C E N T R A L P O IN T H ER AL D , C e n t r a l P o in t H e r a l d L ancaster & P attison , P ublishers S. A. P attison , E ditor . J. E. L ancaster , B usiness M anager An independent local newspaper devoted to the interests of Central Point and the Hogue Hiver Valley. Published Every Thursday. T H U R S D A Y , DE CE M B E R fi, st National Bank OF LEGISLATURES -I AM - Y ou n gest - W O R K IN G A G A IN - Resources, $I80,0]G and th e WE GUARANTEE ALL P. J. Hicken F . Blacks! A , W i n d o w s , E tc . Yard on track near depot. F*' imates furnished. Let us figure on \uu iuntber hill. H A W K I Giliett a Restaurant and Lodging House Lower Pine Street Central Point B ln ck ftm lth in t Repair work of all kinds. ^ _Wood Turning and Scroll Work. Horseshoeing and Wagonwork Cast Iron Brazing CENTRAL POINT, OR. IF Y O U R HORSE D eers, CENTRAL POINT. OREGON 'm m n T. v T g .s -itig w rr A WORD TO THE FARMER — When you come to Central Point call at the Giliett Res­ taurant if you should be hungry. You can get a go. d square meal for 25 cents. If you want to take a lunch with you, such as sandwiches, cakes and pies, you can get it for from 10c to 2’>e. Canned lunch goods always on hand. We also carry fresh bread and cakes and pies of •all kinds. A WORD TO THE BOYS AND GIRLS- Young and old—Think of it! Milk shake 5c; soda, 5c; home made candies, 15c to 25c per lb.’ YOURS FOR FAIR TREAT \ ENT, A . 1\ G I L L E T T E S O X . -Litauer m m m m aam asL äui - x - ì - ì - ì - m - h - w -:—’— •< w -i-i-H —H -i- Central Point -i-H- : i R o u g h a n d D r e s s e d L u m b e r , S h i n g le s , 23S3 Blacks] G eneral T T DEALER IN Send the H erald to your friends. IZED. be avoided by providing for elec­ tion of a Lieutenant-Governor, whose duty it should l e to pre­ side over the State Senate, as the Vice-President presides over the United Slates Senate; yet this innovation would very likely prove to have more defects than merits. There is no relief at the ballot-box, for the same story of conflict is repeated at each ses­ sion, regardless of the personnel of the Legislature. Demanding the referendum upon legislation enacted as a result of organiza­ tion fight is but adding to the injury that has been sustained. A t most we can but hope that some time and somehow the members of the Legislature may be induced to lose sight o f self- interest and devote their energies exclusively to enactment of good laws. Oregonian. T T J. n. G A Y Jeweler ARE ORGAN' The biennial contest over or­ ganization of the two houses of the State Legislature reminds one o f the story of the jury that was called into court by the judge after they had been oiu twenty-four hours. In respon: to his inquiry whether they had agreed upon a verdict, one of them replied: ‘ ‘No, we haven’ t been able to elect a foreman y e t.” To the ordinary observer it appears that the members of the Legislature, particularly of the Senate, have spent most of their legislative energy thus far in trying to agree upon a pre­ siding officer. The organization o f the Legislature is an im­ portant matter, and yet it should be subordinate to legislation. Quite frequently in the past leg­ islation was subordinated to the personal interests of aspirants for the presiding offices, and trades were made, not upon the merits o f the proposed measures, but upon the extremities to which the candidate was pressed. Com­ mittees were appointed, not ac­ cording to the fitness o f the members, but according to the promises they were able to exact in return for their support in the organization fight. In carrying out promises so made, the suc­ cessful aspirants appointed men upon committees who were un­ fitted nnd left off men who were fitted for the places. Because a man voted with the losing side m an organization contest ho was assigned to unimportant com­ mittees, even though his experi­ ence and abilities would have made him a valuable member of important committees. Thus has legislation been hindered and im­ Î ± » S to n g est FA IR D E A L IN G - F ID E L IT Y - SAFETY Subscription price, $1.50 ‘per J'ear> Vnd guard our customers’ interests with the same good faith we do advance. those of the Bank. A Member of American Bankers’ Association. Entered as Second-class Matter, May 4, We are Strongly Insured Against Burglary and Hold-Ups 