CFNTPAf tí i vT H KR A LD, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 26, 1008. S H E WAS NO H A S -E E E N . Each of the chief or­ gana of the body is a link in the Chain of Life. A chain is no s t r o n g e r than its weakest link, the body no strouger than its weakest organ. If there is weakness of stomsch, fiver or lungs, there is a weak link in the chain of life which may snap at any time. Often this so-called “ weakness ” is caused by lack of nutrition, the result of weakness or disease o f the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition. Diseases and weaknesses o f the stomach and its allied organs are cured by the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. When the weak or diseased stomach is cured, diseases of other organs which seem remote from the stomach but which have their origin in a diseased condition o f the stomach and Other organs of digestion and nutrition, are cured also. MEDFORDDOMESTIC niH-H wH+ia W h y th e Littia Old Woman Rode In a Smoking Car. "M adam." the brakemao ns the train stopped at a little village station atul a little old woman started to en­ Gltn Eabilck, Prtp. ter the smoking car, “ the car back Is the one you want.” All kinds Laundry work solicited “ IIow do you know ?" she tartly asked. Leave package at Stone’s “ Because this ts the smoking car.” barber shop or see T. J. She pushed past him anil climbed up the steps, and after taking a seat Kelso who will call for ahe pulled out and filled n pipe, struck T h e s tr o n g m a n h a s a a tr o n é sto m a ch . a match on the sole of her shoe, and and deliver family work. T a k e t h e a b o v e r e c o m m e n d e d ** D i s c o v ­ after drawing a few pull's she said to e r y ’ * a n d y o u m a y h a v e a s tr o n g a to m • a man smoking a cigar across the Work guaranteed. Prices right. a eh a n d a s tr o n g b o d y . aisle: G iven A w a y . — Dr. Pierce’ s Common Sense Medical Adviser, “ That young feller out there don’t jjew revised Edition, is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay know half as much as he thinks he expense of mailing only. Send 21 one-cent stamps for the does.” book in paper covers, or 31 stamps for the cloth-bound vol­ “ How so?" was nsked. ume. Address Dr. R. V . Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y„ "H e took me for an old woman that bad never rode on the cars before and told me this was the smoking car.” "And you wanted this car?” Women Help Boost. “ Why, I never ride In any other— Freewater, Oregon, Nov. 18.—The not unless my pipe is broke, my to­ bacco nil out and none o’ you men women o f the Freewater district who By special arrangements with the folks will lend mo a cigar.” —Chicago were appointed by the Commercial Club ALL WORK G U ARANTEED , publishers, the Herald is able to make News. to arrange the fruit exhibit at tne Walla the following attractive clubbing offers Leave orders and packages Walla fair, which won the $250 premium, C au g h t on th e Rebound. for the coming year. Any o f these worked until late last night at Walla at Williams Hotel. “ John, dear," said Mrs. Sklmpem as combinations will give you a large Walla to reproduce, as nearly as pos­ amount o f high class reading matter she poured the coffee at the breakfast sible, the exhibit as it was at the fair. table, “ if I remember rightly, you have for the year at a lower price than ever The fruit, which has been kept In cold often said you disliked to see a woman befrre offered. constantly getting herself Into print.” storage, was engaged to be shown at The Herald gi es you the lo*al news “That’s right,” rejoined Sktmpem. the educational congress now in session THOROUGHBRED o f your neighborhood. It is continually "You consider It Indelicate and un­ at Whitman Coilege. From Walla Walla boosting your town and community, womanly, don’t you?” the exhibit will be taken to Spokane for ! “ I certainly do.” the great apple show to be held there j there‘* enha“ c“ « the value o f your ‘‘And you don’t think a sensible man r.