ì C entral P oint H erald VOL,. 1. CENTRAL Sarah Bebb entertained a party of her young friends Monday evening in honor of her 13th birthday. About 30 children were present, a . a a k . i The Odd Fellows ball to be given in | the opera house Thursday evening of Grand BaK. j next week promises to be one o f the Thanksgiving Ball. | most successful social events ever given Better Duy a ticket. | in Central Point. A fine orchestra has ii u " w ? Sheriff Jackson was over from the been engaged and nothing county seat on official business Monday. 1 undone that is calculated to add to the Alfred Gillett left Tuesday evening j enjoyment of the evening. for California, where he expects to ffhe Central Point Creamery paid spend the Winter. ! more money per pound for butter fat A. P. Gillett & Son have a new ad last month than any similar institution P O I N I’. O R E G O N . T H U R S D A Y , Resolutions. Local and Personal Table Rockets The following resolutions, adopted by the teachers’ institute in session here last week, were crowded out o f our last issue. Whereas, We, the teachers of Jack- son County, in Institute assembled, being about to adjourn to our several fields of labor, deem it fitting that we embody our sentiments in these resolu­ tions: Therefore be it Resolved: First—That we extend our hearty thanks to the reception committee and S and S buyers ^ of l coniectionery, l Ä i S Ä etc. p e o p le ' | j informed, ta. th e r ? there and are ^*..n i . - t‘ h7 £ p 7 e still « a -e,.,,. few persons N O V E M B E R 3 2 . 1900. Having written it Table Rodk for 22 years, it galls us to have to head our letters Central Point, which is now our post office address. The branch fish hatchery is now out of business and those of us who indulge in fresh fish hereafter must antie up the coin. The new rural mail service does not do away with >the Agate post office. It is still in business at the old stand. Religious services will be held at the school house Saturday evening at 7:30 and at 10 a. m. Sunday. Our Sunday School has appointed a committee to make arrangements for a Christmas tree. labored diligently and efficiently to Big consignment of lard cans just ar- who are shipping their cream to outside provide for the entertainment of the *rived at Leaver's, the hardware man. i points. This sounds rather incredible teachers. Mi's. J. W. Mee, of Applegate, spent! —that a man should patronize an away- Second—That our worthy County I Intended for last issue. Sunday with her nieces, Miss Mary A. from-home concern at a direct loss to Superintendent be congratulated on the A. L. Eisenhart and family are per- Mee and Mrs. Emma Bebb. himself. It is not probable, however, general success of the institute, made J. W. Ingram left yesterday morning that this plan will be presisted in for so through his efficient management, j paring to move back to Medford and for Soda Springs, where he will spend any great length of time when the Third—That we extend our thanks to i give up “ life on the farm.” the Winter for the benefit of his health. situation is understood. County Superintendent Robinson, of | R. M. Stocker, of Pennsylvania, has The laSies of the Christian Church Multnomah County, for his helpful sug-1 shown his interest and good will to our Benton Bowers and A. L. Aitkins, of Ashland, came down on Monday i will give a dinner and bazaar at the evening’s train to look after interests Christi::: Cl.i.ri 1: <.n T1 anksgiving day. guage. arithmetic and history; to school with several volums of history. Youv p a t ; g . ¡0 solicited. President Mulkey, o f Ashland State The closing exercises of the Meadows here. Mr. and Mrs. Blain Maley of Condon Normal, for his inspiring talks on civil school where Miss Margaret Nealon Cliff Maley and Walter Farrar, of Gilliam County, arrived last week to visited Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Pattison government and history and his most I , has been teaching took place Friday look for permanent locations in the last Friday. „Mr. and Mrs} Maley came excellent lecture on “ Hamlet;” to Miss 1 evening, Nov. 9th, and were attended down to the Rogue River Valley to Marvin, state librarian, for much need- j by the patrons and friends, who came Rogue River Valley. Holiday goods, all kinds and descrip- | secure a home, and on Thursday they 1 ed instruction on “ Care o f Books” and j with well filled baskets. After the lions, at the Central Point Pharmacy. , purchased an 80-acre tract near the foot “ Use of Libraries;” to Superintendent j contents of the uaskets were disposed of Roxy Butte. They left on their re­ Cameron, of Ashland, for his scholarly j o f the children rendered an excellent tf. Cranfill & Robnett never tire of tell­ turn to Gilliam County Saturday morn­ paper on “ Eternal Obstacles to Sue- program in a manner reflecting much ing of the excellencies of the celebrated ing and expect to return next Fall to cessful Teaching, ” which help all teaeh- credit to the school and teacher Washington High-top Logging shoes. reside here permanently. Mr. Maley ers in meeting many difficulties of their J. W. Marksberry, traveling sales­ owns a fine wheat ranch in Gilliam profession; to Mr. Signs, Supt. ot the man for the J. R. Watkins remedies, Read their ad this week. Lynn Purdin, the genial editor and County, and it