C entral V O I .. CENTRAL 1. Local and Personal Neal Gage, o f Beagle, was in after supplies last Friday. Leeter, the infant son o f J. A. Mann, is on the sick list. Buster Brown has made a mash. See Hatfield’ s new ad. “ Grandma” Mann is suffering from an attack o f pleurisy. For S a b — First, and second crop alfal­ fa hay. V. Bursell, Central Pt. 45d48 It looked something like rain for a few days the first o f the week. Edyth Stone went to Talent Tues­ day to visit friends for a few days. Mrs. Mauzee, o f Shasta county, Cal., was over last week visiting her daugh­ ter, Mrs. A. L. Williams. Hurried meals, lack o f exercise are the main ca&ses.of dyspepsia. A Rings Dyspepsia Tablet after each meal aids digestion, improves the appetite. Sold by Mary A. Mee. Easter opening at Mrs. J. E. Bos­ w ell’ s Millenery Parlors. All the ladies are cordially invited. 48d49 WiHiam and Ralph Ladd, o f Horn- brook, Cal., were here during the week attending the funeral o f their mother, the late Mrs Sarah B. Ladd. Considerable damage is reported from the vicinity o f Medford, Phoenix and Talent from Bear Creek cutting its banks during the recent freshet. Christian Science services are held every Sunday morning at 11 o ’clock in G.' A . R. hall. A ll are kindly invited to attend . these services. Subject for next Sunday, “ R eality.” A. E. Smith, o f Leeds, N. D., who is making a tour o f the Pacific Coast in search o f a location, was here during the week visiting his friend L. Hatfield and looking at the country. He went on to Portland Saturday evening, where he had a business appointment, but expects to return here in a short time to look for some investments. Mr. Smith was more pleased with this locality than any part o f the Coast he has visited. There are many kidney remedies but few that accomplish the result. “ Pine- ule” is a kidneytremedy th at contains no alcohol or opiates o f any kind, com­ plies with the National Pure Food and Drugs law, guaranteed to give satisfac­ tion. Thirty day treatment for $1.00. Inquire about “ Pineules” at Mary A. Mee’ s drug store. Geo. L. Neale has been subpoenaed as a witness in the circuit court in Gilliam County, which meets at Condon on the first Monday in April. He will be called to give testimony in the case o f W . H. Thompson, who killed Alex Georke in a railroad camp near Condon more than two years ago. Thompson was found guilty at a former trial and given a life sentence in the penitentiary at Salem, but was granted a new trial on appeal. Mr. Neale was the com­ mitting magstrate in ths case when Thompson was first arrested. In the treatment o f piles it becomes necessary to have the remedy put up in such a form that it can be applied to the parts affected. Man Zan Pile Remedy is encased in a collapsible tube with nozzle attachment. It cannot help but reach the spot. Relieves blind, bleeding, itching and protruding piles. 50 cents with nozzle guaranteed. Try it. Sold by Mary A . Mee. For Sale—A fine span o f mules with harness. A bargain if sold at once. En­ Sam Murray has engaged in the quire o f W. M. Parker at D. S. Grim’ s chicken business. He possesses one place, Central Point. 48d48 one-legged rooster and one white hen, - W. C. Leever and I. C. Robnett and he gets five (5) eggs a day. Mr. went to Ashland Monday evening to Murray is threatened with brain storm attend Masonic lodge. Mr. Leever because o f the strenuous mental labor took the Black Cross degree on that to which he is subjecting himself in an evening. effort to discover which o f the two Mr. and Mrs. Tom Harriott will fowls lays the odd egg. He claims to move out to their ranch on Applegate have propagated the one-legged variety in a few days, where they will spend and claims great superiority over the the coming Summer. old-fashioned biped breed, from the Everyone knows that Spring is the obvious fa ct that a chicken with one season o f the year when the system leg will not wear out the perch so fast needs cleansing. Dade’ s Little Liver as will a chicken with two feet. Pills are highly recommended. Try In using a cough syrup, why not get them. Sold by Mary A. Mee. the best? One that comes highly T o t h e P roperty O w ners op J ack - recommended is Bee’ s Laxative Cough so n C ounty and E lse w h e r e —List Syrup, contains Honey and Tar and is your property with the Central Point superior to other cough syrups in many Real Estate Company. W e can sell it, ways. Children always like it because as we have 5000 Eastern correspondents. it contains no opiates, is a laxative and is guaranteed to give satisfaction or 48tf Francis Miller, Ben Little and Monk your money refuuded. Try it. Sold Clark, went to Talent Monday evening by Mary A. Mee. to attend the grand ball at that place. They report having had a most delight­ ful time and say the people o f that place are royal hosts. Mrs. Clara G. Esson, assistant pastor o f the Christian church at Ashland, will lecture at the Christian church Sunday evening, March 24th, at 7 :30 on “ Plans and Conditions o f Conducting Sunday Schools.” A cordial invitation is extended to all to attend. Spring winds chap, tan and cause freckles to appear. Pine Salve Car- bolized applied at night will relieve that burning sensation. Nature’ s own rem­ edy. A cts like a poultice and draws out inflammation. Sold by Mary A. Mee. Owners o f ranches, timber lands, mines and city property and all who have property to sell should list their properties with the Central Point Real Estate Company, and" it will be sold. W e are permanently located at Central P oint.