C E N T R A L P O IN T H E R A L D , C entral P oint H erald S . A . P a t t is o n , P u b l is h e r . TH URSDAY, A P R IL 2H. 1908. W *li,l"H**> M !*H + H *l"H "liil' Reform News. This column is edited by the press , superintendent of the W. C. T. U. of Central Point, Oregon. j Central Point State Bank C entral Point, Ore. An independent local newspaper devoted to the interests of Central ' At the recent hearing before the T R A N S A C T S A G E N E R A L B A N K IN G B U SIN E SS Point and the Rogue River Valley. j House District Committee on the ques- I tion of prohibition for the District of Published Every Thursday. Subscription price, $1.50 per year, in 1 Co umbia, Dr. Walter Brooks, repre- DIRECTORS—J. W. Merritt, President; W. C. Leever, Vice-President; T. j senting the colored Baptists, called the Witten, Cashier; I. C. Robnett, W. J. Freeman. advance. ■ attention of the Committee to the fa c t: Entered as Second-class Matter, May 4, ' that of the 600 saloonkeepers of the : Your Patronage is Respectfully Solicited. 1006, at the Post Office at Central Point, I District only 4 or 5 are negros. Oregon, under the Act of Congress of Deputy Commissioner Wheeler is CONTEST NOTICE. March 3. 1879. responsible for the following returns of I L O D G E D I R E C T O R Y . D epartment op the I nterior , the Internal Revinue Office of the U nited S tates L and O ffice , United States Treasury Department: j «ENTRAL POINT LODGE NO. 198 Roseburg, Oregon. March 13. 1908. BASE BALL The collections of the Internal Revinue 1 A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed n this office by John E. Ross, contestant, against Bureau from distilled and fermented Meets every Saturday evening at homestead entry No. 12208, made November 10, The ball game Sunday between liquors for the first 60 days o f 1908 7:30 p. m. in A. O. U. W. Hall, 19U2, for NWV4. section 14, Township 33 South, the home team and the first nine were 11,824,272.11 less than the receipts corner Second and Pine Sts. Visit­ Range 2 East, by Merrett G. Smith. Contestee, ing brothers are specially invited to from these sources for the first 60 days in which it is alleged that he has not been upon o f Ashland was one o f the best meet with us when in town. or resided upon said claim for a period of more of 1907. games ever played in this valley. G e o . L. F o r d , W. E P r i c e , than six months prior to the filing o f this con­ Tne national drink bill of England Secretary. Noble Grand test; that he has never lived upon or improved It was perhaps the longest inning continues to decline. It yet reaches the said land or cultivated or attempted to cultivate game ever played in this part of proportion of £3 las 9d per capita. the same or any part thereof; that said land is NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. not agricultural land and is chiefly valuable for the country, requiring 15 closely Canada’s drink bill is $18 per capita. contested innings to decide the game. Such a game was just what the home team needed, for, while they lost the gam e by a stratch and by one or two errors and a faulty decision, they played ju st as good ball as did their opponents and proved that they are fairly entitled to play with the best teams in the valley. The game will give the boys con­ fidence and should certainly arouse more interest in the na­ tional game among the people of the town than has recently been shown. Local pride should be sufficient incentive to get every business man and citizen of Central Point squarely behind the ball team, o f whom it may be said, without flattery, that no town in Oregon can show a bet­ ter, cleaner, healthier or more intelligent lineup of young Am er­ icans. A ll they need is practice, a little more self-confidence and the full assurance in their minds that their town is squarely be­ hind them in every gam e they enter, win or lose. H IE PRIMARY ELECTION. Department of the Interior, its timber; and that said alleged absence was not Rogers’ Bros. Triple plated The Best on Earth. C E N T ! POINT PHARM ACY The poster entitled ‘ ‘ Verdict of the j Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon. 1 due to employment in the military or naval April 15,1908. | service of the United States o f merica in time Scientists on Alcohol” which the French Notice is hereby given that John Bergman, of of war. are using so extensively contains among Eagle Point, Oregon, has filed notice o f his inten­ Said parties are hereby notified to appear, re- others these statements made by emi­ tion to make final five year proof in support of his spond, and offer evidence touching said allega- j * - I — 1“ I~?