Central Point herald. (Central Point, Or.) 1906-1917, March 28, 1907, Image 1

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V O L -
P O IN T . O R E G O N . T H U R S D A Y . M A R C H
2 ^ . 15>¡>7.
Mrs. Maud Cochran, who has been at Summer Resort at Crater Lake.
Cost will be Heavy.
Roseburg and Riddle since last Septem­
ber, • has returned to Central Point.
Messrs. Young and Kelsay, the civil
Crater Lake national park, surround­
She is just recovering from an attacK
Geo. L. Neale left yesterday morning of typhoid, by which she was confined ing which nre many of the scenic beau­ engineers who were employed some
for Condon.
ties and natural wonders of the Cascade time ago by the city of Medford to
to her room for 62 days.
investigate and report on the most
Mrs. E. J. Nichols was in from Table
The Gold Hill News is bein» rapidly range, is to be converted as rapidly as feasible plan for securing a supply of
Rock Wednesday.
improved in appearance and is doing
water for city purposes, made their
Edward Pence, of Tolo, came in after good work for its town and surround­ whose attractiveness will be second report to the city council at a recent
supplies yesterday.
ing mining district. We extend con­ only to the famous Yellowstone national meeting.
F F. Clark can make you a new pair gratulations to our bright and newsy park of Wyoming, says the Portland [ The sources of supply investigated
Journal. The first attractive features
of shoes if you wish. 49tf
which will draw the Summer tourist to were Beaver Creek, Wagner Creek,
Easter opening at Mrs. J. E. Bos­
one of the most picturesque spots on Squaw Lake, Little Applegate and
well’ s Millinery Parlors—Thursday, Fri­
the Pacific Coast will he completed this Sterling Creeks and the north fork of
day, Saturday, March 28th-29th-30th. ule” is a kidney remedy that contains Summer and work in the park will be Little Butte Creek. Artesian wells
All the ladies are cordialy invited. 48d49 no alcohol or opiates of any kind, com­ continued thenceforth until the area were also considered, hut were reported
John Jones and family, of Sams plies with the National Pure Food and set aside by the national government adversley, the reason given being that
Drugs law, guaranteed to give satisfac­
the water from the Pellett well is not
VUey, were in town yesterday.
tion. Thirty day treatment for $1.00. has been transformed into a Summer sufficient in quantity and the quality is
The Central Point Pharmacy has a Inquire about “ Pineules” at Mary A. resort which, it is calculate'1., will
change of ad. this week. Read it.
draw the attention of the entire coun­ not desirable tiecause of being too
Mee’s drug store.
strongly impregnated with mineral
to Oregon.
All shoe repair work promptly done
J. E. Lancaster, who has been spend­
Acting upon the privileges granted suhi'ance. Little Butte Creek was
and prices right at F. F. Clark’s. 49if ing the winter in Portland, arrived
reported as being the most feasable
Hurried meals, lack of exercise*are Tuesday evening to look after business him by the secretery of the interior source of supply and the estimated cost
the main causes of dyspepsia. A Rings interests. He has been away from
of conveying water from that stream
Dyspepsia Tablet after each meal aids Central Point since last June and notes William Gladstone Steel, who labored and distributing it to the citizens of
digestion, improves the appetite. Sold many evidences of progress and im­
the lake set aside as a national park, Medford is given as $316,000.00 This
by Mary A. Mee.
provement since that time.
will begin early this Summer to make amount would furnish water for a city
If you need a neat half-sole on your
of 10,000 people. A plant sufficient to
George H. Haskins, a well-known the first permanent improvements.
old shoe F. F. Clark can fix you up. 49tf citizen of Medford and pioneer druggist
supply water for present needs would
E. O. Bissell, of Sams Valley, was of that city, died last Thursday and
Mr. Steel has been granted the camp­ cost $275,250.00. The estimates do not
in town the first of the week consulting was buried Monday. The I. O. O F. ing privileges about Crater Lake include cost of acquiring water rights.