—Sanderson & Sons, Proprietors. 48tf The S. P. train service is still badly demoralized on account o f the recent high water. Strange to say, however, trains on the Medford & Crater Lake road were not delayed so much as thirty seconds during the entire storm. Town Board Organizes. A special meeting o f the town board was held Tuesday evening, when the old board closed up their affairs for the year just ending and the new board qualified and assumed the duties o f their respective offices. The reports o f the retiring recorder and treasurer were audited and accept­ ed and the affairs o f the municipality were found to be in excellent condition. J. E. Boswell, the retiring recorder, administered the oath o f office to A. P. Gillett, his successor, after which the old board adjourned sine die. Recorder Gillett called the new board to order, when W. C. Leever was unanimously chosen as President o f the Board. The town officials are now as follows: Trustees—W. C. Leever, W . J. Free­ man, J. W . Jacobs, S. A. Pattison and I. C. Robnett. Recorder—A. P. Gillett. Treasurer—T. M. Witten. Marshal—L. Williams. Street Commissioner—G. G. Selby. Before adjournment President Leever appointed the street committee because o f needed repairs incident to the recent storm, but withheld other appoint­ ments until the next regular meeting. The 3treet committee consists o f I. C. Robnett, J. W . Jacobs and S. A. Patti­ son. R. C. Hensley and Mrs. Cliff, both well known residents here, were mar­ ried at Medford yesterday. The H er­ ald congratulates. Improper actioo o f the kidneys causes backache, lumbago and rheumatism. “ Pineules” is a kidney remedy that A Family Trail. will relieve these diseases. Pleasant to take and guaranteed to give satisfac­ An Ashland hopeful o f five summers, tion or money refunded. “ R elief in whom the patronymic o f Smith will every dose.” Sold by Mary A . Mee. serve to designate, was impressed by Bartlett Obenchain, a highly respect­ the religious teaching which his fond ed pioneer o f this valley, was stricken mother was endeavoring to instruct him with paralysis a few days ago, but at in the other day, and was apparently this writing he is considerably im­ amazed at the power and wisdom and proved. Fortunately the attack, which goodness o f God as the giver o f every followed a severe attack o f la grippe, good and useful gift. But the little tot ftOm which he was just recovering, shocked his mamma when, after a was a light one and his friends will moment’ s contemplation, he asked iq hope that he will soon regain his ac­ all earnestness: “ Mamma, is God’ s customed strength. Dr. Parizek is in first name Smith?” —Tidings. attendance. Coughs and colds contracted at this Chicken Supper. season o f the year should have im­ The Ladies' Aid o f the M. E. church mediate attention. Bee’ s Laxative Cough Syrup contains Honey and Tar will serve a chicken supper in the Town and is uneqaaled for hoarseness, croup Hall Friday, March 29th, from 5 o ’ clock and coughs. Pleasant to take; mothers until 10 o'clock. Supper, 25 cents. endorse it; children like to take it. Proceeds to be used for repairing the Contains ho opiates. Moves the bowels. church. A cordial invitation is extend­ ed to all. 48d49 Bold by Mary A. Mee. H erald po in t P O IN T . O R E G O N . T H U R S D A Y . Be-ir Creek on Rampage. The continued rainstorm which began at midnight Saturday and lasted with­ out interruption until Monday morning resulted in the highest water that has been experienced in this valley for several years. Bear Creek reached the highest stage Monday morning that had been reached for several years and considerable damage was caused by the flood cutting its banks and encroaching on adjacent farms. The bridge just east o f town also suffered to a con­ siderable extent, one o f the steel cais­ sons which supports the steel span o f the structure being undermined until it settled almost tw o feet. The steel span and the wooden approach on the east side are both badly out o f line at this writing and if the rains continue and the creek makes another rise it is probable both spans will go out. The wooden covered span on the west side o f the creek was not damaged. Some damage was also reported from different parts o f the valley in the way o f the washing away o f fences, cul­ verts, etc., but aside from the damage occasioned by Bear Creek the loss will be nominal. Patrons o f the rural