C E N T R A L P O IN T H ER ALD , T H U R S D A Y , S EPT EM BE R 12, 1907. Heavy Travel Oregon Bound. I t -s-n-:- - x - k - h - h *» h - h - i -• -w-i-i-n -¡-ui- n -H -H — i-v i-K ») £ (Special Correspondence.) rjjgl i t » 4* f H A T D R E S S I N G W a i * U I W T O F Y O U Pu C H I L D R E N ' S ¿ D U C A T i O H . M S I D E S S E E \\Q VI I T B R I G H T E N S UP T H l S C H O O L R O O M ,IT / 1 A K E S T H E T E A C H E R H A P P I E R ¿ b e h .S TA R T THEM IN — « iu , 2_ j j This IViay "Jar You!’’ Central Point is not in the earthquake belt but our store is full of It 4- » “JAR S” ** B i / s t c k B r o w n -. fZk for the fruit canning season.. Economy Jars— The most economical; f Everlasting Jars-- - Mason’s Jars— The The most lasting; “ Old Reliable.” The fruit season is here. Better call and see usand we will ‘‘JA R Y O U ” with low prices, good goods and courteous treatment. î E y E Leever, The Hardwarem an. 4 -H 4 -H 4 -H H -H 4 -H -H 4 4 4 -H 4 4-H -H -4-l-H -H -H -l-ldd-l-l-l-l"l-l- Central Point State Bank NEXT WEEK YOUR LITTLE BUTTER BROWN WILL BE AT HI«S DEJK. NOT FAR A W A Y MAY ^]T" ANOTHER BOY BETTER DREJ-5ED. Do Y o l / REMEMBER WHEN YOU WERE A CHILD AND WERE YOU EVER ASHAMED BECAUSE YOU DID NOT HAVENICE CLoTHEA TO WEAR To SCHOOL IF YOU CLOTHE YOUR LITTLE BUJTER BRoWNJ WELL THEY WILL. .STUDY THEIR LEJJoNJ BETTER. WILL IT NOT BE WORTH WHAT CLOTHED CO-ST TO HAVE THEM LoVE THEIR BOOK J, ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU CAN GET A Central Point, Ore. TR A N SA C TS A G E N E R A L B A N K IN G B U S IN E S S Your Patronage is Respectfully Solicited. NO WATER WORKS but Protect Your Property with a Policy in the’ PHOENIX o f H a r t fo r They pay their losses and give policy holders a “SQUARE DEAL.” RESPECTFULLY, S. A. PATTISO N, Agent. L. HATFIELD. H erald O ffice , Cent. P •H -H -H -4-4-4-H -l-l-H -H -4-4-4-H"l- l-H -4-H -H -4-;-H -4ri-H -H -4"H - l-4-H - l-h4 ’ 2y^4-Hs%4-I-H-tt+ tt 4* »4 -H -l< j> H -H s »t-M ,4-M ,,I-M -<«)4"H-h€4-l-M-tt 4-tt + tt-H-W -O-l-l-i-lv») Freeman & Wiley Stationery ^nr Magazines September Issue now Here. POST CARDS Souvenir and Comic. Post Office News Stand. E A G L E our present list o f attractions will make you realize that you cannot often hope to find such Shoes as we are now showing at anything like these prices. T i l l* S T A N D A R D OF E X CELLENC E for which’w e are famous is maintained throughout the entire establishment although the prices arc so unusual. BAR Murphy & Downing, Props. W E H A V E M O V E D north one block and are now lo­ cated in elegant quarters in the new brick block ad­ joining the Nash Livery Barn. ¡,We arejhere to give you a “ Square Deal''and “Rainier Beer” SMITH & MOLONY, SHOE DEALERS, always means a “ square deal” to all beer drinkers. W e sell R A IN IE R BEER and all other TOP-NOTCH Drop in and see us. L IQ U ID R EFR ESH M EN TS Ore. Murphy & Downing, MEDFORD, OREGON. Farm Implements, Vehicles, Etc. C lu b b in g ; O f f e r . — j Arrangements have ju.st been com- Finest in southern Oregon. ; pleted whereby the Central Point Her- | aid is enabled to make one o f the great- , est clubbing offers ever mads by an | Oregon newspaper. Here it is: j Central Point Herald, per year, $1.50. Oregon Journal (semi-weekly), $1,50. Pacific Monthly . . . $1.00. Total . . . $4.00. Our'price for ail three, only « 2 50 PRICES Always the | \ W