1 aNTRAL POINT HERALD CENTRAL V d L - i >. Local and Personal Ice cream a t the Kandy Kitchen. Mrs. A. P. Gillett is visiting friends -at Canyonville. Baraca Male Quartet. •evening. Opera house. Tomorrow Dr. Campbell reports a case of meas- •els in the Ferguson family. Come to -the Town Gardens for fresh •vegetables. VV. P. Twomey. 10d22 Baraca Ma'e Quartet. Qpera house tomorrow evening. Admission 15 and .25 cents. Arvid Bussell, who is a student in the Oregon Medical College, at Port­ land, is spending his vacation at home. A. L. Moore.of the Medford Tribune .was in town last Saturday evening on his way to Gold Kay on a pleasure trip. Our B ig C lu b b in g O ffe r. Summer coughs and colds yield at • once to Bees .Laxative Cough Syrup. Contains honey and tar but no opiates. Children like it. Pleasant to take. .Its laxative qualities recommend it to .mothers. Hoarseness, coughs, croup yield quickly. Sold by Mary A. Mee. A Treat fo r Music Lovers. Arrangements have just been com- | pleted whereby the Central Point Her- All lovers » f high-class music will be | aid is enabled to make one of the great- given a genuine treat tomorrow even- I est clubbing offers ever made by an ! ing, when the Baraca Male Quartet, a | Oregon newspaper. Here It is: | popular musical organization o f the Central Point Herald, per year, ! State University will appear at the Oregon Journal (semi-weekly), i opera hcuse. The members o f the Pacific Monthly - quartet are as follows: Oliver B. Need­ ham, 1st tenor; Lloyd R. Pickard, 2nd $4.00. tenor; Ira A. Manville, 1st bass; Claude Total Our price for all three, only | C. Downing, 2nd bass. Chas. E. Glass 1 is musical director. Mr. Downing is an *2 50 The Semi-weekly Journal is the lead­ Ashland boy ar.d is well known here, ing semi-weekly newspaper o f the being a nephew o f Mr. J. H. Downing, state. It gives all the general and o f this city. Tomorrow (Friday) evening at opera state news and in addition gives the complete and correct market reports house, Central Point, Oregon. twice each week. In the Friday issue I Admission, adults 25c; children 15c. a page o f “ Funny Pictures’ ’ for the children, a page o f short stories, and Colic and Diarrhoea. other features make it a welcome Pains in the stomach, colic and diar­ visitor in every home. The Pacific Monthly, published at rhoea are quickly relieved by the use Portland, is the leading magazine of o f Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and the West. It is ably edited and beauti­ Diarrhoea Remedy. For sale by Mary fully illustrated. Its stories are clean, A. Mee. Take a bath—hot or .cold. Only 25 .cents. Our bath-room i t now ready for you. Take your annual bath before the Fourth. JT. A. Hawk, Pine street. •wholesome .and interesting, all with 8tf more or less o f a flavor o f the W est. Fred Mahip the popular assistant | Special articles on irrigation, , stock- . agent at the S. P. depot, has returned raising and similar industries are at from a visit with his parents at Yon- once entertaining and instructive. ■ cal la. The Central Point Herald is a strictly I I f you suffer from bloating belching, local newspaper. T h e H e r a l d does sour stomach. Indigestion or Dyspepsia, .its best to set fo r t h the advantages .take a Rings.Dyspepsia Tablet after o f the Rogue River Valley, particularly | •each meal, and overcome the .disagree- that portion immediately adjacent and I -able trouble. J t will improve the ap­ tributary to its town. It labors for j petite, and aid digestion. Sold by by 1 ! the advancement and upbuilding o f | Mary A. Mee. I Central Point and vicinity and is en- Jim Grieve got hold o f that petition \ ‘ itled to the support o f everv citizen yesterday and secured many signatures t*,‘s section o f the A alley. Mr. Grieve is a rustler when he starts I Take advantage o f th.s great offer : at once. It will only stand for a limited j out on a good work. I time. Three Publications that you need Mr. and Mrs. Blain Maley have ar- ■ f « r the price o f two. You save *1.50 lived from Condon and taken possession and that’s “ worth while.” tf ' o f their farm recently purchased a few [ .miles southeast .of town. Silas Obenchain, sheriff o f Klamath j Man Zan Pile Remedy comes put up county, is here this week visiting his in a collapsible tube with a nozzle. