CENTRAL POINT C e n t r a l P oint H e r a l d -L ancaster & R attison , P ublishers S. A. P attison , E ditor . J . E. L ancaster , B usiness M anager I HERALD, THURSDAY. JANUARY t L M W . National Bank How a Scaw'al In the 3 Navy Was Pi evented - [Original.] OF MEDFORD Bob Backstay, a luidaliipman during the Spanish*American war, was Just An independent local newspaper out o f the Naval academy. lie had The Youngest and the Stongest devoted to the interests o f Central been in more scrapes while at Annapo­ Point and the Rogue River Valley. 18 Months Growth Over $200,000.00 lis than any man there, and, though he Publish^! Every Thursday. I was a fair scholar, that he had suc- W E INVITE YOUR ACCOUNT A N D PROMISE YOU Subscription price, $1.50 per year, *n ceeded in coming out with a comrnis- siou was a surprise to all. The truth advance. is he was such a good fellow that the FAIR DEALING - FIDELITY - SAFETY Entered as Second-class Matter, May 4, faculty did not have the heart to re­ A Member o f American Bankers’ Association. 1906, at the Post Office at Central Point, fuse to graduate him. Nevertheless it We are Strongly Insured Against Burglary andJHold-Ups Oregon, under the A ct o f Congress o f was predicted that his love for esca­ |WE SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS pades would always keep him back in March 3, 1879. Wm. S'. Crowell, President directors : bis profession. Wm. S. Crowell, F. K. Deuel, Chas. Backstay was sent to Cuban waters F. K. Deuel, Vice-President HOW TO LET THE WORLD KNOW. on the Yellow Jacket, one of the many M. L. Alford, Cashier Strang, E. V. Carter, Geo. W. Dunn small armed bouts used to watch the Oregon apples are the finest in coming o f the Spanish tioet, which was daily expected. The Yellow Jacket the world. Everybody in Oregon was commanded by Lieutenant Quack- has always known it, but there enbos, n man abnormally anxious for was until recent years no organ­ distinction. Indeed, he talked so much about what he would do or try to do ized effort to let anybody else if he got an opportunity that his offi- know it. Now the fame o f the cers would exchange glances whenever Oregon apples has reached every “ the old man” touched upon the oft mentioned subject. Of course the main ■quarter o f the globe, and the topic o f conversation on the Yellow Oregon growers are reaping their Jacket was the Spanish fleet and the reward. Oregon livestock, too, opportunities It would present for wide awake officers to give notice o f its ar are without superiors anywhere. rival or perhaps save the American But, unlike the story o f the Ore­ fleet from attack or possible destruc­ gon apple, comparatively few tion and thereby gain promotion. The longer the Spaniards were in people in Oregon knew until the coming the keener the expectancy till wonderful show at the Lewis and ut lust Lieutenant Quaekeubos was in Clark Exposition that our dairy a tremor o f excitement during each and every twenty-four hours. Then t —Fine Line o f — cattle, sheep, hogs and goats are when it came to be understood that among the best. That show was the first man to discover the hostile DEALER IN an eye-opener to all Oregon. It fleet would be promoted the command­ er of the Yellow Jacket resolved to re­ demonstrated that we have here duce his quautum of sleep to two Rough and Dressed Lumber, Shingles, the climate, soil and the feed hours in the day and tw o in the night. Our Line o f Holiday Goods Last the Year Around, are a Com­ Doors, Windows, Etc. The Yellow Jacket was cruising on upon whieh livestock grow fat, the south Cuban coast and kept in fort and a Pleasure inj the Home and Always Yard on track near depot. Estimates furnished. sleek, healthy, productive and touch with other vessels of the fleet. Let us figure on your lumber bill. Look Good. most fair to look upon. To be In order that none of the others should CEN TRAL POINT, OREGON get uhead of him in announcing the sure, at the State Fair at Salem t r< arrival o f Ibe enemy, If indeed the en­ With Compliments o f the Season, fcU 'J there had been fine stock shows, emy came in those waters, Quackenbos