Central Point herald. (Central Point, Or.) 1906-1917, July 02, 1908, Image 1

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    V O L ,-
C entral P oint
Local and Personal
< E N T R A L P O IN T . O H K O O N *
May Install Big Water Plant.
Letter from Portland.
T H E R P D A Y .
N O ._ l t
190H .
Assured. I
Colonel Frank Ray, o f New York,
Portland, Ore., June 29, 1008.
Present and prospective patrons o f
principal owner o f the Rogue River!
(Special Correspondence.)
the local telephone system will be
Rev. and Mrs. Jacquemin are at J Electric Company and a heavy share- ! There is an intense competition be­
pleased to read the following letter re­
Merlin this week.
holder in the tobacco trust, as well as tvyeen the different communities o f ceived a few days ago by T. M. Jones,
Job work o f all kind3 neatly done at ' in Standard Oil, is spending the month ; Oregon in issuing attractive and con- local agent o f the company. An im-
this office. Call and see samples.
with Mrs. Ray at Gold Ray.
vinring literature. Many o f the publics- j proved service has been promised for
Colonel Ray is planning extensive im- j tions circulated to draw attention to so long and so long have the promises
A daughter was beam to Mr. and Mrs.
Clyde Applegate Thursday, June 25th. ! provements at the dam, chief o f which I this state to-day are superior to the been unfulfilled that Mr. Jones finally
I is the instalaiion o f a big water pump- i m0st ambitious product o f the met- took up the matter direct with the
Remember the dates for Dr. Davis,
l ing plant, which is designed to furnish ' ropolitan printers ten years ago. Up division superintendent and apparently
the dentist. Central Point, July 13th to
water for the entire valley, both for j to the present time the most artistic with good results. The letter follows:
i irrigation purposes and other use. I f booklet printed in the state is one just
“ Portland, Ore , June 29, 1908.
Miss Tectle Neale left Tuesday 1 the Wasson canyon project for supply- gotten out by the Yamhill County De- “ Me. T. M. Jones, Agent,
morning for Albany, where she will ' ing Medford with water falls throuuh, j velopment League. Its reproductions
“ Central Point, Ore.
spend several weeks visiting relatives. as many citizens o f that town now p r e -1 Df raspberries, cherries, prunes and "D ear S ir :—
“ I am glad to get your letter o f
July 13th to 18th is the next date for I diet it will, it is probable the Ray peo- j grapes are done in natural colors and,
Dr. Davis, the dentist, in his Central pie will arrange to supply Central Point, i like the picture in the old fable, would June 24th, explaining the existing tele­
Medford and Jacksonville with water almost deceive the birds.
phone conditions at Central Point, and
Point office.
for municipal and domestic purposes, i Secretary W. L. Crissey o f the Ore- beg to reply that we have put the
F or S a l e —A thoroughbred Scotch-
The water, if used for domestic pur- gon State Dairy A8S0ciation has ready entire matter, in all its details concern­
American Shepherd dog. Inquire at
poses, will be taken from the river , f or circulation the report o f that body ing the new arrangement entered into
the Herald office.
T 7 .H-
, i
i a^l>ve tbe moutb
Bear creek and f or tbe past year It is very much the with Mr. Patterson as representative
Ellis Clark left Tuesday morning for j pumped into a big reservoir high up on j most comprehensive report which has o f this company, up to our general
Condon, where he expects to spend the the mountainside, from which it will be appeare(j concerning any dairy meeting
office for final acceptance aad as soon
temainder o f the Summer in the Gil­ filtered into a lower reservoir, which on tbe pacjflc Coast, and Mr. Crissey
as we hear from them we will imme­
liam county harvest fields.
will supply by gravity all the above will furnish copy to any one interested, diately proceed to install the new s vitch-
C h e a p L a n d s - F o r the best and named towns. The project seems to be upon request. Oregon has grown won­
board o f sufficient capacity to properly
Cheapest lands In Oregon, enquire of not only altogether feasible, but to o f­ derfully in fruit, agriculture and gen­ handle the Central Point business.
Harness & Thornton, Real Estate fer a final solution o f the water prob eral industries, but dairying holds the
“ With reference to the booth, wish
dealers, Yondall*, Oregon.
lem for all o f us from a source o f sup­ record for greatest increase, dairy to advise that we now have in an order
products having risen from a value o f for a number o f sound proof booths and
George L. Neale reports his metal ply o f which there is no question.
$5,000,000 annually five years ago to as soon as they are received we will
Crop coming on finely now, the vines
$17,000,000 in 1907.
recently having made a fine growth.
ship one to Central Point.
Hanna Will Nat Resign.
