Central Point herald. (Central Point, Or.) 1906-1917, December 27, 1906, Image 1

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    C entral
V O L . 1.
Local and Personal
■Central -Point is all right.
Mrs. Jennings and children, who are
spending the Winter with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs B. R. Porter, are visiting
l friends at Grants Pass this week.
F or S a l e —A six-room dwelling in
Grand mask .hall January X, 1907.
! Central Point, in good repair. Barn,
Mrs McDonald came up from Alt-
; good water, some fruit. A bargain.
house to spend the holidays.
Inquire at this office.
Miss Jessie Knutzen spent last week
with her cousin, Miss Sarah Bebb.
Improvements for 1906.
D. W. Knutzen, o f Applegate, came
•over last Saturday after provisions.
The year which is about to close has
For Sale—Lot o f fine furniture and
been marked in Central Point with a
stoves. Bargains. See Chas Gay.
greater amount o f substantial improve­
Miss Minnie Fredenburg, o f Medford, ments than any other twelve months in
spent Christmas with friends here.
the history o f the town. On all sides
Santa Claus didn’ t find the sleighing new buildings have been erected, old
good here Christmas, but he was on ones have been remodeled, enlarged
and improved and everywhere signs o f
.hand all right.
progress and prosperity are in evidence.
. .
Cast plow shears ground on short W orthy o f . special
note as an evidence
notice, “ while you w ait,” at F. A. o f progress is the splendid new brick
H aw k’ s shop.
school building which is just now being
Holiday goods, all kinds and descrip­ completed and which assures to the
tions, at the Central Point Pharmacy. community facilities for educational
advancement second to none in this
Mrs. Drusilla Mee is confined to section o f the state. In the industrial
her room by a severe attack o f inflam­ line the new creamery enterprise also
deserves mention as showing some-
matory rheumatism.
Miss Martin, one o f the teachers in j thing o f the spirit o f progress that is
the public schools, is spending vacation 1 abroad among the people of this com-
munity. The farmers and business
at her home in Eugene.
A few choice 5-acre tracts adjoining! men recoBnized th* need f " “ ch La"
Central Point, fcr sale by Downing & I enterprise and without much ado they
put their hands into their pockets and
produced the money to establish it, and
T. M. W itten went up to Ashland
they have not been disappointed. Until
Monday evening to spend Christmas
a few months ago the town was with­
with his family, who are making a
out banking facilities, to the serious
w eek’ s visit with Mrs. W itten’ s par­
detriment o f commercial and business
ents in that city.
interests, but to-day the Central Point
Frank Caldwell was in from his sheep State Bank, under the management o f
ranch yesterday. Frank is looking Mr. T. M. Witten, the founder, and
•as though the climate and fat mutton backed by the solid business men o f the
out his way agreed with him. He has I town, is filling that want in a safe,
grown real fleshy since he left here last substantial and satisfactory manner.
Following is a list o f permanent im-
The teachers and pupils o f the public i provements for the year with their value:
schools are enjoying a tw o weeks’ |
vacation, it is expected the new school
Central Point school house, $15,600.
building will be ready for occupancy
when the next term begins a lter the BUSINESS BUILDINGS AND EQUIPMENTS.
| Central Point Creamery, $6,000; Cen­
Holiday goods; Christmas presents; tral Point State Bank, $2,600; H. W ar­
N ew Year g ifts at the Central Point ner & Son (2 buildings), $2,000; S. H.
Murray, $1,000; Opera house (repairs),
$150; Flouring mill (repairs), $250; Geo.
Mr. and Mrs. G. M Bogart, formerly Ross, (repairs), $150; Joseph Boswell,
o f near this place, now residing near ' $800; F. H. Webb, $200; A. O. U. W.
Gold Hill, were in town last Thursday I building (repairs) $100; F. A. Hawk
looking for Christmas things. Mrs. (r t pajrs and machinery), $800; Central
Bogart recently returned from a visit Point Herald (plant), $1200; I. F.
at their form er home in Illinois.
