Central Point herald. (Central Point, Or.) 1906-1917, December 06, 1906, Image 1

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VOL. 1.
The show last night was very good. fhiiughts tor Parents and Teachers. PROGRAM STATE DAIRYMEN’ S MEETING
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Chick, assisted
by Miss Lena Harvey and others of the
Teachers are authorized to require fom en t,, to |>f Held dt Ashljnd Tllfsdd)
The Medford Book Store has a change company, pleased a large audience at excuses from the parents or guardians
. ..
of ad this week.
of pupils, either in person or by written
and Wednesday, Dec. II dnd 12.
The show last Saturday night was note, in all cases of absences or tardi-
What’s the matter with this for
not as bad as the worst, but the gen­ ness or dismissal before the close of
December weather?
The fourteenth annual meeting of the
eral texture of the fabric might have the school, and no excuse shall be valid
Oregon Dairyman’s association will be
Mrs. Martha Finn, late of Idaho, has
been improved by cutting out some o f j except lhat of sickness or necessary held at the City Hall, Ashland, Oregon,
become a resident of Central Point.
the coarser threads.
j employment. The teacher shall be the on Tuesday and Wednesday, December j
Drop in once in a while and tell the
Mr. and Mrs. Post have returned t judge of the sufficiency of excuses.— 11 and 12, 1906.
H erald the news. Don’t be a clam.
from a visit to their former home at Oregon School Law.
Upon the arrival of the delegates from i
Holiday goods, all kinds and descrip­
Parma, Idaho, and are glad to be back
Parents and guardians will confer a the north, about I2:30p. m. on Tuesday, i
tions, at the Central Point Pharmacy. in the mild climate of the Rogue River j lastinK benetit upon the pupii if they
an informal reception will be given by j
! Valley after the touch of nearley zero | wU1 co.operate with the teacher in the Ashland Commercial Club.
There I
Miss Lillie Newman, who has been
weather which they found in the Gem securjng regular attendance. Much of will be an address by the president of
very sick, is able to be on the streets
of the Mountain state. They expect to lbe SUCL.L>SS 0f the pupil will depend on the club, Mr. M. E. Eggleston, followed
buy another home here and remain punctuab regular attendance and daily by responses from members of the
Mrs. Frank Clute and her mother, permanently in this valley.
work. Absence and tardiness will Dairymen’s Association. Thedelegates
Mrs. Wallace, of Grants Pass, were in
L. Hatfield, the popular grocer and lower the monthly standing.
! and citizens will then repair to the City
town Tuesday.
g e n ts ’ furnisher, has taken an increas-
Another point where every child may i Hall, where the regular program will
W. T. Houston and wife, of Beagle, ; ed space in the H e r a l d advertising be materially aided is along the line of j take place as follows, the musical part
were in town Wednesday after supplies I columns, and this week he introduces! home study. Have the pupil do the of the program being supplied by the
o f Santa Claus.
Buster Brown’ s dog, Tige, to our read- WOrk at home which the teacher assigns, i Commercial Club orchestra and quartet:
Mr. Post and wife returned Wednes­ ers. Buster himseif will show up One father says: “ My boy comes home
TUESDAY, DEC. 11, 1:30 P. M.
day of last week from their visit to later and will hand out some good anc) throws his books down and is off to i
ideas about the business of buying good p)ay jn the streets.” Whose fault is
Call to order—President H. West.
R. C. Hensley left for Portland Mon­ goods at the right prices. It may pay it? The teacher’s? By no means. I Address of welcome—Mayor G. S.
day, where he shipped a carload of you big to keep a close eye on this, Parents too often expect the teachers | Butler, Ashland.
| to do what they (the teachers) are un-
hogs for the market.
Responses, annual address—President
* able to do or are careless about doing H. West.
“ Toggery Bill” has something of in­
I themselves. Only by co-operation can
The Thanksgiving Ball.
terest in his advertising space this
j results be accomplished. Hence it is
week. Don’t overlook it.