He expects to have ripe melons on or
“ Also wish to advise that as soon as
The Dalles business men have invited
before August 1st.
the business men o f Portland to attend we hear from our San Francisco office
A report has been in circulation and their “ Cherry Carnival” Wednesday, we will immediately arrange the con-
The brick work on the new school
building is almost completed. A t the has been published to the effect that July 1st, and many people will make s ruction o f the line between Central
rate the work is baihg pushed the Hon. H. K. Hanna o f the Circuit court the trip from this city, either by boat Point and Medford, and the completion
o f this line will give you good service
building should be ready in ample time for this district had decided to resign or rail.
for the commencement o f the next re­ his office, and the roport even went so
An intensely interesting meeting vital between these tw o points. I assure
for as to suggest names o f hungry to the future o f Portland, Oregon and I you it is our intention to put the tele­
gular term o f school.
applicants lor appointment to a pro­ the Northwest is called for tomorrow phone exchange at Central Point in
L. E Van Vliet exhibited some Of
spective vacancy to be filled by appoint­ at the Convention hall o f the Portlsnd condition that the best telephone serv­
the finest cherries from his orchard in
ment o f the governor, pending the Commercial Club. Transportation ques­ ice will be ensured.
town Tuesday that can be imagined.
next general election, which does not tions o f deepest moment to this section
“ I am very glad you wrote me ex-
They were not quite as big as some
. . . .
■* , ,
__ e
occur until November, 1910
plaining this entire condition, as I am
will be discussed.
apples but almost. Van has one o f the | _
. . . .
The report o f Judge Hanna’ s intend-
best orchards in the valley.
Portland’ s excursion to Eugene was a new man in this territory and am
I ed resignation, however, was totally
o f the most successful and delight­ anxious to put all our exchanges in
Officers were
The following officers
elected j unauthorized, it seems, and the judge
that ever took place in this good condition. The best means o f my
by the Rogue River Baptist association j pas to],j his friends within the past few
Portlanders had a choir finding out these troubles is by having
held here last week: H. C. Garnett, o f j days that he intends to serve out his
some interested party write me e x­
Medford, moderator; Miss Abbie Stite term.
plaining the conditions as they exist.
o f Williams, clerk; Mrs. H. R. Holmes
Several months ago Judge Hanna is
“ Yours truly,
W e are willing to buy;
o f Ashland,
treasurer; associational understood to have expressed informal­
" J no . W. G ilkyson ,
What do they drink
____ . .
representative to the state convention, ly a desire to relieved o f the burden of
‘ Division Superintendent.*’
Dr D. F. Adkins delegate to the north­ work which is imposed upon the occu­
Innumerable equally effective verses
ern convention, Arthur Conklin, o f pant o f his high office. It is believed
enlivened the journey.
Change In Lumber Business.
Grants Pass
he considered the matter o f tendering
When the “ National Association o f
A young man who has been working his resignation at that time. But that
fo r Roy _______
Nichols, _ on
the Jopling
farm. was months ago and conditions have Retail Grocers o f the United States”
A W. Moon, o f Williams Bros, lum­
north o f town, borrowed a horse from 1 changed, his health is improved and he meets in Portland next year, special bering firm, o f Grants Pass, arrived
his employer last Friday to ride up the j does not expect to retire from the bench I trains from various parts o f the country j here last Saturday morning to assume
valley in search o f employment. He I until he shall have completed his term will be a feature One is already plan- j charge o f the lumber business recently
ned by the merchadts o f Cincinnati,
did not return at the appointed time
another from Chicago, while Boston purchased by his firm from J. H Gay.
and Mr. Nichols got busy with the j
Mr. Moon is a member o f the firm and
has organized a "Portland Club” and
Ashland May Open Saloons.
wires and soon found that the young j
will be the local manager o f the com­
man had rode the horse to H om brook, j
. -
pany's business at this place He ex­
California, where he sold the animal I It ¡s reported from Ashland that that
pects to bring his family here shortly
and skipped further south. A t this I cjty may fo now the lead o f Medford
to reside. The new firm contemplates
A Good Game.
writing he has not yet been captured. and open saioons ¡n spjte o f the local
extensive improvements in the busi -
ness, among which will be extensive
W. B. Ayres, a wealthy lumberman option-prohobition law. R J. Smith,
Central Point and Grants Pass played shed room for the accommodation o f all
o f Portland and a member o f the board the Grants Pass attorney, whosuccess-
o f regents o f the state normal schools, j ^
fou* ht ‘ he clo8l"K •* sa‘00" 8 «" a rattling good game in the latter city grades o f dressed and finishing lumber
was in town Tuesday the guest o f Medford on the ground that the Med- Sunday to the tune o f 3 to 2 in favor o f which will be a part o f the big stock
Mayor Fred H. Hopkins. Mr. Ayres ford charter supercedes the local option the Pass The batteries were Murray they expect to carry. Mr. Moon is a
was highly pleased with the valley and >aw. >3 reported to have discovered that and Eddings for the Point and Jarvis wide awake, up-to-date business man
the Ashland charter is in turn super- and Fanbian for the Pass. The game and will be a welcome addition to the
is o f the opinion that it has a wonderful
. . . .
