Image provided by: Rogue River Valley Irrigation District; Medford, OR
About Central Point herald. (Central Point, Or.) 1906-1917 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1907)
V + » ' / C entral point H erald VOL- 2. CENTRAL POINT. OREGON. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 3. 1907. NO. 2A cranfiii & Robnett *re having a deck New Lumbering Company at Work. Mack Tw ain’s Many Homes. Christian Sunday School Picnic. built in in the dry goods department of People are Waking Lip Such a universal, character to Mask their store. an<which their tag -stock a! on the orchard proposition In the Twain that the whole, world la lntsrsst- Walter Bottorf, manager of tbe new clothing .will be exhibited. The deck Rogue River Valley. A good gives, one-half.more room in that de lumbering and mining company which ed In the announcement that be Is go- church will hold a picnic in the grove orchard on the rigfat kind of. land Tee cream at the Kandy ‘Kitchen. partment and was made .necessary t)y recently acquired a block of valuable Ing to build a new house for himself. at the. old fair grounds Saturday. is very attractive. Prof. Hanby reports that 190 pupils the largely increased stock of rEAll and mining and timber property in the This time, as ones before, he chooses Those attending will meet at the church, The right kind of gn .qcchard are enrolled in the Central point schools. Winter goods now arriving. Willow Springs district, arrived a few Connecticut We are Informed that tbs from where the start for the grove will prove a bonanza; the wrong new bouee Is to be built of concrete» days ago from Kokomo, Indiana, and is Mrs. Maria M. Wright, who resides will be made a t 10 « ’clock. A good S. C. Hensley khipped ¿car. of bogs kind is a “ white .with her sister, Mrs. Stone, is very to San Francisco recently, 'finding a busy getting a crew of men together the latest material, guaranteed to look time is anticipated if the day is fair. elephant” on the earner’s hands. pretty when Cheope and tbe aphlnx have to commence logging and lumbering seriously ill. good market in the California metropo A man who is not in touch .with Joe Welch reports that be has finished lis. Mr. Hensley returned from a trip operations on their property. As soon become mere sand beeps. Being some Qutey. Sprains and SweWnjs Cured. the orchard business cannot put thing of a humorist as well as a philos as logs can be gotten into the van the Hiáslbey harvest and has 26 loads of fine to the Willamette Valley Saturday, von right-on Hie proposition any opher, Mark Twain proposes to leave “ In November, 1901, I caught cold hay in the barn for Winter. where he went to look up the hog trade. sawmill will be started and lumber will behind him a memorial more subs tan- more than a blind man can lead and had the quinsy. My throat was be produced on a large scale. Mr. a blind man. If you want to i B. Khan, the Medford advertising He shipped two cars to San Francisco tlal than books. If be were merely a swollen so I could hardly breathe. I Bottorf expects his family to arrive avoid getting left With a “white man, was in town yesterday putting in yesterday. from the East in a short time and he serious philosopher he might rely whol applied Chamberlain's Pain Balm and anntWertising board in the post office. elephant’’ on your hands, do $3.75 for $1.50—Weekly Oregonian, will make his home in Central Point. ly upon his books. it gave me relief in a short time. In business with the J . N. Wright has sold his 50 acre Sunset Magazine and “ Road of a It Is not every man who can gratify two days I was all right,” says Mrs. L. farm, just east of the Bear Creek ford, Thousand Wonders,’’regular price $3.75 a teste ------------------------------------------Cousins, for multitudinous homes. Mark Otterbum, Mich. Chamber- Rogue River Land O a p a n y . “ Better than Shingles or Tin” —Rex to D. Sage, of Medford, for $6,500, or —at the Post Office News Stand, for a Flintkote roofing is better than either Twain bolds tbe world's record In that Iain’s Pain Balm is a liniment and is Medford. Oregon. short time,.all fsr *1.50. Better sub ¿$130 an acre. shingles or tin. In fact, it is the best respect. He has bad more homes than especially valuable for sprains and tf They are in touch with the or any man now living. While It Is a swellings. F ound -- A pair of steel spectacles on scribe today. For sale by Mary A. Mee house covering