D r.Parizek.
lodge of Medford, of which deceased through an application which he filed
Christian Science services are held was a prominent member, had charge with the secretary of the interior, and
Acute Rheumatism
every Sunday morning at 11 o’clock in of the obsequies.
he is making preparations now to carry
or wrenching pains,
G. A. R. hall. All are kindly invited
In the treatment of piles it becomes on an active campaign of improvement
occasioned by getting wet through;
to attend these services. Subject for necessary to have , the remedy put up during the Summer months.
next Sunday, “ Unreality.”
in such a form that it can be applied to
The first step to be taken will be to worse when at rest, or on first moving
the limbt. and in cold or damp weather,
F. F. Clark can do your shoe repair­ the parts affected. Man Zan Pile provide a launch with a carrying capac­ is cured quickly by Ballard’s Snow
ing. Shop at the Stidham house. 49tf Remedy is encased in a collapsible tube ity of 30 or 40 passengers. This will Liniment. Oscar Oleson, Gibson City,
Don’t fail to attend the chicken sup­ with nozzle attachment. It cannot be on the waters of the lake this Sum­ 111., writes, Feb, 16, 1902: "A year
per at the M. E. church tomorrow help but reach the spot. Relieves blind, mer while other improvements are gain­ ago I was troubled with a pain in my
bleeding, itching and protruding piles. ing headway, among the first of which
50 cents with nozzle guaranteed. Try will be the erection of a suitable hotel back. It soon got so bad 1 could not
Everyone knows that Spring is the it. Sold by Mary A. Mee.
for tourists, to be followed later by bend over. One bottle of Ballard’s
Snow Liniment enred me.” Sold by
season of the year when the system
and other larger buildings.
A Spring poem was received from
Central Point Pharmacy.
needs cleansing. Dade’s Little Liver
Stage lines will be established between
Pills are highly recommended. Try some modest genius the other day, but,
as the communication was anonymous, the lake and Fort Klamath, on the
them. Sold by Mary A. Mee.
Wanls Better Climate.
it could not be used. Incidentally it eastern side of the Cascades, and a
County Judge Dunn was in town from may be mentioned here that the H er ­ route will also be in operation between
..c.,sonville last. Friday on a short ald does not solicit Spring poetry. It the lake and some convenient point on
A Wenatchee, Washington, orchard-
ousiness trip.
the Southern Pacific.
is rather out of our line.
ist was here last week looking for a
Cranfill & Robnett have a change of
E. E. Brewster, formerly head but-
ad. this week. You will be interested termaker in the Washington Creamery,
As quickly as possible hotels and location near Central Point, having
tired of the long, cold winters of his
in reading it.
at Portland, has accepted a position in other buildings will be erected along more northerly home. The gentleman,
To the P roperty O wners of J ack - the same capacity in the Central Point the shores and water will be carried who is a practical orchardist, was more
son C ounty and E lsewhere —List Creamery, and arrived a few days ago down to supply these from the district
than favorably impressed with this
your property with the Central Point to take charge of the plant. Mr. back of the lake, where mountain water locality and while here made an offer
Real Estate Company. We can sell it, Brewster comes highly recommended
of $16,000 for W. H. Norcross’ 12-acre
as we have 5000 Eastern correspondents. and is said to be one of the finest but - A three-inch pipe system under gravity apple orchard. The offer was refused,
force is the plan arranged. In addition
termakers on the coast.
as the property is not for sale. Later
to the launch which will be placed in
Several members of Mt. Pitt Re-
In using a cough syrup, why not get commission, smaller boat service will the gentleman made a flattering offer
bekah Lodge visited Gold Hill Lodge the best? One that comes highly
be maintained and as soon as possible for a portion of W. J. Freeman's young
one evening this week.
recommended is Bee’s Laxative Cough
a system of roadways about the lake orchard, which offer will probably be
F or S ale — Piano, Kitchen Queen Syrup, contains Honey and Tar and is will be built.
accepted The gentleman was only
range, bed-room set and a heater.— H. superior to other cough syrups in many
Mr. Steel is closing up his real estate here a short time and the H e r a l d was
ways. Children always like it because business in Portland, preparatory to unable to learn his name.
