CENTRAL POINT HERALD. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1906. L ancaster & P attison , P ublishers S. A . P attis « * . E ditor . J, E. L ancaster . B usiness M anager National Bank Rasources, $ I £0,030 . i An ¡M4qR.-ndent local newspaper devofeod to the interests of Central i\sM add the Rogue River Valley. P. J. Hicken o. Î Jeweler OF MEDFORD ash Capital, $£0,000 • r n i t " i T J. h. G A Y DEALER IN l’e™ * nently locat<;d in j o n e s - c a s h . Rough and Dressed Lumber, Shingles, Doors, Windows, Etc. STORE, Central Point, The Youngest and the Strongest W E GUARANTEE ALL Written guarantee on all work for 12 Yard on track near depot. Estimates furnished. Let us figure on your lumber bill. months. High grade watch repairing F A IR D E A L IN G - F ID E L IT Y - SAFETY Published Every Thursday. ..id guard our customers’ interests with the same good faith we do | a specialty. Gold, silver, steel and soft soldering Subscription price, |$1.50 'per year, those of the Bank. done successfully. advance. A Member of American Bankers’ Association. We are Strongly Insured Against Burglary and Hold-Ups ! Orders taken for everything known in the jeweler’s line. Old gold andsilver WE SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS •¿er »4 si »a'ler. l v *. I*1**. »' ,h* *,®,‘ aken in exchange. ( « i M U t M i M i r e t e l . O r e * « ., ■ ■ 4 « r »he M t e f ( o « a r « M • ^Vm S. Crowell, President directors : ■eete ». UT». p ^ Deuel, Vice-President Wm. S. Crowell, F. K. Deuel, Chas. j M. L. Alford, Cashier Strang, E. V. Carter, Geo. W. Dunn CENTRAL POINT, OREGON - :- l- l-l- l-l- l- H - H - l- H -l-:-H -l-M -l- l-h Send the H erald to your friends. 6IVE THE DEVIL HIS DUE. The fact that practically every j PETITION FOR LIQUOR LICENSE, leading politician of both parties, as well as every trust sympa­ Woodville Precinct, Jackson County, thizer and subsidized ¡newspaper Oregon:— To the Honorable, The County Court in the country, is after W. R. ] o f Jackson County, State f Oregon. Hearst with, a big club is one We, the undersigned legal voters re­ thing that gives rise to a faint siding in Woodville precinct, Jackson s u s p ic io n that he may not be County, Slate of Oregon, respectfully q u it e as low down and onery as ask your Honorable Body to grant to he is just now being painted. I W K McTaggert a license to sell „ ., ... spirituous, vinous and malt liquors and Hearst s ideas of the newspaper ¿ . mtnted cider> eommonly known as well RS his methods har(] cider, by less quantities than one o f political campaigning, may be I gallon in the town of Woodville, Jack- “ yt’Haw” as a Chinaman, b u t it|s°n County, Oregon, for the period of m u s t b e admitted that he has «¡* months from November 8, 1906 We hereby state in our petition that shown a decided penchant for we each of us reside in said Woodville prosecuting illegal trusts. A suit precinct and at the signing of the same that Was brought by Hearst some j are legal voters therein and that we time ago against the New York have each resided in said precinct for Central Railroad for illegal re- thirty days ¡"»mediately preceding our signing this petition and that we will bates to the sugar trust was petition your Honorable Body at the | decided the other day and the term of the County Court on company was fined $102,000 and NOVEMBER 8, 1906. one of its agents in the trans­ II G Diess, D Bruley, Chas. Turner, I action was fined $6000. The fact Thus. N Brown, L B Jewell, H I) San­ born, John Thrasher, John MeCalllster, that this rather important piece M Burkhart. E Boyd, L .1 Heer J E| o f news was “ boiled down” to a Estell, H Laws. Arnold Brown, C C Wynant, Fred McCallister, Henry C dozen lines by the associated Breeding, Thos. H Bedford, J D Car-) ter, E H Carter, E A Clement, M B press dispatch writers and was Whipple, O Nadeau, John T Breeding, j printed in obscure places by the W A Pyburn, F R Myers, J A Clement, ! Portland Oregonian and other big H E Bedford, J M Whipple, Wm. H McKinney, G II Jones, Thos. Scott, ] metropolitan newspapers that use Alex Schindler, John Pitman, J C the associated press and oppose - Aitken, J M Sperry, M M Scott, C S TI . I Hatch, Samuel Mathis, W V Jones, [ Hearst may have some con-1 q g Seaman, G W Wilcox. nection with the present N ew ' -----------------------------------------------; York campaign. Hearst does ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE, ------- n o t come within 400 miles of being an angel, but it is only a The undersigned, having been duly ; £ “ fair shake” to give the devil appointed administrator of the estate of Isaac Simpkins, deceased, by ordur j his due. Blacksmilhing F. A. Repair work of all kinds. 1 Turning and Scroll Work. Horseshoeing and Wagonwork Cast Iron Brazing CE N TR A L POINT, OR. Point • H -H -H -H -t-fr -H -H -K -I - M - H - l- H - l- 1 Wheels 1 1 ! I l l ! I I ! 1 I ! H - l- A W ORD TO THE F A R M E R -W h e n you When come to Central Point call at the Kandy dy ] Kitchen if you should be hungry. You can get i a hot cup of coffee, butter and bread or cake for 10c and a little better for 15c, and a good square meal for 25c. I f you want to take a lunch with you, such as sandwiches, cakes and pies, you can get it for from 10c to 25c. Canned lunch goods always on hand. W e also carry fresh bread and cakes and pies of all kinds. A W ORD TO THE BOYS A N D G IR L S - \ oung and old—Think o f i t ! Ice cream and cake, 10c; milk shake 5c: ice cream soda, 5c. Home made candies at from 15c to 25c per lb. Central Point X Livery Stables Shafts £ m — East Horses, First-class Rigs, areful. Experienced D riven. Daily Stage to Eagle Point. Price, the Horseshoer, HAS JUST RECEIVED A NEW BUNCH Tongues || B B J. HOTEL IN CONNECTION Shorty Williams, Prop. X Special attention to Commercial Men. it i- i- i-i"M - i"H - :-t-;-H -:-i-:--i- i- !