a ley during the week.
When in Medford, go to the Emeriek
for your dinner. W. E. Johnson, |>ro- j
26 tf
Capital Win Boost Oregon.
Council Proceedings
NO. 42
Koad Work Progressing.
John Grieve, who has charge of the
Portland, Oregon, Feb. 1, 1909. 1 . Th! . to,? * ouncil met in r**u,ar
(Special Correspondence.)
«>on Monday evening and transacted new road work on upper Rogue river
As an evidence that Portland people ro“ ‘ « ~ bustaes. In the absence of between the Tucker ranch and Pros­
pect, was in town daring the week. Be
¡are mere and more interested in the *?•£* Ho^VM
! advancement o f Oregon, the First Kyle presided other counc.lmen preaent reports excellent progress on the work,
National Bank and Ladd A Titon have being Hatfield, Jacobs, Moore and three and one-half miles of which is al­
ready completed. The ne v road elimi­
j each notified the Oregon Development
League that their subscriptions for the I After approving the minutes o f the nates the worst features of the Tucker
: year 1909 would be $200 per month kt- previous meeting and allowing current grade and practically cuts out the dread­
| stead of $100 as in former years. This bids an ordinance granting a franchise ed “ Flounce Rock” hill, which has
to the Central Point Mutual Telephone been a terror to tomtits and all travel­
j same sum is subscribed by the Portland
Railway, Light & Power Company, ! Company was introduced and under ers in that bailiwick since the world
whili the United States National Bank ! 8U8P*™°n of the rules was passed to first knew o f Crater Lake. Besides
has advanced from $50 to $100 per lta thlrd readlnK and adoPted
• the heavy grades at the points above-
mentioned there are a number of lesser
month. These are larger subscriptions unanimous vote.
hills which will be mostly disposed ef
than are made by the financial and I
bills allowed .
business interests of any other city in J W. Merritt, mdse. . . .
$ 2 50 when the new grades are all completed
the United States.
Ferguson & Murray, team work
4 00 which will make a fairly good road frees
2 00 Central Point to Prospect and Crete*
An enormous amount o f attention Gao. F. Wright,
4 00 Lake, for either teams or automobiles.
has been excited by the invitation to James Cline,
This road is only a demonstration sf
8 00
Chicago, extended through the Ways Geo. F. Wright,
what the traveling conditions w jl bn
and Means Committee o f the Chicago
street commissioner - - - 46 56 from Rogue River valley to Crater Lake
Association o f Commerce, to send a
The report of the water committee when the national, state and county
hundred and fifty Chicago school boys
appropriations have been made a n ! ex­
and girls for a two months’ trip through was not presented as expected on ac­
pended on the Crater Lake road.
the western states. The commercial count of Engineer Applegate being de­
bodies of the whole west are joining
with the Portland Commercial Club to able to be present. It was agreed,
Table Rockets.
insure acceptance of the invitation. however, that a special meeting would
Hundreds of business men who do busi­ be called soon for the purpose o f taking
Mr. I. B. MacDonald has sold 80acras
ness with Chicago firms are asking this matter up.
of his ranch at $125 per acre and Mr. J.
those firms to co-operate with Mr. H.
C. Pendleton 40 acres adjoining at the
A. Wheeler, chairman of the Ways and
Sells Dairy Herd
same price and to the same party.
Means Committee, 77 Jackson Boule­
A Mr. Otis from Chicago has been
vard, Chicago, in bringing this about.
M. Marshall & Sons have sold their looking over several farms here with a
If any reader of this paper can help
the cause by writing a letter, he is j entire herd o f dairy cows to W. B. view to locating, but finds it difficult to
Maley, of near Corvallis, who came up decide which one he will take as all are
Card of Thanks.
urged to do so.
last Saturday and closed the deal, ship­ good bargains at the prices asked.
Twenty-one hundred and ninety ping the cattle north last evening. The
We take this mean9 of extending our
pounds of publicity were forwarded to i sa|e was „ diract result of an advertiae.
