C E N TR AI. PO IN T HERALD. THURSDAY, A P R IL 2, 1903. N e w ClubbiE»g Offer- For a limited time we offer the Con- tral Point Herald and the Thrice-a-Week World (fle w York) eavh one year for 12. IS. This means 208 papers at a cost of only a cent apire. - - Centra!- Point is going to improve more during the present year than in ,ny year in its pa3t history. You will need the Herald to keep posted on what is doing at home. A presidential election is coming on this year and you w ill need the Thrice- a-Week World' to keep you posted on national affairs, especially regarding the political situation in New York. Better subscribe today. For Constipation. Mr. L. H. Franham, a prominent druggist o f Spirit Lake, Iowa, says: “ Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets are certainly the best thing on the market for constipation.” Give these tablets a trial. You are certain t»fin d them agreeable and pleasant in effect. Price, 25 cents. Samples free. For sale oy Mary A. N ee, Methodist Church Services. Preaching sem’ices ^ r y ^Sunday^at 11 a. m. and every other Sunday even­ ing at 7:30. Sunday School every Sunday morn­ ing at 10:00. Epworth League at 6:45 every Sun­ day evening. Junior Epworth League at 8 p. m. every Sunday. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening at 7:30. ON THE UPPER ROGUE. Childhood's Method: "Virginia,'’ asked the little girl’s mother ouo evenin'; lately, “ what 1« BdnjulllS ¡1) fruit, Idem and Tim- Bobby Wickena walking up and dowu past the bouse fo r i” ber Lands. "H e's come to take me over to Myr­ tle Smith's,” answered the child, sud­ Below will be found some real bar denly hurrying eu with her cloak and gains in timber and fruit lands which hood. • But he's been out there for nearly are worthy o f your attention. an hour.” 238 acres—On Rogue river. 30 miies “ Oh, dear,” exclaimed Virginia re- from Central Point. Good two-story gretfnlly, "1 forgot that poor Bobby frame house, good barn and other can't whistle!” —Woman's Home Com­ buildings, good well o f excellent water, panion. family orchard of apples and all kinds ■ Rosourcsful Captain Wynns. o f berries. About 100 acres o f fine ‘■What would you do,” asked Colonel alfalfa land. Valuable water right on Penn, Rogue river with ditch constructed to j Addressing: Captain Wynne. ” l f o'er a stream you marched your men place. Tri-weekly mail service passes And all oi them fell In?” door. Excellent hunting and fishing. " A thing like that," «mid Captain Wynne, Price $20 per acre. "Would never cause a rout. 160 acres—3J miles from Prospect, on For it my men should all fall In I'd sternly cry, 'Fall out!' ” Crater Lake Park wagon road and —Earle Hooker Katun In Harper's Weekly. within } mile o f Ray ditch and power site, i Good two-storv frame house and other | Dead and In Debt. buildings. Good fences. Some fruit j The following lines are from a highly on place. Good well of water. 40 original poem on the departure of a acres in timothy. 1,500,000 feet of prominent citizen who died tluanclally pine and fir timber. Good outside range. •mbarrnssed: His creditors deplore him yet. Price $1800. A snap. And loud his widow hollers. Ho left this weary world In debt ISO acres—Same neighborhood. Good And a coffin worth six dollars. house and barn, good fruit and berries —Atlantic Constitution. on place. 2,000,000 feet pine and fir | NEW YORK JERSEYS. If You Love Her Notable Achievements In a Fina, Purs Brad Hard. When a New York state man talk! •bout Jersey rows he commonly men tlons Delaware county also, and Merl dale herd In that eounty la likely t< be spoken of when pure bred Jerseys are discussed. What Is known cs Merid&le Farms It a tract of land of some 1,400 scree composed of a number of farms which have been purchased from time totlms during the last thirty or more years. The herd of pure bred Jerseys thal may now be seen at Meridale Is th< topic of greatest Interest to the via ltor. In discussing this herd It Is nee Don’ t be afraid to tell her so. She will not hurt you. Brace up, he a brick and “Pop the Queston” Don’t make any mistake in the question; ask her sweetly and gently: “ Dearest, will you join me in eating some o f that delicious Candy at Sam Moore’s Confectionery?’ and She’ll say “Yes.’ G. S. MOORE. 