CENTRAL POINT HERALD, THURSDAY, MARCH 7, C entral P oint H erald ■ - = i L ancaster & P attison , P ublishers Humor «3 Philosophy S. A. P attison , E ditor . By DUNCAN M. SMITH st National Bank OF MEDFORD J . E. L an caster , B u sin e ss M a n a g e r ---------- ------------------------- : -V - I An independent local newspaper | •devoted to the interests o f Central Point and ihe Rogue River Valley. l*uMislted Every Thursday. Subscription price, |1.50 per year, in \ advance. Entered as Second-class Matter, May 4, | 1900, at the Post Office at Central Point, i ■Oregon, under the Act of Congress of | March 3. 1879. WE “NEED WATER. 1907. Cash Capital, $50,000 THE FIFTH WHEEL A t holidays, the blessod time O f getting urul o f giving. T h e gruff and grou ch y bachelor H as no excuse for living. H e w ouldn’ t ow n his envy fo r The fellow s w ho are mated. A lthou gh m eanwhile he w onders H e ever was created. Resources, $250,000 The Youngest and L O f* the Stcngest 18 Months Growth Over $200,000.00 W h ile happy fath ers go about, Their bu* k* with toy stores bending. H e tries to m ake him self feel good B ecause he isn’ t spending. A n d . though no cares attend on him*. A free and luckless rover. H e wishes ho were you n g again A n d had to do It over. C o u g lis -and Cold;» WE INVITE YOUH ACCOUNT AND PROMISE YOU why FAIR DEALING - FIDELITY - SAFETY A Member o f American Bankers’ Association. We are Strongly Insured Against Burglaryjand Hold-Ups w e ; s o l ic it y o u r b u s in e s s Wm. S. Crowell, President d ir e c t o r s : F. K. Deuel, Vice-President Wm. S. Crowell, F. K. Deuel, Chas. Strang, E. V. Carter, Geo. W. Dunn When tables groan with Christmas M. L. Alford, Cashier ' tr y o u r S t a n d a r d R e m e d ie s. cheer, som e one In the city Central Point enjoyed a really J In I v f ites him to the festive board H e feels tls done fo r pity. wonderful growth last year and T h e Joys o f parenthood are w ith it had no boom. ; It didn’t need j H is lonely life con trasted; wishes all the while he had a boom last year and it does not j H e R em ained at hom e and fasted. want a boom this year. All the T h e m an with neither w ife nor kin T o share Ms Christinas greetin g town needs is a steady, healthy C annot en joy tho holiday, growth that will be at once sub­ Its shouting and Its eating. H a d he a m ortgage on the day, stantial and permanent. H ow quickly ho w ould close It, F o r Christm as w as not made for hiio. There is only one thing that A n d well, alas, ho know s Itl stands in the way of the town .¡C Superfluous. making a greater growth during the present year than it made last year and that is the dearth Bamboo Goods. Quartered Oak of water for fire protection, irri­ gation and domestic use. Almost and Mahogany. without exception the people who came here looking for a place to —Fine Line o f- locate and went away again to r ■ locate elsewhere,‘ during the past year, urged as their only objec­ tion that “ there is no water for Our Line o f Holiday Goods Last the Year Around, are a Com- fire protection or sprinkling.” fort and a Pleasure inj the Home andJAlways This defect in the town must be remedied, and once it is settled Look Good. that an adequate water system for the town is assured, there With Compliments c f the Season, will be no trouble in landing “ I shouldn’t think the Russians eonld many desirable new people. We • flnd much use for a balloon In war have the healthful location, time." beautiful surrounding scenery j *.jj0 D)any 0f their generals are up in and a wonderfully rich country j the uir anyway." • ’ H - H -H -H - l-l-H - l-H -H - l- H - I-l- l- l-l-I-l-l-l-l-i' I-H -H -r-I-H -H -H - l-I- l-l-H -H - all around us. What we lack is No Use For It. water, and water we must have. Japan may ns well take Its little old Special. Barg ains O rien tal R u g s P o in t entral P harm acy J. h. G A Y DEALER IN l Rough and Dressed Lumber, Shingles, Doors, Windows, Etc, Yard on track near depot. Estimates furnished. Let us figure on your lumber hilL CENTRAL POINT, OREGON WEEKS & BAKER, A RECEIVER I0R MRS. --------- ] war cloud home and put It away In the | Icebox or use It to scare Its neighbors EDDY. | with. W e hnve no use for It In this | country, although w e are some on war , , ourselves when It comes down to the Mr. George W. Glover ought faucy polllts of tlie S(.u.110e. to be willing to wait for his j Just because Japan has licked all of mother’s death before seeking to j ,bf "* |,ie b' ut&tion are too well kn ow n to forget. WM. A. AITKEN Pipes, Fittings and PInmbing Supplies. Help us with your printing orders. W M . W . r\ H O L T , M . D. P h y s ic ia n a n d S u r g e o n Central point Herald 1-1 I '1"1"1"H 1 I H I M- I M M Mri-H -H - I-H- H - I-H -H I l-h HOTEL WILLIAMS J .;N ,;H E R N D O N , P r o p . A man P. 1 HICKEN, Jeweler. SANITARY CENTRAL POINT. PLUMBING stay and to help you make Central Point worth while. 1 I have added a first-class • ■ TO TURN OUT Printing that will please our customers. &HE \A VER AGE With my fine line of ? T ; ; Shorty Williams, Prop. PEOPLE' ■W HOTEl IN CONNECTION Stables First-class Family Style Hotel G o o d Home Cooking a Specialty. Special Attention to the Commercial Trade. We assure you courteous treatment and solicit a continuance o f your patronage. South Second Street CENTRAL POINT. OREGON, EAGLE POINT, OREGON WestJE street,'opposite depot. MEDFORD, ORE. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. LODGE D IR E C T O R Y . In the County Court o f the Sate of Oregon for the County of Jackson. In the matter o f the estate of J. S. a b l e r o c k l o d g e n o . s i , a . Grigsby, deceased. o. u . w . Notice as hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed Meets second and fourth Mondays o f each month at 7:30 p. m. and has qualified as administrator of Visiting brothers cordially invited. the above named estate. All parties Hall comer Second and Pme Sts. having claims against said estate are W. H. N orcross , W. W. S cott , Recorder. Master Workman. hereby notified to present the same, duly verified, at the office of J. R. Neil, at Jacksonville, Oregon, within six months from the date o f the first •ENTRAL POINT LODGE NO. 193 publication o f this notice. * I. O. O. F. Persons indebted to said estate are Meets every Saturday evening at ! hereby notified to make settlement of such indebtedness promptly. 7:30 p. m. m A. O. U. W. Han, comer Second and Pine Sts. Visit­ G. J. G rigsby , ing brothers are specially invited to i Administrator. meet with us when in town. Date o f first publication of this notice S. A. P a ttison , L ee W a t k in s , February 7, 1907. Secretary. Noble Grand. T