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bartlett Oben­ Easy to apply right where soreness and chain. .inflammation exists. It relieves at Oliver Ward and family arrived from once blind bleeding, itching or protrud­ ing piles. Guaranteed. Price 50. Get. Condon last Friday evening on their way to Hugo, where Mr. Ward pur­ .it to-day. Sold by Mary A. Mee. chased a ranch a few months ago. L. E. Van Vleit reports that some of They will reside there. While here .the apples in his locality are more or they were the gueBts o f their relatives, less damaged as a result o f the hail Mr. and Mrs. George Neale. | which fell several weeks ago. Headache and constipation disappears Don’t forget the entertainment by the Baraoa Male Quartet tomorrow (Friday) evening. It will be well worth your while to.attend i f you like high grade music. C. S. Emry is offering .all o f his household and kitchen furniture and . other.personal property at private sale. Prospective purchasers are advised to call early to secure best bargains. See hand bills, for enumeration o f articles. P O I N T ’. O U E ( H ) N . T H U R S D A Y . J U N E ¿ 7 . 1907 . when Dades Little Liver Pills are used. •4 * They keep the system clean, the at0mach sweet. Taken .occasionally they keep you well. They are for the entire family. Sold by Mary A. Mee. A deal was closed Monday morning whereby S. C. MinnicK purchased the home o f Mr am| Mrs c ;S_ Emry one. | ^ mUe north o f town. xhe place | conUjns n acres the consjde ra -! acres ^ tion was $1500.00. Mr. and Mrs. Emry expect to remove to Ealem to reside. Ashland Commercial College, Ash- land. Oregon. Moro truth than poet­ ment in a little ‘‘maga­ zine” that circulates at a little price and goes into million little homes, chiefly in the little cities and towns and country pjaces. in The millions of people these homes are caused by the Printer’s Ink to think that they can get big bargains for their money by sending it away by mail, order­ ing the things advertised by the little pinch of Printer’s Ink. Jacksonville expects to have one of Sometimes when they receive the stuff they order by the very biggest celebrations in Ore­ mail thoy have another Think coming. They think, “ What gon on the Fourth. Governor Cham- J •fools we mortals be,” and apply the Think to themselves. berlain will deliver the oration and the ! Chemawa band will be present to make And sometimes some of them think something like this: the music. A large number o f Central Christian Science services are held Point citizens expect to attend the I “Wonder why Mister Man, our local dealer In every Sunday morning at 11 o ’clock in celebration. many things we need, doesn’t advertise these The annual meeting o f the stock-: *G. A- R. hall. A ll are kindly invited to attend these services. Subject for holders o f the Central Point Creamery things in our local paper? Maybe if he did we assoclaition will be held at the town next Sunday, “ God.” wouldn't be tempted to send to the big city for Laundry Work—Leave your package ball Saturday, July 6tb A full attend-; these same things. If we were sure we could at W. C. L eever’s hardware store for ance o f stockholders is desired. Elec- j P e il’ s new laundry at Medford. Sat- tion o f officers for the ensuing year buy them at home for about the same price and isfaction gaurtanteed. W e exepect to an<* other business of importance will have a chance to see the goods before taking, put a wagon on the Central Point route come before the meeting. we think we’d prefer to buy them at home.” •within a few weeks. lOtf Rogue River was lined with picnic . „ . | parties last Sunday and though many W. W. Foster, o f Clackamas County, 1 . . . . . . . * , ... "Jt . . . . . . . . . . , anglers tried their luck with the wary Now, Mister Man, what do you think— think— think? who is in the fish hatchery service of . . ... ___________ • _ , , | , trout the finny tribe was not extermi- Government, was here last Saturday on [ . , , . ___ ■ anted by any means. There is gen- his way to the Rogue Biver hatchery, CONCLUSION: THERE’S PLENTY OF PRINTER'S erally as good fish in Rogue River (and where be expects to be employed during as many o f them) after some people j INK IN THIS NEWSPAPER SHOP. the coming year. go fishing as there was before. The bites and stings o f insects, tan, Mr. Olwell, former owner o f the i sunburn, cuts, bums and bruises are Hopkins orchard, and a well-known j relieved at once with Pinesalve Carbol- citizen o f this place, was here for a ized. Acts like a poultice, and draws Tew days during the week visiting with • out inflammation. Try it. Price 25c. i old friends. In company with J. W. Table Rockets