**I* * ? * * ! M— claim, viz: Homestead Entry No. 10872, made nent scientists: ‘ ‘Alcohol is not a food, July 17. 1901, for the Lot 1, sec. 32. and WVt NWVi, tion, at 10 o ’clock a. m. on 33, Township 34 South, Range 1 West, and although it may be a combustible. Section W ednesday , the 6th day o f M a y , 1908, that said proof will be made before A. S. Bliton, Atwater himself did not conclude from U. S. Commissioner, at hia office, in Medford, Ore­ before . S. Bliton, U. S. Commissioner, at his gon, on his experiments that alcohol was a true office, in Medford, Orogon, and that final hearing Wednesday, July 1, 1908. food, that is to say, that it was capable He names the following witnesses to prove his will be held at 10 o ’clock a. m. on continuous residence upon, hnd cultivation of. the W ednesday , the 20th day of M ay , 1908, LEWIS & SONS, Props. of incorporating itsels with the organ­ land, viz: Peter Betz. Lee Black, Louis Gibson before the Register and Receiver at the United ism.” “ Alcohol is dangerous, not only and James Watkins, all of Eagle Point, Oregon, BDNJAM1N L. EDDY. States Land Office in Roseburg. Oregon. by reason of the injuries it causes to Register. The said contestant having, in a proper affidavit, the nervous system, but above all by filed March 13 1908, set forth facts which show the denutrition that it produces in an that after due diligence personal service of this NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. notice can not be made, it is hereby ordered and organism which indulges in it to ex­ Department of the Interior, directed that such notice be given due and cess.” “ Alcohol, even in the doses Land Office at Koscburg. Oregon, proper publication. April 15, 1908. that some would style healthful, could BENJAMIN L. EDDY. Notice is hereby given that Lorenzo Snyder, of H ighest Market Price Paid for B eef, Pork and Mutton. very truly be the cause of death from Trail, Register. Oregon, has filed notice o f his intention to diminishing the resistance of the organ­ make final Commuted proof in support, of his YVe invite your patronage. C E N T R A L P O IN T , ORE. claim, viz: Homestead Entry No. 14391, made ism to infectious diseases. 'I he at­ July 16, 1907, for the sVa sw'/t, sec. 28, twp. 32 Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.— south, range 1 east, and that said proof will be NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. tempt to re-establish alcohol —which made before A. S. Bliton, U. S. Commissioner, at United States Land Office, has recently been atttmpted—relies his office, in Medford, Oregon, on Roseburg, Oregon, March 26, 1908. Wednesday, July 1, 1908. only upon the laboratory experiments _________________ ___ _ witnesses ________ __ to m ............. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with He names the following prove his upon, and cultivation of, the i the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, of the American Atwater. But At­ continuous o residence :__:__ P. 11 km _■ c__ 1 /\_ An act op ( fnv I .«#4„ for tkn the .--,1.. sale „4 o f ti,r,Ln% timber - lands land, viz; Simion Matthews, . of c Medford, Ore­ 1878, ectitled ’ “ ’ An water says: ‘The moderate use of gon; Nathan Messenger, Harlow Messenger and in the States of Califoi nia, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory,” as extended to all the alcohol is filled with dangers. Alcoholl James Davies, of Trail, Oregon. Public Land States by act of August 4. 1892, Wil­ BENJAMIN L. EDDY. could not be called a foodstuff in the Register. liam C. Reuter, of Medford, county of Jackson State of Oregon, did on September 19. 1907, file in proper sense of the word. The not re this office his sworn statement. No. 9273. for the purchase of the SWVi, of Section No. 8, in Town­ suit of its use is an injury and not a ship No. 33 South, Range No. 1 East, and will Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.— C e n tr a l P o in t, O r e g o n oiler proof to show that the land sought is more benefit.’ The truth of the matter is NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. valuable for its timber or stone than for agricul­ this: ‘There is not a well-observed United States Land Office, tural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before . S. Bliton, U. S. Commissioner, at fact which shows us that it would be Roseburg, Oregon, April 8, 1908. his office, in Medford, Oregon, on Notice is hereby given that in compliance with useful to introduce alcohol into nourish T hursday , the 9th day of J uly , 1908. All kinds o f hauling promptly done. Retail Dealer in Wood. the provisions of the act o f Congress o f June 3, ment. Many persons, often without 1878, entitled "A n act for the sale of timber lands Ho names as witnesses: David W. Pence, of in the States o f California, Oregon, Nevada, and Trail, Oregon: Frederick Frideger, Clarence A. suspecting it, suffer from having used Washington Territory,” as extended to all the Meeker and Jacob Klipple, of Medford, Oregon. Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.— Any and all persons claiming adversely the Timber Land, Act June 3. 1878.— it. I do not know one who would have Public Land States by act of August 4, 1892, above described lands are requested to file their NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Enna W. Graham, of Prospect, county of Jackson. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. to regret having been deprived of it.’ State of Oregon, did on January 23, 1908, file in claims in this office on or before said 9th day of U nited S tates L and O ffice , U nited S tates L a nd O ffice , Central Point Market FRESH and S A LT M EATS . Beef, Pork, Mutton and Veal. D. C. G R IM City Draying and Transfer Rheumatism. this office her sworn s:atement. No. 9568, for the purchase of the EVl/SEV'». NW‘ , S E 'i. NEF. SWH of Section No. 10, in Township No. 33 South, Range No. 2 East, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its tim- her or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land before A. S. Bliton. U. S. Commissioner, at his office, in Med- ford, Oregon, on Wednesday, the 26th day of August, 1908. She names as witnesses: John A. Larson, of Grants Pass, Oregon; Edwin F. Graham. George aunn D. u. Kiter, a a ,r . of m Prospect. r ™ , « . , c Oregon. r . Bun. Daniel am. and John Any and all persona claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their cl urns in this office on or before said 2fith day of August. 1908. BENJAMIN L. EDDY. Register July, 1908. BENJAMIN L. EDDY. Register. ( Roseburg, Oregon, March 20, 1908. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the prov ision s o f the act of Congress of June 8, 1878, entitled “ An act for the sale of timber lands in the States o f California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory,” as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1892, Roberta C. Harrigan, cf Medford, county of Jack- son, state of Oregon, did on July 3, 1907, file in thi3 oflice her sworn statement. No. 9081, for the purchase of the NMiSEVi, SWVi SEVi, NEV» SWVi of Section No. 12, in Township No, 35 South, Range No. 1 East and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its tim­ ber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land before A. s. Bliton, U. S. Commissioner, at his office, in Med­ ford, Oregon, on M onday , the 15th daj o f J un e , 1908. She names as witnesses: John A. Obenchain, Ch.rlc. oU nch .in Charle» A Edmondaon .nd Monroe Baldwin, all of Big Butte, Oregon. Any and aU persons claiming adversely the ahove-dtscnbed lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 15th day of June, 1908. BENJAMIN L. EDDY. Register. Roseburg, Oregon, March 4. 1908, Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions o f the act of Congress of June 3, 187S, entitled “ An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory,” as extended to all the Public Land States by act o f August 4, 1902, I^ban B. Caster, o f Eagle Point, county o f Jackson, State of Oregon, filed in this office May 4,1907 his sworn statement. No. 8748, for the purchase of the SWV» NEV». NWV» SE!4. NEV. SWV., SEV» NWV,. of Section No. 30, in Township No. 34 South! Range No. 1 East, W. M.. and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for ita timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before A.s . Bliton, U. S. Commissioner, at his office, in Med­ ford, Oregon, on T h u r s d a y , the 28th day of M a y , 1908. More than nine out of every (encases j The result of the recent pri Timber Land, Act June 3. 