mail routes were cut off from communication with the outside world in some cases. Ben Lit­ tle, carrier on route No. 2, was only able to serve those o f his patrons who reside on this side o f the creek, and Jim Grieve, carrier on route No. 1, also had to turn back before reaching the end o f his route. M ARCH 31 , 1907. Table Rockets People are Waking Up | The high water Monday cut off our ! mail ana left us without our school teacher. The teacher’s place was filled by Mrs. E. O. Bissell, who took charge and conducted the exercises in a man- j ner which showed she was no novice at ! the business. i Col. Washburn began the spraying of his orchard last week. Our Sunday-school is preparing a suitable program for Easter Sunday, to which all are invited, i N O . 4-iS The telephone wires are all up and we hope to have the instruments in­ stalled in time to send the Herald an Easter greeting. A large number o f fruit trees are still to be planted here, the ground not yet being in suitable condition. Miss Margart Nealon is teaching the Spring term o f school in the Chapparel district. Card o f Thanks. W e wish to express our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to the friends and neighbors who so kindly extended assistance and sympathy at the time o f our recent bereavement. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Arnett, C. F. Ladd. on the orchard proposition in the Rogue River Valley. A good orchard on the right kind o f land is very attractive. The right kind o f an orchard will prove a bonanza; the wrong kind is sure;to prove a “ white elephant” on the ow ner’ s hands. A man who is not in touch with the orchard business cannot put you right on the proposition any more than a blind man can lead a blind man. I f you want to avoid getting left with a "w hite elephant” on your hands, do business with the Hop Gold Beer. J . H . Cutter Whiskey A Specialty. • • Rogue River Ldnd C o m p a n y. Medford, Oregon. They are in touch with the or­ chard business, thoroughly fa ­ miliar with every tract in the valley, know what each district is best adapted for, and they will see that you are put right in every instance. Every man who has ever bought through this agency can sell to-day fo r a great advance over his purchase price. This is e n d|o r’a elm e n t enough. Consult a n y ; business man, bank or orchardman in the valley ( as to their reliability. Weinhard’s • • W o will ship you from 1 to 4 7-8 gallons o f fine whis­ key or best quality of; I Bottled Beer * a • • By Dozen, Case or Barrel a a 1 ■ V. E. Snyder & Co. . . M edpord , O re . 'J AGENTS FOR • a • « ; ** W E IN H A R D B E E R • • ‘ ‘ The Best on Earth ” . A • DOUGH" YOU USE Virgin’s Best Flour? If You Don’ t, Why Don’t You? Important Real Estate Deal. K n iaon i. C o lle c tio n o l A n t le r * . The fine 1800-pcre ranch belonging to Capt. A. M. Short, situated 10 miles east from Central Point, on Rogue River, was sold the other day to R. S. McDowell, o f Pasadena, California. Mr. McDowell will make his home on the place, and has already planned extensive improvements. The con­ sideration has not been made public. Recent Deaths. M rs. Sarah B . Ladd. O f the famons collections of antlers formed In the seventeenth century only tnro or three have escaped the general fate of conflagrations, sieges and pil­ lage. One o f these Is In Moritzburg, the king o f Saxony's historical hunting castle, near Dresden, while In the cele- bratod gun gallery In Dresden Itself are to lie seen In an unrivaled show the wonderfully Inlaid arms used by the elector. The great banqueting ball of the castle of Moritzburg Is one o f the sights with which no doubt many a traveled reader has been charmed. It Is a cl.amber o f noble proportions, sixty-six feet long by thirty four wide and thirty-eight feet high. On Its oth­ erwise unadorned white walls hang seventy-oue pairs of magnificent ñut­ iera. which one may describe as the most famous of tbetr kind In tlie world. Not a single one carries less than twenty-four Uses or Is loss than 200 years old, while some are probably double that age. 1 Here are Some Reasons Why You Should: 1 I ! Mrs. Sarah B. Ladd died at the home o f her daughter, Mrs. J.L . Arnett, two miles north o f this place, last Sunday morning, o f cancer o f the stomach, aged 75 years 2 months and 16 days. Deceased was born at Foxcroft, Me., where she spent the greater portion of her life, she and her husband coming to A C e le b r a te d C lo c k . The art of the cloekmaker has Oregon only ten ygars ago. Her hus­ band, Nathaniel Ladd, a veteran o f the achieved many remarkable triumphs civil war, died at Klamath Falls three during many centuries. Sometimes It years ago. Mrs. Ladd was the mother Is a clock wonderful for the complex!