Williams, $500. Total, $15,750.
People who ignore their local news­
paper and advertise on barns, rocks and
fe n ce s just because the “ space” is free
do not get the results they would from
printer’ s ink. This paper is read by
m any hundreds o f people and if there’ s
■“ something doing” they are quick to
“ catch on .” Advertise in the H e r a l d .
Select a Christmas present for your
wife, mother, sister or sweetheart, as
the case may be, from the mammoth
■ stock o f holiday goods at the Central
Point Pharmacy.
F. H. Hopkins, house, barn, etc.,
$8000; H. Warner & Son, $1200; Chas.
Gay, $1000; Ned Magruder, $600; W.
W. Scott, house, barn, etc., $1750;
1 rank Cochran, $700; S. C. Minnick,
$600; Mrs. Catherine Gibson, $1500; A.
M. Lammey, $400; C. S. Sanderson
& Sons, $1500; Mrs. Childs (2 houses),
$1000; John Griffith, $700; Wm. Kinney,
$500; Mrs. G. W. Jeffers, $600; M.
Marshall, $1600; Benton Bowers (barn),
$500; Mr. Munkers (barn), $500; H.
Corum, $800; W. P. Twom ey (house
and other improvements), $500. Total,
The Christmas dance given by the
Central Point Dancing Club Tuesday
night was a decided success in spite of
the stormy weather. The young men
in charge o f the affair know how to. W. W . Glasgow, $500; L. VV. Coe,
make such occasions pan out in a good ! $500) T. J. O Hara, $600; Mr. Gregory,
time for everybody. The supper a t ' $100; I. F. Williams, $175; W. E. Price,
Hotel Williams was all that could be | S'*00! E- E- Sell,y- * 10° ; Robert Kyle,
I $100; Mrs. Cliff, $300; Mrs. M. M.
The waterworks question
question seems
seems to
have been forgotten since the rainy
season began
The questian will come
up again perhaps in the Spring. As
George Washington once said, “ In
time o f peace prepare for w a r,” we
should get a move on and establish a
system o f waterworks this Winter so
that by the time we most need water
fo r sprinkling and irrigation purposes
we will be prepared.
C o°k« y . » « » I Mr- Belcher, $100; E.
E. Scott, $100. Minor repairs in
amounts o f less than $100 aggregate
(estimated) $500. Total, $4,175. Grand
total, $58,875.
The H e r a l d acknowledges courtesies
from Sanderson & Sons, Wilson &
Chapman and Eli Jones in furnishing
information for the above compilation.
N. Jerry, the well-known mining
man, who is bringing the Willow
. Springs district rapidly to the front,
has returned from his eastern trip after
an absence o f several weeks. Mr.
Jerry and his associates own the Shump
group, consisting o f six very promising
claims, in that district and we under­
stand that active development opera­
tions on a large scale will be com­
menced there at an early date. Mr.
Jerry is one o f tne best known mining
promoters o f the coast and the work
that he expects to inaugurate on this
group will add another big factor to
the prosperity and rapid development
o f the Central Point section.
B. G. Peart, o f this eity, and Miss
Gertrude Clark, daughter o f G. J.
Clark, tw o miles southwest o f town,
were quietly married at Jacksonville
Wednesday evening, December 19th,
County Judge Dunn performing the
ceremony. The young couple, both o f
whom are well and favorably known,
will have the best wishes o f many
friends for their future happiness and
prosperily. They will reside in this city.
P e a rt-C la rk .
po in t herald
P O IN T . O R E G O N . T H U R S D A Y .
Christmas in Central Point.
D E C E M R E R 2 7 . 1906.
N O .
•H-i—M- l- H - l- H - l- H - I- l-l- l- H - I- I- I- I"
Shipments From Central Point.