1878.— | I mary show sthat the people of of rheumatism are simply rheumatism NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. of the muscles, due to cold or damp Oregon are wide awake to their U nited S tates L ynd O ffice . weather or chronic rheumetism. In Roseburg, Oregon, March 13. 1908 own best interests and that they such cases no internal treatment is , . N “ti“ .i? hereby (riven that In compliance with no longer propose to b e ' led by required. The free application of A ?f thf ,act,.oi Congreas of dune 3. :„ Y u A n act for the sale of timber lands any boss or coterie of bosses in Chamberlain’ s Liniment is all that is w *u i:’t^te3 2,^ CaliYori,ia’ Oregon, Nevada, and Territ-ory. as extended to all the matters political. Senator Ful­ needed, and it is certain to give quick PubIlP Land States by act o f August 4. 1892, relief. Give it a trial and see for yonr- Marvin A. Tripp, of Aberdeen, county of Brown. ton’ s defeat is to be ascribed —~ State of South Dakota, filed in this office May 15, self how quickly it relieves the pain ' 1907, his sworn statement. No. 8759, for the pur- more to the fact that his position and soreness. Price, 25 cents; large 1 chase of the NW NE'/i. SEV« NEV«, NEVi SE'/». of Timber Land, act June 3. 1878. j D^b".*0 “ g“ ;WE dw irf section No. 10. in Township No. 33 South, Range NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Oregon; Samuel Vestal, of Eagle Point Oregon* on the direct primary question size, 50 cents. Sold by Mary A. Mee. | No. 1 East, E. W, M.. and will offer proof to show FrankHn M Caster, o f Eagle Point. Oregon i that the land sought is more valuable for its tim­ United States Land Office, j Any and al, persons claiming ad^fraely the and Statement No. 1 was so ber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and Roseburg, Oregon. February 19. 1908. above-described lands are requested to file their to establish his claim to said land before . a Timlier Li nd. Act June 3, 1878.— vacillating and uncertain that no Notice is hereby given that in compliance with Bliton, U. S. Commissioner, at his office, in Med­ claims in this office on or before said 28thT day of the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, ford, Oregon, on May. 1908. BENJAMIN L. EDDY. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. one could tell to a certainty just 1873, entitled, “ An act for the sale of timber lands Register. United States Land Office, M onday , the 15th day o f J une , 1908. in the states of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878. — where he stood, further than Rosebursr, Oregon, April 2, 1008. Washington Territory,” as extended to all the 1 He names as witnesses: Daniel D. Tompkins, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. H. .......... Slattery, of Oregon - - Salem, --------, Oregon; ---- ........... John ............ „. Is hereby Riven that in compliance with Public Land States by act of August 4, 1892, Mrs. of that he did not stand unequivo­ the Notice provisions o f the act of Congress of JuneS. Annie E. Parker, of Woodburn, County of Mai ion, ’ City, Oregon;j ohn Wetzel, of Central Point. Ore- U nited S tates L and O ffice , Timber Land Act, June 3, 1878.— 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands State of Oregon, did on February 11, 1907, file in 8ron. and Richard Vincent, of Prospect, Oregon, Roseburg, Oregon, March 19,1C08. cally for the Statement, than to in the States of California, Oregon. Nevada, and this office her sworn statement No. 8847, for the j Any and all persons claiming adversely the NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with Washington Territory,’’ as extended to nil the purchase of the WVii of the W 4 of sec. No. 12, ' above-described lands are requested to file their the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3. the fight made against him by Public I .and States by act o f August 4. 