C E ^T P M , THURSDAY, NOVFMRFR 2ft. 1906, H F P A E .D . Central Point State Bank Humor and Philosophy RAIN COATS By DUNCAN N. SMITH THE MAIN QUESTION. In the pleasant autumn weather. When the leaves begin to glow And the forest looks as brilliant As the lady In tho show, Eweetly we commune with nature. Feeding on her wealth our soul As we wonder how In thunder W e can buy our winter's coal. Our stock of RAIN COATS and OVERCOATS has been elayed on Central Point, Ore. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS D IR E C T O R S -J . W. Merritt, President; W. C. Leever, Vice-President; T. M. Witten, Cashier; I. C. Robnett, W. J. Freeman. account of the manufacturers being “ OVERSOLD” and unable to get the cloth from the mills. Your Patronage is Respectfully Solicited. However, they have h.led our order and the goods are coming along in small shipments. In a mass of gold and yellow Hang the leaves upon the trees Or to earthward softly flutter On the light, impulsive breeze. As we view the living poem, Done in smooth, artistic rhyme. It's distressing to be guessing Can we buy our coal on time. A part of them have arrived and if you want GOOD GOODS at LOW PRICES we C e n tr a l P o i n t can suit you. I. 1). LEWIS, Proprietor Fall and is complete. W in te r C lo th in g Every suit brand new, up-to-’ate goods. BEEF, No PORK, MUTTON, SAUSAGE, old Odds and Ends in this stock. We invite your inspection. Brown and yellow blend with crimson. And the treetops are aflame. In a brilliant conflagration Putting fireworks to shame, But the waste seems almost sinful As the leaves begin to turn. For the falling year is calling For substantial coal to burn. M a r k e t Having purchased the above-named business I respect­ fully solicit the patronage ot the people o f Central Point and vicinity. I propose to cater to your wants in my line with fair and courteous treatment to my customers and with a full line of the best to be had in Our Stock of Io the fastness of the forest Is a mass of color blurred That one couldn't catch on canvas. Though the artist was a bird. Far from noisy haunts of commerce. From the grim and smoky town, But the haunting thought keeps flaunting— Will the coal go up or down? BACON, VEAL. LARD, POULTRY. Patrons will find a first-class cutter always at the block. 1 H /, 1 " Made Him Feel Natural. “ P A T N j'T NÒ*:' ifi/ (irH~H-i-H-H-8 -!• 8 * .CENTRAL POINT. SOUTH and EAST : n-H—H->-H-H”Xi-H--H-^H-H-8 v 8 -h 8-i-H -K vH -H « • i Sand son & Sons c~ J and ‘t Builders $ W ool Underwear, f The reasons why you should ¡contract with to build your^. house are— Our work is executed with neatness and dispatch and completed in a work­ manlike manner. Estimates given on work in alt parts o f the valley P lans and —by th e— SO S p e c if ic a t io n s F u r n is h e d -------- O--------- CENTRAL POINT HERN PAJ j F C CO. OREGON Flannel Shirts, ! RETAIL 8 DEALER IN WOOD W ool Sox L> . C . G R I M | Home For the Friendless. C it y . D r a y i n g a n d T r a n s f e r Isn’ t there a fine chance for adven­ turous spirits to capture some small All Kinds o f Hauling but exceedingly tight island and pro Promptly Done. -A R E SOME OF O U R - I ▼Ide on it a home for embezzlers who •re having a hard time these days to T get some country to adopt them that CENTRAL POINT, OR. doesn’ t have extradition laws patrol­ TRAINS FOR PORTLAND. ling the borders looking for suspicious characters with fat rolls bulging out 8 Trains leave Central Point their hip pockets? fo r Portland and way As these rotund crooks usually carry stations daily at - - - 5:52 a m. away large enough wads to enable 5:19 p. m, them to pay big board bills tho venture should be a profitable one. They could TRAINS FOR SAN FRANCISCO. «it there In the balmy breeze, under m rented vine and fig tree, and embezzle ; M en’s Hatters and CuU t ¡j Leave Portland - - - - 8:00 a. m. 8:45 p. m. against each other to their heart’ s *’ *i content and not got heart failure every Leave Central Point - - -11:09 a. m. ! Yes, we carry them and the celebrated time they saw n sail looming up on 10:40 p. m. & tho horizon. Those who have never :■ Arrive Ashland - - - - - 12:41 a. m. COLES HEATER at that. Come in j .;. j . H - - I - K - 1 looted a bank or played the races witL •►I-H-Ks>H-H-8 8 •!• 8-M-M-' •VH--H- '• (j 12:15 p. m. a trust fund little know the crying and see our assortment and get prices. need there is for such a haven o f ref Arrive Sacramento - - - 5:10 p. m. uge. 5:00 a. m. • -H -H — d -l-H -8 8 8-M - I- l- • H- l-i-Kr) g -H -H . .-H -H -8 8 8-H--H-‘ i.»!