e carry a full line o f | C H EAPE ST, I Quality B A IN W A G O N S. BUGG IES. HACKS, SURRIES. ETC. RUNABOUTS^ IN STE E L and R U B B E R TIRES Considered. CALL AN D • • SEE US | Harness, Saddles, Robes and Whips, Gasoline The Semi-weekly Journal is the lead­ Engines, Pumps. Bicycles and Incubators ing semi-weekly newspaper o f the state. It gives all the general and • • W e carry one o f the largest stocks in Jackson County state news and in addition gives the complete and correct market reports C E N T R A L PO INT, OR. twice each week. In the Friday issue a page o f “ Funny Pictures” for the i I- I- l- t- H -H -H -H -l-l-H I 1 1 1 1 I M . M - d-M- I- I- l-l- H -l-H - H -l-M H - l-M - H -H children, a page o f short stories, and I other features maxe it a welcome visitor in every home. The Pacific Monthly, published at Portland, is the leading magazine o f the West. It is ably edited and beautL fully illustrated. Its stories are clean, H. C. T U R R IL L , PROP. wholesome and interesting, all with more or less o f a flavor o f the West. I My Bread etc is strictly first-class Special articies on irrigation, stock- raising and similar industries are at and is second to none in the state Pipes, Fittings and Plnrabing Supplies once entertaining and instructive. Special orders solicited for fine The Central Point Herald is a strictly local newspaper. The H e r a l d does cakes. Satisfaction assured. its best to set forth the advantages W est E street, opposite depot. o f the Rogue River Valley, particularly! Give me a trial. that portion immediately adjacent and M EDFORD, ORE. 1 tributary to its town. It labors for the advancement and upbuilding of Central Point ami' vicinity and is en­ titled to the support o f everv citizen o f this section o f the Valley. Take advantage o f this great o ffe r 1 at once. It will only stand for a limited ! time. Three Publications that you need j for the price o f two. You save »1,50 and that’s “ worth while.” CENTRAL POINT WM. A. AITKEN BAKERY SANITARY PLUMBING CENTRAL POINT OR II You Are Waiting, W e W an t Everybody^™ Central Point and adjoining precincts to come in next Sunday and eat the best 25-cent Chicken Dinner Post Office Hours. they ever tasted. to »ample the very beat brands o f Whis­ kies and Wines, your search will be satisfied the moment you taste the kinds we are now offer mg to our patrons tktth linos are exceptionally pure and wholesome; in fact, the sort; that the best physicians recommend to their aicfcly and convalescent patients as a tonic and buikier-up o f the system. 1 Your house ought to have a supply, and you can easily afford it at our prices. We give our patrons the best the market affords. Commercial aud Transient Trade a Specialty. Central Point hotel, LF’S J S E liquors tor Idmily Use. Mail orders given prompt attention i lilt MODI I H. O. W IL K IN S O N , Prop. (W eary’s) \(£DF - - OREGON. -I'iUNie 21 ie— See Us about Your Job Work . , •W -I-H-l-H-l-!-l-l-H-!-l-!-l-.'-H-l-H-H-i-l..l-;--!-H-!-H-H-l-l-l-l-l-H- j ; a n e v e r - p r e s e n t c h a n c e f o r a f i r e HO I fl « n S i D IRE C TO RS—J. W. Merritt, President; W. C. Leever, Vice-President; T„ Witten, Cashier; I. C. Robnett, W. J. Freeman. GOOD, AERVICABLE .SCHOOL .SUIT FOR $1.50 A BETTER " " ” $2.50 A CORDUROY " " ” $3.00 WE HAVE EVERYTHING THAT LITTLE BUTTER BROWNS AND BIGGER BUTTER BROWNS WEAR BRING THEM IN AND LET \JS RIG THEMoUT. CHILDREN ARE. WELCOME A T OUR .STORE. OUR SCHOOL AHOE.S BE.5T FOR HARD .SERVICE A.5K FOR. BOY.S "ARMOUR. P L A T E " HoAE. Glancing Over Medford, Î X Ì : 1 PU-I-H-I-l-UH-H-I-H-l-k ,i.m .H.i..H-I-l-H-l-H-W-H-l-l.H- , P ortland O regon , S ept . 