CENTRAL POINT & P a t t is o n , . P u b l is h e r s S. A. P a t t is o n , E d it o r . Published Every Thursday Subscription price, $1.50 per year, ii a..vane 3 . . . ] O 8 , Casii Capital, $50,000 Rasources, S180.0C0 Ti e Youngest and the Stongest - FIDELITY « - W est'E street, opposite depot. SAFETY C o u g li s a n d C o ld s MEDFORD, ORE. try ou Send’ the H erald to your friends. S t a n d a rd R e m ec lies. P oint P harmacy entral Bamboo Coeds, Quartered Oak Mahogany. — Fine’ Line o f— Beggar—I’ ve lost all my kinfolks. Lady—You poor man! All dead? Beggar—Kaw; rich.—Womau’s Home Companion. tho heifers giving more milk and mak lng more butter with their first calves limn their grandmothers ever made for jo u In the prime of their lives.” Oriental Rugs fort and a Pleasure in* the Home and’ Always eellence are discovered In humble lots, J remarks a Hoard's Dairyman corre- | spomlent. Neighbor Isham last fall bought a little Jersey cow o f unknown history and breeding for $35. In the seven months since this little cow has supplied a family of seven, five of whom are children, with milk, nnd the balance hne been sold, the sales to date amounting to $04. If the next five months turn out as profitshly as they now promise. $100 Is going to be hard bit *•$ thle Uulc rriler row. J. H. G A Y DEALER IN Rough and Dressed Lumber, Shingles, Doors, Windows, Etc. Yard on track near depot. Estimates furnished. Let us figure on your lumber bill. Look Good. CENTRAL POINT, OREGON With Compliments of the Season, WEEKS & BAKER, •i- i- i- i- i- i-i- i- i- i- i- i-i- H -i-i-i-i-.i, i' i 'h i-h i r ’ê l i t N ow is the Tim e To have your Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired. I will give a written guarantee on watches for 12 months, and also on all clocks, except nickel clocks, for 12 months. PRINTING THAT PRINTING ÎPLEASES THAT PLEASES PARTICULAR PEOPLE ~^PE O PL E WHO PAY You Pay for Printing And We Print for Pay OLD GOLD & SILVER TAKEN AT HIGHEST MARKET PRICE. I can take your orders for Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry and save you money. Your patronage is solicited. P. J. HICKEN, Jeweler, CENTRAL POINT. Central Point HOTEL IN CONNECTION Livery Stables “ I Shorty Williams, Prop. Fast Horses, first-class Rigs, areful. Experienced Drivers. Dally Stage to Eagle Point. T I IS TO OUR INTEREST TO TURN OUT Printing that will please our customers. i I ; ; Special attention to Commercial Men. We are fully equipped to do all classes of Commercial and Job Printing and we respectfully solicit yourtorders in LETTER HEADS BILL HEADS P„i-e M a te r For llir Cows. A cow requires from eight to ten gnl j Ion. o f water dally If „lie 1« capable of i giving an abundance of milk. Water; Is the largest proportion o f the milk, nnd the cow should have n sufficient j amount to tiso In manufacturing milk ns « e ll as for supplying her bodily re qulrements. If the cow must sock wa ter In some low. shallow place In ths pasture she will he compelled to use that which Is not pure. Good pure wa ter should l>e accessible to the rows at all times, for they have no regular time for drinking. Every farm should have a plentiful supply o f pure water for the eovs, says Western Life, ns they can not yield their full quota o f good milk !.. Our Line of Holiday Goods Last the Year Around, are a Com­ - Oregon needs a railroad com­ l ‘P to Date D n lr rlti* . mission and it is important that In Denmark the dairymen nre grow the body, if created, shall be lug to be experts because ttiey employ a skilled superintendent who hat kept as far from political influ­ charge of a certain district. He visit« ence as is possible. If tho elec- ; the dairies wlthla Ills territory ouce ot tion of the commission is le ft! ,w l°* ,u ,w o weeks and gives them the benefit o f his skill and observation. II with the Legislature it will at he finds that the man In charge o f th« once become a plaything for the dairy Is not up to date he requires him political bosses; if its creation is to remedy the defect, whatever