~H--r‘J Arrive San Francisco - - 7:45 p. m. (•) Needed Them. 8:45 a. m. "Beama to me that you make a good many mistakes." "Sure. Didn’t you know this was a that we carry, and have yet to arrive, a Through Pullman, Standard and time Job?" tourist cars on both trains; chair cars large assortment of LISK’S IMPERI­ Sacramento to Portland and El Paso, Satisfactory Substitute. We wish to announce to the people of Central Point AL AND ANTI-RUST WARE, the and tourist cars to Chicago, St. Louis, When you oat a peck of apples tiroon and hard, but very filling-, New Orleans and Washington. and vicinity, that we will have on display, in a few best goods on earth. I£ It’s not appendicitis Connecting at San Francisco with You'll have something quite as thrilling days, in our new location in Moore’s new 3-story brick several steamship lines for Honolulu, Japan, China, Philippines, Central and building, the largest and finest line of South America. A Cure for Rheumatism. For particulars, see P. F. KUPER, Agent, A Topeka man was complaining o f Central Point station, rheumatism. “ There’ s no excuse for —or address— ever exhibited in Medford. This will be your best op­ being afflicted,” said a friend. “ I used C e n t r a l P o in t, O r e g o n W m . M cM U R R A Y , to have rheumatism. When it would portunity for selecting your Holiday Gifts from a Gen Pas A gt., Portland, Ore 1 1 11 1 I I I 1 1 | 1 strike me I would go homo and have thoroughly modern stock of elegant goods. my w ife throw her arms around my neck and Rive mo a massage treatment. Watch this space for further announcements It helped me every time. You ought European Plan Fine Sample R oom s to try it. ” “ I w ill,” said the man. "W hen will CHURCHES. ■« ■■■■ n m nriT r — — — — — ^ 1 find your wife at home?” —Kansas C h r is t ia n C h u r c h . City Journal. I E. A. La Dow, pastor. Preaching! M o o r e ’s B r i d e B l o c k , W e s t 7 t l i ' S ., service at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sun- j day school, 10 a. m. Ladies Aid S o - ' T h e H om e' o f C o m m e r ­ Excursion to S a i Irdncisco. ciety meets regularly every Wednesday i cia l a n d M in in g M e n afternoon at 3 p. m. at the home o f its members. Choir practice every Fri­ Messrs. T. K. Holton and Emil Pcil T • ► H - H - > H - H - 8 -I-8 + 8-H-H— H - l - F - •►H-H- •►H-H-8 -1-8 8 ,H -H <Ï»H- day night. HOTEL NASH CO., PROPS. will run another o f their |>opular holi­ M e t h o d is t E p is c o p a l . day excursions from Ashland to San DINING ROOM UNSURPASSED. REFU RN ISH ED THROUGHOUT Geo. L. Burbank, pastor. Sunday Frammw» and return, this season, leav­ ‘ school every Sunday at 10 a. m. M E D F O R D , OREGON ing AuMarsf Wednesday, December 26, j Preaching every Sunday at 11 a. m. t906, on tfn- itoon train. Round trip and every other Sunday’ at 7:30 p. m. j Prayer meeting Thursday evening at tickets. $15.tX), good for fifteen days. j 7:30 p. m. A cordial invitation is ex- You should take advantage o f this opportunity to see the wrecked city. orTaReniate Sunday^ eve;fflng^Uat I ® - H -H -I- I- I- W ^ , Tickets now on sale at Freeman & m. Sunday school every Sunday at j b i a. m. W iley's, Centra! Point. 31d35 J SHASTA ROUTE S tro n g L in e s , i “THE TO G G ER Y,” Medford : : j HEATERS? rgon. Don’t Forget The Medford Book Store Holiday Goods and W. C. Leever, Toys The Hardwareman, The Medford Book Store, H O TE L Medford, Confectionery. N A SH Ore. Soft Drinks. Have You “a Sweet Too'Ji?” F reem an » landed like d Cut. C. E. H eft, electrician, and foromer resident o f Central Point, where he was employed as a lineman by the Condor Water and Power Co., was the centaal figure in an elevator accident in Portland the other day while at work at his calling in the new Wells Fargo building installing electric elevators. Heft ami his working partner were at work on a temporary hoist in the •levator shaft at the ninth floor when, without warning, the grip gave way and tho cage started to drop a sheer 125 feet to the bottom. H eft grasped an overhead brace and at exactly the 1 right second swung himself from the cage just as it struck the bottom and before it started on the rebound. He escaped unhurt, hut his companion re­ ceived perhaps fatal injuries. & W ile y We wish to call the attention of P A R ­ Farm Implements, T I C U L A R P EO PLE to our C A N D Y N O V E L T I E S for T E S T V E O C A ­ SIO N S. fo r Also to our ”JU >T C A N D Y ’* Aug. D. Singler’ Agent For “ A N Y OLD T I M E . ” Fansher & Fansher, Ross Building, Lower Pine Street, EILER S PIANO HOUSE The world renowned CHICKERING, KIM BALL. WEBER. Etc. BAIN WAGONS. BUGGIES. HACKS. SURRIES, ETC. RUNABOUTS IN STEEL and RUBBER TIRES T obacco. CHEAPEST, Quality Considered. ■ CALL AN D SEE US to choose from. Office, Com er 7th and E Streets, PRICES Always the Also Crown and 40 other makes Medford Oregon. Cigars. Vehicles, W e carry a full line o f Agent Singer Sewing Machine Co. Central Point, Oregon. -H -H -H -H -H -l-H -f "It was a breezy time when the sail­ er man proposed to the landlady'« daughter." "Did she accept him?" "I should say not. She rejected him e l the rate of forty nots an hour." I. s - H-i-i-f-i-i-H-i-H -H-H-:-:-! -;-:- x VT hw - ; : Harness. Saddles. Robes and Whips. Gasoline Engines. Pumps. Bicycles and Incubators ; ; ; W e carry one o f the largest stocks in Jsckson County CENTRAL POINT. OR. Send the H erald to your friends. T ;- H - H - H - H - H -l-i- ;-l i r-H - i- l- H - i- :-H H -i-i- W - H -l-l-t-H U l I i n I M ! 1