2 nd AND PINE STS., I T T TA \ /\ J H T T T A \/\/ A A T fT \ \ I CENTRAL POINT Everybody in Central Point and neigh borhood to come in next Sunday and eat 25 GENT CHICKEN DINNER they ever tasted. JOSEPHINE HOPE, W e give our patrons the best the market affords. cial and Transient Trade a Specialty. Commer­ Central Point H o te l.c % Stephenson essary to refer to a certain bull thal ^ g e r. timber Price |180o. was raised on the farms some years Same Old Joke. ago. Ills name was Matilda Fifth 160 acres—Good fruit farm A ll good | Bah Jove, y’ know, I’ ve hugged ’em all Stoke Pogls. This hull wns purchased From Romo to Mandalay, alfalfa land and watered by living by a farmer residing some distance springs. 25 acres in cultivation. Good j But I was deuced well surprised By Bessie from Back Bay. away to put into his dairy herd. He house and barn. Near post office and j was known at Meridale to be an ex­ I kissed her once. I kissed her twice. good school 3,000,000 feet fine red fir She was a ohawming creatchaw, ceedingly fine animal, and several at timber. 30 miles from Central Point, But every time I touched her face tempts were made to buy him back, I froze anothah featchaw. on Fort Klamath road. A most desir­ but without avail. —Harvard Lampoon. able home. Price $3,500. The bull grew old and finally died, For further information, inquire at leaving behind him a remarkable col Noisier Than Usual. I. Lave a Car-load, I f you need any, let me know. A Healing Salve fo r Bums, Chapped Hands_ the H e r a l d office, Central Point, Ore. “ It was a quiet wedding, wasn’t it ? ’ lection of his get not only on the farm “ Not as quiet as weddings generally of Ills owner, but for some miles In the and Sore Nipples. arc. The groom spoke the responses surrounding country. At last the own As a healing salve for burns, sores, O u r B i e d u b b i n e - O ffe r. so you could hear him distinctly.” — er died, the stock came on the market In the settlement of his estate, and all Minneapolis Journal. sore nipples and chapped hands Cham­ i Arrangements have just been com- o f this line of stock was added to the berlain’s Salve is most excellent. It Meridale herd. These were the daugb. „ . . . . , . . . . pleted whereby the Central Point Her- OI’ Mlateh Grip. aHays the pain of a burn almost instant- . aM enabled tQ make one o { the great. ters and granddaughters of Matilda Ol’ Misteh Orlp, ho cum to town. ly, and unless the injury is very severe, .V.’s Stoke Pogls. He bad forcibly 8ec him pull de people down. eat clubbing offers ever made by an j Coughin’ en a wheezin’. heals the parts without leaving a scar. proved that he was a wonderful bull. Oregon newspaper. Here it is: ’ Deed, Ah's glad he passed yo’ by. Price, 25 cents. For sale by Mary A. Meridale has now about seventy fe­ W hat’s dat? Wateh in yo’ eye! Central Point Herald, per year, $1.50. W H E N IN TOW N C A L L A T males of that family. Josephine Hope He’s got yo' sho, yo’s sneezin’. flee. $1.50. Oregon Journal (semi-weekly). —Chicago News. 121,051 has a week's record of 200 $ 1 . 00 . Pacific Monthly . . . pounds 5 ounces of milk and 21 Putting Off the Evil Day. pounds 1 ounce finished butter. Pogls Observation Cars. Total . . . . $4.00. Howell—When does your w ife return P. A. 110,329 has been tested several Our price for all three, only from Europe? times and has made from 17 pounds 8 Oh and after November 15, 1907, the «2 50 I Powell—I can’t tell exactly, but I ounces to 13 pounds 10 ounces, the observation cars between Portland and The Semi-weekly Journal is the lead- have written her that the slow boats highest when she was past thirteen Oakland California, on trains Nos. 15 are safer.—New York Sun. years old. She milked as high as 303 Which is ‘ ‘the best” in Oregon. Try it and i f you don’t and 16 will be carried through instead mg semi-weekly newspaper o f the pounds lu seven days, says H. H. o f being cut out, as heretofore, at Rose-1 state. I t gives all the general and ; say it i s ‘ ‘the best” Jack will treat. We also handle the A Shower. Lyon In Hoard's Dairyman. bure ' J state news and in addition gives the | I frowned, she Bighed; Celebrated ¡Southbound, under this new arrange- complete and correct market reports j I stormed, shrt wept; Common Cruelty. A sob; the tears In rain descended. ment, passengers holding proper trans- j twice each week. In the Friday issue i I cleared, she shone; Recently ou an ley asphalt street we portation and Pullman accommodations a page ol "Funny Pictures for the, 1 smiled, sho beamed, saw more cruelty to horses than in A kiss—our rainbow—and 'twas ended. may occupy these cars on the n ig h t1 children, a page o f Bhort stories, and many years’ attendance at races. Two —New York Press. leaving Portland until