CENTRAL POINT RÈR à LD. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 17. IWt. Anights dnd Ladies of Security In- ■ ¡- H - i- l- K -f-i- M -l- MrH- i- Hrh-fc-li'H -M t'-W TH -H -FM -M -H -H -H -Islr-l • stilli Of liters. -t- a a -i-t-w >> h - h - í - m - i - i - k » + a-i-t-t-i- < h -¡- h - v t (Cw iim unM td j On Thursday eyemng . Ofctuber 3rd. the Knights and,l.ada-» of Security of this city 'pstalled their officers for the erusutm yearj A fttr a short business session the doers of the Couneil were throv«n open and the relatives and friends of the members admitted and then, the installation ceremonies were gpne through with. When the last of the new officers had taken their places the president of. the Council, Miss Mary A. Mee, gave a pleasing talk on tile growth of the order in this city, and at the close» in a few well chosen words, in behalf of the Council, pre­ sented Mrs. N. P. Holmes, the retiring president, with a water set. Mrs. Holmes responded and thanked thu Council for its remernbrapoe. A beauti­ ful bouquet o f ehoiee flowers was then presented to T. M. Jones, who so ably fUled the office of secretary fpu several ypars. Miss Mee was also r erne inhered, for her faithful and efficient work as financier, and: was presented with a fancy plate and centerpiece,, both th : ! latter preservations having been made hy Mrs. Eli Jones. But the “ hit" of the evening-was made byvT. M Jones, ’ who, in his usual forceful' and witty I manner, gave a short history of Cen­ tral Point Council, of its trials and struggles, until it has at last become! acknowledged as one of the best benifi- j ciary orders in the city. Recitations I were given by Ella Jones and Gladys Holmes, a song by Mattie Webb, and a ! duett by Cassie and Ella Jones was particularly pleasing and the young ladies were obliged to respond to an encore. Plenty of ice cream and cake was served, and all went home feeling fhat ‘ it was,good to be there.’ A Most- Worthy Articl*. When an article has l«een on tlte-j market for years aod gairm friends - aveay year, it is saferto calf tlrts medi- | nine a worthy one. Such is Ballard’s 1 Horehound Syrup. It positively cures ! coughs ami all Pulmonary diseases. j One of the best known merchants in Mobile, Ala., says: “ For five years ray family has not been trouble« withr the whiter coughs and we owe this to Ballard’s Horehound Syrup. I know in bus savedryy children, from* many sick, spells.” Sold-by Central Point Phar rang». i I Cole’s Moore’s Steel Ranges. R C aTO LV E D . T h a t s o r*te , l u x u r i e s N C C S JJ I V E S , A H O y I C E a r e . ver sa >'ht o E V E R Y /VICE G A R M E P T P S BOTH* Heaters. IT / s h o u l d B E ^ W H o D o e s n ' t s E n j o y g o o d c l o t h e s , e v e n ' > *% A HORSE fEELS BETTER -A R E THE BEST ON EARTH. - ¡^ Y ^ it f N E W HAR/VE5S " [. BUSTER B R oV tf, When you buy either o f them you know- you have the very best on the market. Leever, Sells them. T h e H ardw arem an , 1 He also handles all kinds of Hardware. I Better buy your Stoves early and be ready fo r the-damp, chilly season. ■M - i - I- I- M - V M - l - I .H - l - H - H - I- r M - jbbsi S ut A m ar n r +■ Central Point State Bank iiu t u iu w io o iw i , Central Point, Ore. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS DO Y O U NOT WLSH N EW HVR1$E.5.S FO R Y O U R ­ S E L F ? Y O U WILL T R O T B E T T E R IF Y OU 6ET!»T W E CAN ” RIG Y O U " FR.OM THE S K I N Q T T : GOOD S UI T FLEECE LIMED U N D E R W E A R , $ 1 . 0 0 ” ” W OOL " $ 2 .0 0 F tT T T F R " *’ (o FINE S U I T W OOL FLEECED.' ME N’ S W O O L H O S E GOOD B U S I N E S S S U I T SETTER ” * " GOOD C H I L D ' S O V E R C O A T BETTER " " A N U P -T O -D A T E H A T DIRECTORS—J. W. Merritt, President; W. C. Leever, Vice-President; T; Ml Witten, Cashier; I. C. Robnett, W. J. Freeman. Your Patronage is Respectfully Solicited. so $1.50 .25 $ J 0 .0 0 $ J 2.00 $ 2 .50 $ 3 .00 $ 3 .00 Freeman & W iley ri Farm Implements, Vehicl es, E t c . RESPECTFULLY* PRICES Always the We carry a full line of J CHEAPEST, Quality BAIN WAGONS, BUGGIES, HACKS, SURRTES, ETC. RUNABOUTS IN STEEL and RUBBER TIRES L. HATFIELD. Considered. CALL AND SEE US l-H -++® ++++® J Harness. Saddles. Rubes and Whip*. Gasoffte Engines, Pumps, Bicycles and Incubators : .1 • • We aarry one o S the largest stocks in Jackson County NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. W i l P l e a s e Y o u r F r ie n d s ! One o f our handsome new Leather Post Cards. Come in and see the new line. “ the best ever.” They are Post Office News Stand. A child with: strong, natural feet takes more crercise, and grows healthier and happier than the unfortunate who is forced by t h e criminal neglect of the parents to wear ¡Unfitting shoes. "Educator” shoes are so - constructed, that- all the delicate- joints of the foot are given ample r-vnm to grow as they should!. •I Parents who care buw “ Educators.” CENTRAL POINT, OR. In.the County Court o f the State o f Oregon foe theCbunty o f Jackson. In the matter o£th e estate o f J. M. Vermillion. deceased. Public notice is hereby given that the under­ signed has tins day filed harein his duly verified | Final Report and account in the above entitled matter, and tEiat the Hon. George W. Dunn, as I the Judge o f said Court, has this day appointed 1 S atu r da y , the 16th day o f N ovkm aer » 1907, ! at the hour o f 2 o ’clock p. m. o f said day and his I office in the Court House in Jacksonville, Oregon, as the time and place for the final hearing o f said Report and account. All persons interested are hereby notified to appear at said time and place and make any obiections they may have to the approval of said Report and account. Dated this 17th day o f October. 