People are Waking lip
Santa Claus “ made good” in Central
Point this year, even though he had to
wear hip boots and travel in a boat
instead o f in his "m inature sleigh with
eight tiny reindeer.” It sure rained
some on the day before Christmas and,
I f all the cars that were loaded at
Central Point station during the past
season with produces o f the farms and
orchards o f this community for ship­
ment to the markets o f the world were
coupled together they would make a
one-quarter miles
j long.
There were shipped from this station
during the past season 156 cars or 2114
j tons or 5,228,025 pounds o f products.
In detail these shipments comprised
j the following number o f carloads o f
| staple commodities:
No. Cars.
Est. Value.
$ 4,608.00,
Live Stock
! Christmas tree in the opera house that
; evening, it must have rained toys, nuts,
candy and other gifts germane to the
holiday season without stint.
A union Christmas entertainment and
tree had been arranged for by all o f
the Sunday Schools o f the town, ami
Sunday-school “ kid” from the
gray-bearded oatogenarian to the knee-
high todger was in evidence, as were
all their parents, uncles, sisters, cousins
, ,,
. . ...
and aunts, and they had brought with
,, \ .
• , ____.
, . ,
them all their second cousins, friends,
sweethearts and best girls. A t least
there was a houseful and then some,
and then some more, and some more,
This is a pretty good showing for
besides a large number who couldn’ t
get inside and perhaps a few who Central Point, thank you, and it is only
wished they were outside after they a starter for what the community will
billed to I <F° a 'onK this line within the next few
got in. The exercises w
commence at 7:00 sharp, and at a j years- It will be noticed that apples
quarter past six every seat was taken are king *n the foregoing list, with
and practically every inch o f aisle room Pears a good second, and when
wnen it is
was occupied by a standing army. B u t, remembered that these 11 cars o f pears
it was a real Christmas crowd and were the product o f only about 15 acres
everybody was as good humored as old o f ground it will make many people i
Santa himself and everybody enjoyed both at home and abroad “ sit up and j
the excellent program, although it was take notice” to the possibilities o f the ■
rather long for the standing army. Central Point section o f the famous j
When the assemblage was called to Rogue River Valley.
order Rev. Mr. Sweeney o f the F ir st! About one-third o f the fruit shipped j
M. E. church offered the invocation, from here went direct to England and ;
after which he made the announcement, the remainder went to the very best I
“ by special request,” that immediately markets o f this country—mostly to j
after the Christmas sermon at his New York.
The neighboring towns o f Medford,
church on the following day a marriage
ceremony would take place, the princi­ Phoenix, Talent and Ashland also made I
pal actors in which would be the hand­ heavy shipments during the season and, ^
somest couple in the Rogue River Val- j taken in the aggregate, it is easily seen ¡1
ley. The happy couple were present I that there is something doing in the 1
and, naturally, during the remainder j Bear Creek section o f the valley.
The H e r a l d is indebted to Mr. P. F.
o f the evening constituted one o f the
Kuper for valuable data used in making !
centers o f attraction.
The program was most excellent. It up the foregoing list o f shipments.
seems unfair to make special mention
o f any without according the same to
all, but one exception may be permitted
in the case o f the “ Three little chaps,
three little chums, three little lads from
school.” Their song was worth all
the occasion cost including the wear
and tear on the pedal extremities o f
the standing army.
When the program was finished old
I Santa appeared as o f yore. He was
, dressed in the regulation costume,
which was, perhaps, a little warm for
1 this climate, but he worked with a will
and in a minute there were Christmas
gifts “ a flying in the air” and the real
1 Christmas spirit o f jo y and gladness
j filled every childish heart and many
| older ones.
It was rumored around among the
knowing ones that Santa Claus had left
his sleigh and reindeer at the snow
line and had upset his boat in Bear
Creek and completed his jou m ev with
a stout span o f mules—at least he was
seen driving that sort o f a team during
the day, but just the same he was the
real article and he made everybody
The occasion was a grand success
and reflected much credit on those who
had it in charge. And then it comes
but once a year.
on the orchard proposition in the
Rogue River Valley. A good
orchard on the right kind o f land
is very attractive.