The following officers were elected thanks to our neighbors and friends for
the east by the Portland Commercial roent which Mr Marghan had placed in by the Literary Society at its last rag- assistance and sympathy extended dur­
Club last week. This was m addition the Cailtral Point Herald a ffiw weekg ular meeting: A W. Reid, President; ing our recent sad bereavement.
to the six tons that went two weeks age and which attracted Mr. Maley’ s Leslie Davis, Vice President; Blanche
L ee I ngram and F amily .
earlier. The printers will soon be busy attentien and caused him to come here. Collins, Treasurer; Rose Nealon, Sec­
in turning out one million leaflets ad­
Mr. Maley formerly lived east of this retary; MaryNealon, Editor. The pro­
The ladies o f the M. E. church will
vertising the one-way colonist rates to place, but last year he purchased a gram rendered was a good one. The
Oregon points, and these leaflets will large farm near Corvallis and removed attendance was large and several new give an oyater supper in the City Hall
Saturday evening, Feb. 13th, from 7 to
go out through the boys and girls at­ to that place. He expects to engage members were enrolled.
12. Oysters, cake and coffee, 25 cents.
tending school, the preachors and the j ¡„ the dairy bu8ine33 on B ,
gcaje in
School opened Monday for the Spring
churches, the banks, business houses, ' his -------
James G. Barker of Lakeview and
new , location.
term with Miss Louise Ward of Talent
factories, hotels and the homes of Port­
weilding the birch over the 30 young Mrs. Battie Lynch of The Dalles were
land, whose example in this work should
in town during the week attending the
Americans in attendance
be followed by every community in
Boys’ and Girls’ Aid Society
funeral of their sister, Mrs. Lee ‘In­
Oregon. People can buy their tickets
city life at Gold Hill and have moved
to almost every rail point in the state
Editor Herald:—In behalf of the
The wind storm that prevailed here
just as cheaply as they can to Portland, Boys’ and Girls' Aid Society of Oregon back to the farm
for a couple of days the first part of
but if they buy them only to Portland we extend our thanks to the Central
The quarantine against Agate having the week was entirely out of the ordin­
they will have to pay local rates from Point schools' for their fine Thanks­ been raised, D. W. Bebee Mr. and Mrs. ary for this part of Oregon. The wind
this city to their final destination.
giving donation and the citizens who S. I. Walk ins and several other Agate- howled in approved bunchgrass style
Portland, and Vancouver, Wash., are 1 have assisted us in
work while in ites attended the literary meeting. «ndit. is reported from Ashland that a
getting more and more chummy all the > the city.
Table Rock always extends the glad number of houses were blown down in
time and there has been no occasion I The Society is non-sectarian in its hand to our friends scrota the river.
that city and other serious damage
when the people of the two cities en- organizat.au and work.
It rescues
done. Heavy rains and landslides ac­
joyed themselves more heartily than at homeless, neglected or abused children
companied the storm to the south of us
the launching of the new ferryboat j in the state and provides suitable
Miss Mary Mee visited Medford on a and in conaequerce the trains have
“ City of Vancouver” from the St j homes or employment for them. Per- brief business trip yesterday.
been very irregular fur as veral days.
Johns Shipbuilding Company’ s yards at i sonal supervision is given each child by
St. Johns last Saturday afternoon, j the Socie'y until such time as its legal
This is a home-built boat and for th at' commitment expires The aim of the
reason the best.
Society is to assist the child in becom­
More tha* two hundred citizens of ing an honorable and self-supporting
One o f the Soundest Financial
Spokane and the “ Inland Empire” will citizen.
Institutions on the Pacific Coast.
