Central Point herald. (Central Point, Or.) 1906-1917, December 20, 1906, Image 1

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H erald
po in t
Central Point has the “ edge” ov. r
Portland these days in this: Portland
is “ up against” a strike, lecause the
J. R. Gibbon had his name enrolled electric car men have struck. Central
on the H erald list this week.
Point has no strike, because the electric
George Merritt, who has been seri­ car line has not yet struck Central
ously ill tor the past week, is improv­ Poin. How does that strike you? It
struck us as very striking.
P O IN T . O R K G O N . T H U R S D A Y .
'K M U E R 2 ). 1900.
Tibie Rockets
Local and Personal
Mrs. F. H. Hopkins, who has been
visiting in Portland for ten days, is
■expected home today.
Holiday goods, all kinds and descrip­
tions, at the Central Point Pharmacy.
Pliney Strange, business manager of
■the Medford Tribune, is dangerously 111
People are Wdking Up
on the orchard proposition in the
Rogue River Valley. A good
orchard on the right kind of land
is very attractive.
The right kind of an orchard
will prove a bonanza; the wrong
kind is sure to prove a “ white
elephant” on the owner’s hands.
A man who is not in touch with
the orchard business cannot put
you right on the proposition any
more than a blind man can lead
a blind man. If you want to
avoid getting left with a “ white
elephant” on your hands, do
business with the
Friday, December 14th being Miss
Myrtle Corum, our teacher’s birthdav,
her scholars, to show their good will,
assembled in the evening at the resi­
dence o f Mr. Bissell, where she is
boarding, and presented her with a
handsome photo box. The presentation
was made on behalf of the scholars by
Miss Ross Nealun. The response by
Miss Corum showed how well she ap­
preciated the esteem o f her pupils. All
present enjoyed the occasion greatly.
Merry Christmas.
Frank Hawk is busy installing his
new electric triphammer in his machine
and blacksmith shop this week. The
machine is so nicely adjusted that he
can break the crystal on your watch
with a tap from (lie 10(10 pound ham­
mer. He does not insure the watch,
On Saturday evening Mrs. E. B.
Bissell entertained the members of her
™ th typhoid pneumonia.
L osT -L ast Saturday, either in Cen- Sunday-school class at her pleasant
A few choice 5-acre tracts adjoining [ tral Point or Medford, a gold Eastern home in a manner that made them |
■Central Point fcr sale by Downing & Star pin. Finder please return to Geo.
proud o f their teacher.
Rogue River Land Company,
L. Neale, Central Point, or lt-ave a t ,
Medford, Oregon.
Dr. Camp, who has been seriously ill the H erald office.
vacation, which enables the teacher.
at the home of her son, C. S. Sander­
in touch with the or­
A. E. Moore, who lias been connected j Miss Mae Nealon, to spend the holidays
son, for some time, does not improve.
chard business, thoroughly fa­
with the Medford Mail for several at home.
miliar with every tract in the
Buster Brown has something to say years, has severed his connection with
valley, know what each district
to you this week in regard to holiday that paper and recently assumed the | Our Christmas tree is an assured
is best adapted for, and they
byuing. Read Hatfield’s new ad and editorial management of the Daily ¡ success, and the only thing now troub­
will see that you are put right
“ wise up” on some of Buster’s wisdom. Tribune, of that city. Mr. Moore is [ ling those in charge is how they will
find room for all who will attend.
in every instance. Every man
Holiday goods; Christmas presents; an experienced newspaperman, and
who has ever bought through
New Year gifts at the Central Point under his direction the Tribune shows
Geo. L. Neale has secured two boxes
this agency can sell to-day for a
of fine apples from the orchard o f W.
marked improvement.
great advance over his purchase
P. Myers and will express the same to
Tomorrow will be the shortest day of
Buster Brown is after you again this
price. This is e n d o r s e m e n t
the year. The lazy man who fails to week—and every week—with excellent
enough. Consult any business
get enough sleep to do him these nights advice regarding business matters in Condon, his former home, and where!
man, b„nk or orchardman in the
should hire a cheap boy to help him the grocery and clothing line. L. Hat­ Mr. and Mrs. Neale still hold their
valley as to their reliability.
membership in these orders, for use at j
field is Buster’s regular chum, in this
Ralph Harder, buttermaker at. the town, and after you read the “ Buster the annual banquets which follow the'
Central Point Creamery plant, and I. Brown” ad you should call into Hat­ annual installation o f officers. This'
A. Marriman attended the recent meet­ field’s store and have him tell you what will not only give his lodge friends j
ing of the Oregon Dairyman’s associa­ he knows about it. It is worth while. there a chance to enjoy some o f the I -H - M-M- I- I- l- I- H -M-I*
best fruit on earth, but will also prove I
tion which met at Ashland.