It may he lie takea samples o f milk fruir left with the Governor he can eech cow and reiairts at hie next visit and will be held personally re­ A Good Little l ow . sponsible for the work done. An It is not always In the high walks of appointive commission is what is dulry life that all o f the good cows are j needed. found. Sometimes blue blood and ex I “ Let’s,” cries Mr. Roosevelt at the top o f his voice, “ let’s build more and larger battleships at once.” At the risk of dis­ turbing the serenity of the presi­ dent, we rise to ask: “ What is the matter with building a lot of ears to move the products o f the Country ?’ ’ —Journal. For Special, Bargains. C real value. Their stocks and A P o o r R e n o rt. bonds are half water, and they “ Why Is Freshers always boasting insist on interest and dividends that he has lost money on the market?” “ It’ s the only way he can ever get on the water as well as on the anybody to believe that ho ever had cash. They kill and maim the any.” —Detroit Free Press. people, and refuse to supply fa­ cilities for moving the country’s Breeding: For Better C o ifi. On this Important subject A. S. produce, because it is cheaper to Ennis gave the following excellent ad­ do so than to provide sufficient vice before the Missouri Dairymen’s equipment and run their passen-, association: “ Try to be sure you are buying from ger trains carefully. Instead of developing the country, they are a reputable breeder. Keep the bull till a number of Ills heifers have milked bringing ruin upon it, and so that the tirst year. If the heifers show Im they can pile up millions while provement over their dams you can be you are on the right track. You doing so they do not care for sure will find your bull has nicked better consequences, even to the rail- \ with some o f your cows than others. roads. The Atlanta Journal re­ Always keep the best heifers. About the second cross you will And some of marks further: It is a true arraignment, and tens of thousands o f people in Oregon can point to E. H. Harri- man and say, “ Thou art the man,” though he is but the tool o f others. —Portland Journal. Pipes, Fitungs'and Plumbing Supplier. W E G U A RAN TEE A LL FAIR DEALING The Modest B u rgla r. It is avarice which is killing and Tho burglar is a m odest man. wounding the scores and hundreds o f H e’ s never seen by day, passengers, freezing and starving the And If accosted late at night H e tries to steal away. citizens o f the northwest, threatening the whole commercial and industrial W hene'er he has to m ake a call He never makes a fu ss; system o f the country with a collapse. * H e keeps as quiet as he can It is avarice which is pounding the S o’ s not to trouble us. transportation systems o f the country H e is so modest, if y o u ’d say* into splinters. “ W hy. you are B urglar Jim !” H e ’d say. with evident distress, They are trying to grab, to-day, the “ No, m ister; I ain’ t him !“ legitim ate earnings o f the future. And — R. ft. Kirk In Llppincott’s Magazine. i f they can’ t do it without wrecking the system o f to-day, they are willing A S a fe Ilet. to do it anyhow, and let the system go j ‘There, now.” said the would be au­ t o ruin. thor, "yotrve heard the first four chap- In other words, the profits that should ters o f my novel. Can you tell how be put into more mileage, that should the story’s coming out?” I can tell “ Well,” replied Crlttick be put into better equipment, into Bafety devices, into cars and engines, how it Isn’t coming out.” ‘‘ Er—how do you mean?” into salaries sufficient to ensure that no “ In book form.” —Houston Post. employe should have too much work on his hands—these profits are paid out as Wo t'se A d v e r t i s i n g For it. dividends on watered securities. Griggs— Dropped luto the courthouse Instead of a legitimate profit, this morning and lost my overcoat there, confound the luck. these traffic highwaymen demand Brigga— That’ s nothing. Last week a profit on fictitious as well as I lost n suit there. Boston Transcript. It