The right kind o f an orchard
will prove a bonanza; the wrong
kind is sure to prove a “ white
elephant” on the ow ner’ s hands.
A man who is not in touch with
the orchard business cannot put
you right on the proposition any
more than a blind man can lead
a blind man. I f you want to
avoid getting left with a “ white
elephant” on your hands, do
business with the
They are in touch with the or­
chard business, thoroughly fa­
miliar with every tract in the
valley, know what each district
is best adapted for, and they
will see that you are put right
in every instance. Every man
who has ever bought through
this agency can sell to-day for a
great advance over his purchase
price. This is e n d o r s e m e n t
enough. Consult any business
man, bank or orchardman in the
valley as to their reliability.
W e will ship you from 1 to
4 7-8 gallons o f fine whis­
key or best quality o f
Bottled Beer
By Dozen, Case o r Barrel
V. E. Snyder & Co.
:: I
M edford , O re .
“ The Best on Earth ”
and a
Prosperous Whole Year is
Our Greeting to all of Our
Customers and everybody.
A t the conclusion o f the Christmas
service in the Methodist church, at high
noon, Tuesday, December 25, 1906, was I
solemnized the marriage o f Mr. Geo. |
J. Clark and Miss Sarah Larrabee, both
o f whom are well known and highly I
respected residents o f this n eighbor-'
hood. The ceremony was performed !
by Rev. Mr. Sweeney, pastor o f the 15
church, and at the conclusion o f the
service the happy couple were the | j
recipients o f numereus and hearty con­
gratulations from most o f the large
congregation present The H e r a l d
joins with many other friends in con­
gratulations and best wishes.
January i, 1907,
will find us at the Old Stand,
where we expect to remain
every business day in the
year ready to serve you.
Tdble Rockels
About tbe only way to get pure food
seems to be to live on potatoes and dig
them yourself.
J. H. utter Whiskey
A Specialty.
A Happy New Year
Clark— Larrabee.
TL'> redeeming quality o f a bully Is 1
that he isn’t nearly us terrific us he
Rogue River Land Company.
Medford, Oregon.
Our Christmas tree entertainment
was a great success. The school house
was tastefully decorated with ever­
.nt I
greens and the tree had an abundant
it- I
crop o f appropriate presents. The lit­
erary program was well rendered and
the crowd was all the house could hold.
The chimney down which Santa Claus
came was a tight fit for the old fellow
but he “ got there just the sam e.” We
would suggest that before be visits us
again he take a few doses o f anti-fat.
Growing Aches and Pains
The committee in charge are to be con­
Mrs. Josie Sumner, Bremond, Tex., gratulated and they can rest assured
writes, April 15, 1902: “ I have used their efforts are appreciated.
Ballard’ s Snow Liniment in my family
for three years. I would not be with­
out it in the house. I have used it for
People who work because they love
my little girl for growing pains and their work don’t attract attention by
aches in her knees. It cured her right refusing u raise in salary.
away. I have also used it for frost
bitten feet, with good success, It is
the best liniment I ever used.’
50c and $1.00. Sold by Central Point
Yours for progress in 1907,
Granfili & Robnett
■Popular Merchants-
The Medford laundry wagon will call
for work in Central Point each Monday
Card o f Thanks.
afternoon and Friday morning. Expert
ironers from City Hall French laundry,
W e desire to thank our friends and
San Francisco, employed. First class
neighbors for the kindly assistance and
work guaranteed.
sympathy shown us during the recent
A fine lot o f full blooded Poland
illness and at the time o f the death and
China pigs. Call at the Prall farm ,
burial o f our husband and father.
on e m ile south from Central Point, fo r
Send the H e r a l d to y ou r friends.
price etc. J. H. P a n n e r .
M r s . S. E. B u r s e l l a n d F a m il y .
Central Point, Oregon.
Teamsters with Teams Wanted
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