CENTRAL POINT HERALD, THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 1907, l -H -l t I I Will Develop Coal. ._. ®"M I1 K sX-K -M t H. J. Hoge, of Pasadena, California was in Gold Hill the fore part of this week inspecting the coal lands in the Meadows. Mr. Hoge is known to be one of the best coal experts in the United States and is actively interested with some of the largest coal proposi­ tions in Ohio, Pennsylvania and Iowa. Mr: Hoge was favorably impressed with the outlook for coal in this valley, say­ ing that the general formation of the coal beds here were the same as in the 1 large coal producing area in the East. In company with R. E. Doan he visited the mines east o f Medford and reports a good prospect in that vicinity. He left for Pasadena Sunday afternoon. Mr. Doan informs us that he is now ready to commence working the coal, prospects as soon as a few minor de­ tails have been attended to. He is very confident of the outcome of his work and is anxious to get started again.— Gold Hill News. H ■!* IM -H-Hsri-J- -i-H -’-H -l-K * ►H-H-'eM-S-H-tl R tJ-M-H* • -i- i-l-Kr) ’¡I [Ï THAT Y o u WEAK f\ SHHsT. TiQE 7 A L T H O U G H fl f W Y M A Y W c a r . good clothes on the he c A m ncLGcoo it HE I ’O /Y0T DRESSED r i g h t AIL T H E W A Y THR0U GPf. IT IS WORTH WORE THA/N THE P R IC E C P A SHIRT -TDTEELTHAT YOU CAD/TftKE OFF YOUR COAT in A CROWD- B U S TER BROM V. S ilas J. D a y , President. lire form of the fool Ï X r V for the fruit canning season. Economy Jars-- The most economical; Mason’s Jars— The c AU1C.M. The most lasting-, “ Old Reliable.” The fruit season is here. Better call and see us and we will “ JAR Y O U ” with low prices, good goods and courteous treatment. ¡Leever, The Hardwareman* i i i i i i rT ~ f AOt I < ?-------- ----------- e-M T'XSJ HOÍTAISMT l td . t o r s i s u s - r t s .B lo w n c * £m ce e < L S « i + a » + m i U ÌT W U U l U B l L o T J o F PEOPLE WEAR. GOOD OUTER. CLOTHING BUT NOT GOOD JHIR.T J. THEY J A Y " W H A T ’ J THE DIFFERENCE? THERE U A DIFFERENCE. A WELL FITTING JHIRT FEELJ COMFORTABLE BECAUJE IT !J VERY CLoJE T o YOU. T o BUY GOOD JH IR T J IJ ECONOMY. the l a u n d r y YOU KNOW, IJ HARD ON CHEAP JH IR TJ . WE THINK OF T H U WHEN WE BUY OUR JH IR T J. 2 YOU AL JO NEED JoME COLLAR J Do YOU NOT? THE LINEN IN COLLAR J JHoULD BE GOOD AND THE JTYLE RITE. IT IJ NOT ECONOMY T o BUY POOR COLLAR J AND THEY JHoULD BE THE PROPER CUT. WE ALJO HAVE L o T J OF NICE NECKTIE J TO GO AROUND THE COLLARJ. J ames T hornton , Secretary. "JARS” Everlasting Jars-- THAT SHIRT FITS you Tbo I Central Point is not in the earthquake belt but-our- store is full of o u t s id e Pioneers to Meet. The 32nd annual meeting o f the Southern Oregon Pioneer Society will be held at the Chautauqua building in Ashland on Thursdry, August 29th Honorable C. B. Watson will deliver the address. Music by the I.adics’ Treble Clef Quartet, of Ashland. Dinner to be served by the Native- Sons and Daughters, under the direction o f the following committee: Mrs. G. S. Butler, Mrs. A. E. Kin­ ney and Miss Mabel Ruesell. Afternoon meeting at two o ’clock for business sod short soeeches. Let there be a general gathering of all the old settlers of Jackson County, whether or not you are an active mem­ ber o f the Seciety. This iviay “ Jar You!” * R lL J * O L _ V E D W H Y Do HT H -H -H -l-H * -H -H -H -1- H - H - l- lri- LOOK AT THE JAMPLEJ IN THE J H o W FRONT OF OLR NEW GROCERY COUNTER. YOU'LL BE JURE TO JEE JOMETHING GOOD YOU WANT AND JoMETHING YOU WANT BAD. OUR G R o - CERIEJ ARE THE BEJT IN THE MARKET. I REJPECTFULLY, Central Point State Bank Central Point, Ore. