C E N T R A L POINT H E R A L D , T H U R S D A Y , DECEM BER 6, PZRT PARAGRAPHS. . The man who doesn't need to reform bis habits hasn’t lived on this earth more than a few days. Confectionery. ■ » .-ra ra -r'tzBSi: I f ilie devil (lid only a ensh buxines« be would drive away some of bis best customers. liXJÜ, { . . Have You “a Sweet Tooth?” .¡-¡. ¡..¡..H-H- « -H-K* • -M-H-tt tt + tt-M-K- • «H-HO W H E R E \S I f some people did more hard work perhaps they would have less hare lock. ^ V r- r | V - 'i â r i A i A à T IC Ü S IO N S , 2 Rcss Building, Lower Pine Street, Y-J :! ■ i V~V- Central point, Oregon. V :: + a I The power o f small things depends largely upon their location. Ç k ars. t ^ O P Y C .IC -H T 1 9 0 6 B Y T H E 9 l l i T r . V R f . O W H C O . Your owu glory may look like an j everyday affair to the rest of man­ kind. :: :: THt APOSTATES CRIED I believe in Gold, the Dollar Alm ighty maker o f Heaven on earth, and in Legal Trust, the natural issue thereof; which were conceived by Philanthro­ pists, borne by a Patient People, | suffered to exist by a Loot-loving j Legislature, defended, extolled j and worshipped; they decended into the Depths o f Extortion, but rose upon the wings o f Legal Justification, and sit upon the right hand o f the government, from whence they may expect no molestation even forever; I believe in the Power o f Graft, the reduction of Natural Wonders to Commercial Utility, the Un­ limited Advance in the price of Necessaries, and in the healthy development of the strife now existing the Classes and Asses to feud everlasting. Life. Proposed School Legislation. ßusreK BROW/l C H IC A G O . •g. tt T I I ¥ « + tt n ! i j j jj - h -W - . . "i— + tt Tossisr T R A N SA C T S A G E N E R A L B A N K IN G B U SIN E SS .j. a D IRECTORS- J. W. Merritt, President; W. C. Leever, Vice-President; T. M. Witten, Cashier; I. C. Robnett, W. J. Freeman. a Your Patronage is Respectfully Solicited. i C e n t r a l . « -!• . • Smokers, Stay Home. BEEF, 1 Y 4- Î I I « mir, i Yes, we carry them and the celebrated i j • j ] \ that we carry, and have yet to arrive, a large assortment o f L I S K ’S IM P E R I­ +i « AL AND A N T I-R U S T ! : “THE TOGGERY,” Medford’s SHASTA ROUTE The Hardwareman, i : *i* tt *!• xs - k - h * : Orgon. • .»j-.r-i-’A*»:-!-:-:-:! v tt *’* - - - p- m. a. m. Standard and Arrive Ashland - - - - - - Arrive San Francisco - AOTHPifl Through Will have his Grand Openeng in Medford this year quite so good as an | In Moore’s 3-Stcry Brick Building. ù W e mention a few articles: (• A J. T K * tt Dolls.all kinds and sizes.-Go-carts. I- ron W agons. Rocking Horses, i Veloci­ jfc pedes. Tin and Iron Toys, from 5c up. t Tool Chests, Doll Dishes. Banks, Etc. 1 5:52 a m. 5:19 p- m, - 8:00 8:45 - UK 10:40 - 12:41 12:15 - 5:10 5:00 - 7:45 8:45 . - Santa Clans M -H -I 1 ! H -i-H -M-I-H - H -H -H -H -h SAN FRANCISCO Arrive Sacramento THERE C e n t r a l P o in t, O r e g o n TR AIN S FOR PORTLAND. Leave Central Point - - Medford Pullman, a. m. p- m. a. m. p- m. a. m. p- m. p- m. a. m. Sacramento to Portland and El Paso, and tourist cars to Chicago, St. Louis, i New Orleans and Washington. Connecting at San Francisco with several steamship lines for Honolulu, J Japan, China, Philippines, Central and 1 I South America. I For particulars, see J P. F. KUPER. Agent, Central Point station Freeman & Wiley Farm Implements, Vehicles. —o r address— W m . M cM U RRAY, Gen Pas A gt., Portland, Ore ticles. I Nothing but Xm as Goods in i this Big Building. W e carry a full line o f + The Medford Book Store, M o o r e ’s H ric k 13 l o c k , Medford, : • tt + » V W e s t 7 t h ' S t . , Ore. r + • «t- t- t- K« B A IN W A G O N S. BUGGIES. H A C K S. SURRIES. ETC. • R U N A B O U T S IN ST E E L and R U B B ER TIR E S Excursion to Sdn Francisco. Messrs. T. K. Bolton and Emil P e il! will run another o f their popular holi­ day excursions from Ashland to San Francisco and return, this season, leav­ ing Ashland Wednesday, December 26. 1906, on the noon train. Round trip tickets. $15.00. good for fifteen days. You should take advantage o f this opportunity to see the wrecked city. Tickets now on sale at Freeman & W iley’ s, Central Point. 