Better Cows and How to Obtain
Local and Personal
Mr. and Mrs. Arnett moved out to
their new home, recently purchased
from Mr. Post, last Friday.
“ The Toggery, ” The Medford Book
Store and V. E. Snyder & Co. all have
changes of ads this week.
A few choice 5-acre tracts adjoining
Central Point fcr sale by Downing &
Miss Bertha Bennett, of Montague,
Cal., was the guest of her friend Miss
Julia Olsson during Thanksgiving.
The bazaar and dinner given by the
ladies of the Christian church Thanks­
giving was a pronounced success. The
receipts amounted to $30. UU.
Mrs. Drusilla Mee, o f Applegate,
came over last Saturday to spend a
month with her daughters, Miss Mary
A. Mee and Mrs. Emma Bebb.
l’OIN l\ OR ;(iON. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 6. 1 >06.
The opera house was filled to its i necessary that right habits of home'Them ” -S ta te Dairy and Food Com-
iy as well as school study must be I mjssionerj j_ w . Bailey,
capacity last Thursday evening, the oc­
uP°n- No pupil can be up late
“ Dairy Problems on Hige Priced
casion being the grand l>all given by I
at n‘g *lt or a^use their nerves freely in ,
—Jas. Withyeombe, Corvallis.
the local lodge o f Odd Fellows. The I „»v.„r
wayS and be in full possession of j Music.
affair was a most delightful social oc-
casion and the big crowd present j “ ‘t,r faculties at “ hoob
! Southern Oregon Dairy Foods” - W .
, ,
. , many parents allow the child to rule in . j i)„ „ n Talent
thoroughly enjoyed every moment of ■
. . ,
ULdn’ laieni.
the time until well into the
wee sma , this matter and
.. treat school work lig ,, h t-‘ ;
People are Waking Up
on the orchard proposition in the
Rogue River Valley. A good
orchard on the right kind of land
is very attractive.
The right kind of an orchard
will prove a bonanza; the wrong
kind is sure to prove a “ white
elephant” on the owner’s hands.
A man who is not in touch with
the orchard business cannot put
you right on the proposition any
more than a blind man can load
a blind man. If you want to
avoid getting left with a “ white
elephant” on your hands, do
business with the
Rogue River Land Company,
Medford, Oregon.
They are in touch with the or­
chard business, thoroughly fa­
miliar with every tract in the
valley, know what each district
is best adapted for, and they
will see that you are put right
in every instance. Every man
who has ever bought through
this agency can sell to-day for a
great advance over his purchase
price. This is en d o r s e m e n't
enough. Consult any business
man, bank or orchardman in the
valley as to their reliability.
Hop Gold Beer
Double Stamped Whiskey
Strictly Straight
We will ship you from 1 to
4 7-8 gallons of fine whis-
key or best quality -of
B ottled Beer
By Dozen, Case or ¿Barrel
V . E . Snyder
M edford , O rk .
‘ ‘ The Best on Earth ”
“ Necessity
Meepsaitv nf
or Clean
Liean Milk”
Mint —I
— l . n.
. . . , ly
as a pastime, thus preparing
the z-iemer,
y :prnpt. Tillamook
of . the
- ...
music was rendered by Prof. Chamber-, /
T u e s d a y , d e c . 1 1 ,8:00 p . m .
, . ,
, .
, ...
i When the child gets on the wrong track
lam’s orchestra of^Ashland, and,it was
.g the
duty to put them
considered by the dancers as being as ^
¡, who Kets the sleep : Address, “ Organization for Dairy-
fine as the finest music ever supplied hig
m needa u temperate in his men” —A. T. Buxton. Forest Grove.
for a similar event m the valley. Be- ,
. ,
» .
. ..
t habits, steady and trustworthy, is the
sides almost everybody belonging to I
, .
. , •
__ .
Address—Hon. E. H. Webster, Chief
_ t
~ A
. . . . .
. | pupil who is an honor to his parents
Central Point and vicinity, many vis- *
, . .
,-e of the Dairy Division U. S. Deparment
, «
, and his teachers. The period of life
itors were present from Ashland, Med-, , . , ,
. , .