but the exhibits were mostly our ordered that all signal apparatus lie own, and there was no adequate kept on deck ready for immediate use. In all this Backstay saw a golden opportunity to see what others opportunity for a prank. On his glass had. In 1905 came the revela­ he painted or, rather, daubed with ink tion. Our herds and flocks com­ something that looked like a man-of- war in the distance. Then about 4 - H - H - H - l- H - H - H - K - M - l- H - I- l- I- M -: peted with the prize animals o f bells in the evening, when the sun had every state, and we were our­ been set long enough to cast a slight To have your Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired. I selves amazed to find that we dusk over the ocean, he rushed down will give a written guarantee on watches for 12 months, to his commander, who was taking his had as good as they had, and in daily nap in his cabin, and shouted in and also on all clocks, except nickel clocks, for 12 months. stentorian tones: some cases better. P R IN T IN G T H A T ' ; { p r i n t in g ! E OLD GOLD & SILVER TAKEN AT HIGHEST MARKET PRICE. “ The fleet!” There ought to be a permanent Quackenbos, seizing his glass, bound­ T H A T P L E A S E S P L E A S E S I can take your orders for Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry annual livestock show in Port­ ed up the companion way and, bringing j y and save you money. Your patronage is solicited. land. It need not, and would the glass to bear on the horizon, swept pe o ple ; P A R T IC U L A R : not, interfere with the State It. Backstay handed him his own CENTRAL WHO P A Y ' PEOPLE glass. The lieutenant brought it to the Fair at Salem, but could follow sky line and saw a Hpanish man-of- POINT. i that event. It should be held wia\ Without losing a moment he or­ dered that a signal be sent to the near­ here for the benefit o f all Ore­ est vessel stating th it the fleet had ar­ gon, that our own people may rived. Backstay received his glass learn and take continued interest from his commander, passed his tongue in what we have in magnificent over the object lens and wiped the lens on his coat sleeve. The officer to whom livestock o f all profitable domes­ the sign. 1 1 had been sent signaled back x— li tic breeds. It would do much to that the announcement had been for­ HOTEL IN CONNECTION make known abroad the wonder­ warded to the admiral and asked in what quarter the enemy wao to be ful qualities o f our livestock. It found since he had not discovered him. Shorty Williams, Prop. is time to begin work now, so Quackenbos looked again, but could that all preliminaries may b e ! see nothing. Others looked, with the I same result. The man-of-war had van- Fast Horses, First-class Rigs, areful. Experienced Drivers. made for the opening event next ; lshed. Daily Stage to Eagle Point. “ W e’ re outdone.” said Backstay, low- Fall.—Oregonian. j ering liis own glass. “ Some floating Special attention to Commercial Men. torpedo has blown her up.” An effort is now being made IS TO OUR INTEREST TO TURN OUT Handing his glass to his commander, !$ i-H - l - l - M- M- l- H - H - H — j! clouds of smoke. He by the fruit growers association that oiiunr Printing that will please our customers. We are o f Ashland to have the law pro­ signaled that a man-of-war had been seen, but had disappeared. Then the tecting wild birds so amended as officers got away from him as soon ns fully equipped to do all classes o f Commercial and to permit farmers, gardeners possible that he should not see that Job Printing and wc respectfully solicit your orders I • and fruit growers to kill such they were laughing at him. “ You'll have to pay f o r this. Back­ in birds when necessary to protect stay,” said one of Ids mates. “ It’ ll all Manufacturers o f all classes o f their crops. It is claimed that come out, and they'll court martial LETTER HEADS M a r b le a n 1 O ranlte thousands o f dollars worth of you.” Designs fvrr.ished Backstay looked a trifle uneasy, but BILL HEADS or will manufa­ C em etery W o rk fruit is destroyed every season said nothing, lie grinned; he was al­ cture fr