____ v „ . property an 1 helping your business. in December. j As a business proposition you should would allow his w ife to do anything like that?” and j support the Herald and as a matter of "M ost assuredly not.” W hat Would You Do? i keeping in touch with your own com ­ “ Well, John, I’ m glad you have such 1 In case o f a bum or scald what would munity you should read it. radical views on the subject, because Read these clubbing offers and then they Justify me In asking you for a j you do to relieve the pain? Such in­ juries are liable to occur in any family send in or bring your subscription. new silk dress.” "W -w hat?” and everyone should be prepared for Herald $1.50 “ You heard wlmt I eald, John. For them. Chamberlain’ s Salve applied on I McClures Magazine $1.50 the last five years I’ve had nothing a soft cloth will relieve the pain almost Womans Home Comp, $1.25 I f you want a start in the best strains but bargain counter calico, and I’ m instantly, and unless the injury is a j Review o f Reviews $3.00 o f these famous breeds, buy now. tired o f getting into print.” very severe one, will cause the parts to ! Call on or address I ke W illiams , And what could poor John do?—Chi­ Total $7.25 heal without leaving a scar. For sale : J8.f Central Point, Oregon. cago News. Our price for all $ 4 . 1 5 by Mary A. Mee. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. H o w It H ap pened. I Hsrald $1.50 Department of the Interior, “ Please, ma’am,” said the husky $3.00 Observatiii Cars. j worlds work hobo, ’’ would youse help a pore feller Uuited States Land Office, Every bodys $1.50 Roseburgr, Oregon, October 13, 1908. On and after November 15, 1007, the wot wuz caught on a ellervator an’ Notice is hereby given that the Astec Land and i Delineator $ 1.00 laid up ter six months?" observation cars between Portland and Cattle Company by its attorney in fact Wm. I. Better Fruit $ 1.00 Vawter. of Medford, Jackson County. Oregon, “ Certainly, poor man,” replied the filed Oakland California, on trains Nos. 15 in this office on April 18, 1904, application to kind lady. “ Here’s a dollar for you. select under the provisions of the Act of June 4, and 16 will be carried through instead Total $8.00 1897, the SWVi of NW1 * of Section 18, Township How did you happen to get caught In 36 South, Range 1 West, Willamette Meridian. o f being cut out, as heretofore, at Ro-e- an elevator?” Our price for all $ 5 .3 0 The said tract being within six miles of a mining burg. of record, publication and posting o f notice “ De perllce wux too quick te r me.” claim of such selection is required to be made, in order #1.50 Southbound, under this new arrange­ Herald explained the h. h. as he hastily beat that any and all persons claiming adversely the $3.00 lands described, or desiring to object, because of ment, passengers holding proper trans­ Recreation . It.—Minneapolis Journal. the mineral character of the land, or for any other $3.00 portation and Pullman accommodations i Outing Magazine reason, to the diposal thereof to the applicant may file their affidavits of protest in this office, which $1.50 C o u r . g . i o S uffer. may occupy these cars on the night Field and Stream they are hereby required to do. BENJAMIN L. EDDY. leaving Portland until reaching Eugene Total $9.00 Not Coal Land. Register, at 12:32 a. m. 28*132 Our price for all $ 5 .0 5 F r e d P a r k e r , A gt. S. P. Co., $1.50 31tf Centra Point, Oregon. Herald $ .50 Ladies World $ .50 Farm and Home How to Cure a Gold. * .35 Good Literature Be as careful as you can yon will oc­ casionally take cold, and when you do, *2.85 Total g e t a medicine o f known reliability, one Our price for all $ 2 .1 0 that has an established reputation and Additional attractive offers will be that is certain to effect a quick cure. added to this list as Soon as arrange- j Such a medicine is Chamberlain’ s Cough ments can be completed with the pub- j Remedy. It has gamed a w’orld wide Ushers. reputation by its remarkable cures o f this most common ailment, and can always be depended upon. It acts on nature’ s plan, relieves the lungs, aids expectoration, opens the secretions and aids nature in restoring the system to to visit a healthy condition. During the many years in which it has been in general | T ess-W ell, there’s one thing about use we have yet to learn o f a single May Woodby. glie ha* the courage of case o f cold or attack o f the grip hav­ her convictions. 