will require several Medford schools, for a logical and peda­ was here Thursday disposing of the .publisher of the Gold Hill News, was a months for him to close up his affairs gogical treatment of the subjects, “ The “ cure alls.” Recitation—Its Ends and Essentials” pleasant caller at this office yesterday there before locating elsewhere. Miss Mamie Ford, of Central Point, Laws of Child L ife,” which Tickets for the Grand Thanksgiving and “ Some while en route to Medford. “ ” ‘1 | came out Monday to pack the Bissell were true inspirations to the teachers; 1 „ , ,. f , . ,, ball may be secured at any time from L. Hatfield has some seasonable & Hitzler apples, which have been sold to Mr. Savage, superintendent of Jose­ things to say in his advertising space Mr. Wm. Scott. Buy your tickets to A. D. Helms. phine County, for his helpful talk on this week about Rain Coats - something early, boys, and avoid the rush. Our teacher, Miss Corum, Misses Fansher & Fansher, who recently “ Reading;” to Miss Tou Velle, super­ May and Margaret Nealon, and Miss everybody needs this weather. intendent of music in the Medford and A few .choice 5-acre tracts adjoining leased the Ross building and are re- : Jacksonville schools, assisted by the Ruby Russell, of Beagle, attended.the Central Point fer sale by Downing & modeling the same, are putting in Teachers’ Institute at Central Point. first-class stock o f confectionery, c i-; y°“ nB people of the Medford High Emry. School and the primary class from gars, tobaccos, etc., on the first floor, . . . M ARRIED H. N. Holton, who has been employ­ and in the large hall on the second floor j T v" ! ed as a carpenter at the Hopkins place they are fitting up a modem skating stration of the value of music in the A quiet wedding was solemnized in for several months, returned to his rink. The floor is being put in fine public schools; to Mr. Frank Robinson this city Sunday afternoon, when Miss home in the upper country Tuesday. for his instructive talk on “ Geography;” condition and in a few days all lovers Carpenters are at work fitting up the of this popular sport will be enabled to to Mr. Sullivan for an interesting pres­ Bertha May Stidham became the bride interior of the new post office building indulge in the pastime to their heart's entation o f “ The Situation in San Fran­ of Mr. Geo. T. Parsley. The ceremony ready for occupancy as soon as the content. Fansher & Fansher have a cisco;” and to our worthy state super­ was performed by Rev. LaDow, pastor commission of Posti laster-elect Tex new display ad in this issue o f the H er ­ intendent, J. H. Ackerman, for his of the First Christian church of this | talk outlining his methods for bettering city, at the home of the bride’s mother arrives. ald and-will make further announce­ the educational conditions of the state. on Laurel street and was witnessed The Medford Book Store has an at­ ment next week. Fourth—That we heartily endorse the only by the bride’s near relatives and tractive new ad in this impression. F or S a l e —A six-room dwelling in close friends. Holiday purchasers looking for the Central Point, in good repair. Barn, recommendations of the state meeting Mr. Parsley is a young man of high latest in Christmas goods, books, etc., good water, some fruit. A bargain. of County Superintendents. character and excellent habits. He is Fifth That all teachers exercise ex­ will be interested in reading it. Inquire at this office. tf treme care and judgement in the rec­ employed at the Opp mine, near Jack­ Holiday goods; Christmas presents; ommendation of text books to the state sonville, as a machinist. The bride is New Year gifts at the Central Point one of Central Point’s most charming board for adoption. Thanksgiving Ball. Pharmacy. tf. Sixth-That we appreciate the in-1 and popular young ladies, and a large Mrs. Ralph Froman, of Condon, wife creasing liberality of school boards of circle of friends will unite in best Central Point lodge, No. 193, I. O. O. Jackson County in the matter of sal­ wishes for a happy and prosperous o f one of the commissioners of Gilliam County, visited Mrs. Caldwell and F., will give a grand ball in the opera aries for efficient teachers and the future. The young couple will reside daughter, Miss Bee Caldwell, and other house on Thanksgiving evening, which encouraeement of County Superintend­ in Central Point. friends from bunchgrass land, during promises to eclipse anything in the ent Daily along that line. terpsichorean line ever given in Central the week. Southern Oregon Normdl Noies Seventh—That it is the recommenda­ George Wright has purchased A. M. Point. The best music in the valley tion of the committee that the county Lammey’s residence property on Laurel will be furnished, the floor will be put superintendent consider the advisability By C. G. Peebler. •street, the consideration being $600.00. in finest condition and nothing will be of having a principals’ section in con­ Pres. B. F Mulkey has returned Mr. Lammey and lamily have moved left undone that is necessary to add to nection with the next County Institute. from the north, where he has been to the Downing ranch, in the foothills the enjoyment of the occasion. Invita­ Eighth—That a copy of these resolu­ doing institute work. tions will be sent to neighboring lodges west o f town. tions be sent to each newspaper in the The Congressional Literary Society and a large attendance is expected county and that a copy be filed as a It is reported that a new train will met last Friday night and an interest­ from all sections o f the valley. part of the records o f this institute soon be placed on the Portland—San ing program was given. A . 