made. If you are build chard business, thoroughly fa Ex-Sheriff Harry K. Brown of Baker ing be sure and investigate “ Flintkote” matter of Impossibility to furnish a iread one mile east from Tolo. Owner miliar with every tract in the caM at this office and pay for this notice. County was the victim of a dynamite before contracting for your roofing. complete list. Just a few may be recall 1/i.restock insurance. valley, know what each district ed to support the assertion. First there bomb Monday, the „-explosive being For sale by W. C. Leever. tf 50tf is best adapted for. and they! placed at his front gate in much the was the little house In tbe village of Rev. B. A. Bristol has been appointed will see that you are put right I ■Florida. Mo., -where Samuel L. Clemens The National Livestock Insurauce ■by the M. E. conference to the pastor same manner that the bomb that killed —that being his name off the stage— Association of Portland, Oregon, is in every instance. Every man a te of the Central Point M. E. church' ex-Govemor Steunenburg « a s planted. Has Returned From Condon. was born. Then came tbe old home insuring livestock against death from who has ever bought through Brown was horribly mangled, but it is for the coming year. stead In Hannibal, still standing, where any cause. Our rates are right. In this agency can sell to-day for a hoped he may recover. Geo. L. Neale returned last Friday M. S. Welsh is building a fine bam great advance over his purchase Your alun should be dear and bright from Condon, where he was called as tbe world wanderer passed bla boyhood. vestigate us. We make no promises ton his Second street property. It is price. This is e n d o r s e.m e n t if your liver is in normal condition. a witness several weeks ago on an After that the future Mark Twain lived we cannot fulfill. For further particu reported that Mr. Welsh will put in an enough. Consult? any business Dades Little Liver Pills act on the important murder trial. The defendant, In various houses, ono of which, a lars, inquire of G. L. Neale, agent, auto garage next Spring. Nevada log hut, la still pointed out to Central Point, Oregon. man, bank, or orchardman m the liver; and headache, constipation and 20tf Wood is the same as money this year biliousness disappear. Price 25 cents. J. R. Thompson, was tried and con admirers. History tells us of a hand- valley as to tjkeir «^liability.: victed two years ago for the murder of some home preeented to Mr. and Mrs. so you had better see W. C. Leever Sold by Mary A. Mee. Alec Goreicke, a cook in Thompson’s Clemens as a wedding gift. That was .about a Cole's Airtight Heater. Save Mrs. F. Adams, of Merrill, was the railroad construction camp, near Con at Buffalo. The youn^ couple refused ttheir cost in ose soasen. 24tf H iM’ H ' M-W -I-H t-H -H -t 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 M-|-|. guest of Mrs. J. W. Merritt for a few don. An appeal to the supreme court to live happily ever afterward In that W. J. Virgin retained'from Portland days during the week. Mrs. Adams was upheld and the case remanded back bouse, for they went to Elmira and to "Monday. His-health is improving and was formerly Miss Martha Caldwell, for retrial and, as the principal witness Hartford, having homes one after the ihe hopes to g etth e Central,Point Flour and at one time was a teacher in the ing Mills started within the next two Central Point schools and was also a for the State has disappeared, the ether 1n each place. second trial resulted in an acquittal. The Hartford home achieved fame week 8. former postmistress at this place. She Mr. Neale says the wheat crop in because of Its many windows and its When you are in Medford drop in at left for her home Sunday morning. Gilliam County is a world beater, and, j fleas tower. At last it was believed “ Weary’s” for good liquors, cool beer Laundry Work—Leave your package when he left, the threshing was hardly by tbe friends of ths philosopher that .and a good lunch. 