2 d ft A 1 0 « f , P O R T L A N D , O R E in g resulted in pneumonia when this j Jess— Indeed! I never noticed It. When summer has passed remaby was used, which shows con- i j Tess—Oh, yes! She’s convinced that in these northern states, clusively that it is a certain preventive | &he can wear a No. 3 shoe.—i ’ hiladel* the sun is only mild under tbe bright blue skies o f ! phla Press. o f that dangerous disease. Chamber- Southern California. This lain’ s Cough Remedy contains no opium ; is one o f nature's happy W e ig h e d In th e H a n d . or other narcotic and may be given as j provisions—eternal sum­ “ Some grocers.” remarked the cus­ confidently to a baby as to an adult, j mer for those who cannot tomer, "have nn offhand way of weigh­ endure a more severe cli­ For sale by Mary A. Mee. ing sugar, but I notice you're not one mate. o f them.” California has been called "Offhand way? How do you mean?” the “ Mecca o f the winter LUMBER BARGAIN. tourist.’ ’ Its hotels and asked the grocer. stopping places are as W e have for sale 150,000 feet o f 4 "I noticed you kept your hand on the varied as tnose o f all well scales just now while you measured and 6 inch old-fashioned bevel siding at regulated cities. Visitors ent five pounds for me.” — Catholic from $13.00 to $22.00 per thousand feet, can always find suitable ■!>«,» •,.nww,'W«ri»lt P all»r».«-M I»|l»"i>lM 0 Standard and Times. S ta ti* than o f a n y o t h - r malia o f D*' 1 hi* is ©n surface measure, at our mill. accommodations, congen­ a ccount o f thair sty la, acearucy arid sim par I»?. ial companions, and var- • M o r a li* . M n * o * lo n 'T h .Q ..«io < ra M n l hw Extra for delivering the same f. o. b ■»ora «ubai .Iber« than any pssed. Refurnished Throughout. Ì3ENTRAL POINT REAL ESTATE CO. I < '. S , .S a n d e r s o n , M u n a g e r Farm and Fruit Land?, City Property, Business Opportunities, Mining Stocks For Sale. ; Special attention given to rentings, care and man­ agement of property. ! LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH US; ! WE CAN SELL J . ■ 4 - H - H - H - H - H - l - H - l- M - M - l- l- l- H - H . -I -H ++++• IL A . JUNKEN A. M ’ GLASHAN MEDFORD TEA 6 COFFEE HOUSE NOW HAS ON DISPLAY A BIG SHOWING OF Prehistoric, Athenian, Basiltine, Mat, Royal Doutton and Mephisto W are. 21« West 7th Street, MEDFORD. OREGON. + It + tt l -H-H-H-H-F* ®++-H<£*H-H-8 + u + tH-H-Kv H -H <ÿ i . _______ W e r Frepav •»’ * _ : l ____ I to ary c Railroad Freight P lint in Jackson County. i -------------------------------------------------- --------- REM EM BER T H E l 1 MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. - it) A s to D iv o rce . $ 4 7 .6 0 . Patronize Home Industries and Help Build Up Your Own Town. i £Ti€KS-C HATTEN E N G R A V IN G CO.; Southern Pacific “ M ade in Central P o in t.” k Í California BRAND When you buy Flour always ask for a sack of the peerless VIRGIN’S REST X X X X BRAND J. D. W IL L IA M S. W h ite R o c k u 04 h - h < hh ^ < ì » « - h - p ®++++«+a +a-H-H-Li hg « •’ . J Can give you the very best selection of Furni- 2 ture, Csrnefy, ;; f W.'ill Paper Window l,ace Curtains. Comforts, Blankets ' — ■ ■ Shades. Etc., bo- tween Portland and San Francisco. 5 Prices tiie Lowest. Goods the Best. ? S ------------------------------------------- ;--------- ;----- A Beautiiul Christmas Souvenir CROUP, WhoopingCmigh This remedy cm ilwsyt ke depended agon ind it plcsunt lo ulte. II continu n« agism or stker harmful drt$ snd may bo |lven st tonfi- denrty to * baby u to an sdolL »rice 25 cents, Urjt Hie St cents. a*»»u k, Mar l will be given to every lady who registers at our store. You dont have to buy anything to re- I X tt ;; (f) ceive this gift. a Medford Furniture Company, Î M edford fyH -H - l-H*-l-M-l-a + O re g o n . | 8 + 8-H*+*K*>+-H-Ki)r* -H-í-H* -H-M-8 + »t + tt-IH-H- • M-M-M