1802, Mary in Tp. No. 33, .South of Range No. 1 East, W M.. claims in this office on or before said 15th day of 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands U nited S tates L and O ffice , BENJAMIN L. EDDY, J. Osenbrugge, of Medford, county o f Jackson, Ore., and will offer proof to show that the land j June, 1908. Mr. Honey. H eney’s speeches State Register. in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and of Oregon, did on November 18, 1907, file in ought is more valuable for its timber or stone j Roseburg, Oregon, February 15, 1908. Washington Territory,” as extended to all the this office her sworn statement. No. 0450, for the than for agricultural purposes and to establish her Public Land tates by act of August 4, 1892, no doubt influenced many voters purchase of the Lot 6, o f Section No. 6, in Town­ claim to said land before the Register and Receiv­ Notice is hereby given that in compliance with Jesse Richardson, of Beagle, county of Jackson, the provisions o f the act o f Congress o f June 3. er of this office, at Roseburg, Oregon. No. 33 South. Range No. 8 Last, and will State of Oregon, did on June 3, 1907, file in this 1878, entitled An act for the sale o f timber lands Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.— who had previously had suspi­ ship offer proof to show that the land sought is more Wednesday. June 17, 1968. office his sworn statement. No. 9044, for the pur­ in the States of California, Oregon. Nevada, and NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. valuable for its timber or stone than for agricult­ She names as witnesses: D. D. Thompkins. of chase of the NEVi SEVi, of Section No. 12. in Washington Territory,” as extended to all the cions o f Fulton’s connection ural purposes, and to establish her claim to said salem. Oregon; Arthur Holden and J. H. Thomp­ U nited S tates L and O ffice , Township No. 35 South, Range No. 2 West, and Pub,1C LS.nd States by act o f August 4. 1892, before A. S. Hliton, U. S. Commissioner, at kins. of Trail. Oregon, and E. H. Billings, of Roseburg. Oregon, March 19, 1908. will offer proof to show that the land sought is William Parker, o f Woodburn, county o f Marion, with land frauds and crooked land *'ortland, Oregon. his office, in Medford, Oregon, on . . . . . _______ N otice is hereby Riven that in compliance with more valuable for its timber or stone than for State of Oregon, filed in this office on February 1, Any and all ............................... persons claiming adversely ln thi W ednesday , the 5th day of A ugust , 1908. agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim political deals during the old above described lands are requested to file their : rl£,proY??I,0? i!.n the States of California, Oregon. Nevada, and Prospect.. Oregon, and John James Osenbrugge, Range No. 1 E, W. M.f Ore., and will offer proof to Washington Territory,” as extended to all the T hursday , the 4th day o f june , 1908. Register. probable that the result would of Medford, Oregon. Public Land States by act of August 4. 1892, Hen­ He names as witnesses; Monroe H. Gordon, show that the land sought is more valuable for its Any and all persons claiming adversely the rietta C. James, of Portland, county of Mult­ George W. Stacey, Jesse S. Richardson and George timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, have been the same had Heney above described lands are requested to file their and to establish his claim to said land before the nomah. State o f Oregon, did on June 1. 1907, file in B. Johnston, all of Beagle, Oregon. claims in this office on or before said 5th day of this office her sworn statement. No. 9042, for the Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.— Any and all persons claiming adversely the Register and Receiver of this office, at Roseburg, kept his lips closed regarding August, 1908. BENJAMIN L. EDDY. purchase of the N 4 NWV», SEV» NW1/». NEV» above-described lands are requested to file their Oregon, on NOTICF FOR PUBLICATION. Register. S W V o f section No. 4, in Township No. 34 South, claims in this office on or before said 4th day of S aturday , the 6th day o f june , 1908. Fulton’ s past. Range No. 1 East, and will offer proof to show June, 1908. United States Land Office, BENJAMIN L. EDDY. o i*e n®mea as witnesses: D. D. Tompkins, of that the land sought is more valuable for its tim­ Register Salem, Oregon; Arthur Holden, o f Trail, Oregon; Roseburg, Oregon. March 24, 1908. ber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to H. M. Cake on the other hand Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.