21 tf at W. C. Leever’s hardware store for half done. The warehousea are all I be was settled down. But they rack- Mrs. Potter Palmer and her two sons, Peil’s new laundry at Medford. Sat- full and thousands of sacks of wheat | oned without their host. He was up Honoré and his wife and Potter Palmer lisfactian gaurtanteed. We exepect to are piled along the railroad trac k s■ end away—off to Europe, living now J r ., arerin Medford far a few days this pet a wagon on the Central Point route awaiting shipment. The car shortage In a Venetian palace and now In a week enjoying the climate and looking within a few weeks. lOtf is so acate, however, that the ware Florentlan villa. It la said that be over the best valley on earth. Dick Besse, the veteran stage driver, houses have all quit buying for the also occupied a castle on the Rhine. George Neale, the enterprising wood has quit the Butte Falls line and is present. The prevailing price for Moreover, ho Is accused of having lived .dealer, made a flying trip to Glendale spending a few days in town looking wheat in Eastern Oregon is 70 cents a for a time In Russia. vyesterday and bought* few carloads around for a business opening in which bushel. When Dr. Clemens finally returned -•f wood to keep up the supply in his to invest. There are rumors afloat that to the United 8tates and permitted his wood yard. Don’t w orry about your kidneys when friends to congratulate him upon his Cupid, the little rascal, has been aiming F. H. Hopkins is shipping one ar his arrows in Mr. Besse’s direction and you can obtain »0 days’ treatment of seventieth birthday he bought a home itwo cars of Winter Neliis pears from that wedding bells may ring in the Pineules for *1.00. These little globules on the Hudson. Tbe report that Marie (the local station every day now. Hm near future oat towards Eagle Point. bring relief in the « ra t dose. Back Twain was going to settle down spsead rapidly. It was a false alarm. For •pear crop is a wonder, even in this It is a well known fact that persons ache, Lumbago and Rheumatism yield land of prodigious yields. quickly. If not satisfied your money some reason ha sold tbs Hudson river living in the pine forests do not suffer boms and never lived there. Ha set flthave on hand a car load of firSt- from kidney diseases. One dose of refunded. This is a fair offer you can’t tled down—for the time being—In s ■ class blacksmith coal and am prepared Pineules at night usually relieves back lose. Sold by Mary A. Mee. invite your attention to their Fine bouse on Fifth avenue» New York city. to supply the trade in that tine.—W. E. ache. 30 days’ treatment $1.00. Your Until tbe news came that Mark Price, Central Point. 2Uf money refunded if not satisfied. Sold Redmen Rally and Initiation. Twain had bought a farm and was Line of Ladies’ Misses^ A P. White, of Amador County, by Mary A. Mee. preparing to build a concrete house— ■. ■California, is here visiting his brother- Will Scott and Goocge Ford remem and settle down—It was supposed that [ \ M edford . O regon , O ctober 15. and Children’s in-law, B. F. Peart, and attenéing to bered the H erald family the other Fifth svsnus was to claim him tor On this occasion the Southern Pa business matters. Mr. White was a day with as fine a string of trout as life. His millions of friends may take cific Company will sell tickets at the former resident of this valley. ever came from the swirling waters ef rate of one and one-third fare for the comfort in the hope that tbe concrete M. J. Deal, recently from Payette, Rogue River. Nothing puts a news round trip. Selling dates, October house will be strong enough to boM iUaho, is here and is looking for a small paper man in a better humor than 11th and 12th. Tickets good returning him. farm to rent for a year. Mr. Deal trout or venison and if there is any until October 13th. Minimum charge, Natives of Borneo place rudely likes the country very much and will thing in the line pf high class fish or 35 cents for the round trip. carved femalo figures at the entrances probably buy and locate permanently. deer stories these popular young gentle F red P arker , Agent, which have just arrived, to their huts. Tbe image represents a A full line of the new school books men desire they have but to command 24d25 Central Point, Oregon. goddess, whlcu protects tbe bouse from us. will be found at the Central Point Phar harm or atekneaa. If there should be It comes put up in a collapsible tube macy, where the old books are taken in Illness before placing tbe figure at More'th«n 40 'Different -Styles to To cure a cold first move the bowels tbe entrance she prevents It from be exchange at the prescribed exchange with a nozzle, easy to apply to the soreness and inflammation, for any Bees Laxative Cough Syrup acts gently coming worse. [prices. Select From. form of Piles; it soothes and relieves on the bowels, drives out