, , .
. . ,
i- j
, « , . .....
, ,
which the child is in school is a period of Agriculture.
ford and Gold Hill, an additional dele- J
o f choices. When the parent does not
gation of 15 couples from the latter .
Paper, “ The Hand Separator as a
insist on controling these choices, the
place arriving on the midnight train. |
child often chooses the easier and the Factor in Modern Dairying” —S. E.
An elegant repast was served the j
wrong way, the most costly in the end. Brune, DeLaval Dairy Supply Co.,
Holiday goods; Christmas presents; dancers at midnight at the Gillett j With these thoughts in mind, let | Portland.
to which all did ample jus- \
, .
. .
New Year gifts at the Central Point restaurant,
WEDNESDAY, DEC. 12, 10:00 A. M.
, , parent and teacher co-operate to make
tice and of which all spoke in words of i f,
, ,
_ ,
j the school a power for good.
“ Breeding up a Dairy Herd” —Wm.
highest praise.
A . J. H a n b y ,
Schulmerick, Hillsboro.
Mark Applegate and wife, of Jack­
Altogether it was the largest, m ost1
Principal Central Point Schools.
“ Jackson County Cow Census” —G.
sonville, tarried here Tuesday night successful and most enjoyable party J
F. Billings, Ashland.
while en route to the Elk Creek mine, that has been given in Central Point
where Mr, Applegate will operate his for many moons and the lodge, and
“ Care and Feed for the Dairy Cow”
Twelfth Anniversary.
T. Judd, Turner.
mine during the Winter.
especially the gentlemen composing the
“ Dairy Development in Josephine j
Mrs. Betta Shields and her brother, committee in charge o f the affair,
-------- Olsson, who are students in the have much cause for a large amount of * A merry crowd o f friends and neigh- j County” -Chas. Meserve, Grants Pass,
bors took by storm the cosy home of
Ashland Commercial College, spent pardonable pride and satisfaction over
WEDNESDAY, DEC. 12, 1:30 P. M.
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Byrum, of Table
Thanksgiving vacation with their par­ the result. The lodge treasury was
Business session.
Rock, Wednesday evening of last week,
ents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Olsson.
enriched bv some $70 by the net re­ the occasion being the twelfth anni­
Reports of officers and committees.
The Central Point Pharmacy has a ceipts of the evening.
Election of officers.
versary of their marriage The affair
change of ad this week. Read it and
Selection o f next place of meeting.
was planned as a surprise and it proved
Address—Hon. E. H. Webster, Wash­
learn where to go for your X-mas goods.
to be such in spirit and in truth.
D. C.
d w e ll & Holmes, of the Rogue River worth doing is worth doing well. If
Address, “ Value o f Proper Packing”
Land Co., Medford, last week sold T. you wish to be cured of Rheumatism, retire for the night, blissfully ignorant —W. H. Chapin, Portland.
D. Ross’ 20-acre tract, a part of the use Ballard's Snow Liniment and you of any designs against them on the
The local arrangements are in the
Col. Ross farm, to Eugene Savage, of will be “ well cured.” A positive cure part of their neighbors, when from hands o f the members of the Ashland
Medford. The price was $125.00 per for Sprains, Neuralgia, Bruises, Con­
Commercial Club, and its quarters will
tracted Muscles and all the ills that friends, the two parties meeting at the
flesh is heir to. A. G. M. Williams, Byrum gate, this nicety o f march be­ he “ wide open” to members o f the
The ladies of the Christian church
Navasota, Texas, writes: “ I have ing made possible by an elaborate sys­ Association at all times during the con­
Aid society wish to thank the public for
tem of signaling by lanterns from the vention.
the generous patronage extended them used Snow Liniment for sprained ankle
The Southern Pacific R. R. Co. will
and it gave the best of satisfaction. I two ends of the lane. About 50 guests
at the dinner given at the church on |
sell round trip tickets for this meeting
always keep it in the h o u s e . S o l d by were present and a most enjoyable
Thanksgiving day. The aifair was a
evening was spent. Mr. and Mrs. on the certificate plan at one and one-
Central Point Pharmacy.
success in every way, the net proceeds
Byrum were presnted with an elegant third fare. Full fare is to be paid
amounting to $30.
chocolate set as a token of esteem on going and a receipt taken therefor, up­
A Quiet Wedding.