by the
the !ocal
local °P
law Ashland was a hot one from start to finish and business fife o f the town. He formerly
future. He visited Ashland while ¡n
in cedee by
tion law
the valley on normal school business.
i voted dry last winter at a city election both teams played fast ball. In the held a responsible position in the office
under a provission o f the city charter, first two innings there was no score o f the General Passenger agent o f the
Mayor Hopkins first learned from but Mr Sm;th claims that that election for anybody, but in the third each Southern Pacific Company at Portland,
street rumor yesterday morning that he wag ¡[legal because the provision of team picked up one, and in the fourth resigning that to engage in the lumber­
had sold the Snowy Butte orchard, but ^be cbarter relative to regulating the the Point took the lead bv one The j ing business in Southern Oregon.
has not yet been able to discover the ; ]jqUor traffic is set aside by the state fifth was barren o f tallies and in the ]
name o f the fortunate purchaser. The local option law, which was passed j sixth the Pass scored twice, taking the j
■ 1 ■ I 1 I 1 1
mayor promptly denied the story when since the Ashland charter was enacted |ead. From that time to the end there j •K -:-H - I- H - l- l- l- l- l - l" ■ 1 ■
it was called to his attention and inti-1 by tbe l^islature. This renders t h e ! was sw ift ball all around and no !
mated that, if the property was on the late city eiection illegal so far as the further damage to anybody. Following 1
market, the price named by the in -, ¡¡qUor question is concerned and as the is a brief summary o f the gam e:
venter o f the story would be considered 1 c ,unty prohibition election is d-clared
Three-base hit, Jarvis; two-base hit, l
a sort o f Summer joke.
j void by Judge Hanna’ s recent ruling it Williams Double play, Grants Pass 1. j
Attention is called to the new adver-1 leaves Ashland wet under the result o f Base on balls, off Jarvis 1, off Murray 2. j
tisement o f the Central Point Furniture ] the election held two years ago. This Struck out by Jarvis 7, by Murray 4. I
Store in this issue relative to the genu- j local option law seems to work bo’.n Hits, off Jarvis 5, off Murray 4. Hit |
ine Edison Phonograph, thelocal agency ways in Jackson county and ultimately J by pitched balls, Thrasher and Riggs,
o f which is now at this store. The | seems to give the best o f it to the Passed balls, Fanbian 2. Errors, Grants j
Edison people have finally secured te n ' whiskey sellers legal and illegal,
Pass 4, Central Point 0.
genuine records o f the most popular!
The game was umpire! by D. E.
speeches and lectures by William Jen­
Dotson. Time o f game, 1J hours
nings Bryan and these records may Rednced Rates to Ashland July 4th.
Nash captained the Pointers in the j
now be heard at the Central Point
field in this game and showed g o o d !
Furniture Store any time you happen
On account o f the grand celebration judgement in the work.
to call Bryan is worth listening to, o f Independence Day to be held at
The Pointers are getting into the
whether you agree with him politically Ashland July 4th, 1908, the Southern game in good shape and there is no
or not, and the Edison phonograph is Pacific Company (fines in Oregon) will reason why they should not make a
always worth hearing. Call at the run a special train from Grants Pass to good showing among the valley teams >
store and ask T. M Jones to put on a Ashland as follows:
before the close o f the season.
Bryan record.
Leave Grants Pass - - - 6:45 a. m.
Leave Central Point - - • 7 :30 a. m
Arrive Ashland at about - 9:00 a. m.
been received here
Returning, Leave)Ashland - 10:30 p. m.
November Will Tell the Tale.
Fare -One and one-third fare for the o f the death o f Mrs. Ralph Newman i
(nee Amanda James), which occurred 1 X
round trip.
her home in Toppenish, Washington,
The news dispatches tell that there
Tickets on sale to all points on May 6, 1908.
was a great dearth o f enthusiasm at
Deceased was a native o f this city I
the Republican National convention in Southern Pacific at rate o f one and one-
Chicago. It is not strange that th's is third fare for the round trip. Good j
so. The Roosevelt T a ft machine bad going July 3-d and 4th Returning. : resident o f this section o f the state,
when she removed to Washington with
everything patterned out in advance, good until July 6th.
F red P arker , Agent. her husband. Her death was caused
even to the row o f potted plants around
by heart failure and was very sudden.
the platform made in the White House.