31d35 Etc. PRICES Always the Post Card Albums, Scrapbooks, Story Books, Autograph Albums, Toilet A r­ the W . C. Leever, § TRAIN S FO R ? Leave Portland ±1 Fashion Store for Men. W A R E, best goods on earth. >„ I y ! Trains* leave Central Point Ï ! fo r Portland and way :: stations daily at - - - Ladies, do you see the moral? Come in Don’t Forget ! « men folks home evenings. at that. and see our assortment and get prices. S O U T H and E A S T I $ i P O U LTR Y. HEATERS? SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. a most elegant line of VEAL. LARD, .■Hr I A fine scheme to keep the Growing Aches and Pains FOR SALE. M U TT O N , B AC O N , Patrons will find a first-class cutter always at the block. —by the— ^ en tlem en ^ Mrs. Josie Sumner, Bremond, Tex., writes, April 15, 1902: ” 1 have used Ballard’ s Snow Liniment in my family! fo r three years. I would not be with- out it in the house. I have used it for) my little girl for growing pains and aches in her knees. It cured her right away. 1 have also used it for frost bitten feet, with good success, it is the best liniment I ever used.” 25c, 50c and $1.00. Sold by Central Point Pharmacy. A fine hit o f full blooded 1\ land China pigs. Call at the Brail farm, one mile south from Central Point, for price, etc. J. H. P anmkk . P ORK, S A U SA G E , a W e are now displaying a r k e t Having purchased the above-named business I respect­ fully solicit the patronage ot the people o f Central Point and vicinity. I propose to cater to ycur wants in my line with fair and courteous treatment to my customers and with a full line o f the best to be had in ± .. — l i » -M-H-tt •!• tt -!• tt-H-H* • H r H ® M 1, I >. LEW IS, Proprietor V tt-i-H—K«>I- M- H«> ¡ P o i n t C O LES H E A T E R • -H -!-!« The Department o f Superintendent State Teachers Associatian, has recom­ mended raising the county school levy from $0 to $8 per capita. This should be done. It will not affect the levy in Multnomah county, however. We now receive more than this per capita. It will materially advence the school in­ terests throughout the state. The department also recommended the adoption o f a teachers monthly re­ port system similar to that in use in this county during the last four years. No one step will do more toward placing all schools upon a business footing. Beaver Herald. C e n tra l P o in t, O r e . TIGE w i l l .SOON be h a p p y . BU.STER BROWN WILL COME BACK. THEY WILL BE ON THIS PAGE A LONG TIME. THEY WILL DELIGHT YOU AND TALK T o YOU ABOUT OUR BUSINESS. PERHAPS YOU WONDER HOW WE GOT MR. R. F. OUTCAULT, THE CREATOR OF BURSTER BROWN AND THE W O R L D S HIGHEST PAID A R TI S T, T o MAKE FOR US A FRESH, SIGNED DRAWING EACH WEEK. BUT WE DID— IT CO.ST VS NO «SMALL PRICE. WE ARE GLAD THEY WILL BE HERE. BUSTER BELIEVE J IN TRUTH. WE Do. WE MAKE A PROFIT. EVERY MERCHANT MUST. WE DO NOT “ CUT PRICES’ '-EXCEPT ON BROKEN SIZES OR WHEN OVERLOADED. — WE MAKE PRICED RIGHT IN THE BEGINNING. WE WISH TO MAKE MONEY WHO DOESN’ T? BUT WE CAN MAKE MORE «SELLING AT A FAIR PROFIT AND DOING A BIGGER BUSINESS. HELP YOURSELF BY MAXING OUR VOLUME LARGER. WE INVITE YOU TO LOOK EACH WEEK AT MR. OUTCAULT’ «S CARTOONS. RESPECTFULLY, L. HATFIELD. •I* Pocket K n ife. Made from “ W ardlow ’ s ” highest grade steel by skilled A m erican w o rk m en . Beauti* fu l in pattern and s u p e r b in finish. C o m e a n d se e them Tobacco. Central Point State Bank A grain of sand upon the seashore Is Insignificant, but when It whips Into your eye It commands your undivided attention. B E S T Also to our " J U S T C A N D Y " $ STRING V E R Y OCCA­ Fansher & Fansher, $ • ,£ V ;U .T E L L ^ 5 0 If the Lord needs .any counsel we know lots o f people who are willln and feel competent to supply him. P E 3 - E E to our C A N D Y for “ A N Y O L D T I M E . ” EACH — I» I'»-) i *'v A R N O V E L T I E S for F E S T I V E THIS A C S V v' i T L r! R O V N ? r'Eli YoV w ± W e wish to call the attention of P A R - 7 __________ ^ Comeliness Is next to goodllness. O U R Soft Drinks. CHEAPEST. Quality Considered. CALL AND SEE l ’ S t Harness. Saddles. Robes and Whips, Gas line Engines. Pumps. Bicycles and Incubators I W e carry- one o f the largest stocks in Jackson County C E N T R A L P OINT. OR. m « i 1 1 : i n H -i ï