is a saturnalia o f money-drunkards. Drunk with the money which they ob­ tain as interest on bonds which it was not necessary to issue, on stocks which are full o f water, on fictitious securi­ ties. Drunk on money which should be put into up-to-date machinery and ap­ pliances. into safety devices, into more tracks, into cars and engines. Drunk on money which represents, in its analy­ sis, hundreds and thousands o f slain and wounded men, women and children. r O T N If '«rdNr* W M - A - A IT K E N And guard our custom ers’ interests with the same good faith we do those o f the Bank. • Entered as Second-class Matter, May 4, A Member o f American Bankers’ Association. W e are Strongly Insured Against Burglary and Hold-Ups 1906, at the Post Office at Central Point, Oregon, under the A ct o f Congress o f W E SOLICIT YO U R BUSINESS March 3, 1879. Wm. S . Crowell, President d ir e c t o r s : F. K. Deuel, Vice-President Wm. S. Crowell, F. K. Deuel, Chas. M. L. Alford, Cashier S tra n g F. V. Carter. Geo. W . Dunn THE ONL CHILI CAUSE. People are freezing for lack of coal. Farmers cannot get their crops to market. Lumber mills are idle or running on short time, and people who need lumber are delayed and injured. Traffic of all kinds is semi-paralyzed. Some railroad men, like Mr. Hill, ad­ mit that transportation facilities are greatly short of require­ ments, and that an expenditure not merely o f millions) but of several billions, is necessary to catch up. Investigations have revealed these conditions, and causes have been assigned; but the Atlanta Journal is not far wrong when it says there is just one cause, and that is avarice. It says: 24. 1907. OF MEDFORD J. E. L a n c a s t e r , B u s in e s s M a n a g e r An independent local newspaper devote I to the interests o f Central Poin. and the Rogue River Valley. THURSDAY. JANUARY st National Ba insanitar y PLUMBING C entral P oint H erald L an caster HERALD. J. W. Jacobs & Co. Manufacturers o f all classes o f M a r b le a n d G r a n ite . C em etery STATEMENTS W o rk ENVELOPES Designs fumidlied or will manufa- cure from private drawings. Our Granite Quarries, near Central Point, are the finest on the Coast. Electric polishing machines in our local factory. Iron fencing. DODGERS POSTERS VISITING CARDS CEN TRAL POINT, OREGON BUSINESS CARDS Or anything else that you may need. Call and let us figure with you. We are here to stay and to help you make Central Point worth while. Help us with your printing orders. Removed to New Building With my fine line of Fruits, Confectioneries Z and Fresh Bread. Central point Herald I have added a first-class ^ Lunch Counter. - > H ' I-H-l- H- H- *K I M M - l-H -l - I-K -H- H -hhM 1 l b F. H. W E B B - l- H - H - H - H - l- l-l- l- M - M- l- l- H - H -t HOTF.L WILLIAMS J. N , H E W N O O N . P r o p . A First-clasa Family Style Hotel Good Home Cooking a Specialty. Special Attention to the Commercial Trade. We assure you courteous treatment and solicit a continuance of your patronage. South Second Street. CENTRAL POINT, OREGON. CHURCHES. CHh.sTtAN C hurch . E. A. La Dow, pastor. Preaching I service at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sun J day school, 10 a. m. Ladies Aid So ' ciety meets regularly every Wednesdaj 1 afternoon at 3 p. m. at the home ol ! it* members. Choir practice every Fri- i day night. In S e le c t in g a , present q u a lity should be the f i r s t consideration. In no other article or m ake o f goods can a high er degree o f real worth ha s e c u r e d th a n In a n OUR VERY BEST Pocket K n ife . W a hawa • very large assortm ent. M ethodist E piscopal . Geo. L. Burbank, pastor. Sunday- school every Sunday at 10 a. m. Preaching every Sunday at 11 a. m. and every other Sunday at 7 JO p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7:90 p .m . A cordial invitation is ex- ' tended to all. Preaching at Gold Hill on alternate Sunday evenings at 7:30 I p. m. Sunday school every Sunday at 10 a. m. FOR SALE. Clean, seed rye. S. M. N ealon , Tabic Rock.