H. Haskell, Central Point.
Spring winds chap, tan and cause it contains no opiates, is a laxative and devoting his entire time to the super­
freckles to appear. Pine Salve Car- is guaranteed to give satisfaction or vision of the improvement work which
Don’t Complain.
bolized applied at night will relieve that your money refuuded. Try it. Sold will be carried on as rapidly as possible
If your chest pains and you are un­
burning sensation. Nature’s own rem­ by Mary A. Mee.
during the coming Summer. He will
edy. Acts like a poultice and draws
During the high water last week the leave Portland soon for Southern Ore able to sleep because of a cough. Buy
out inflammation. Sold by Mary A. slaughter house on Sam Murray’s Bear gon, where great enthusiasm over the a bottle of Ballard’s Horehound Syrup,
Creek place was carried away by the proposed plans has already been dis­ and you won’t have any cough. Get a
Warren Mee came over from Hilts, flood, and a mattock which Mr. Murray played, and will enlist the financial bottle now and that cough will not last
California, Sunday, where he had been had saved from the flood was carried assistance of the business interests in long. A cure for all pulmonary dis­
away by some thief. Mr. Murray has that section of the state. It is prob­ eases Mrs. J —, Galveston. Texas,
to close up his busines affairs.
writes: “ I can’t say enough for Bal­
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Morgan, of Up­ his opinion of a man who will steal a able, too, that no little help will be lard’s Horehound Syrup. The relief it
mattock and thinks that when he goes proffered him from Portlanders, who
per Rogue river, visited her parents,
to the next world he should be given a are anxious to promote such projects as has given me is all that is necessary
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Belcher during the
for me to say.” Sold by Central Point
sentence of at least six months at Mr. Steel has in charge.
grubbing oak grubs in the warmest
Owners of ranches, timber lands, comer of the nether regions.
The priveleges extended to Mr. Steel
mines and city property and all who
The statement that Crater Lake is to by the department of the interior will
Real Estate Deals.
have property to sell should list their
properties with the Central Point Real have a modern tourist hotel and stage not exclude private individuals from
Estate Company, and it will be sold. connection with the Southern Pacific camping in the park at any time, only Central Point is rapidly coming to
We are permanently located at Central during the coming summer, is good that the latter will not be permitted to the front as one of the most desirable
Point.—Sanderson & Sons, Proprietors. news for Central Point, this being the establish permanent camps. The privi­ home towns in Oregon and most of the
nearest and most logical point for tour­ leges given to Mr. Steel by the Wash­
ists to leave the railroad and transfer ington officials are in view of making deals so far reported this week have
J. N. Herndon and Jasper Hannah to stages or other vehicles. This would improvements and attractive features been home-acre tracts in the town.
are preparing to open a meat market mean much to the town both in the way in the park similar in scope to those
Henry Hill has closed a deal with
in the Gillett building on lower Pine of direct business and good advertising now existent in Yellowstone national Mrs. J. M. Gibson for an acre tract on
the west side, on which he will erect a
and our business men should see to it park.
Central Point merchants are busy that the transfer point is not allowed to
Owing to the proximity of the park residence. The consideration was $200.
L Hatfield has purchased from Mrs.
these days receiving big shipments of go elsewhere.
to the Southern Pacific railroad and
J. M. Gibson 31 acres, also on the west
new Spring goods for the coming sea­
N. A. Jacobs, city treasurer of River­ the stage cannections which will be side, the consideration being $350. Mr.
son’s trade.
side, Cal., is a candidate for city clerk made with the latter line, there is little
Improper action of the kidneys causes under the new reorganization act. A doubt that the road will advertise Cra­ Hatfield will set the tract to orchard
and otherwise improve it. Both these
backache, lumbago and rheumatism. copy ofthe leading newspaper af River­ ter Lake national park as extensively
"Pineules” is a kidney remedy that side speaks well of Newt and his capa­ as the Northern Pacific has idvertised deals were made through the agency of
Downing & Emry.
will relieve these diseases. Pleasant bilities and gives the impression that he the Yellowstone. With the improve­
W. H. Norcross closed a deal Friday
to take and guaranteed to give satisfac­ is a winner. Mr. Jacobs was formerly ments completed in Crater Lake park,
an acre tract on the Magruder farm
tion or money refunded. “ Relief in county clerk of this country and he put and its picturesque features heralded
on East Pine street. Mr. Norcross will
every dose.” Sold by Mary A. Mee, that office in the best shape that it was as widely as can be done through rail­
build a fine, modem home on the tract
Benton Vincent, of Sams Valley, was ever in.. He is a first class accountant road literature and persistent advertis­ during the coming Summer. The deal
in after supplies yesterday and reported and the finest kind of record keeper and
was direct, the consideration being $100.
the road near the Pomroy lane almost his old friends in Jackson county are tional park will in a short time become
On Saturday Merritt Elliott sold two
pleased to know that he is doing well in the Mecca of thousands of tourists and unimproved lots in block 67, just west
im passable.