1906, at the Poat Office at Central 1 i.int, WE SOLICIT YOUK BUSINESS] Oregon, under the Act of Congress of Wm. S.'Crowell, President March If, 1879. F. K. Deuel, Vice-President Wm. S. Crowell,|F. K. Deuel,fChas. M. L. Alford. Cashier Strang, E. V. Carter, Geo. W. Dum. ! HOW V f M EDFORD Cash Capital, STO COO The IDj ;• Livery H AS CORNS OR C O N TR A C TIO N OF TH E FE E T, SEE S h o rty MOTH IN CONNECTION Stables W illia m s , P ro p , Fast Horses, First-class Rigs, areful. Experienced Drivers. Daily Stage to Eagle Point. Special attention to Commercial Men. P r ic e , th e H orsseh oer. Till PACIFIC MON I hi Y IN 1907 will be, more than ever, the great magazine of the West—our West, your West, God’ s country. With brush and pen its stalf of contributors will depict Manufacturers of all classes of the best of the West from Alaska to the Canal Zone; from the Missouri M a r b le a n 1 G ra n ite Designs furnished River to the Philippines. To do this r or will manufa- C e m e te ry W o r k the famous writers o f the West, the I cure from private artists of the West—its poets, will do drawings. PRINTING THAT PRINTING their best work for The Pacific Monthly. Our Granite Quarries, near Central Point, are Herman Whitaker, Jack London, PLEASES the finest on the ( ist. Electric polishing THAT PLEASES T James Hopper, Karl Edwin Harriman, T machines in our local factory. Iron fencing. T PARTICULAR Wi'liam Winter, C. E. S. Wood, Fred PEOPLE CENTRAL POINT, OREGON Lockl y, William L. Finley, W. Leon PEOPLE WHO PAY Dawson, Lute Pease. Adelaide Soule, Edna Kenton, Marguerite Stabler, Y Arthur H. Dutton, W. C. Estabrook, I i R. C. Pitzer, Porter Garnetl, Charles T B. Clark, Jr., Mary Lambert Wood, Millard F. Hudson, Curtis Hidden Page, L. W. Brownell, Edward Holtzheimer, John Fleming Wilson, Wex Jones and A Frank G. Stephens are some of the W e are now receiving and plac­ writers whose work has been purchased. Sidney 11. Riesenberg, McM Pease, ing on display, the largest and Xkvier Martinez, Maynard Dixon, Lute finest line o f H O L ID A Y GOODS Pease, Eloise J Roorbach, Beverly ’ ever brought to Central Point. Towles, Blanche Letcher and Frank paired. Keane are among those whose brilliant Y e t there seems to be no prac­ and original work will be reproduced, , ticable remedy for this unsatis­ both in black and white and in color. factory feature o f legislative The most artistic of Western photo- j graphy will be called into play for fit I T IS TO O UR IN T E R E ST TO TU R N OUT proceedings. The members like illustration of each issue. Among the .tbe organization contests and most wonderful photographs ever taken Printing that will please our customers. W e are many of them go into the con­ are F. H. Kiser's pictures of mountain- fully equipped to do all classes o f Commercial and flict with a determination to land climbing in the West. These will ap­ '^¡omcthing for themselves, if pear only in The Pacific Monthly. Job Printing and \w respectfully solicit your orders The best writers of the West have possible. The' unsophisticated been called upon to describe faithfully in taxpaying voter pictures to him­ and interestingly the various marvels Call early and make your selec­ LETTER H EAD S self a body o f ninety men going of tho West. In the January, Febru­ tions while the stock is complete. to Salem with minds burdened ary, March and April issues the Oregon B ILL H E A D S with the responsibility of making trail, the Pueblos of the Southwest, STATEM ENTS the sheep ranges of Oregon, the great laws for all the people of a great romance of Twin Falls, the undiscover­ ENVELOPES state. In the quiet seclusion of ed resources of Yaquina Bay. the un­ his humble fireside, on the eve explored coast of Washington will re­ DODGERS o f the meeting o f the Legisla­ ceive brilliant treatment. POSTERS Western bird-life will be treated for M A R Y A. Prep ieOr ture, he imagines a crowd of the first time adequately and beautiful­ V IS IT IN G CAR DS thoughtful men conferring upon C E N T R A L P O IN T OREGON ly in every issue by William I,. Finley, the needs o f the state. Far Herbert Bohlman, W. Leon Dawson B U SIN E SS C AR D S different is the reality as it ap­ and L. W. Brownell. Nothing so ex­ Or anything else that you may need. pears to the view o f a man who haustive has ever before