On account of the crowded condition
reach Portland Saturday, Feb. 6th, en
route to California The party is under o f the receiving home we are very
Transacts a General Banking Business.
the auspices of the Spokane Chamber much in need of homes for the children,
of Commerce. Immediately upon their
Your account is respectfully so­
Any further information can be ob­
arrival the Portland Commercial Club
licited, be it large or small.
will entertain the guests on a trolley tained by addressing Boys’ and Girls'
ride over the city and at a reception Aid Society of Oregon, Portland, Ore­
gon, or Mr. G. F. Billings, secretary
and dinner at night
o f the Jackson County Advisory Board,
Ashland, Oregon.
M yrtle E. P ease ,
Pay Taxes at Horae
Traveling Visitor.
Mrs. Josephine Barker Ingram, wife
o f Lee Ingram of this city, passed away
at the home of her daughter, in Hom-
br jok, California, at an early hour last
Sunday morning a g ej 56 years, 7
months and 10 days. The cause of
death was typhoid fever, with which
she was attacked after going to Horn-
brook a few weeks ago to visit her
daughter, Mrs. Newtoa.
Deceased was a daughter of one of
Oregon’* well known pioneers, Mr.
'John M. Barker, who crossed the plains
in 1852, the subject of this sketch being
bora oa Sweetwater river, in what is
now tha state of Wyoming on June 24th
o f that year. After reaching Oregon
the family settled at Deer Creek, in
Douglas county, where she grew to
She was married to Lea Ingram in
1871 and the family has for many yearn
been respected residents of this city.
A husband and six children-are left to
mourn her lose, the children being ah
follows: Mrs. Lulu Newton o f Horn-
brook, California. John Ingram of
Jacksonville; James Ingram of Idaho;
May it*jrara o f Portlaad and Ernest
and George Ingram of this city.
The remains were hrougbt home Mon­
day noon and funeral services were
held at the residence at 2:80 p m., be­
ing conducted by Rev. Bristol of the
First M. E. church, interment being in
the Central Point cemetery.
W. H. Norerosa, who has been doing |
jury duty in the Federal court in Port­
land for the last mouth, returned home
Dr. E. Davis, the dentist, will be in
his Central Point office from February
8th to 13th.
Rev. Green will lecture in the Bap-
t'st chi rch tonight and tomorrow night.
Subject: “ Who?” Why? What?" Ad­
mission free. Collection.
Remember the dates for Dr. Davis,
the dentist. Central Point, February
Salem, Ore., Feb. 1.—By a vote of
8rh to 13th.
14tf j
23 for and 22 against, {with 15 absent,
Mayor Hopkins went to Jacksonville
the house this morning adopted a favor­
yesterday to interview the County Court
able report on the Brooke-Bean bill,
regarding some very much needed road
" making it a misdemeanor ft r any can­
improvements on the Central Point
didate for office to sign a Statement
M jciiord road
No 1 pledge.
Cali at the Herald office and get free ! A number of the members oontended
sa ip!e copy of Human Life. A year’s ■ ^
al, favorable committee reports
subscription free to all paid in-advance should he adopted, to save time, and
subscribers to the Herald. Get busy . the bn, shou)d be gJ ven consideration
Miss Myrtle E Pease, traveling vis- on ¡t, final passage. Barrett of Uma-
itor for the Boys’ and Girls’ Aid Soci tills demanded a roil call on the report
ety ef Oregon, with headquarters at which resulted as follows:
Portland, was in town Tuesday looking
Those voting for the adoption of the
after the interests of that organization. report: Applegate, Belknap, Bonebrake,
F or S ale —Good cull apples all kinds, Bones, Brady, Brattain, Brooke Bu­
t ppl > cider, cider vinegar,
Delivered chanan, Calkins. Carter, Conyers,
to all Central Point on order. Old Greer, Hawley, Hines, Hughes, Muncy,
Leever ranch, two miles west from Mahoney, Mann, Mariner, Meek, Mc­
Central Point.—A. J.Dunlap.
32tf Arthur, Richardson and Smith.
Those voting against the report: Ab­
Dr. Royal J. Dye of Bolenga, Africa,
the pioneer missionary to that section bott, Altman, Brrrett, Bediilion, Couch,
o f Africa, will lecture in the Christian Campbell, Clemens, Dimick, Eaton,
church in this city Monday evening, Farrell, Hatteberg, Jackson, Jaeger,
Jones (Dougles), Jones (Clackamas),
February 22nd. All are invited.
