Central Point herald. (Central Point, Or.) 1906-1917, January 03, 1907, Image 1

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    C entral po in t H erald
V O L - 1.
Local and Personal
C E N T R A L P O IN T . O R E G O N . T H U R S D A Y . J A N U A R Y
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. C.E.
Vermillion this morning.
A New Year’s Souvenir.
IVouie H n lc u the D a i r y m a n a n d
H e lp e r * « S h o u l d O h e er v e .
A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs
Geo. Pankey this morning.
Hl a
As a fitting recognition o f this glad­
Keep dairy entile in a room or build­
" Tom Pankey is visiting San Francisco
A pleasant New Year reception and some New Year season the H erald ing by themselves. It Is preferable to
this week.
no cellar below and uo storage
dinner was given at the Christian church
every person paying in $1.50 for a left above.
Miss Elizabeth Gibson is visiting Tuesday.
year’s subscription.
This offer will
Stables should be well ventilated,
friends at tyrants Pass this week.
E. L. Ford has opened his new bake
hold good for a sufficient time for j lighted aud drained; should have tight
Miss Mary Eddington visited at the shop in his building on lower Pine street
everybody to avail themselves o f the 1 floors and walls and be plainly con­
home o f Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Shields last and has secured the services o f H. C.
opportunity and applies to old sub-! structed.
Turrill, who is one of the best bakers
Never use musty or dirty litter.
scribers who are l few months in ar­
A. C. Hewlett, o f Eagle Point, went in the state. The new enterprise has rears as well as to new ones. A few Allow no strong smelling material In
to San Francisco last week on the long been needed here and there is no o f our valued subscribers have over­ the stable for nuy length of time. Store
the manure under cover outside the
doubt but that it will prove a success­
looked the little formality o f turning cow stable and remove It to a distance
ful business venture. A new ad of this
Mrs. Venable arrived Monday from
n the $1.50, whi ch ove rsight, we are Its often as practicable.
business will be found in another col­
' Washington to visit her sister, Mrs.
satisfied, has been due entirely to the
Whitewash the stable once or twice a
umn o f this impression.
Jas. Shields.
rush o f business incident to the wonder­ year, I.’se land plaster In the manure
W. H. Norcross received a check ful wave o f prosperity which has been gutters dally.
A few choice 5-acre tracts adjoining
Central Point fcr sale by Dowhing & Monday from W. Dennis & Sons, com­ we * ping over the Central Point sec- t Use uo dry, dusty feed just previous
mission merchants, London, England, tion o f the Rogue River Valley for the to milking. I f fodder Is dusty, sprin­
for $1338.00 net proceeds on a car of past eight or ten months and which has kle it before It is fed.
Clean aud thoroughly air the stable
Smith & Molony, the leading shoemen Newtown apples shipped from the
kept every reader o f the H e r a l d before milking; In hot weather sprinkle
•of Medford, have a new ad in this im- Plain View orchard this season. The
" jumping sideways” from sheer rush the floor.
gross returns for the shipment, in
Keep the stable aud dairy room In
Jas. Peart and w ife were passengers London, was $1999.96, the difference o f work.
We are particularly anxious that ■ good condition, und then Insist that the
on the San Francisco excursion last covering freight, commissions andothe
every citizen o f the valley should secure dairy, factory or place where the milk
The letter accompanying one of these souvenirs and we a r j goes be kept equally well.
Mr. and Mrs. W . H. Norcross enter­ the check states that this was the best j willing to work overtime in making ti e
C a re o f th e C o w *.
tained a number o f friends at whist last sale made on the London market during 1
Hare the herd examined at least
twice a year by a skilled veterinarian.
the week ending December 7th, and
Friday evening.
Call early and have your name en­
Promptly remove from the herd any
Mr. McWilliams, o f Jacksonville, Mr. Norcross informs us that it is the rolled—or your subscription advanced —
animal suspected of belug tu bad j
visited his relatives, Mr. and Mrs. W. best sale o f Rogue River Valley apples for twelve months.
health and reject her milk. Never add
so far reported this season.