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANK ING BUSINESS DIRECTORS-J. W. Merritt, President; W. C. Leever, Vice-President; T. M Witten, Cashier; I. C. Robnett, W. J. Freeman. Your Patronage is Respectfully Solicited. Central Point Market LEWIS & SONS, Props. FRESH and SALT MEATS. Beef, Pork, Mutton and Veal. Highest Market Price Paid for Beef, Pork and Mutton. We invite your patronage. CENTRAL POINT, ORE. NO WATER WORKS BU TIAN EVER-PRESENT CHANCE FOR A FIRE f L. HATFIELD. OM l tQ-1 fc-t-Bt * 1 * tt * 1 * Protect Your Property with a Policy in the * 1 * tt *!• PHOENIX of Hartford is gt eatly enhanced when encased in a Table Rochets pair of our Fine Summer Oxfords. They They pay their losses and give policy holders a are fashioned on the latest style of last, Finest in southern Oregon. Souvenir and Comic. “SQUARE DEAL.” Our Sunday-school will have a picnic with a special view to foot-comfort on the river Labor Day, Sept. 2nd. within anil neatness without Tbe finest S. A. PATTISON, Agent. H erald O ffice , Cent. Pt. soft leathers are used in the uppers, Miss Alice French, o f Ashland, will und the soles, though moderately thin, teach the Fall term o f school. School afe exceedingly durable. We have all will commence September 3rd. sites, and should be pleased to have Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Nichols left last you call and try on a pair. You will be week for Klamath County with a load sure to purchase when you find their o f fruit and vegetables, for which they September Issue now Here. case. expect to find a good maaket. The attendance from here at the Medford Carnival fizzle was small. Mr. E. H. Davis has rented the Ray SHOE DEALERS, ranch for another year. PRICES Mrs. I. J. Stacy died of cancer in Always the Medford last Saturday morning and CHEAPEST, was buried in the Antioch cemetery 1; We carry a full line of Sunday. The funeral was conducted by Quality BAIN WAGONS. BUGGIES. HACKS, Rev. Hall, the Baptist minister, and i ConsiOered. was attended by a large number of the SURRIES, ETC. RUNABOUTS Murphy & Downing, Props. many friends o f the family. Mrs. O u r B in C lu b b in g, O ffe r . IN STEEL and RUBBER TIRES Stacy lived in this vicinity for many W E H A VE MOVED north one block and are now lo­ CALL AND years and was highly esteemed by all. Arrangements have just been com­ cated in elegant quarters in the new brick block ad­ SEE US She was a native o f Iowa, bom 1848. pleted whereby the Central Point Her­ joining the Nash Livery Barn. W e arejhere to give ald is enabled to make one o f the great­ you a "Square Deal’ ’and Harness, Saddles, Robes and Whips, Gasoline est clubbing offers ever made by an Engines, Pumps, Bicycles and Incubators Oregon newspaper. Here it is; Remedy for Diarrhoea. Never known to j ± Central Point Herald, per year, $1.50. ■ • We carry one of the largest stocks in Jackson County Oregon Journal (semi-weekly), $1.50. Fall. Pacific Monthly . . . $ 1 . 