The Medford laundry wagon will call a good advertisement for this valley.
Select a Christmas present for your for work in Central Point each Monday !
wife, mother, sister or- sweetheart, as afternoon and Friday morning. Expert
For Sale—Lot of fine furniture
the case may be, from the mammoth ironers from City Hall French laundry,
stoves. Bargains. See Chas. Gay.
stock of holiday goods at the Central San Francisco, employed. First class
Point Pharmacy.
work guaranteed.
TH A T’ S IT ! ! !
Attention is called to the new holi­
A party of members o f the Artisans
day ads of Cranfill & Robnett, Mary A.
Mee, Fansher & Fansher, Weeks & lodge consisting of Mr. and Mrs. San­ then wonder why you don’t get well.
derson, Mr. and Mrs. Cook and Messrs. If you will only try a bottle of Ball
Baker, “ The Toggery” and the Med­
J . H. utter Whiskey
Nichols and Appli rate visited the lodge Horehound Syrup your cough will
ford Book Store in this impreseson.
of that order at Jacksonville Tuesday-
The revival meetings at the Christian ; evening and report having been mr st thing o f the past. It is a positive
church continue, with several conver­ royally entertained. After the assem­ for Coughs, Influenza, Bronchitii
We will ship you from 1 to
sions. A special service for young peo­ bly session the visitors were entertain­ all Plumonary diseases. One bottli
4 7-8 gallons of fine whis-
ple will be held tomorrow evening. A ed at a sumptuous spread in the ban­
key or best quality of
new baptistry is being constructed in quet hall, at which 100 plates were
the church.
laid. Dr. Manion, of Portland, su­
B o ttle d B e er
F or S ale —A six-room dwelling in preme examiner of the order, was pres­
* *
Central Point, in good repair. Barn, ent, as was also Organizer Ely. Dr. ,
DIl - M )
By Dozen, Case or Barrel
good water, some fruit. A bargain. Manion is reported to have adopted a
Inquire at this office.
tf small edition of a San Francisco earth­
Oliver Bursell, an old and respected
A big delegation of the United Artis­ quake refugee at the close of the ban­ resident of Central Point, died at his
ans of this place attended the grand quet, and as her dollship is said to be ¡ home here Monday evening, aged 62 ..
V . E . S n yd er
rally at Jacksonville Tuesday evening. j totally destitute of conventional appar years, 7 months and 4 days.
M edford , O re .
They report having had a fine reception el, the doctor is said to be devoting his
Deceased had been in failing health
at the hands of their Jacksonville! spare moments to mastering the art of for several months, hut lately his con­
needle work and to replenishing her dition was not considered particularly #.
serious until two days before his death,
Mrs. Fred Silers, of near Tolo, was wardrobe.
when he suddenly grew worse.
in town Saturday doing her Christmas i
shopping. Mrs. Sifers has succeeded
He was a native o f Sweden, but had * *
in growing lemons at her Tolo home |
been a resident of this country for
Growing Aches and Pains
that in size and general excellence com­
many years
Mrs. Josie Sumner, Bremond, Tex.,
pare more than favorably with the
A widow and three children survive
writes, April 15, 1902: “ I have used
California product.
him. The children are: Mrs. Ellen
Ballard’s Snow Liniment in my family
There is an excellent field here for for three years. I would not be with­ Benson and Victor Bursell, o f this
some practical sawmill man to acquire out it in the house. I have used it for place, and Arvard Bursell, who is a
a tract of timber within reach of Cen­ my little girl for growing pains and student in the Medical College at Port­
tral Point and install a sawmill to sup­ aches in her knees. It cured her right land. The latter reached home Tues­
ply the local demand for lumber. Such away. I have also used it for frost day morning in response to a telegram.
The funeral service was observed at
timber tracts are within reach and the bitten feet, with good success. It is
A fine lot o f full blooded Poland
the home at 1:00 p. m. yesterday, being
market is here beyond question. There the best liniment I ever used.
. . _
n * i
• * conducted by Rev. T. M. Jones, mter- China pigs. Call at the Prall farm,
is money in the proposition and the 50c and $1.00. o Sold
by Central Point
, . '
, _
, „ . ’
ment being in the Central Point ceme- one mile south from Central Point, for
man who gets in first will be in luck.
rice, etc. J. H. P anner .