P. Myers, Monday.
an anhnal to the herd until certain It Is
One o f the neatest and prettiest
free from diseuse, especially tubercu­
Guy Tex has qualified as postmaster
and the office will be moved into its calendars o f the season is being dis­
Do not move cows faster than n com
tributed by the Central Point Phar­
new quarters tonight.
fortnble walk while on the way to place
macy. It is a pretty bit of woodland
Mrs. E. L. Farra and son Fred spent
of milking or feeding.
scenery, giving a true representation
A t the Christian church last Sunday
Christmas visiting friends at Woodville,
Never allow the cows to be excited !
o f birch trees, willows, swamp grass
evening an organization o f the Y. P. by hnrd driving, nbuse, loud talking,
returning Sunday noon.
and still water, and makes a fellow
S. C. E. was effected, with a promis­ or unnecessary disturbance; do not ex !
Prof. A. J. Hanby will preach at the feel as though he would like to get out
ing membership. Prof. A. J. Hanby pose them to cold or storms.
Christian church next Sunday evening. somewhere where he could get his
Do not change the feed suddenly. *
was elected president. Judge Gen. I,.
system plumb full o f malaria and chills
A ll are invited to this service.
Feed liberally and use only fresh,
Neale vice-president, Mrs. A. J. Hanby
W. H. Norcross has recieved returns and make himself a good patron o f the corresponding secretary, Miss Mabel palatable feed stuffs; iu no case should i
from a car load o f Newtowns which quinine department o f an up-to-date Peart recording secretary, Miss Cieha decomposed or mouldy material be |
he shipped to London. They netted him drug store. The H erald man is not Caley treasurer. The society starts oil
Provide wator In abundance, easy of ;
saying that this is the intention of the
$2.05 per box.
with 19 members.
access and always pure; fresh, but not
picture, but he is just waiting for the
too cold.
For Sale Yearling Jersey bull. ’ W ill
next fishing season, when he will have
Balt should always be accessible.
sell cheap. R. C. Hensley, Central
a chance o give it a try.
Do not allow auy strong flavored |
Point, Oregon.
: 37d40
! food, like garlic, cabbage aud turnips,
In addition ■ to the list o f improve­
I to be eaten except immediately after
The Masquerade.
I milking.
ments made in our last issue may be |
I f the members o f the Central Point
Clean the entire body of the cow
mentioned the fine new barn o f R. C.
j dally. I f hair In the region of the ud- !
Dancing Club are not considerably'
Hensley, which cost $800,00.
der Is not easily kept clean It should j
Dan McMorris, who with his family proud of the N ew Y ea r’s masquerade
be clipped.
bas just returned from the' Philippines, which they promoted and managed
Do not use the milk within twenty
arrived Sunday to' join his family, who they must be the most modest bunch
days before calving, nor for three to \
I t ia all right
are visiting Mrs. McMorris’ sister,
live days afterward.
For every dog
The occasion was a Success with a
To have his day,
Mrs. Jas. Shields.
P o i n t s on M l l k l n a .
capital S, and will easily take first
| The milker should be cleun In all re- j
And maybe that is right.
F o a S a l e —A six-room dwelling in place among similar events o f the sea­
j spects; he should not use tobacco; he j
Central Point, in good repair. Bam, son.
People admit it.
j should wash and dry his hands before
And that makes it so.
good water, some fruit. A bargain.
| milking.
The grand march was led by the
Yes? No?
Inquire at this office.
t f work team o f the local Modern Wood­
The milker should wear a clean outer ;
Well, anyway
I garment used only when milking aud
The dog will have his day
The holiday vacation will be extended man lodge, in uniform, and included
I f he has to wait until night
I kept In a clean place at other times.
another week because o f delay in hav­ almost 100 maskers. Everybody was
To get It.
Brush the udder and surrounding
ing the new building ready for occu­
parts Just before milking, and wipe
And we are willing he should.
pancy by next Monday. School will
| them with a clean, damp clath or
I f it does him any good
The characters assumed by the
Let him take a week—
not open until Monday morning, Janu­
maskers included almost every walk
Milk quietly, quickly, cleanly and
ary 14th.
I f he can dodge the dog catcher
thoroughly. Cows do not like unneces
And the sausage man.
J. W. Merritt, who suffered from a and condition of life and almost every
' sary noise or delay. Commence milk-
There is no reason why
light stroke o f paralysis a week ago, one was remarkably well sustained.
He shouldn't take all the time
Ing at exactly the same hour every
There Is
is much improvdd. His physician ad­ Miss Nema Lewis, who impersonated
morning and evening, and milk the
vises complete rest from store and
cows In the same order.