Liby, McDonald, Miller, Orton. Patton,
N otice —All persons wishing to have
Philpot, Rusk.
tlieir eyes correctly attended to will
Those absent were: Beals, Bean,
please leave word at the Eagle Phar­
Brandon, Bryant, Corrigan, Davis,
macy, Medford, for Dr. E. J. Bonner
Dodds, Jones (Lincoln!, Leinenweber,
who will call at their house and give
Mahone, McCue, McKinney, Munkers,
them satisfactory attention.
Perdin, Reynolds. None of the absen­
S V. M are left Tuesday evening for tees were Statement No. 1 men.
Condon, where he will look after busi- [ 1 Brady of Multnomah, Richardson of
ness interests for a few months, and J I LaGrande and Mariner of Blalock, all
will probably return via the everland f I Statement No. 1 men, voted for the re-
route across the Cascades by team. He i port.
Farrell o f Multnomah, anti­
expects to return in M ay.
statement, voted against it.
M illinery G oods at C ost —Entire
Representative Richardson says that
stock of Mrs. J. E. Boswell on sale. he voted for the adoption of the report
Fine hats from 10 cents to $3. Gome because he is not in favor of pledges.
early for choice. This-sale ra te make He says he never took a Statement No.
room for new Spring stock soon to ar­ 1 pledge when running for office but
rive.—Mrs. Belle Pleasants.
when he was reported as having taken
Christian Science services are held i one let it-go and carried out the intent
every Sunday morning in the Masonic ' ° f the pledge. “ Because he felt that
lodge room, opera house building, at j way
He says he thinks it would be better
11:00 o ’clock. All are invited to at­
tend these services. Subject for Sun­ if there were no pledges in politics and
for that reason he favors the bill. He
day February'7th, "Spirit.'*’
J. L. Arnett, formerly of tins place, said that an examination of the records
writes from Baltimore, Maryland, ask­ of Union county will show that he did
ing to have his copy of the Herald sent not sign a Statement No. 1 pledge, but
to his address in that city, where he is was noncommittal.
The language of the Brooke-Bean bill
under the care o f a specialist in stom­
ach disorders. He is improving rapidly is cunningly devised and is based upon
and hopes to soon be in his usual health. thé pretense that Statement No 1 is
contrary to the constitution of the
The regular services will be held at United States. The wording of the bill
the Methodist church next Sunday at
is as follows:
11:00 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Subject in
“ It shall be unlawful for any candi­
the morning: ‘ Christian Union, or
date for office to take or make any
Should the Churches Unite?” Text for
promise or pledge in writing to the peo­
the evening: "W hat Shall I Do Then
ple of the state o f Oregon, or of the
With Jesus?”
district, county, city or town, or pre­
A strong delegation from Jackson cinct, from which he shall be a candi­
The Central Point State Bank has
county, interested in the Crater Lake date for election to office, or to any received a list of the taxes due in this
» I I U 1 H -I-»
■H -» 4-I-I
I I I I I I I I 4 4 1-H -H riri d W 44 i 4 t-1 4 H
road hill and the Rogue River fish bill person or persons, the carrying out of town and surrounding country and p er-; •1
went to Salem Tuesday night to urge which shall be contrary to or in viola­ sons wishing to avoid a trip to Ja kson- , ■
the passage of both these meritorious tion of the provision of the constitution ville may pay their taxes and receive a ' ) '
measures before the committees to of the United States, or of the state of receipt for the same at the home bank. -•
whom they have been referred.