— James E. Martin, of Portland, Oregon, and David Notice is hereby given that in compliance with establish her claim to said ldan before A. S. Bliton, NOTICE FOR PUBLICTION. was known to stand firmly by S. Livesay, o f Woodburn, Oregon. the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, U. S. Commissioner, at his office, in Medford,Ore­ Timber Land, Act June 3. 1878.— United State* Land Office, Any and all persons claiming adversely the 1878, entitled "A n act for the sale of timlier lands gon on NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. the Statement and the political above-described lands are requested to file their Roseburg. Oregon, April 1, 1908. in the States o f California, Oregon. Nevada, and T h u r s d a y , the 4th day o f j u n e . 1908. U nited S tates L and O ffice , claims in this office on or before said 6th day of Washington Territory,', as extended to all the Notice is hereby given that in complnance with independence of the state, and the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, Public Land States by act of August 4, 1902, Lutie She names as witnesses; Thomas C. Norris, of BENJAMIN L. EDDY, Roseburg, Oregon, March 20, 1908. June. 1908. Oregon; James B. Watkins, Frank Register. entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands B. Ulrich, of Medford, county of Jackson, State Jacksonville. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with Neil and J. Frank Brown, of Eagle Point, Ore. the overwhelming vote cast for 1878, !n the States of California, Oregon. Nevada, and of Oregon, did on August G, 1907, file in this office R. Any the provisions o f the act of Congress of June 3, and all persons claiming adversely the her sworn statement. No. 9191. for the purchase Washington Territory,” as extended t«> all the him shows that the rank and file Public 1 «and States by act of August 4, 1902. Isaac of the 8 4 SWV«. of Section No. 2, in Township above-described lands are requested to file their 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and F. Williams, of Central Point, county of Jackson, No. 33 South, Range No. 1 East, and will offer claims in this office on or before said 4th day of Washington Territory,” as extended to all the o f the republicans in Oregon be­ State BENJAMIN L. EDDY, o f Oregon, did on October 26, 1907, tile in proof to show that the land sought is more valu­ June. 1908. Public Land States by act of August 4.1892. Beulah Timber Land Act, June 3, 1878.— Register. able for its timlier or atone than for agricultural this office his sworn statement No. 9418, for the J. Neil, of Eagle Point, county of Jackson, State lieve in political progress rather purchase NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. of theSVfcSE1/». N E 4 SEVi, of Section purposes, and to establish her claim to said land of Oregon, did on June 28. 1907, file in this office before A. S. Bliton, U. S. Commissi jner, at his No. 8. in Township No. 35 south. Range No. 2 her sworn statement. No. 9078, for the purchase o f I IT than political retrogression. Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.— East, and will offer proof to show that the land office, in Medforit, Oregon, on the SVy of S V of Section No. 12, in Township No. UN,TED S tates L and O ffice , sought is more valuable for its timber or stone T n u m d a Y, the 25th day o f JUNE. 1908. 34 South. Range No. 1 West, and will offer proof Roseburg, Oregon. December 2, 1907. A s a strictly partisan proposi­ than NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. for agricultural purposes, and to establish to show ____________ __________ ____ ______ __ She names as witnesses: George R. Lind ley that the land sought 1» more valuable for ! Notte. U hereby given that in compliance with his claim to said land before A. a. Bliton, U. its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and George P. Lind ley, of Medford. Oregon, and U nited S tates L and O ffice , tion all republicans should con­ Commissioner, the provisions of the act o f Congress of June 3, at his office in Medford. Oregon, on Arthur Holden and Dosha Holden, of Trail. Ore, Roseburg, Oregon. March 7, 1907. and to establish her claim to said land before A. S. 1878. entitled “ An act for the sale o f timber lands Bliton. U. S. Commissioner, at his office, in Med­ M onday , the 3rd day of A ugust , 1908. gratulate themselves on the re­ Any and all persons claiming adversely the in the States o f California, Oregon. Nevada, and Notice is hereby given that in compliance with ford, Oregon, on