Our Store will close at 6:oo p. m.
sharp, Monday evening, Decem­
ber 24, and will remain closed
until Christmas morning.
It will also be closed on Christ­
mas Day from 11:00 a. -m, until
2: p. m.
A Specialty.
Customers are kindly requested to make a nefte
o f this and be governed accordingly.
With compliments of the season,
The Best
Cranfill & Robnett
-Popular Merchants-
Central Point, Oregon.
Teamsters with Teams Wanted
•-= B y
th e
M E D F O R 13
ifcLP» -■•’TîiiH. x»-ra^sLW tr^:urinin^TiiriM VTi 5
i -ff I t - r - T T T T f 1-1 - * * * *
Fortunes in Copper,
C 4
N single industry in the world is now
paying so large a profit on the amount
of money invested as the copper indus­
try. During the last 20 years the copper
mines of the United States and Mexico
have paid in actual dividends, *300,000,-
000. Since January 1st, o f this year,
ten copper companies alone have dis­
tributed in earnings nearly $19,000,000.
Shastaand Siskiyou o- unties. California,
are today p r
more pound of
copper, for t h, art.< uni of money invest­
ed than any other district in the United
The mining o f copper is making more
millionaires than any other industry in
the world and is making them quicker.
To make large profits on a small outlay,
in copper, one must purchase shares in
a company that has just begun opera­
tions but which can prove that it has
jtreat deposits of the metal, and which
is selling its shares at a low price in or­
der to obtain funds to purcn3.se equip­
ment and enlarge its operations. The
advancing price of copper and the grow­
ing demand and consumption of ths
metal have made copper mines the mot t
sought after o f all mineral properties.
There are countless opportunities for
profitable investment in the develop­
ment of the natural resources o f t ie
West, but only those who have visaed
the Blue Ledge mining district, sit, ated
in Siskiyou county,
alifomia, ran, in
the slightest degree, appreciate the vast
opportunities for profitable investments
in that new and thriving copper camp.
Properties owned by the Joe Creek
f-opper company are: First National,
preen wood and Dead wood, all situated
j^ss than one-half mile from the famous
Blue Led ?e mine which is being devel­
oped on an immense scale by New York
capitalists. Development on the First
National is steadily advancing, the cross
cut tunnel, driven from the foot wall,
beside the vein, has already reached a
depth of 100 feet and an additional 50
feet will have been driven before the
vein will be encountered. The outcrop­
ping of the vein is from 50 to 100 feet
wide and traverses the First National
and Greenwood th< ir full length 3000
Development work under competent
management will be energetically sd-
vanced throughout the Winter months.
This property is surrounded by the Cook
prd Green, Bloomfield, Midnight and
Blu! Ledge mines.
Among the stockholders o f this com-
ny may be mentioned Simon Shaw,
mining operator, prospector and miner,
Wm. Angle, retired merchant, Med­
ford; Edgar Hafer, manager of the
Iowa L. and B. Co., Medford; A. A.
Davis, capitalist, Medford; J. W.
Chapman, banker, Red Lodge, Mon­
tana; Wm. Hart Hamilton, of Hobbs,
Wall and Co., one of the owners of
the Blue Ledge, Crescent City, Cal.;
J. F. Reddy, mining operator, Med­
ford; 11. C. Garnett, merchant, Med­
ford; Geo. Putnam, Oregon Journal,
Portland; J. A. Adams, mine owner,
Medford; Mrs. J. A. Adams, Medford;
Geo. P. Mims, mining operator, Gold­
field. Nev ; Chas. Conrad, merchant,
Portland; Max Hallorin, merchant,
Portland; J Wetzel, attorney, Port-
laud; I.. S. Thompson, capitalist, New
York; Wm. Payne Thompson, capital­
ist, New York; H. W. Carney, manu­
AD D R E SS, J. F. R E D D Y , M EDFORD, O R E G O N .
facturer, Cleveland, Ohio; and E. N.
Warner, merchant, Medford.
The Joe Creek Omper Company is
now offering a limited number of its
treasury shareB at 5 cents.
About fifteen months ago Mr. John
Weinstrom, one of the Montana Cop­
per Company’ s chemists at the Bull’s
Head plant, on San Francisco bay, in­
vested $100 in Mohawk stock at around
twelve cents a share. The other day
it is understood he disposed of the
shares at a price averaging over $15
per share or in the neighborhood of
$15,000—a very fair clean-up in the
coin of the realm.