Post Office Hours. Sold by Mary A. Mee. Clark he went to the Prospect country, Mr. Ed Kirby, o f Willow Springs, Will Scott was down from ®utte where they will spend a portion o f the g e n e r a l ’ d e l i v e r y - h o u r s . Falls for a few days during the week. Summer enjoying camp life and mount­ was visiting here Wednesday and tak­ Open 7:30 a. m. close 8:30 p. m. ing views o f Table Rock and other H e reports everything lovely in that ain sports. Sundays, open one hour after each object« o f interest. section and hopes to be able to gather train. Pineules are for the Kidneys and a full crop o f deer stories as soon as MONEY ORDERS. J. B. Montgomery’s drug store at Bladder. They bring quick relief to the season opens. No money orders issued or cashed on ; backache, rheumatism, lumbago, tired Agate was dynamited one night last Miss Mary Pattison, o f Port Orchard, j worn out teeling. They produce natu­ week by some party not yet known [ Sundays or holidays. Washington, arrived last Friday to ral action o f the kidneys in filtering The building and stock was consider­ M A IL CLOSES. Being unoccupied at visit with the family o f her uncle, S. A. waste matter out o f the blood. 30 ably damaged. No. 13, south bound, 11:50 a. m. Due Pattison Miss Pattison is a teacher days treatment $L00. Money refunded the time, no one was hurt. It is likely | 12:21 p. m. • t Fort Orchard, and •will spend her ! if Pineules are not satisfactory. Sold Jack will .resume business again as No. 16, north bound, 4£0 p. m. Due soon a s k ^ R n fix up a bit. Summer vacation at this place. by Mary A. Mee. 5:19 p. m. Master Carl Beebe and sisters visited Hundreds o f people yearly go through No. 11, south bound, 7i00 p m. Due Jim and Frank Caldwell returned last painful operations needlessly, because Thursday evening from s trip through friends h er* Sunday. U:tf> p. m. the western part o f Josephine County, | they never tried Man Zan Pile Remedy. The many friends o f W. E. Stacey No. 12, north bound, 7:00 p. m. Due I t is put up in such a form that it can where they went to look for sheep are glad to team he is again able to 3:52 a. m. range. They found the territory they be applied right where the trouble lies. had in view had been recently taken attend to his affairs. G uy E. T ex , P. M. I t relieves the pain and inflammation. into a forest reserve and no provisions D. Grisham is moving to Central et made for admitting stock to range, I t is for any form o f piles. Price 50c. t is probable, however, that they will Point this week. Sold by Mary A. Mee. | again Mr. I. B. Macdonald has a field of go letter Cured G. S. Moore, the popiUar confection­ foi or the present Summer. volunteer wheat which can’ t be beat. A lady customer o f ours had suffered er, has installed a power plant for mak­ It looks -as if it would yield 40 to 50 with tetter for two or three years. It ing ice cream and is now hetter than bushels to the acre. S. M. Nealon has Tonight. got so bad on her hands • that she could ever before prepared to serve his pat­ some volunteer rye which is some itself. not attend to her h— sc hold duties. rons with that delectable hot weather I f you would enjoy tomorrow taka One box of Chamberlain’ s Salve cured luxury. An electric motor now whirls Chamberlain's medicines give the I reeaars and the young man who letartonight. They produce an agree-1 Bargain hunters should not overlook her. |nv«s bis best girl as he should will give able laxative effect, clear the head and that “ bargain window" in W. C. splendid satisfacti'/rr in this community. t ie r « daily shock from that electrically cleanse the stomach. Price, 25 cents. I Leever’ s hardware store. Something - M . H. R o d n e y ft Co., Almond, Ala. charge-J freeler and she will love him Samples free at Mary A. Mec’ s drug for every body’ and all.are B AR G AIN S. Chamber lain’ synodic ines are for aale ‘ < 2tf by Mary A. Mee. muse and more as the days go by. -•bow. r People ore Wdkiaq Up an the orchard Apropos« tins ia the Rogue River Valley. A good orchard on the right kind o f land is very attractive The right kind o f an orchard will prove a bonanza; the wrong land is sure to prove a “ white elephant'’ «a the. owner’s hands. A mac who is not in touch with the orchard business cannot put you right on the , proposition a n y more than a blind man .can lead a blind man. I f you want to avoid getting le ft with a "w hifo elephant’ ’ on your hands, do business with the ‘ I prints a little advertise­ a