- . ty of Its movements and Its busy popn- j o f ten children seven o f whom survive latlon o f automatons that attracts our J her. They are: Mrs. J. L. Arnett and admiration, like that In the Cathedral C. F. Ladd, o f near this place, William o f Strasaburg. At other times the lm- j and Ralph Ladd, o f Hornbrook, Calif., mense size o f the machinery and the and one daughter and two sons who re­ dials excites astonishment. This Is the side in Maine. case with the celebrated clock In the The funeral was held from the resi­ tower o f the Church o f St. Rombaut at dence Tuesday afternoon Rev. Sweeney Mechlin. A writer In La Nature tblnka conducting thej services. Interment this clock possesses the largest dials that exist in the world. There are four J wes made in Central Point cemetery. o f them, one on each side of tlie great square tower, and their extreme dlam eter Is nearly thirty-seven and one half Miss Marie Ma?. fe e t The figure« showing the hours Miss Marie May died at the home o f are nearly six and one-half feet high, her parents near Grants Pass Monday and the bands have a length o f noarly twelve feet. o f last week o f quick consumption. Until a few weeks before her death T h e O H P o s h 'o n . 4 » l l l r o d O lr l.” the deceased resided with Mrs. M. M. The “ hired girl" (we never, never al­ Cooksey, o f this place, and was well luded to her as “ the maid" In the small known and highly respected here for American town or quiet country place her many excellencies o f character. where you anil I were "raised") was Her health failing to some extent, Bhe like one o f the family, and mother was went home for a visit with her parents glad to have her help, and none o f us and almost without warning the end put on any frills with her, and she was not compelled to put on any frills o f came as above stated. cap or apron with ns. Ofttlmes, espe­ The funeral took place at Grants cially in the qnlet eountrv places, her Pass on Wednesday. social standing was as good as that of anybody else. Usually she was one of a grown family of girls There was plenty o f help at her house, and so she Cures Winter Cough. came and assisted our mother at our J. E. Cover, 101 N. Main Str., Ot­ bouse. In their hours of ease mother tawa, Kans., writes: “ Every fall it and she dlscuesed the neighborhood has been my w ife's trouble to catch a : gosalp together. The "hired girl” had severe cold, and therefore to cough all I her beau, a neighbor's stolid, iheeplsb winter long. Last fall I got her a j son, and much was she Joked about bottle o f Horehound Syrup. She used j him, and finally, after years of faithful it and has been able to sleep soundly | and friendly aervltude, alia married all night long. Whenever the cough him. W e went to the wedding, and It was quite a social affair, with much troubles her, tw o or three doses stops temperate merriment and with many the cough, and she is able to be up and | cheap but usefifl presents.—Every­ w e ll." 25c, 50c and $1.00. Sold b y ; body’* Msgaxlqe. Central Point Pharmacy. W . J. Virgin is remodeling the Central Point Flouring Mills. The latest new machinery will b e' installed'and the plant will be strictly up-to-date. home industry? Whyl’not patronize I f you are not using V IR G IN ’SIBEST try it—You will be pleased, W e also carry the following other brands.of flour: S N O W Y BUTTE, P • • i ■H -H -H -l-l-M -l-H -H -l-H -M -M - P r o n U f i t o t h e D y in g . clergyman, discussing unhappy luire affairs, said: “ Many a love tragedy is caused by a husband's promise to a dying wife Roads to be Repaired. that he will not marry again. He thinks when he makes this promise Residents o f the Central Point sec­ that It will bo easy to keep. Whether tion o f the valley will be gratified to It Is easy or hard to keep. It Is a promise rarely If ever broken. Time know that the county roads in this and time again widowers have sought district are to be repaired and put in me out for advice on this subject passable condition at an early date. They are In love, but they promised The present condition o f the county their dead wives not to m any again. thoroughfares in this vicinity was Shall they break or keep this promise’ brought to the attention o f Judge I can only advise them to do as their Dunn recently and that official readily conscience dictates. At the same time agreed to direct the district supervisor I think it Is selfish of dying wives to to at once commence making such re­ extract such promises from their bro­ ken hearted husbands. Such prom­ pairs as the demands o f Summer travel ises, by the way, are rarely extraoted will require. Heavy grading and by dying husbands from broken heart­ graveling in places requiring that ed wives. But, then, when the dead method will probably be deferred until | husband's will Is read It Is usually Fall, as new gravel on a Summer road found that If the widow mantes again fhe money Is all taken from her. So is a detriment to travel. It cornea ts the same thing In the end, doesn’t t t y ’ —New York Press. “ W H IT E ROSE, D A V IS ’ BEST, W A IT S B U R G U P P ER CR U ST R E D CROSS, P O P PY, W ALLA W ALLA, P R ID E OF W A S H IN G T O N ; Granfili & R obnett Central Point, Oregon.