9, 1907. •Uy, but how Oregon is growing! The same glad note o f progress—new buildings, now poople—comes from many sections. Great interest is manifested in the Oregon Irrigation Association at Grants Pass this week The Oregon l'tate (•'air. at Sirtetri- gives assurance o f being the beat ever held. There is a disposition hero to make “ Portland Day,” Sept. 19th, a greater success from the standpoint o f attendance than ever before. Secretary T a ft ’s reception by the Oregon Development League broke aU records. Many people went to the Armory as early, as six o’ clock. The. entire state was represented upon the platform and in £he audience by well- known Oregonians, and all o f them have a better understanding o f the Panama Canal than ever before. The advertising habit has certainly struck Oregon. Almost every bank, business house and factory in Portland and throughout the state are destribut- ing leaflets in their correspondence. The noted Kikujiro Ishii, Chief o f the Japenese Bureau of Foreign Commerce, was recently entertained here, and he took pains to say that war between ( his country and the United States was impossible. Both the wheat and hop crop were much less injured by rain than was at nrst reported. A Tillamook cheese is on disylay here, which weighs 356 pounds and represents the product for one day of 190 cows. It will be cut and sold at retail'for Thanksgiving. The Country Club Livestock As­ sociation have bought a site for their home ami work will begin at once. Travel is enormous. Many families are coming to the state and for many hours during the day the Union Station shows an activity similar to that wit­ nessed at a great national convention. They are ticketed forali points through­ out the state, and this travel will con­ tinue until the close of the colonist rates, October Hist. Portland artists are to he congratu­ lated upon securing bettor photographs o f Secretary T a ft than have ever been taken before Non* o f his pictures in the Eastern |>ai»eis compare with those printed here, and pictures made here will be used by the correspondents who accompany the Secretary from this time forward. The M A N (F A C T U B E R S ’ RECORD o f Baltimore, the leading industri '1 paper o f the South, devotes two pages to Portland and the Northwest in a recentissue. T h e S A T U K P A Y E V E N ­ IN G PO ST will discuss the same sub­ ject in its issue o f Saturday, Sept. 21. I -H -H -H -K -H -i-H -H GENERAL DELIVERY HOURS. Open 7:30 a. m. close 8:30 p. m. Sundays, open one hour after each j train. MONEY ORDERS, N o money orders issued or cashed oir Sundays or holidays. MAIL CLOSES. No. 13, sonth bound, 11:50 a. m. 12:21 p. m. No. 16, north bound, 4:50 p. m. 5:19 p. m. No. 11, south bound, 7:00 p. m. 11:15 p. m- No. 12. north bound, 7:00 p. m. 3:52 s. m G u y E. T e x . P. Subscribe for the H e r a l d Due 1 Due Duet Don’t Pay Rent BUY A LOT AND BUILD A HOME INCENTRAL POINT Our Prices and Terms will Please and Satisfy you’. See us for full information . Due! M. CENTRAL POINT TOWNSITE COMPANY. OFFICE IN H E R A L D B U IL D IN G . O PPO SITE POST OFFICE.