Explosion at Agate. IO I f Harry Orchard’s confession could have been deferred awhile longer he might have included in the list o f his exploits the Mowing up o f Jack Mont­ gom ery's “ drug store,” the alleged wet goods emporium, at A gate last week. The fact, however, o f Orchard being somewhat busily engaged at Boise just at this time will make it difficult to give him credit for this latest crime and will make it easier to lay j t at the door o f Carrie Nation, who at last accounts was outside o f a jail and headed west. A fte r the midnight hour last Wednes­ day night a bomb was exploded inside Rogue River LdnJ C ompany, o f or under Montgomery’s building at Agate and the place was completely Medford, fVegoE. ing young men and women or the com­ wrecked. The roof was shattered, the TV.ey are ia touch with the or­ ing ones are going to carry on the floor was torn up and the we. I Is were chard business, tberoughly fa­ business. You can receive the qualifi­ shot full o f holes. The windows were miliar with every tract -in the cations to share in the general prosper­ shattered and the place generally was valley, know what each district put out o f business. According to re­ is best adapted for. and they ity. Send for full information to the ports reaching here from the scene of will .see that you are put right Ashland Commercial College. 9dl2 the trouble, a man by the name o f in every instance Every man Casey was visiting witji Montgomery who has ever bought through during the day and, having imbibed too this agency can sell to-day for a much ditch water or other strong drink, great advance over his purchase the two became engaged in a quarrel. price. This is e n d o r s e m e n t < v *** h M 3 I t is said the visitor threatened to blow enough. Consult any business Jack and his store into kingdom come, man, bank or orchardman in the or words to that effect, but later he valley as to their reliability.- came to this place and took the train to Medford, lie was arrested there the next morning but easily proved an CLASSIFIED A IM « IIS! ML NTS alibi in that he spent.the night at Mcd- 1 ford and could not have been at Agate FO R SALE. I when the explosion occurred. j . j Residents o f the Agate neighborhood i i n k m k k a n d o a k » o i »> - A t Nealtt’a ' have complained at various times that I wood yard. The raiiahi« doait-r. Itt I Montgomery maintained a “ blind p ig " j W A L L P A P E R S A L E E V E R V D A Y - A t th e O » - ' in his establishment and it is possible i | trai P oin t'F u rn itu re S tore. 'T . M. Jon«*«. pro- | print or. 7 tf that someone who does not approve of j W IN D O W G L A S S . W IN D O W SHADES. M A T ­ that variety o f “ porker” took advan-i T IN G S . C A R P E T S A N D J J N K O L I U M - A t | tage o f the stranger’s alleged threat C entral P oin t F u rn itu re Store. 7 tf to put the place out of business b y the j W A T C H E S A N D J E W E L R Y F inest Tine e v e r oponed in C en tra} P oin t. A t Cnntrdl Point dynamite route. 9tt Montgomery is an old-time stage | Pharm acy. This institution will enter the new year on Septembre 2, 1907, with larger and more convenient rooms, additional equipment, and with e .course o f train­ ing that for accuracy, completeness and thoroughness is surpassed by none. During the last year we have placed our students in excellent positions in Los Angeles, Portland, Grants Pass, Medford. Wimer. Dunsmuir and Ash­ land, several o f them receiving more for their first month’s work than the cost o f the course. More were called for and none to send. The development o f the great Pacific Coast is only begun and our enterpris­ A Little Printer’s Ink Makes Millions T h in k -T h in k -T h in k ! ry . A little Printer’s Ink NO. driver o f this section o f the state and j has lived at Agate for many years. U V tE S T O C K FINE SPAN OF WORK OR P R IV ING HORSES Enquire o f Geo. L Neutle, G»ntr&J Pomt. THEJtf ARE EEW 7 tf MISCELL ANEOfJS. people who know how to take care of themselves—the majority do not. The \ liver is a most important organ in the body. Herbine -will keep it in condi- | tion. V. C. Simpkins, Alba, Texas, , writes; “ I have used Herbine for I Chills and Fever and find it the beat medicine I have ever used. I would I not be without it. It is jis good for 1 children as it is for grown-up people, and 1 recommend it. It is fine for La ¡Grippe.” Sold by Central Point Phar- I macy B A B Y C A R R IA G E S . G O -C A R T S , E T C * A t the C en tral P o in t P o s n itu m Stone. 