CÈNÌPRAL POINT HERALD. fHURSDAY, MARCH 19. 1908. .■ h - x - i - h - h Headquarters for Men's furnishings. %adtfc I Best Line of Shirts in the City. 3: Call and see our stock and watch this space next week. i | r ? l* ll .I l I J o n e s , -± H - 1-1- M - H - l -H - l - M - H - l- H - POLITICAL CARDS. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISÍIVKNTS Announcements of candidates of all parties will be run in this column at reasonable rates. FOR SAUL WATCHES AND JïW E L R Y -F in eet line ever opened m Central Point. A t Central Peint Pharmacy. For District Attorney, MISCELLANEOUS. I hereby announce myself as a candi­ date for the nomination for District Attorney subject to the action of the Republican voters o f Jackson and Josephine counties. B. F. M ulkey . ^ Ross Building, First and Pine Sts. CENTRAL POINT. OREGON. For Assessor. I hereby announce myself as a candi­ date for the office o f County Assessor of JacKson County, Oregon, subject to the action of the Republican voters of said county at the coming primary election. Respectfully, W. T. G rieve . Prospect, Oregon, Feb. 15, 1908. OREGON’S OPPORTUNITY COLONIST RATES from all parts of the United States and Canada to all parts of Oregon and the Northwest will be put into effect by ASHLAND ICE—Made from purest mountair water, for sale at Moore's confectionery. 4ti" REAL ESTATE. THE CENTRAL POINT REAL ESTATE Cl* is interested in the future! growth o f Central Point. We want to see the* old town grow, aa well as the entire Rogue River valley. Come in and list your property with us. We will explain why it is to your advantage to do so, when you come to our office. ' If you have property to sell, we have parties who want tf*-buy. H ju u want to buy, we have parties who! want to sell. Do you see the. point?—Central Point Real Estate Company, C. S. Sanderson. Manager. 86tf Am on^Table Ornaments Assessor. «. The Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co. ! and * Southern Pacific Company Good for Railroad Gar Fare from Centrai Point to Medford as per Agreement Aho\ I hereby announce myself a candi­ date for the nomination of County As­ sessor o f Jackson County, Oregon, subject to the action of the Republican voters at the coming primary election. J. W. L a w t o n , Medford, Oregon. (Line* in Ore*on) Daily During March and April, 1908. A Pleasant Physic. When you want a pleasant physic give Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets a trial. They are mild and gentle in their action and always pro­ FROM duce a pleasant cathartic effect. Call COUNCIL BLUFFS - $30.00 at Mary A. Mee’ s drug store for a free OM AHA - - $30.00 sample. From the Principal.Cities of the Middle Wèst the Rates Will Be as Follows: fWOM -, and NE‘ , NWV*. of mended by such eminent jurists as ! Section No. 22, in Township No. 33. South o f Range No. 1 E.. W. M.. Ore., and will offer proof to show Chief Justice R. S. Bean of the Oregon ; ! that the land sought is more valuable for its tim­ ber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to Supreme Court; W. W. Cotton, gen­ establish his claim to said land before the Register eral attorney for the O. R. & N. Co., [ and Receiver of this office, at Roseburg, Oregon, on W e d n e s d a y , the 22nd day of A p r i l , 1908. and others. Price $4.00. Orders for He names as witnesses: D. D. Tompkins, of this book may be left at the Central Salem. Oregon; Arthur Holden, of Trail, Oregon James E. Martin, of Portland. Oregon: Willian Point Herald office. 47tf Park» r, of Woodburn. Oregon. The Colonist Rate is the greatest of all homebuilders. Oregon has unlimited resources and needs more people who desire homes and larger opportunities. Oregonpeoplé-can accomplish splendid results by heralding this opportunity to all the world. Send Oregon literature giving good, reliafle information about the state, far and wide- Call on the above railroads for it if necessary. FAR ES C A N BE PREPAID Here at home if desired. Any agent is authorized to accept the a* claims in th is office on or before said 22nd day oj April. 1908. BENJAMIN L. EDDY. Register. Trespass Notices, printed on cloth, for sale at the H ekald office. 50 cents dozen. t f' ■ Subscribe for the H erald . W M . McMURRAY, CONTEST NOTICE. in it e d D e pa r t m e n t o f t h e I n te r io r , S t a t e s I a n d O f fic e , Roseburg, Oregon, March 13. 1908. A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed- in this office by John E. Ross, contestant, against homestead entry No. 12208, made November 10, 1902, for NWVL Section 14, Township 33 South. Range 2 East, by Merrett G. Smith, Contestee, in which it is alleged that he has not been upon or resided upon said claim for a period o f more than six months prior to the filing o f this con­ test; that he has never lived upon or improved $aid land or cultivated or attempted to cultivate the same or any part thereof; that said land is not agricultural land and is chiefly valuable for its timber; and that said alleged absence was not due to employment in the military or naval 4ervice of the United States of America in time of war. Said parties are hereby notified to appear, re­ spond, and offer evidence touching said allega­ tion, at 10 o’clock a. ra. on W ed n esd a y , the 6th day of M a y , 1908, before A. S. Bliton, U. S. Commissioner, at his office in Medford, Oregon, and that final hearing will be held at 10 o ’clock a. m. on Port and Sherry for Family Use. Mall orders given prompt attention. “ WEARY'S” H. O. WILKINSON, Prop. MEDFORD - - OREGON. — Phone 214— W e d n e s d a y , the 20th day o f M a y . 1908. before the Register and Receiver at the United States Land Office in Roseburg. Oregon. The said contestant having, in a proper affidavit, HAY FOR RALE. filed March 13 1908, set forth facts which show Good quality alfalfa. First that after due diligence personal service o f this notice can not be made, it is hereby ordered and $10 p er ton. R . C. H e n s l e y . directed that such notice be given due and proper publication. BENJAMIN L. EDDY. General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. I I a well-filled decanter has first choice among “ choice spirits.” That “ little drop o f something” that sounds so vague and mysterious, has really a definite meaning when it is bought of us. It then means “ something g o o d : ” Everybody likes to blow their own horn, hut our customers are the ones that give us the most praise. They swear by the high quality Wines and Liquors that we handle. You’ll do the same after trying them. Register,- cutting. 4 6 tf Subscribe for the H erald . , \ ' Better Than a U. S. Bond. An investment in Central Point Real Estate, just now, is as safe as a Government bond with the advantage of the certainty of a big ad­ vance in value before the end of the present year. Central Point is sure to make the greatest growth in its history and with the advent of Spring a^d the busy building season realty prices are bound to advance. Buy now and secure for yourself the profit the enhanced values are sure to- bring you. r Central Point Townsite Company. ■ - H -l- H -H --H -I-H S-:- -f-t-l- l-t-P-l-l-H-t-f-M-t-H-l-I- M-t-H -W -M > 1-Ft 1)1- k