above described lands are requested to file their He names as witnesses: John A. Obenchain. of Washington Territory,” as extended to all the provisions of the act o f Congress of June 3, sult, for had Fulton won out in Big Butte. Oregon: Charles A. Obenchain, of claims in this office on or before said 25th dav of the S a t u r d a y , the 13th day of J u n e , 1908. Public Land States by act of A ugu sts 1892. Mrs. 1878, entitled “ An act for the sale of timber lands BENJAMIN L. EDDY. Butte Falls, Oregon; Monro»' Baldwin, of Big June, 1908. Mary Carrico, of 804 Front St., Portland, county She names as witnesses: Thomas C. Norris, of in the States of California. Oregon, Nevada, and the primaries there is hardly the Butte, Oregon, and Isaac B. Williams, of Central Register. Washington Territory,” as extended to all the Jacksonville, Oregon; James H. Watkins, J. Frank of Multnomah, State o f Oregon, filed in this office Point. Oregon. Public Land States by act o f August 4. 1892, Alfred Brown and Frank R. Neil, o f Eagle Point. Oregon. on January 28, 1907, her sworn statement. No. shadow o f doubt but that Geo. Any ami all persons claiming adversely the Any and all persons claiming adversely the 8725. for the purchase o f the WH of SEV«. N 4 of D. Gorden, of Prospect, county o f Jackson. State above described lands are requested to file their of Oregon, did on May 18, 1907, file in this office his above-described lands are requested to file their SWVi. of Section No. 2, in Township No. 33. South E . Chamberlain would have been claims in this office on or before said 3rd dav of Timber Iutnd, Act June 3. 1878.— sworn statement. No. 8762, for the purchase of claims in this office on or before said 13th day of of Range No. 1 E.. W M.. Ore., and will offer August. 1908. BENJAMIN L. EDDY. proof to show that the land sought is more valu­ BENJAMIN L. EDDY. the E1» N W V NWV4 N W V o f section No. 8. in June. 1908. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. the next United States senator Register. Township No. 34 South. Range No. 1 E., W. M.. ____________ Register. able for its timber or stone than for agricultural U nited S tates L a nd O ffice , purposes, and to establish her claim to said land and will offer proof to show that the land sought from Oregon. before the Register and Receiver of this office, at is more valuable for its timber or stone than for Timber Land Act. June 3. 1878. -» NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. In another column will be Roseburg. Oregon. December 2. 1907. found the full text o f the Oregon j Notice is hereby given that in compliance with »he provisions of the act of Congres of Jun * 3. law governing the running 1 1878, entitled "An act for the sale o f timber lands automibles on the * public roads Washington "V’ S,V"* Territory,” as extended N.^I.'Ynd . . to all the aiui highways o f this state. The s V - u Livesay. f,l,c Lmnd of W oudburn. ,b* mft county ot August 4 iw*. i*v»d , , of Marion. State law is printed for the informa- 0r**°n m thi* on January ¡ 3 . 1 * 17 . U nited S tates L and O ffice . * tion o f those operating autos, as well as the , general public, as to , * ju st what the legral rights o f all . f partios concerned arc, W ith this issue the Herald enters on its third year, with a much larger circulation and brighter future than ever. 1 his sworn statement. No. 8714. for the purchase of JUtS 01 ,how th f? . a w d to hi- claim to said land before the Register ‘5 ? ; *n‘l w’n that the land sought is more valuable for its tim- c-tr'Mtsh •nd R «eiv«-i.M h i,um . v. »t K.«wt.ur«. Oregon, on W e d n e s d a y , the 22 nd »lay o f anuu 190R. He names as witnesses: D. D. Tompkins, of Salem. Oregon; Arthur Hoklen. of Trail. Oregon; James E. Martin, of Portland. Oregon William i*ark«*r. of Woodburn. Oregon. Any and all per anna claiming adversely the alw» »> described land» are requested to file their Ga»ms in thi» office on or before sani Î2nd day of A tétti. IA*. BENJAMIN L. EDDY. IDogiater. Roseburg, Oregon. February 12. 1908. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of JuneS, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California. Oregon. Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public I .and States by act o f August 4. 