But It wasn’ t every dog
office work, and plenty o f out door life. motive power behind a mighty busy
Throw away (but not on the floor,
W e started out
feather duster during the evening, was
To talk about;
better In the gutter) the first few
Mrs. Dan McMorris and children are awarded the ladies’ prize, consisting of
It was one specific gentleman
streams from each teat. Tills milk Is
Who is no gentleman
visisting her sister, Mrs. Jas. Shields. two boxes o f fine bon bons, and Louis
very watery aud of little value, but'lt
And is called
The McMorris family are directly from Pankey, who represented (without a
may Injure the rest.
For short
A yellow dog,
the Philippine islands, whe-e Mr. Mc­ mask) a common every day clown,
I f In any milking a part o f the milk
Though what tho dog has done
Is bloody or stringy or unnatural In 1
Morris held a government position for captured the gentlemens’ trophy, which
To deserve it
appearance, the whole mass should be -
some time.
Is hard to see.
was two boxes o f fine cigars.. A l­
The fall elections
Geoege Merritt, who has been suffer­ though without a mask, Mr. Pankey’ s
Are upon us.
Milk with dry hands. Never allow
ing from an attack o f appendicitis for face was a triumph o f the make-up
Never fear, they won’t hurt us.
the hands to come In contact with the
But here Is where
some time, does not improve as rapidly artist’s art and, barring the color and
Tho yellow dog
as his friends could wish. Mrs. Os­ cut o f his hair, his best girl herself
Do not allow dogs, rats or loafers to
Steps in
And brazenly demands his day.
borne, a trained nurse o f Medford, ar­ would not have known him.
be around at milking time.
I f any accident occurs by which a j
rived Sunday evening to take charge
Kid Lewis, o f the Central Point
We beg of you.
pall full or partly full of milk becomes I
Give It to him.
o f the case.
Meat Market, “ was there with the
dirty do not try to remedy this by |
The H erald acknowledges receipt of goods” representing E. L. Ford, the
straining, but reject all this milk and
Other Way.
a handsome and useful calendar from baker. In width of beam and embon­
rinse tbe pall.
the First National Bank o f Medford. point he was a real living picture o f j
Weigh and record the milk given by |
Besides the calendar it has maps of the
each cow. and take a sample morning 1
and night at least once a week for test
•western hemisphere and Panama. The with his bay-window attachment and |
Ing by the fat test.—B. C. Thompson,
First National is one o f the solid bank­ forced to withdraw he might have j
Maine State Dairy Inspector.
been closely in line for the prize.
in g institutions o f Southern Oregon.
Christian Endeavor Organized.
Humor and Philosophy
N< >. 37
People are akinq Ip
on the orchard proposition in the
Rogue River Valley. A good
orchard on the right kind of land
is very attractive.
The right kind o f an orchard
will prove a bonanza; the wrong
kind is sure to prove a “ white
elephant” on the owner’s hands.
A man who is not in touch with
the orchard business cannot put
you right on the proposition any
more than a blind man can lead
a blind man. I f you want to
avoid getting le ft with a “ white
elephant” on your hands, do
business with the
Roque River Land Com pany,
Medford, Oregon.
They are in touch with the or­
chard business, thoroughly fa­
miliar with every tract in the
valley, know what each district
is best adapted for, and they
will see that you are put right
in every instance. Every man
who has ever bought through
this agency can sell to-day for a
great advance over his purchas
price. This is e n d o r s e.m e n t
enough. Consult any business
man, bank or orchardman in the
valley as to their reliability.
W e in h a r d ’s
B e e r.
J . H. utter Whiskey
A Specialty.
W e will ship you from 1 to
4 7-8 gallons o f fine whis­
key or best quality o f
Bottled Beer
By Dozen, Case or Barrel
V. E. Snyder & Co.
M edford , O re .
‘ ‘ The Best on E arth "
A .. Happy New Year
jjand a
Prosperous Whole Year Is
Our Greeting to all of Our
Customers ¡ and l everybody.
Chamberlain’ s orchestra furnished
A t the Christmas skating carnival at
the music, which was o f high order.
D Ia ro a r n tr m e n f.
the Fansber rink Miss Etta Williams
"W hy don’t you try to elevate the
was awarded the ladies’ prize and
stager’ asked the sincere friend.