7 tf J U S T R E C E I V E D - A oar ®f fir »i- u n d e tod .ced ir shing'trts a t S., H- G a y ’sflu roberyard. fi2t! A S H L A N D IC E - Made iwwin viirvH t ■mountain water, lo r «ahr a t Mnorti s eaniectionery. 4t f P L A C E Y O U R W O O L) OKJHJHS- F o r * * x t w in ­ ter w ith 'G e o L . K e d e . the potaiHie wood «ieakrr.. O rd er now and aonm motMjy. OKkrrsimu'y «be'left a t L. H ntri«ld ' h aWvre. T tf J U S T R E C E IV E D - T 4 m lan rw * «took « 4 l a « - curium s e v e r brought to Central / P iin t W e have aft kinds and till uncos a t >nLra( PuiitJ Fu rnitu re S u re . 7tl F I N E D A K W O O D — P a r -wvnfcor vri L Nurd. 1’ reHedt pr»r«*n .rauMirutfUle O rder now and w v e m otley. L e a v e o rd e r« j U L H atfield's rime. 't f O A K W O O D $2.50.a tie r pine-wood $2.25 a tiur» delivered fo r tihe n e x t 80 days, ut N e a le V -wood yawl. O rd e r now run. Have nbtflMq o r yearr win- t a r mwpYy. Geo. L . Kwbie. Hli | “ Uncle Billy” Runnells and his good I w ife moved to Central Point on Mon- | day and will make their future home j in that place. They are pioneer citizens o f Gold Hill, having lived here just 20 | years on last Friday. The best wishes I R E A L ES TA TE . for their future welfare from a legion T O J M U IP V V T Y O W N K R f G‘f Hash sen O u tla y o f friends in this locality go with them | and else when*. I av A. y o e r |»ntpert]r w ith the to their new home.— Gold Hill News. C entral P»»int Ytcaf. Ecflnrc Corapahr W e can rtp.ILit. a*, vw- have/yOO# .Katie.-n ttorroarM.wlnrvLa A HAPPV MOEHIV will see that her baby is properly cared fo r—to do this a good purgative is necessary. Many babies suffer from worms and their mothers don’t know it—i f your baby is feverish and doesn't sleep at eights, it is troubled with worms. W hite’s Cream Vermifuge will clean out these worms in a mild pleasant way. Once tried always used. Give it a trial. Price 25 cents. Sold by Central Point Pharmacy. Hd O W N E R * XfT R A N C H E R . T IM B E R L A N D S . erty urt*f>ertry 4,1 w b * lu *w pirop | e rty to sell dhwri/l lotI th e ir propurtin* w fllj l\ m . C entral P o in t Real E state Com pany, and it w ill H&d W e «are ¡mr m a M n i y loir.FW* I .if t ’-nut rV 4 *tf j P ain t Sanderaon A .Sen«. J’roprteUira. Baptist Church Notes. FX>R:SAI j E flevettV inn* t r a c t« <»f nrehurd bind on th e fnothiNs tw o nfiler «'e »fl f a u n *0»otraJ Piant- F o rty acres. w ith f*v/ A D. ilrJmM. wRJ. f»j oréor <»/ the hear4 •»/ i r u t t ecv in i4<’for*»riy, he at p oh ik: at the office » f the w e re - 1ary, E .O . K iaha II. Sarm Vaficy preci n t*, »n July 27. 1907, at 2 o ’ clock P. M . th e reaoon fo r in ch «a le b e im ? « f ai lu re t « pay k ataw n w n U retrulaiftyr#«viê»i airairvM. nmrt vtork a t nice tim e. * f D i« !**.#• I (4 directors held on N ovem b er L PfOG. Febr uary 22, Preaching services next Sunday at 11 o ’clock a. m and 8 o ’clock p. m. Rev. Jacquemin, the pastor, will preach Sunday morning on the subject "M en o f Little Faith. ” This will be the first subject o f a short series o f sermons on j Al,rn «, vtr, By order o f the Board n f IN ieffom »ff the “ Faith.” Every one ia welcome. Good Drumm- B?bee. Ficke»* UuiWNMlker singing at every services. An effort will IMtrh Campari). be made to have special music next Central P «in t Jw m n fl . 1*17 Sunday. SAB B A TH SCHOOL. This branch of our work ia in a very prosperous condition. Good teachers have been provided far each class, and individual attention is given to each scholar, a class enrollment contest was started last Sunday and ia already, awakening great interest. Help us to| interest your children in the work that j will build them into noble Christian men aad women. Come at 10 o ’clock a. m. next Sunday. PRAYER SERVICE. Prayer service each Wednesday even­ ing at eight o'clock. In this meeting of earnest face to face talks with the Master there is a helpfulness that will not be found in any other meeting o f the church. Do Not Nogk-ol the children. A t this season o f the year the first unnatural loosen*»-. e,f a child’s towels should have jmrmsbnte attention. The best thing that can be given is Cham­ berlain’s Colic, Cholera and , Diarrhoea Remedy followed by castor oil as di­ rected with-each bottle o f the remedy. For sale by Mary A Mee. 4. t . MOW a m> M O N A C INtLTO N W «t. ft. COLVIC OintCTOf fS 4. O. O L W I L L WE Q l PER PAY Ô 2 CENT SAVINGS ACCOUNTS « i i i i i i i (m ine m in u s TRinSICTEO WE SOLICIT YOUR P1TR0NIGF