Select a Christmas present for your
the part of their friends and neighbors. on which a return ticket will be issued
wife, mother, sister or sweetheart, as
The Table Rock neighborhood is at one-third fare.
For further information, address F.
A quiet wedding took place at the noj ed for tbe pleasant social relations
the case may be, from the mammoth
stock of holiday goods at the Central home of the bride s parents Iuesday Qf ¡ta peop|ei an(j this affair is only one L. Kent, secretary, Corvallis, or D.
evening, when Miss Mary Ford, the 0 f many which they enjoy out there Perozzi, committee, Ashland.
Point Pharmacy.
charming daughter of Mr. and Mrs. j unn^r the course o f the season
Mrs. Hildreth, Dept. Pres., Mrs. Zol- E A. Ford, became the bride of ' ” Mr.
ler, Dept. Treas., and Mrs. Weidman, John R. Clark. Rev. T M. Jones per- j
Dept. Sec., of the W. R. C., with Mes- formed the ceremony
Only close
THAT’ S IT ! ! l
ig w hite’s Cream Ver
dames Curtis, Harmon and Hildreth, relatives and friends of the young c ough yourself into a fit of spasms and mifuge, the cure for worms and all
all of Grants Pass, visited and inspect­ couple were present Mr. anti Mrs. tben wonder why you don’t get well, children’s diseases. It not only kills
ed W. H. Harrison Corps No. 27 last Clark^ will commence housekeeping in
you wd| on|y try a bottle of Ballard’s the worms, but removes the mucus and j
week. They found the corps in ex­ a few days.
Horehound Syrup your cough will be a slime in which they build their nests.
cellent working order, and expressed
thing of the past. It is a positive cure Its action on the child is mild and leaves
themselves as well pleased with the
Another Orchard Soid.
for Coughs, Influenza, Bronchitis and him in a healthy condition. Joe Daniel,
town and their
all Plumonary diseases. One bottle will Surmac, Tenn., says that he gave one
An interesting series of revival meet­
Activity in local real estate continues, convince you —at youur druggist, 25c, of his children White’s Cream Vermi-
ings are in progress this week at the the latest reported sale being the F. K. 50c and $1.00.
i fuge when the doctor thought it had
Christian church under the direction of Deuel orchard, near town, to Tronson
colic, and from the first dose the child
Rev. E. A. LaDow, the pastor. Elder & Guthrie, of Portland. The tract
passed 73 worms. Sold by Central
For Sale.
F. E. Billington, state evangelist for contains 53 acres, 38 of which are al­
Point Pharmacy.
the Christian Church, arrived last even­ ready set to apples. The remainder of
Six acres fine land in Jackson county
ing to assist with the meetings, which the place will be set at once to Cornice Three acres in bearing fruit balance in
The Medford laundry wagon will call
will be continued indefinitely. Elder pears. The consideration was $7,500. hi<n state of cultivation. Good, new 5-
Billington comes highly recommended Messrs. Tronson and Guthrie are the r om house, good barn, wagon and bug- for work in Central Point each Monday
as an earnest and convincing speaker same gentlemen who recently bought ry shed3 etc. On main county road, afternoon and Friday morning. Expert
and all residents o f the community are the Daley orchard at Eagle Point. The jne-half mile from depot, school, post- ironers from City Hall French laundry,
earnestly invited to come out and hear Rogue River Land Co. acted as agent office. For further particulars apply San Francisco, employed. First class
Herald offi ice.
work guaranteed.
in both these sale..
Just Received ! !
those celebrated
Hi<>'Ji "Pop
W a s h i n^ton
P oli uer Shoes.
Granfili & Robnett
■Popular Merchants-
Central Point, Oregon.
Teamsters with Teams Wanted
t he