reaching Eugene other features make it a welcome , horses, singly, were started up a grado visitor in every home. with a load of express packages. A ft­ at 12:32 a. m. The Way It Worked. The Pacific Monthly, published at F red P a r k e r , Agt. S. P.'Co., “ They tell me that poor Jolly Is a er a heartbreaking struggle, In which he went to his knees several time«, one 31tf Central Point, Oregon. Portland, is the leading magazine of victim of his own good fellowship.” j the West. I t is ably edited and beauti- “ That's so. lie lost his own health smoothly shod horse went to the i fully illustrated. Its stories are clean, ln drinklug other people's.” —Baltimore ground. The other was almost down several times, but was still on hts feet “ One Touch o f Nature Makes the Whole wholesome and interesting, all with American. and struggling when our train pulled more or less o f a flavor o f the W est. World K in.” out. Ilumuuo societies should look aft­ E U R O PE A N P L A N Of Another Age. F IN E S A M P LE ROOM Special articies on irrigation, stock- er such case».—Horse Breeder. When a rooster finds a big fiat worm raising and similar industries are at The mighty man who never told a Me— What wondrous things are with his be calls all the hens in the farm yard once entertaining and instructive. memory linked! No Good In Frozen Grass. But he belongs, alas, to times gone by— to come and share it. A similar trait The Central Point Herald is a strictly A ligure mastodonte, but extinct. Don’t allow the shoep to run out and o f human nature is to be observed when local newspaper. The H e r a l d does! —Washington Star. fill themselves with frozen gras* If a man discovers something exceptional- its best to set forth the advantages' there is no enow on the ground, think­ Itt Vaudeville. ly good—he wants all^ his friends^and th^Rogu^ River Valley, particularly ing It will save feed. This grass has The Home o f Commercial and Mining Men Fllpp- I ’ve got a smoking Jacket little food value and Is positively In­ neighbors to share the benefits o f his that portion immediately adjacent and tnau puriuuu [ that's Just like banana peel, jurious. Exorcise Is good for any discovery. This is the touch of nature tributary to its town. It labors for F lap p -IIow 's that? lapp— How's breeding animal, but if the yards are that makes the whole world, kin. This the advancement and upbuilding of Kllpp—It's easy to slip on.—Harper’s too small let them out on the hard explains why people who have been Central Point and vicinity and is en­ H o tel N ash Co., P r o p r i e t o r » Weekly. ground or if In the stubble fields only cured by Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy titled to the support o f everv citizen when their stomaca.3 are full, says an M e d f o r d . O reg o n write letters to the manufacturers for o f this section of the Valley. A Reluctant Conclusion. eastern sheep man. That .indent tortoise, to bent the hare. publication, that others similarly ailing Dining-room Unsurpassed. Refurnished Throughout. Take advantage o f this great offer Must surely have been a flier, may also use it and obtain relief. at once. It will only stand for a limited But I fear the reporter assigned to that race Behind every one o f these letters is a time. Three Publications that you need | Was something of a liar. T H E D A IR Y M A N . warm hearted wish o f the writer to be for the price o f two. You save $1.50 —New York Journal. o f use to someone else. This remedy and that’s “ worth while.” Generally Placid. is for sale by Mary A. Mee. “ I Just want to give the result of an “ Does your automobile make you Inquiry I made myself as to whether It j. i. Puts. nervous?” j. t. inrtRT,Pncs. ; pays better to raise beef cattle or pays “ Only once in awhile—when It isn’t | better to rulse dairy cattle. I made an Dr. 1 . Davis. Dentist, fn the repair shop.” — Denver News- I luvcstlgntlou of this. I wrote letters to will be in his Central Point office on Times. | tbe Islands of Guernsey and Jersey, to the following dates: i Denmark and Holland, where, ns I tin- C A P I T A L $ 5 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 Real Joy. From Monday morning. April 13, to \ derstnud, the greatest dairy Interests Of all the Joys that fate ran fix Saturday evening, April 18. o f the world are, to find out tbe actual S V K P I V S $ 1 0 ,0 0 0 .0 0 This makes the heart elate— From Monday morning. May 11, to To hear the bell at half past six cash vnlue o f agricultural lands In And not get up till eight. Saturday evening, May 16. those countries. From Guernsey and Savings Department. —Chicago Record-Herald. Repair work o f all kinds. Wood Turning and Scroll Jersey I got the answer tbut the aver­ Watch for further announcements o f Safety Deposit Boxes. Work. Horseshoing and W agonwork. Cast Iron Braizing. age cash vnlue of agricultural lands later dates in these columns. 