the cold, Tbe lion’s tongus Is so rough that It C. H. Lewis, of Medford, received pain, itching and burning. Man Zan clears the head. I t’s pleasant to take can be used to reap the flesh from tbs returns from a car of Comice pears Pile Remedy. .Price 50 cents. Guaran- and mothers highly recommend it for bones. Tbe horny, claw Ilka papillae, Tuesday that breaks the world’s record colds, croup and whooping cough. Guar or prickles, are very nearly a quarter teefl. Sold by Mary A. Mee. Call and Select a Fall Wrap. for high priced pears. The car brought Mrs. Jane E. White and Mrs. Dun anteed to give catisfnction or money of an Inch long. It baa been said that him $4422.80, or a t the rate of $8.00 refunded. Equally good for young and tbe cat uses her prickly tongue In tbs ham, of Ashland, visited their sister, ,per box. seme way, but she uses It chiefly as a Mrs J. H. Gay, this week. Mrj. old. Sold by Mary A. Mee. W. C. Leever sent a shipment of comb.- Pearson's. White is one of the old pioneers of Jonathan apples from his young foot “If yoo want to keep your little bittf Jackson County, and in the early days Bad Weather for October. hill orchard to Portland last Tuesday curtains down.” said tbe bachelor girl, she and her husband conducted the j : which netted him $3.00 a box exclusive “put shot In them. Either make little begs of It and put them I d t b e bottom o f cost of paper, boxes and packing stage station at Woodville. Thev were at the station from the time the first Ira L. Hicks, the weather prophet, bem or put a lot of shot In loose. T he apples were beauties. stage coach passed over the road be predicts bad weather for the present That’s ths way they keep the little cur C ook W anted —At Buzzard mine, tween Oregon and California until that month and warns the people of the tains down In tbe bathrooms of tbe big on Elk Creek. *35 a month.and steady mode of travel was superseded by the Pacific const to look out for a heavy hotels.” woric. Address Jesae Applegate, railroad. Mrs. White is proud of the equinoctial storm from the 7th to the Inquisitive Acquaintance—Have you Manager, Ashland, Oregon. Care C. fact that she cooked the first meal 10th of the month. ever thought whet you would do In W. Evans. -23tf eaten by stage passengers at the Wood- case your gas beg should collapse »Christian Science services are held ville stage station, while you were half t mile or more In 1FST WE tbe sir? Daring Aeronaut-Often. 1 «very Sunday morning in the lodge It is claimed that indigestion is the room on the second floor of the opera National disease. That* why the de forget—Baby is restless, can’t sleep at should start at once for terra firms by house. All are cordially invited to at mand for Rings Dyspepsia Tablets night, won’t eat, cries spasmodically. tbe shortest posKlble route —Chicago Tribune. tend these services. Subject for next keeps increasing beaause they do the A bottle of White’s Crerm Vermifuge After experimenting with forty-one Sunday, “ Are Sin, Disease and Death work. Stomach trouble, dyspepsia, never fails to cure. Every mother shatHU'give her baby White’s Cream persons, M. N. Veschlds concluded that Real?” indigestion, bloating, etc., yield quickly. Vermifuge. So many times when the sleep In the day Is mors superficial, I M I U H I 1 1 1 14 11 I t 4 H 11 I - • John Mathews, of Trail, who has Two d a y s ’ treatment free. A sk your continuous t D d less recuperative ■I'H-l-l-t-H I ■been employed by the Weed Lumber druggist about them. Sold by Mary A. baby 'is pale and fretful, the mother then sleep In tbe night Except In does not know what to do. A bottle of Company most of the Summer in their Mee. cases of extreme mental or physical this-medicine would bring color to his A SH LA N D IC E Undo frani p u r a * n logging camp at the foot of Mount CLASSI!ILO ADVERTISEMENTS The Portland poet office is now send cheeks and'laughter to his eyes. Give fatigue sleep In the day does not reach »■M r. f a r anta nt M oor.’