been attempt­ ed by a magazine. Call and let us figure with you. W e are here to goes to Salem Sunday before the History by its makers wilt not be ASHLAND opening day o f the Legislature stay and to help you make Central Point worth neglected. Millard F. Hudson. Edward -H -W -H -X -W -’-H -i-H -H -H * and witnesses the gathering of Holtzheimer, Fred a Hunt ( “ Mossagate while. Help us with your printing orders. M iens in the hotel lobby, where Bill” ) are among them. Essays, literary criticism and dra­ ev ery resource o f political inge­ ASH LAN D , ORE. nuity is exhausted in the effort matic reviews by William Winter, C. E. S. Wood, Porter Garnett, Austin to win the organization. The Complete and thorough training in Lewis and many others will give our needs o f the people and the readers the best in these fields. C O M M E R C IA L, SH O R TH A N D character o f laws to be enacted Nothing so beautiful as The Pacific A N D E N G LISH B R A N C H E S are lost sight o f except so far as Monthly will be in 1!H>7 will 1«' found Excellent equipment and every up-to- legislation can be made to serve on the news stands. The best that paper-mill, inkgrinder. tvp. ' under and V ■M-K-I-H-I* date feature. the purposes of one candidate or engraver can produce will dress the __ CIGARS, TOBACCOS ” another. Perhaps the fight does I I n d iv id u a l In s t r u c t io n magazine. f HlIRlHFN ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICE. not end on the night before the These are some of tho things which The expenses are the lowest and the & C O N F E C T I O N E R Y :: , 1 HRISTIAN t ill rch . day appointed by law for the will go toward The Pacific Monthly, advantages the best. Our graduates the magazine of the Western American ' C V? ^ ° w’ PVtor' Preaching The undersigned, having been duly conveningof the Legislature, but are employed and more demanded. 11 , . , , service at It a. m. and S p. m. Sun- appointed administrator of the estate is earned along for two or th ree1 a magazine equal to the best anV I ,|llv ^hool, 10 a. m. Ladies Aid So- of Isaac Simpkins, deceased, by order whore. i ciet.v meets regularly every Wednesday CE C R E A M A N D SO D A : ■ days, during which time onel --------------------------- j afternoon at 3 p. m. at the home of of the County Court for Jackson County, Oregon, sitting in probate and 4 1 R ea so n a b le R a te s its members. Choir practice every Fri- house or the other remains un­ having qualified as such, notice is here­ FOR SALE. | day night. L U N C H GOODS by given to all persons having claims No more thorough and complete busi­ organized. In such a situation M ethodist E piscopal . against the estate of said Isaac Simp­ the lawmakers are unable to , , , , “ ... ., . ness training can be had anywhere and „ i i . dOO bushels of tine quality Red ( hatT ! Geo. L. Burbank. [iastor. Sunday kins. deceased, to present said claims every Sunday at 10 a. m. with proper vouchers attached to the make laws because they have or Bule club wheat, for seed. Call on school Preaching every Sunday at 11 a. m. undersigned at Woodville, Oregon, the expense of securing such a course not yet been able to elect pro- oc address, J. M. H urley , and every other Sunday at 7:30 p. m. within six months from the date o f the here is but little more than half the Eagle Poinl. Oregon siding officers.” They have the R- F. D. Central Point. Or. Prayer meeting Thursday evening at first publication of this notice. 7:30 p. m. A cordial invitation is ex­ Dated at Woodville, Oregon, October 1 expense in the larger cities. difficulty o f the far-famed jury " l : tended to ali. Preaching at Gold Hill 1. 19o6. OSCAR SIMPKINS. on alternate Sunday evenings at 7:30 Administrator of the estate of Isaac Address: duplicated in every particular. --------------------------- p. m. Sunday school every Sunday at Simpkins, deceased. n D IT . , r n . The tight in the Senate might Semi the H erald to year friends- 10 a. ra. Date of first publication Oct. 4, 190tk r . KI 1 N EK, A M P res 1 1 t-i-p J. W . J a co b s & C o. Î ___________ Í f H o lid a y G o o d s ! You Pay for Printing And We P rin t fo r Pay Fancy Goods, Toys, Books I and m an y other attractive and seasonable holiday articles. C entral P oint P harm acy Commercial C o lle g e ! Central point Herald H. W atkins