Central Point herald. (Central Point, Or.) 1906-1917, December 13, 1906, Image 1

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    C entral
VOL,. 1.
H erald
po in t
L ost Last Saturday, either in Cen­
‘ .Ne^er TasleJ Such fruit.”
tral Point or Medford, a gold Eastern
People are Waking Up
Star pin. Finder please return to Geo.
on the orchard proposition in the
John Fredenburg and sister, o f L. Neale, Central Point, or leave at
Rogue River Valley. A good
recently received by L. E. Van Vleit
Meadows, were in town Monday on the H erald office.
orchard on the right kind o f land
from his friend F. M. Wakefield, o f j
J. M. VermilBon sold 10 acres o f Portland, shows the esteem in v, hich j
is very attractive.
Cal Penee and family and Mr. .and land one mile north o f town Tuesday the Rogue River Valley apples are held
The right kind o f an orchard
Mis. M. F. Penee, o f Trail Creek, were to Martin Zanon, the consideration be­ by enr neighbors to the northward.
will prove a bonanza; the wrong
in town Tuesday preparing for «he ing $1000. Mr. Vermillion will invest Mr. Wakefield owns a good foothill
kind is sure to prove a “ white
in town property m Central Point.
elephant” on the ow ner’ s hands.
ranch adjoining the Van Vleit place
Holiday goods, all kinds and descrip­
A man who is not in touch with
The Medford lamidry wagon will call and on which are two very promising
tions, at the Central Point Pharmacy. for work in Central Point each Monday quartz ledges, and in another part o f
the orchard business cannot put
you right on the proposition any
afternoon and Friday morning. Expert the letter he says that he hopes to do
Steve Caldwell came in last Saturday ironers from City Hall French laundry, something with them in the near future.
more than a blind man can lead
from their sheep damp on Roxy moun­ San Francisco, employed. First class The extracts o f the letter follows:
a blind man. If you want to
tain and reports t i e woolies doing fine work guaranteed.
avoid getting left with a “ white
“ I hear from a variety o f sources
this Winter.
elephant” on your hands, do
that there is being a great deal o f in­
Mr. and Mrs. Geo B. Kirk o f Niag- terest worked up over the Rogue River
business with the
The Toggery has an enlarged space j ara> North Dakota> who have been
Valley aud that the coming Spring will
in this issue that is worth your while vi8iting the families o f W. W. Glasgow
Rogue River Land Company.
see somewhat o f a boom there. On
to read.
Toggery Bill
is strictly I and L. Hatfield for a few weeks, left
Medford. Oregon.
December 4th I met young Guthrie, a
up-to-the-times in his line.
1 for their home Monday evening. They
son o f Mr. Guthrie, o f the firm o f Bal­
They are in touch with the or­
A few choice 5-acre tracts adjoining will carry many pleasant recollections
four, Guthrie & Co., an English and
chard business, thoroughly fa­
Central Point fcr sale by Downing & I o f the Rogue River Valley climate and
Scotch firm, which have handled vast
miliar with every tract in the
i people to their northern home.
quantities o f Oregon fruit for a num­
valley, know what each district
Mrs. M. E. 1 l ies entertained her
a Chicago publishing house announc
ber o f years. He came out here pri- j
btst adapted for, and they
tw o m anied daughters, Mrs. W. T. ,.s the appearance o f a new book o f marily to enter the firm in either their!
will see that you are put right
Grieve and Mrs. O. C. Purkeypile, poems entitled “ Gems o f Poesy,” in Portland or San Francisco office, but]
in every instance. Every man
with their husands and children, at a which , p pear8 a new p6em from the has been so attracted by the prospects
who has ever bought through
dinner party Sunday.
pen o f Louis E. Eachus, entitled “ May- in the south that he has purchased a
this agenev can sell to-day for a
Mr. and Mrs. W . T. Grieve and tim e.”
Mr. Eachus was a resident o f tract o f land near Eagle Point. A fter
great advance over his purchase
family are down from Prospect for a Central Point until a few months ago, a trip to his home in England he will
price. This is e n d o r s e m e n t
visit with friends and relatives. They ; when he removed to Marshfield, and it return in the Spring to enter on the
enough. Consult a n y ' business
went over to Applegate Sunday after- was here that the poem was written. work o f building up an orchard. But
man, bank or orchardman in the
He is to be congratulated en having you probably know o f this. It goes to
noon to spend a few days.
valley as to their reliability.
been recognized by a publishing house
Holiday goods; Christmas presents;
which, o f course, 1 am gla d .”
thus early in life.