37tf Woman'« Superiority. “ Women endure pain far I letter than was $1,250 an acre, from Holland and We transact a General Banking Denmark from $100 to $600 an acre. men." All those Innda are devoted to dairy­ New Placer Mine. "W ho told you that—the doctor?" i Business and respectfully solicit “ No; the corset maker.” —New York ing, and you will always find that the highest priced agricultural lauds In tbe your patronage. Press. The Freel brothers and Mr. Gray, of world are devoted to dairying and not Gold Hill, have recently filed placer to the raising of beef. That tells the A R eekie«« Career. locations on a bar on Rogue River two story,” saki Judge Quartern of Iowa To write In proao he first essayed. And. oh. the failure that he made! miles below the Ray dam and are pro- before tbe national dairy convention. ’ Twas then he took to writing verse. paring to work the ground on an ex­ Running th« Separator. And thus he went from bad to worse. tensive scale. This bar, containing 60 —Town Topics. Three points worthy o f attention when using the separator are specified acres or more, has been supposed for T h « Great Thin,. by Professor Oscar E rf of Kansas: years to be deeded land, but some time Envious Neighbor — How is It you : First.—The speed of the howl has an ago these gentlemen started an investi­ manage to keep a cook so long? ' Influence on the cream. A change In gation which resulted in the discovesy Mrs. Wise—Ob, we know our place.— speed from one separation to another that it was not and their filings were Baltimore American. ehanges tbe per cent of fat of the made at once. The ground prospects cream. A Lot or Block in Central well and shows as much as two-bits to W l«« Sleuth«. Second.—The temperature o f tbe milk Point, bought before the next The hand a simple ditty played the pan. A ditch is being taken from affects the cream. I i the milk Is warm And 'wasn't tt a pity ?) advance in prices, will insure Rogue Biver which will afford ample The aleuthi. by bandits quit« dismayed. tbe cream will be thicker than If It Is cold. Swooped down on that band-dltty water for mining all the year and the you some ‘ ‘easy money.” —Kansas City Time«. Third.—The amount separated per indications are that they have “ struck a x rs R x o hour Is another factor. This Is espe­ it rich.” Fitted Out. cially Important, for If the milk is un­ Mr*. Renham—I bought the dog 8 evenly fed Into tbe bowl the thickness collar today. of the cream Is vastly Influenced. Rheumdflyn. Benham -A ll right; ITI g lv « hlm s Sterilized Wash Water Fer Butter. More than nine out o f every ten ct cu ff—Puck. Tbe Kansas experiment station con­ o f rheumatism aro simply rhe siders It both practical and economical T it For Tat. lamp o f the muscles, due to c to aterlljzo wash water for batter If It T s u In th« street they met by chine« weather or chronic r’nei En can be cooled and used Immediately; And then, I've hoard tt eaid. otherwise the practice hi a naelese ex- such cases no internal He east at her a killing glano«, And ehe Just cut him dead. pense. < required. "Tie free ap -Plck-Me-Vp. .IS rrmedy Cja » Iw iy i ke d e p n M s$oa sad Process Butter. Chamberlain’ s Liniment i al that is is plesssst tt ta ke It CMUias so opium or The government Inspection o f reno­ needed, and it .a certain to give quick Chsngod- other hsrmfil drag sad nuy he gives as cesfl- vated butter last year showed a total model “ t understand that she was a relief. Give it a trial and see for yonr- dcntly ts s hsbv ss to a* adalt production of 63,000,000 pounds of such before marriage." self how quickly it relieves the pain Priee 25 ceils. Urge size 5« celts. butter, an Increase of 1C per cant over “ Well, ab« hasn't beca aluce” -Boa and soreness. Price, 25 cents; large Ihe preceding year. ton P ost Sold by Mary A. Mac. size, 50 cents. Sold by Mary A. Mee. BLACKSMITH COAL && PRICE, HORSES HO. R OFFICE THE For Pure “Astor” WLikey j C o lu m b ia B eer 'T h e O ffice M e d fo r d , - H o te - - O rego n N ash F. A. HAWK Medford National Bank Genera! Black smi hing Central Pent, Oregon A Good Investment. COUGH Coughs,1Colds, 3pingC