Oregon, or which shall be in violation This is a convenience which the public j
Two carloads of Rogue River valley o f the oath of office to support the con­ may well appreciate. A rebate of three ' \ j
boosters went to Salem Tuesday night stitution of the United States, or of i per cent is given on all taxes paid on or •;
to urge the passage of the Crater Lake the state of Oregon, which said officer before the first Monday in March,
road bill and the Rogue River fish bill I is required to take upon assuming the
before the committees to which the j duties o f office, or which shall be an
bills were referred. The hearing was agreement, promise, or pledge, not to
Install Oil Tank
to be held yesterday and the delegation perform a duty imposed by the consti­
tution of the United States, or of the
is expected to return today.
Cranfill & Robnent are installing a
The Central Point Band will give a state of Oregon, upon such officer. Any
170-gallon oil tank under the floor of
grand ball in the opear house Friday
their store. The new arrangement will | • ■
evening, February 19. Excellent music of thi3 act, shaM be gu il ty of a misde­
add to the safety as well as the con­
will be provided and nothing will be meanor, and, pon conviction thereof,
venience of handling coal oil and will
left undone to insure an enjoyable even- shat) be punished by imprisonment in
also save considerable storage room on
ing. The band boys are public bene- the county jail not less than six months
the first floor of the building. When it
factors and are entitled to the cordial nor more than one year, or by a fin« of
was decided to install the tank an open­
support of all citizens of the town and not less than $100 nor more than $f00,
or by both such fine and imprisonment. ing was made in the floor at the desired
spot, when it was found that a big,
M ar r ie d - A t the home of Rev. T. M. Any person convicted under the provis-
healthy oak stump stood where the ex­
Jbnes, in this city, at 10:00 A. M. yes- j ion9
fo/ f*,tlthe ° ’Bce ,f cavation was to be made. W. C. Owen ■ ■
terday, Mr. Jesse Hamilton, of Apple- elected' 10 " h « h he shall have been a and P. Olsson had agreed with Mr.
gate, and Mira Goldie Sears, e# „ear candidate for election to at tne n a e of
Robnett before the floor was cut that
Central Point, were united in marriage, making any such pledge, promise or
they would engage to do the necessary
Rev. Jones officiating. The bride ra the a£ r*en,ftDt-
excavating for $2.00, and when they ■
daughter o f Mr. Win. Sears and the
saw that stump they both almost faint- ‘
bridegroom is a well known and pros­
Card of Thanks.
ied. Upon recovering, however, they
perous farmer of the Applegate valley,
There is a time in the life of every ] agreed that they were not bound to any
where the happy couple will make their person when a word of kindness or a particular manner of making the hole,
warm handshake or a tender expression ! a°d when they began to discuss whether
Jacobs & Ford are installing a new of sympathy goes to the heart of the '• it WBS best to remove the stump with
compressed air cutting and polishing individual. Such is the case especially ! dynamite or fire, Mr. Robnatt got in-
plant in their marble works and which when one is called upon to bid farewell terested and soon discovered that the
is one of the most complete plants e f to loved ones in this life. So we the stump was so badly decayed that it fell
its kind in the state. The power is undersigned take this method of ex­ to pieces at a touch. Thus was a good i
¡supplied by a five-horsepower electric tending unto the good people o f Central story spoiled.
motor, which operate* an air compressor Point our heartfelt thanks for their
which drives the machinery. The plant many expressions of sympathy on she
J. O. Isaacson has sold his residence
ill do all kinds of work in the marble aceoun* of the death of our loved ons
to Prof. F. F. Cooper and will build a
and granite working line from heavy Mrs. Lucy Al a Turpin,
stone evtting to the finest lettering anu
C har . T urpin and F amily ,’ modem home during the coming Sum- '
scroll «Ark.
B. F. W ade and F amily . mer.
4 l-H -H -l H -H -H -H-tt -Hri-H -H-H-1 •i-H -H -H I-H H -H 'l l-l -H -H -H -l-l H rW 4 4 4 4-H 4 + H -H H
By One Majority
Reports Bill Favorably
Making It Unlawful To
Sign Pledge.
W hy
D id
w i n the
B e ca u se o u r p la y e r s are a ll
users o f the
so ld b y
Cranfill & Robnett.