New Year gifts at the Central Point
“ A fter 1 had finished about half o f
C. S. Sanderson, the well-known
each box o f those apples you sent me,
contractor, engaged in an altercation
Mrs. W right and her little son, who
a friend happened along from the
with a broncno believer in personal
have been visiting her mother, Mrs.
tropics on his way to Vancouver, B. C. |
liberty Monday evening and after a
J. M. Gibson, and her sisters, Mrs. I.
I sent a box made up o f the balance o f.
lively scrimmage catch-as-catch-can he
C. Robnett and Miss Elizabeth Gibson,
the apples to his w ife and family in
emerged from the fog o f debree with
for several weeks, left Friday evening
Vancouver, and although they were a
a countenance decorated almost as
for their home in Montana.
week on the road owing to the floods, j
artistically as though the chief bouncer
On Tuesday C. S. Emry sold to S. C. o f the H erald office had been repre­ they arrived in good shape. The lady j
Minnick 15 acres o f land one mile north senting the broncho. He sustained an writes me today, Dec. 4th, that theyj
o f town, the consideration being *75 ugly cut around the right eye and lost are enjoying them hugely, and s a y s'
per acre. There are no improvements some cuticle and a small amount o f that neither she or any o f her friends]
J . H . Cutter Whiskey
on the land sold, but Mr. Minnick will temper. The broncho was not seriously have ever tasted such fruit. Nothing
A Specialty.
probably improve the place next season. injured.
beside Oregon apples, although one
The tw o Sanderson brothers quit hears a good deal about their fruit.
A special school meeting will be held
W e will ship you from 1 to
Saturday afternoon at 2:00 p. m. for carpentering Tuesday afternoon ar.d When I was in the Northwest terri­
4 7-8 gallons o f fine whis­
the purpose o f electing a director to branched out as broncho busters. Two tories I saw something o f the Okano­
key or best quality of
succeed H. Corum, resigned. Joseph
gan Valley apples, but they were not
Hoagland and Tyson Beall are both gentle—filled out the list ot actors for in the same street as even the Wash­
prominently mentioned for the position the occasion, and for a minute or two ington fruit. I am looking forward to
and it is expected a full vote will be there were things doing. Whiz! Whiz! the Rogue River Valley apples to take
By Dozen, Case or Barrel
Bung! they went. A few clothes the leading place in London shortly.
The Central Point Pharmacy has a lines, a straightaway run, an aban­ As it is, the Hood River Valley people
■change o f ad this week. Read it and doned post hole, and two boys and two get the call and better prices. But
learn where to go for your X-mas goods. cayuses were piled up in a conglomer­ speaking o f prices, do you know that
ate heap. Nobody was hurt, however,
The different Sunday Schools o f the and before the day was over the you cannot get a box o f decent Spitzen-
M edford , O re .
town have united in arranging for a “ outlaw” was ridden to a fare-you- bergs in Portland for less than $4.50
i. e. in the stores, and I suppose they
Christmas entertainment to be given well.
j must pay $3.50 or more for them.
by the children and young people. The
A new advertisement o f the Joe this gait it would pay you better to
H erald has not been furnished with
any details o f the affair, but will give Creek Copper Co., o f which Dr. J. F. have sent some o f your apples to the
I believe a good commission
Reddy, o f Medford, is manager, ap­ city.
further particulars next week.
pears in this issu eof the H erald . This business eould be built up here handling
“ The Best on Earth ”
Mr. and Mrs. Porter returned from company owns some very promising first-class apples for the local trade.”
California Monday morning. Mr. Por­ properties in the Blue Ledge district,
ter went there a couple o f months ago and is offering a limited number o f its
B. F. Peart received a box o f Japan­
■H - M-I-l- l- M- l-I- l- M -t- l-H - H - l- H *
with a shipment o f horses, and was treasury stock shares to investors at
joined by Mrs. Porter a couple o f weeks the attractive price o f 5 cents a share. ese persimmons the other day from a
ago, when they spent some time visit­ Big fortunes have been realized by friend in California and the sample he
ing relatives and friends before return­ fortunate investors in copper properties left in the H erald window has at­
The lazy man Is waiting hopefully
tracted much attention. The fruit is to hear o f a shortage In the snow
ing home.
in the past few years and many other
as large as a medium sized apple and shovel crop.
Select a Christmas present for your such golden opportunities await future
somewhat resembles the tomato. The
w ife, mother, sister or sweetheart, as investors. It may pay you big to read
flavor is very fine.