Besides her husband she leaves one
N ot a single surprise was left for
daughter, Miss Lelah Newman, one
Revolution in Mexico.
delegates and the visitors. This may
sister, Mrs. T. A. Newman, o f this
be the way to do it—to take away
everything out o f the hands o f the | A revolution is reported to have city, and two half sisters, Mrs. Robert
people and have the work done b v j broken out in Mexico, the purpose of Lewis, o f Prospect, and Mrs. Walker
federal officeholders, whs, as in the the revolutionists being to overthrow Lewis, o f Wenatchee. Washington.
Cubs vs. Jacksonville.
| The Central Point Cubs—all kids o f
18 years and under—played a good is the center o f one of the best
game with a Jacksonville team on the
local diamond Sunday, winning in a
Rofrue River Valley and
score o f 10 to 8. The Jacksonville
the importance o f be­
team was made up o f part o f their first
ing in close touch with the sit­
team, part o f the second and a few
kids, but the aggregation availed noth­
uation the
ing when the Cubs got their dander up
and went after things proper.
Jacksonville claims to have three or has installed a branch office at
four teams, but it is a funny thing that
Central Point, in the Herald
the lineup generally consists o f the
same players. 1 at Donegan is the first office, with Mr W. E. Kahler,
team and the rest o f their best players a native-born citizen of the val­
are the other tw o or three teams, and ley, and a gentleman who has
there you are.
given much thought and study
Baum was in the box during this
to the orchards of the valley,
game and although but a kid he had
the Jacktowners going some in a n 1 in charge.
effort to tab him from the start. In
Call on him for reliable in­
the first there was nothing doing on
formation regarding the mer­
either side, but in the second the Cubs
o f any lands in the valley
got vicious and brought in four big
and especially o f the orchard
tallies. Jacktown was as busy as a
lands near Central Point and
bird dog, getting in one little measly
score in this inning, but in the third
you will get the best lands
they did twice as well, rolling up a
in the valley if you invest.
wonderful score o f two. The Cubs
dittoed the score and the fourth was a
waterhaul all around. In the fifth Jack- J
town picked up another one and in the
sixth the Cubs hulled out two more j
nice ones. In the seventh the shade o f
the immortal Donegan fell on the WATCHES AND JEW ELRY—Fin«st line ever
Jacktowners and in the exhuberanee! opened in Central Point. At Central Point
o f their joy they made a run o f four. | Pharmacy.
This tied the score, and in the eighth
there was another fall down all around
so far as runs go, but in the ninth the
Cubs cantered in with two, winning the i ASHLAND ICE—Made from purest mountair
game and one to nigger with. Baum j water, for sale at Moore’s confectionery. 4tf
showed his metal by striking out 13
men to six by his opponent. Following
Interesting Grange Meeting.
is the lineup:
J acksonville
P os .
C entral P oint
The meeting o f the Grange last Satur­
day was a very enjoyable event. The
discussions were both interesting and
instructive. The dinner was, as usual,
a feature. Sympathy was expressed
for the critical condition o f Mrs. Han­
son, Lecturer. The Grange closed at
2:30 p. m.
Notice is given o f the next meeting
to be held July 11th. The topic for
discussion is "The Lessons o f the De­
grees.” Every granger should be in­
terested in this. It is a subject for
One United States Cream Separator, you all, individually and collectively, to
has been used but a short time, as good
as new, 500-lhs. capacity, cost when participate in.
Respectfully submitted.
new *80.00. Will take $50.00. On old
Leever ranch, two miles west o f Cen­
D r . A lfred T. F orbes ,
tral Point.
“ T H E C R Y S T A L .”
O. B. NASH, Proprietor
Finest Creams, Ices,
Sodas and Candies.
Picnics, Parties, Lodges, Etc., supplied in quantity
on short notice.
W e Solicit Your Orders and Guarantee Satisfaction.
Try our Pure Fruit Syrup Sodas.
Delightful, Refresing.
Murray Building, Pine St., Central Point, Oregon.
Dry Goods
-¡-K -H -14-1-H -H -H - 1- H -I- H -H |
Summer Clothing
c a il a n d s e e it .
Central Point, Oregon.
case o f the Southern states, met and the Diaz government. The establish­
elected themselves delegates, but it is ment o f the right o f habeas corpus and
not so certain that it is. When th e , trial by jury are the principles being
ballots are counted in November v.e striven for. The revolution was not to
■hall be in a better position to judge. have been precipitated -until July 1st,
—Caocnsburg (Pa.) Notes. (Rep )
but by some unforscen circumstance
ho tilities begun a week before that
date. Leaders o f the revolution have
their headquarters at Los Angeles, an 1
they assert that they will be victorious
within three months.
Fine Groceries