. confectionery. I tf tbe depth of nocturnal sleep. Shasta, returned from that place Sun ing closed mail pouches every day to PL A C E YOUR WOOD O R D ER * F or n a n i » h i it a trill. Sold by Central Point Phar day and west out to his home at Trail Roseburg, Grants Pass, Medford and ta r »U h Gan. U Nonio, th a ralinU o » a a d ItSUlr. PO R S A L I. Mrs. Hotuekeep— IH give you a good macy. O rdar n o » u id n n n » rw r. ( M m may ba M t Tuesday. meal If you’ll light the fire In the range Ashland on No. 15, thus gi nng those n t L H . IS. Id’« i t n i 7 tf for ms. Weary Walker—All right, lady. F IN E P t f t t A N D O A « W O O D -iA t Do you know that Ptneaalve Carbol- towns their mail from two to six hours JTJ9T R E G E IV E D -T I m la rg re t ebrek n t b M »ood yard. T h e rahabla dreU r. 7 tf Mrs Ilousekeep -Here's a hatchet GAttken Sapper. c u rta in , eeer bro u g h t to C e n trk lrim w . W . ixed acts like a poultice in drawing out sooner than it can be delivered by the than. Just chop some of the wood W A L L P A P E R S A L E E V fiD Y 'D A fY —A t U n Can- b n « , nil k in d , and nil priore n t th a C u m al Pola* inflammation and poison? It is anti regular mail train, miscalled “ Flyer." and— Weary Walkar—Oh. I say, lady. I trai Potot F ui nftnr* 8 »ora T . H . Joonn. aro- F o rn itu ra Sbara. Tlf Central Point being the distributing septic. For cuts, bums, ecxeoa, csack prietor. 1U The ladies ef Mt. Pitt Rebekah lodge thought It was a gae range yer bad. F IN E O A » W W D - h r • K b r l h l t ' C » L ed hands it is immediate r ¡lief 25 cts. point tor sli of the mountain country will g iv es hot chicken supper in the Be long.- Philadelphia Prase. FO R S A L E - N o . < R h.ri.U e« fre m ii Srpnraior N enie-» tread yard. Prenant prio re renaooabta. east ef here, the people should take town hall Saturday evening, October “ That boy of Smith's just home S '* .l aa in » . E w u ì n r i (U h Fiw . C entral O rdre n o » and r e .a money I la r e redan a t U Sold by Mary A. Mee. P o i« ». H .t Sebi r e to r e 7 tf Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Scott were over this matter up -wttii »he poet office de- 5th, to which all the Odd Fellows and from college, to a wonder.” W IN D O W G L A flS . W IN DOW M t A D B v MMT from Foots Creek during the week pertinent and try to have this place Rebekahs of the valley and the public •'In what way t" TINGA, C A R P E T 8 A N D U N E O L R IM -A I ‘'RoraebeOy asked him the other day C entral Potai F n m it» rn S tu ra 'h i •«njoying a visit with Mr. Seott’s sister, included in the closed pouch service. generally are cordially invited. Plenty about lbs easiest and quickset way of The mail train is so often -late that tbe R IA L E S T A T I. to eat and a warm welcome for every W A T C H M A N D J K W E L R Y - F ln e n t Wn* eare Mrs. Duncan, of North Dakota, who is settling the pressing problems ef tbe opmred in C en tral Paini. A t ' r r t r d 'P ain t visiting here. Mr. Scott is employed people feel that they are entitled to« one. time, end -be sstd 'he didn't know."— P k n rm n ry . 9 »f 22d24 By Order of'Oimmittee. -Baltimore Es electrician on the big mining dredge better service. T f ) P R O P E R T Y O W N E R * O f 'y a ck S h n C o u n ty American. o - e i bi« Il b r r r L iât y o re p fripa i» ! » R b tb » eui Foots Creek. LIVESTOCK Hostess’ Iotighter [frying desperate f « H tm l ' P o in t t h a ï I R I t r r.nnuiS by. W a r a n ALFALFA SEED FOR SALE. The enormeoa fruit crop in tbe Rogw ly to Keep the conversation going!— Did FOR VALE- Full Munii Jrerey bull th r o . Four, ré ti It, r e t r e h a t . K M K a a lre n r a f t e » u n d e n t. Grapes fur S#e. River Valley this Fall is now being ------- « tf .you ever see the joke shoot ths curls old. Eire»»» o f Ore). Fn«. C entral P otai » M il O W N MCS O P M AN CHER. T tk IB fc B L A N D S , gathered and fruitmen everywhere are I have a fine lot of home grown, dealer who had two skulls of Coimn m u r e a n d id ly p m p e r ty a n d all w ho b r e a prop* praying for fair weather. The showers alfalfa seed for sale atony farm on the Two cents s pound for first-grade bus. one when he wee a boy end tbe M UCELLANKOUS r e l y t o r e tí nhonld l e t i h r e propre tir* »M b tire e f the past week or so are someUritg Jacksonville road. Cad on or address Mission grapes, Best all-round grapes other when he wee e men) Fltsnoodle -------- "-------- O u tr a i P oint Arel f a t a ta Ganwreny. and U » S I OO-CARTb r r C - A t t h . t» W . ara pernremmWy Inmaad aT O anM * -of a detriment to all busy people .in J. M. H urley , in the market.—J. S. March (Sean —No. I don't .think I have. Whet to Itf BABY f 'A R I I A G —fiuay Stories r < « .lPaÉ nt F orn itu re Icore. w P o in t iw-KaBj and oo farm. I 94d27 Central Pogri. farm ). Central Point, Oregon. 23tf Local and Personal C r a iifïll & R o b n e tt Cranfiii & Robnett.