The Tinpan mining claim, on Galls
of his residence, to J. H. McJimsey,
Creek, fs being equipped with a Wilde
the consideration being *250. The deal
Chicken Supper.
quartz mill with a capacity of 15 tons
supervision of improvements to be was made through the agency of the
per day. The property is said to be
The Ladies’ Aid of the M. E. church placed in the park, was the first to Central Point Real Estate Company.
making a fine showing.
will serve a chicken supper in the Town start the movement to secure the set­ The Dugan farm, in Sams Valley,
Coughs and colds contracted at this Hall Friday. March 29th, from 5 o’clock ting aside of the district as a national consisting of 240 acres, was sold last
season of the year should have im­ until 10 o’clock. Supper, 25 cents. park. His first agitation toward this week to Mr. Boyd, of Medford, the
mediate attention. Bee’s Laxative Proceeds to be used for repairing the end began in 1885, but received little consideration being $15,000.
Cough Syrup contains Honey and Tar | church. A cordial invitation is extend­ encouragement. His persistent efforts
and is unequaled for hoarseness, croup ed to all.
finally gained success, but it was not
Good in all Things.
and coughs. Pleasant to take; mothers '
until 1902, 17 years after the movement
endorse it! children like to take it. '
Cores Winter Cough.
was inaugurated, that a hill passed
Contains no opiates. Moves the bowels.
J. E. Cover, 101 N. Main Str., Ot­ Congress setting aside 10 townships
The recent “ spell of weather" which
Sold by Mary A. Mee.
tawa, Kans., writes: “ Every fall it around the famous body of water as a has been prevailing in the Rogue River
0. C. Purkeypile is in from his mine, has been my wife’s trouble to catch a national park.
I Valley was no doubt intended by the
where he has been doing development severe cold, and therefore te cough all
Since that time Crater Lake has re- weather man to serve a usefel purpose,
work most of the Winter. Mr. Purkey­ winter long. Last fall I got her a ceived no little attention in magazines Newcomers from less favored regions
pile says the property is now making a bottle of Hor?hound Syrup. She used and newspapers and it* scenic grandeur will be so forcibly reminded of the pre­
fine showing, he having a large body of it and has been able to sleep soundly is known extensively throughout the vailing climatie conditions in their
ore blocked out that will run better all night long. Whenever the eaugh East. Now that definite plans are former homes that they will have no
than 1100 per ton in gold. He will put troubles her, two or three doses stops under way to improve the district for desire to go hack, and will be glad to
•p a two-stamp mill on the property the rough, and she is able to be up and the accommodation of tourists, it will remain here and enjoy the fifty weeks
hot he long before the park will prove
this Spring and worn a lot of high well.” 25c, 50c and $1.00. Sold by one of the greatest drawing cards on of fine weather which is due in this
grade ore during the coming Summer. Central Point Pharmacy.
valley every twelve months.
the Pacific coast.
Local and Personal
NO. 40
People are Waking Up
on the orchard proposition in the
Rogue River Valley. A good
orchard on the right kind of land
is very attractive.
The right kind of an orchard
will prove a bonanza; the wrong
kind is sure to prove a “ white
elephant” on the owner’s hands.
A man who is not in touch with
the orchard business cannot put
you right on the proposition any
more than a blind man can lead
a blind man. If you want to
avoid getting left with a “ white
elephant” on your hands, do
business with the
Hop Gold Beer.
J. H. Cutler Whiskey
A Specialty.
We will ship you from 1 to
4 7-8 gallons of fine whis­
key or best quality of;;
Bottled Beer
Roque River Land (Jornpany.
Medford, Oregon.
They are in touch with the or­
chard business, thoroughly fa­
miliar with every tract in the
valley, know what each district
is best adapted for, and they
will see that you are put right
in every instance. Every man
who has ever bought through
this agency can sell to-day for a
great advance over his purchase
price. This is e n do r’s e|m e n t
enough. Consult any3 business
man, hank or orchardman in the
valley .as to their reliability.
By Dozen, Case or Barrel
V. E. Snyder & Co.
M edford , O re .
“ The Best on Earth”
- l- l- H H-H -l-l-H -H -l-K -M-l-l-I-I- l- h
Our Spring Line of
Men’s Boys’
and Youth's
is now arriving.
Cranfill & Robnett,
Central Point, Oregon.