1892, Minnie K. Moore, of Gold Hill, county of Jackson, State of Oregon, has this day filed in this office her sworn statement. No. 8798. for the purchase of theSW'« S E V Section 1. and N S NW»., NWV* N E V of Section No. 12, in Township No. 33 South, Range No. 2 East. W. M.. and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land before a . S. Bliton. U. S. Commissioner, at his office, in Med­ ford, Oregon, on M onday , the llth day o f M ay . 191«. She names as witnesses: William T. Grieve. C.«orr« D.oi.1. S>mu.l T Horiirv. i i d l m L Hodges, all of Prospect, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said llth day of May, 1908. BENJAMIN L. F.PDY. R» gister* Subscribe for the II krai . d . agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before a . S. Bliton. U. S. Commis­ sioner, at his office, in Medford, Oregon, on M onday , the 1st day o f J une , 1908. He names »is witnesses: Frank^ _________ Caster. ___ Ben- _ Edmondson, A n n a _____ jamin F. C. Edmondson. _____ w Edmondson, of Derby. Oregon; James W. Berriam. of Trail, Ore. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file thair claims in this office on or before said 1st day of June, 1908. BENJAMIN L. EDDY. Register. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE. In the County Coart o f Oregon for Jackson County. In the matter of the estate of Joseph Wilson. Sr., deceased. Notice is hereby riven that the undersigned has been appointed by the above entitled court rd- ministratrix o f the estate o f said decedent. All persons are hereby notified to present their claims if any they have against said decedent to the undersigned or her attorney. Gua Newbury, at Jacksonville. Oregon, properly verified, within aix months from the date o f the first publication of this notice. M ary A nn GftncsiLgY. Administratrix of the above entitled estate. Date ot flrat publi -tion March 26L 19JK 4*153 Timber Land. Act June 3. 1878.- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Roseburg. Oregon, on W ednesday , the 29th day o f fril . 1908. She names as witnesses; rthur Holden, of Roseburg, Oregon, March 20. 1908. Trail. Oregon; Mrs. Docia M. Holden, o f TrmiL Notice is hereby given that in compliance with Oregon; D. D. Tompkins, o f Salem, Oregon, and ----- iOI}R ..----------------- ------------ j t2£.pro'i* ..°/ *he act o f ------- Congress of June 3. Jacob H. Tompkins, of Amity, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely to j entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands i i the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and above described lands are requested to file thir — _ — Territory,” ---------- - --------w claims j Washington as extended in_ to all the in this office on or before said 29th day of " kU* Land * J State- “ ' by act ' o f August 4. 1902, 1 April* law* Public BENJAMIN L. EDDY, 4 Susanna Neil, o f Ashland, county of Jackson. ' Register State o f Oregon, did on July 8. 1907. file in t h i a _____________ ________________________________ office her sworn statement. No. 9082. for the pur- 5 WV* JJW** ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE TO CREDITORS. of secuon No. 34. in Township No. & 4 South., . . „ Range No. 1 East, and will offer proof to show that ‘ In the County Court o f Jackson County. Ore- the land sought is more valuable for its timber or ' *»"• stone than for agricultural purposes, and to In the matter of the estate o f Frances A. Swime- establish her claim to said land before . a. Bliton. lar. deceased. U. S. Commissioner, at his office, in Medford. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has Oregon, on been duly appointed by the County Court o f Jack- , son County, Oregon, administrator o f the estate M onday , the 15th day of june . 1908. of France* A. Swimelar. deceased. Frerf C. H. Rrin-cVr. All persons having claims against said estate of Medford. Oregon; Marion F. Caster and Labin are hereby notified to preeent the same, duly 5 '> rr,on . and Jam«. R. verified, to the undersigned, at Central Point, Neil, o f Jacksonville. Oregon. Oregon, within six month« from the date of the Any and all persona claiming adversely the first publication o f this notice. above described lands are requested to file their B urton E. Htnu>, claims In this office on or leforc said 15th day of Administrator of the estate o f Franc»» A. Swime­ June. 1908. BENJAMIN L. EDDY. lar. deceased. Register. Dal* oT Rnt publication April 9. 190*. Sld5S U nited S tates L a nd O ffice ,