00 . “ I want to say a few words for Cham- I always means a “ square deal” to all beer drinkers. CENTRAL POINT, OR. berlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea j We sell RAINIER BEER and all other TOP-NOTCH Total . . . . $4.00. Remedy. I have used this preparation j LIQUID REFRESHMENTS. Drop in and see us. Our price for all three, only i :i- H - l- H - H - I- l- l"l"l- l- l- F l"l"I,,H - l- l- I- l- h -i- i- l- H - l- H - I- l,,I,lll'l. 1 H - H - H -H - l l-W in my family for the past five years j and have recommended it to a number | 12 60 m e d f o r d , O r e g o n . o f people in York county and have The Semi-weekly Journal is the load­ never known it to fail to effect a cure ing semi-weekly newspaper of the in any instance. I feel that I can not state. It gives all the general and say too much for the best remedy of state news und in addition gives the the kind in the world.” —S. J emison , complete and correct market reports Spring Grove, York County, Pa. This We have just received a new line of goods including No­ twice each week. In the Friday issue remedy is for sale by Mary A. Mee. tions, Fancy Goods, Tin, Granite and Willow Ware, Kitch­ a page o f "Funny Pictures” for the Everybody in Central Point and adjoining precincts en Novelties, Fine Soaps. Confections, Carbonated Drinks, children, a page o f short stories, and to come in next Sunday and eat the best other features make it a welcome Restaurant in connection. I f you stop to look you will Additional Sleeper from Ashland. visitor in every home. buylsomething for our extremely low prices and high- The Pacific Monthly, published at grade goods will astonish you. Yours respectfully, Portland, is the leading magazine of The Southern Pacific in appreciation the tV.st. It is ably edit«! and beauti­ of the steadily increasing passenger fully illustrated. Its stories are clean, traffic between Portland and Southern wholesome and interesting, all with they ever tasted. Oregon points, announces that an addi­ more ot less of a flavor of the West. tional standard sleeping car will be put We give our patrons the best the market affords. Special articles on Irrigation, stock- on about Agust 1st between Ashland raising and Similar industries are at Commercial aud Transient Trade a Specialty. and Portland. It will leave Portland once entertaining and instructive. WM. A. AITKEN on No. 13, arrive Ashland at 1:30 p. m. The Central Point Herald is a strictly and return northward from Ashland on local newspaper. The H erald does No. 16 scheduled to leave Ashland 4:40. its best to set forth the advantages This will be qnite an accommodation to o f the Rogue River Valley, particularly H. C. TUp RI L L, PROP. the Southern Oregon traveling puplic. that portion immediately adjacent and The car will be reserved as follows: tributary to its town. It labors for My Bread etc is strictly first-class Ashland, sections 1, 2, 3, 4 and the the advancement and upbuilding of drawing room; Medford, sections 5. 6. and is second to none in the state Central Point and vioinity and is en­ Pipes, Fittings and Flnmbing Supplie».- 7, 8, 9,; Grants Pass, sections. 10, 11; titled to the support of every citizen Roseburg. 12. The first car will leave Special orders solicited for fine! of this section o f the Valley. Portland August 1st and returning will cakes. Satisfaction assured. Take advantage of (Ms great offer leave Ashland August 2d. 15tf at once. It will only stand for a limited Weit E street, opposita depot;. Give me a trial. time. Three Publications that you need for the price of two. You save $1.50 MEDFORD. ORK. Subscribe for the HERALD and that's "worth while." tf Post Cards Stationery MAGAZINES Freeman & W iley SMITH & MOLONY, Medford, Ore. Post Office News Stand. E A G L E Farm Implements, V e h i c le s , E t c . BAR “Rainier Beer” Murphy & Downing, W e W ant New Racket Store 25=cent Chicken Dinner A . P. G illette Son. Central Point Hotel, L f' S E CENTRAL POINT BAKERY ' SANITARY PLUMBINC See Us about Your Job Work CENTRAL POINT OR