Claude Clark captured the gentlemens’
" I have tried." answered Mr. Storm-
prize. The rink is still the most popu­
Ington Barnes. "But when I put on
lar amusement place for the young
educational plays there aren't enough
re i-'ent here, died at Weiser, Idaho,
people In tbe house to make It worth
people in the town.
dress o f your tailor.''
December 14, 1906, aged 61 years.
while, and even those who come seem
The Medford laundry wagon will call j Deceased was a native o f Ohio, and j "1 am afraid you have got tilings to wish they had stayed at home.” —
fo r work in Central Point each Monday came to this part o f Oregon about 12 j twisted. I don't own any tallol. Then- Washington. Star.
Is one down the street that owns me ,
afternoon and Friday morning. Expert years ago, where she resided for six
that I will lie willing to point out to j
T o o Expenalve.
ironers from City Hall French laundry, years. Some six years ago the family you with n telescope.”
Reggy—And you mean to say yon are
San Francisco, employed. First class removed to Midvale, Idaho, where I
not engaged to Miss DeFlyer? Why, I
work guaranteed.
Taking His Medicine.
they have since resided. A husband'
heard her say for two pins she would
Joe Boswell and Will Scott hiked out and four children survive her. They \ Ex-XIayor Belcher of Paterson, N. J., accept you.
fo r the tall timber yesterday and will are: E M. Blackford, husband; F. W. j
Oussic (gloomlly>— Yes, but I found
spend the remaider o f the winter in the Blackford, o f Howard, Colo.; O. S. | money and could not afford to build a out she meant diamond pins.—Detroit
private Jail witn hot nnd cold water, Tribune.
: mountains. Their headquarters will be Blackford, o f Central Point; E. L
steam heat and a magnificent view, so
a t Joe’s ranch and their object to lead Blackford, o f Midvale, Id..ho. sons; and be was obliged to patronize the same
Wot H ypnoffo P o w sr.
the simple life far away from the Mrs. Effie Hard, o f Weiser, Idaho.
lowly Institution »h ere trumps hold
Mrs. Hoyle—I'd leave my happy boms
“ madding throng” which has become
for that man If he asked me to.
so mchu a part o f life in Cdntral Point.
It must be hard on an ex-mayor to
Mrs Doyle—You awful woman!
go to Jail, ns he no louger lias a fonn
Mrs. Hoyle—Well, I’d have to; he’s
The H e r a l d is running a sort of a
tain pen in one hand aud the pardon toy landlord.—New York Press.
“ josh” department this week on ac­
Ing power In the other. There Is the
count o f the joyous New Year season. Of Waverly, Texaa, writea: ' \ j 1 a greatest chance In the world for him to
D e n s e r Abend.
I f any <rf our friends ( i f we have any morning, when first arising, I often see how It Is himself, and what be sees
Bhe—Somebody once said that ’lov#
enemies we have Slot been favored with find a troublesome collection o f phlegm j Isn't apt to be a sight particularly sat­ Is the llgbtbonse of the soul.”
He—Well, where there's a lighthouse
the pleasure o f their acquaintance) which produces a cough and is very isfying aDd peculiarly restful to the
there’s generally some danger, Isn’t
have been overlooked, inadvertently. hard to dislodge; but a small quantity •ye»
When a mayor Is stealing tho city there?—Yonkers Statesman
*nd feel aggrieved we earnestly request 0f Ballard’s Horehound Syrup will at
blind nnd his dearest friends deaf and
■them to file an early complaint so that once dislodge it. and the trouble is over, i
S o c ie t y F a v o r i t e .
dumb be doesn't think about this, and |
we can give them proper attention in j know o f no medicine that is equal to while by the time he goes to Jail he j Edyth— They say tliat Percy Fsatber-
an early issue. To quote from the Jt, and it is so pleasant to take. I can fans lost much of his eapaelty for feci ly 1« losing bis mind.
valedictory address o f several academy most cordially recommend it to all per- Ing. still be can notice the difference I Msyms— Poor fellow! Hs’ ll be lucky
-graduating class stars, “ I f we have gons needing a medicine for throat or between the visit to that place and « If he doesn't loss sny mors than thaL—
Chicago News.
made any mistake it is from the head, lung trouble.” Sold by Central Point Sunday school picnic.
not from the heart. ’ ’
January I, 1907,
will find us at the Old Stand,
where we expect to remain
tevery business day in the
year ready to serve you,
Yours for progress in 1907,
Cranfill & Robnett
-Popular Merchants-
Central Point, Oregon.