0 . F reel , Francisco run to accommodate the in­ A chorus class has been organized H. T. B augh m an , creasing travel. The date o f com­ Excursion to San Francisco. and they are now doing good work. M. B. S igns , mencement and schedule has not yet Herbert Eastman was elected captain G. W . M ila n , been announced. Messrs. T. K. Bolton and Emil Peil of the boys’ baseball team and Mae Committee. Readers and friends o f the H erald will run another of their popular holi- Anderson o f the girls’ team. will confer a favor on the paper by | day excursions from Ashland to San The Normal football team went to giving' us local news items. It is not | Francisco and return, this season, leav­ School Report. Grants Pass last week and after a hard easy for one who is still a stranger to ing Ashland Wednesday, December 26, fought game the Normal was victori­ many of the people to find out all the 1906, on the noon train. Round trip ! --------- local happenings unless somebody takes tickets, $15.00, good for fifteen days. Report of Central Point public school ous. The score was 8 to 0. the trouble to tell him about things. The chapel periods Monday and Tues­ You should take advantage of this for month ending November 9, 1906: Number of days taught, 20; days at- day mornings were given to the chorus The-fcentral Point Pharmacy has a opportunity to see the wrecked city. change of ad this week. Read it and Tickets now on sale at Freeman & tendance, 4175; days absent, boys 109, class 31d35 jjjrig 1 4 l t total 250; tardys, boys 28, j The steam pipes in the Normal build- learn where to go for your X-mas goods. 1 Wiley’s, Central Point. girls 15, total 43; number enrolled on ings have been tested and found to be The Sound steamer Dix, a small j | register, boys 110, girls 130, total 240; all right. passenger vessel, was rammed by the Minister Goes Wrong. average daily attendance, 208; percent steam ship Jeanie, near Seattle, Sun­ of attendance, 94 j ; number of visitors, day evening and 42 lives were lost. Street lunrovements. Rev. S. M. Driver, formerly a well 7; number of cases of corporal punish­ The vessels were close together and for known Methodist minister of Oregon, ment, 0. some unexplained reason the smaller A force of men and teams are at and three years ago presiding elder of The enrollment is 32 more than for .craft suddenly changed her course and the Idaho conference, has been com­ the corresponding month last year and work this week improving the streets ran directly in front of the big ship, mitted to the insane asylum at Los the average daily attendance is 21 under the supervision of street com­ receiving a broadside ram and went missioner Shields. Considerable grad­ Angeles as a result of over-indulgence greater. down within less than five minutes. ing has been done and a large amount in the liquor habit. Last Thursday The interest in the school is good. Select a Christmas present for your night Rev. Mr. Driver attempted to of gravel has been hauled in to the low A . J. H an bv , ■wife, mother, sister or sweetheart, as take poison, but his life was saved by Principal. places and on the cross walks. The the case may be, from the mammoth quick work on the part of his family, work was needed and will prove a great stock of holiday goods at the Central and he was locked up on an insanity advantage to the public when the rainy Point Pharmacy. tf. geason gets fairly under way. Send the H erald to your friends. charge. NO. People are Waking Up on the orchard proposition in the Rogue River Valley. A good orchard on the right kind of land is very attractive. The right kind of an orchard will prove a bonanza; the wrong kind is sure to prove a “ white elephant” on the owner’s hands. A man who is not in touch with the orchard business cannot put you right on the proposition any more than a blind man can lead a blind man. If you want to avoid getting left with a “ white elephant” on your hands, do business with the Rogue River Ldnd Company. Medford. Oregon. They are in touch with the or­ chard business, thoroughly fa­ miliar with every tract in the valley, know what each district is best adapted for, and they will see that you are put right in every instance. Every man who has ever bought through this agency can sell to-day for a great advance over his purchase price. This is e n d o r s e m e n t enough. Consult any ’ business man, bank or orchardman in the valley as to their reliability. Hop Gold Beer Strictly Strahjttt Double Stamped Whiskey We will ship you from 1 to 4 7-8 gallons o f fine whis­ key or beet quality of Bottled Beer By Dozen, Case or Barrel V . E . Snyder & Co. M edford , O re . AGENTS FOR HOP GOLD BEER “ The Best on Earth ” Just Received ! ! A new lot of those celebrated H igh T o p W ashington Logger Shoes. Cranfill & Robnett -Popular Merchants- Central Point, Oregon. Teamsters with Teams Wanted = B y IOWA LUMBER M EDFORD th e ========1======= & BOX COMPANY OREGON 31