1907. I . . . C h a rle s V e rm il lio n . I Administrator o f the estate o f J. M. Vermillion, deceased. Xl-M-.I-l"l-l-l-;-l-H-l-l-l-I-l"l“l"l-H-H- l-H-H-H-r-r-t-M-t-t-H-K h H "t-M-Hi » CENTRAL POINT BAKERY SANITARY H. C. TURRILL, PROP. My Bread etc is strictly first-class PLUMBING W M . A . A IT K E N and is second to none in thestate cakes. ADMINISTRATOR'S FINAL NOTICE In the matter o f the estate o f J. S. Grigsby, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, administrator of said estate, has filed in the Coun­ ty Court o f Jackson County. Oregon, his final a c ­ count as such administrator. That by order uf , Geo. W Dunn. Judge o f saal Court, sakl report [ w ill come on for hearing a t the court-room of said County Court in Jacksonville. Oregon, on M o n d a y * N ovem ber 26th* 1907* at 2. o ’clock p. m. of said day. All persons in te r-' ested or having objections to the same, will file their objections thereto on or tiefore the said day 1 and date. Dated this 15th day o f October,. 1907. G eo . J. G r ig sb y . Administrator o f Uie estate o f J. S. Grigsby.. deceased. THE JERRY LUMBER and MINING GO. —are now prepared to accept orders for— D im e n s io n L u m ber. If we hav.n'fc what you want in. stock we will cub it for you» Mill four and one-half miles west Cent. Pt. See W. H. BOTTORFF, Mgr. at milt or at Central Point hotel SM ITH s MOLONEY, Shoe Dealers. Medford, Or. Pipes, Fittings and Plnmbing Supplies' Special orders solicited for fine NO SENSE OF HUMOR. Satisfaction assured. West E street, opposite depot, Give me a trial. CENTRAL POINT OR MEDFORD, ORE. Don’t Pay Rent A Scientist’* Criticism of • Csmio I W ill P a y Y o u r C a r F are From Central Point to- Medford, and return, for every $10.00 or more spent at “ THE T O G G E R Y , ” Med­ ford’s Fashion Store for Men. to sample the very best brands of Whis­ kies and Wines, your »•arch will be satisfied the moment wit taste the kinds we are now otYf-ring ttv our patrons Hath linos are esorpUTmally pure and whetesame; in fact, rite sort that the best phystttans recommend to their Sickly and evnvdesoent patient* as a tome amrbbmUer up of the system \ Your house ought to have a supply, and you ean easily afford it at our prices, t T o g g e r y B ill. tOf Course. ) liquors for r.tmdv list*. Mail orders given prompt attention. FHf MlfOt'E IP. 0. WILKINSON, Prop, t Weary'sV MEDFORD - - —Phone 2U. OREGON. »3 9 Book For Children. Charles Mouselet, a Frenchman of letters, published a comic “ scieutlflc dictionary” for the benefit o f children, who found, no kittle amusement in his odd accounts of things In the animal world which were perfectly familiar to them, but which were described la a rather fantastic way In M. Monseiet’s book. The editor o f a certain scientific Jour­ nal. however, was much surprised and shocked at Si. Monselet’s ignorance when he took up the book, and he Wrote an article about It In bla paper, which ran as follows: “ A certain M Mouselet has publish» ed a dictionary fo r t b e use o f children, which contain* definitions showing th# most ciIn o rd in a ry Ignorance, such an the following: " ’ Sardine- A little fish without any bead which live* In oil.’ "As If a fish could lire without a bead and In oil! "Another definition: ’’ T a rr o t- A bird somewhat resem­ bling the pigeon, generally green when It Is not red or yellow or blue. Cocka too« sometimes lire to be a hundred year* old. except when they are stuff­ ed. and then there is no limit to the length o f their Ufe.’ "Now. It happen* that the parrot Is. not a plgeou at all and never has the colors that M Mouselet give* to him. and. In short, tills M Monselet knows no more of natural history tham he hae grains of common sense.” BUY A LOT AND BUILD A HOME INCENTRAL POINT. O m * Priaes and Terms will Please and Satisfy you. See us for full information. CENTRAL POINT TOWNSKE COMPANY. OFFICE Hi HERALD BUILDING. OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. E A G L E M u rph y & BA R D ow n in g, Prop*. W F HAVE MOVED north one block and are now lo­ cated in elegant quarters in the new brick bibett ad­ joining the Nash Livery B an. We arejhere to give you a "Square Deal "and “Rainier Beer” afwavs means a “ square deal” - to all beer drinkers. We sell RAINIER BEER and afl other TOP-NOTCH LIQUID REFRESHMENTS Drop in and see us. M u rph y & D o w n in g , m edford . O r e g o n .