To label the truth as the truth Is
the case may be, from the mammoth 'this advertisement and investigate the
equivalent to casting a doubt upon Its
stock o f holiday goods at the Central Joe Creek company as a field for in-
i Identity.
Point Pharmacy.
Send the h e r a l d to y°ur friends.
Local and Personal
Just Received ! !
A new lot of
those celebrated
H igh T o p
Weinhard’ s
Bottled Beer
W a sh i ngton
hocrcrer Shoes.
V. E . Snyder & Co.
Cranfill & Robnett
-Popular Merchants-
Central Point, Oregon.
Teamsters with Teams Wanted
. ~ B y
th e
Big Fortunes in Copper.
N ' single industry in the world is now
paying so large a profit on the amount
o f money invested as the copper indus­
try. During the last 20 years the copper
mines o f the United States and Mexico
have paid in actual dividends, *300,000,-
000. Since January 1st, o f this year,
ten copper companies alone have dis­
tributed in eamings nearly $19,000,000.
Shasta and Siskiyou counties, California,
are today producing more pounds o f
copper, for the amount o f money invest­
ed than any other district in the United
The mining o f copper is making more
millionaires than any other industry in
the world and is making them quicker.
To make large profits on a small outlay,
in copper, one must purchase shares in
a company that has just begun opera­
tions but which can prove that it ha*
great deposits o f the metal, and which
is selling its shares at a low price in or­
der to obtain funds to purchase equip­
ment and enlarge its operations. The
advancing price o f copper and the grow ­
ing demand and consumption o f the
metal have made copper mines the most
sought after o f all mineral properties.
There are countless opportunities for
profitable investment in the develop­
ment o f the natural resources o f trie
West, but only those who have visited
the Blue Ledge mining district, situated
in Siskiyou county,
alifornia. ran, in
the slightest degree, appreciate I he vast
opportunities for profitable investments
in that new and thriving copper ea- .»
Properties owned by the Joe Creek
Copper company are: First Natioual,
Greenwood and Deadwood, all situated
less than one-half mile from the famous
Blue Leti e mine which is being i e /e l ­
oped on an immense scale by New Y >rk
capitalists. Development on the Fi-st
National is steadily advancing, the cross
cut tunnel, driven from the foot wail,
beside the vein, has already reached a
depth o f 100 feet and an additional 60
feet will have been driven lie lore the
vein will l»e encountered. The outcrop­
ping o f the vein is from 50 to 100 feet
wide and traverses th • First National
and Greenwood their full length 3000
Development work under competent
management will bz energ tica'ly ad­
vanced throughout the Winter months.
T h 'sp roo. ty i - surrounded by theCook
ard Green, Bl< nfn Id, Midnight and
Liu ■ Ledge mines.
Among the stockholders o f thto com­
pany may be mentioned Simon Shaw,
mining operator, prospector and miner;
Wm. Angle, retired merchant, Med­
ford; Edgar Hafer, manager o f the
Iowa L. and B. (!o., M edford; A. A.
Davis, capitalist,
Medford; J. W.
Chapman, banker, Red Lodge, Mon­
tana; Wm. fla rt Hamilton, o f Hobbs,
Wall and Co., one o f the owners o f
th. Hlu" Ledge, Crescent City, Cal.;
.1. F. Reddy, mining operator, Med­
ford; H. C. Garnett, merchant, Med­
ford; Geo. Putnam. Oregon Journal,
Portland; .1. A. Adams, mine owner,
Medford; Mrs. .1. A. Adams, Medford;
Geo. P. Mims, mining operator. Gold­
field. Nev ; Char. Conrad, merchant,
Portland; Max Hallorin, merchant,
Portland; J. W etzd, attorney, Port-
laud; E. S. Thompson, capitalist, New
York; Wm. Pa ne Thompson, capital­
ist, New York; H. W. Carney, manu-
fucturer, Cleveland, Ohio; and E. N.
Warner, merchant, Medford.
The Joe Creek Copper Company is
now offering a limited number o f its
treasury shares at 6 cents.
About fifteen months ago Mr. John
Weinstrom, one o f the Montana Cop­
per Company's chemist* at thp Bull’ »
Head plant, on San Francisco hay, in­
vested $100 in Mohawk stock at around
twelve cents a share. The other day
it is understood he disposed o f the
shares at a price averaging over $15
ier share or in the neighborhood o f
116,000—« very fair iglean-up in the
coin o f the realm.