- i- r -i"M-i-i"i": iiiv ii"i"i"t- [-T'! h - h - h - h - i - m -I' X Wheels -¡~i-i- i- i- i"i"i- :--i-i- :- i- ;- t- i-;- K -s-H -:-i-;"i- ;":- i- i- i- i-H -;-i->-i- i"i-:-i"i- i"M -M "i' J . W . J a c o b s & C o. Manufacturers of all classes of Murphy & Downing M a r b l ■ a n 1 G r a .n i t e C e m e te ry W o r k Designs furnished or wilt manufa­ cture from private drawings. “ Ivy Leaf Saloon” Our Granite Quarries, near Central Point, are the finest on the Coast. Electric polishing machines in our local factory. Iron fencing. Fine Cold ALBANY BEER on draught CE N TR A L POINT, OREGON or by the bottle, for personal delivery or by express or freight. Central Point trade solicited. C entral P o in t M A R Y A. PRINTING THAT M EE P harm acy opi i t t c r PRINTING PLEASES THAT PLEASES PARTICULAR PEOPLE PEOPLE WHO PAY Pure Fresh Drugs and Medicines • ■ ! Iruggis ’ ;u dr es, ’ o 1 t A tides, St ti -ne v Books, ..tc. ......... _ ■ You Pay fo r Printing And We P r in t f o r Pay When in the city give me a call. You will find my good3 first- class and my prices reasonable. T I IS TO OUR INTEREST Printing that will please our fully equipped to TO TURN OUT cu stor ers. CENTRAL POINT do all classes of Cornu v i !al and in ASHLAND I Commercial C o lle g e ! LETTER HEADS ASHLAND, ORE. BILL HEADS STATEMENTS Complete and thorough training in H. W a tk in s COMMERCIAL. SHORTHAND ENVELOPES AND ENGLISH BRANCHES DODGERS POSTERS VISITING CARDS 1 BUSINESS CARDS Or anything else that you may need. Call and let us figure with you. We are here to stay and to help you make Central Point worth while. OP. EG ON We are Job Printing and we respectfully solicit jour orders FINE PIANO FOR SALE. Francis J. Heney has been em- plbyed to prosecute municipal A fine, new Richmond piano may he grafters in San Francisco, and bought at a rare bargain. Instrument he has retained W. J. Burns, of can be seen at the home o f Prof. A . J. the U. S. secret service, to assist llanhy. in wHose cam it has been left. M rs . J. H. Pt . basants . in collecting evidence. It is inti- —>d'-’r mated that some o f the most prominent political boodlers in NOTJGE. the Bay city will be brought to Hook without regard to wealth, All persona haviug claims against the popularity or political pull. He­ Hastings Industrial company on ac«ount ney. and Burns are not like the of the building of the Central.Point mem who do not know how to do creamery, aro requested to present the ihwr:things, and it is more than same at once to the undersigned or at pnntebk: that as many startling the Central Point State Bank, witlrthe proper vouchers, t desire to settle all disclosures, arrests and convic­ matters of this kind at once. tions arc to bo expected in the H J. TURNER, California!metropolis as wo have Adjaatcr. recently hnd.in.tho Oregon land ni ng- Send the lit'.KAI n to \nur friend-. H A W K O en era l B la c k s m ith in g of the County Court for JacUaon County, Oregon, sitting in probate and having qualified as such, notion-is here­ by given to all persons huvihg claims i against the estate of said Isaac Simp- There is no further question about it. The jury system Judge should be abolished. Banker, of Findlay Ohio, before:kins/ deceMed- '® ',,e8ent said c,ai™ whom the nice, good, pure, down- under8iKned Bt WoodviIle, Oregon, trodden, oppressed Standard Oil within six months from the date of the Co. was recently persecuted (y?) first publication of this notice. Dated at Woodville, Oregon, October for alleged illegal practices,, did OSCAR SIMPKINS, | + all in his power to> protect the I, ISO» Administrator of the estate of Isaac defendant, but the-fool jury just Simpkins, deceased. took the bit in its teeth and found Date of first publication Oct. 4, 1906. the "system” guilty;. This awful verdict, it is feared, places good, old, pious, God-fearihg John D. Rockefeller under suspicion oi not being ulll that a good, pious THE! American citizen should be, and some pessimists fear that it even W ttP fG plbces him within sight of a state X T prison or, at the best, a county quite so good as an jail. It is a terrible condition of OUR VE R Y BEST affairs in this twentieth century that a public benefactor—a mar Pocket Knife. Made who has literally “ enlightened th from “ Wardlow’ s ” world” for many years with coal highest grade steel oil—at 30 cents a gallon—should bysKilled American thus, in his declining years, have workmen. Beauti­ his liberty, yea even his profits, ful in pattern and placed in jeopardy. The right su p e rb in finish. kind of judges, if left alone Comeand see them could manage to avert such pub We carry a full line lie calamities, but the jury, com posed of men who have for years had their homes and their lives “ enlightened” with his own oil— at 30 cents per gallon—cannot be depended on. The jury must go! ! 'H - l" ! '1 l- I-H -H -i- C entral P oint H erald Help us with your printing orders. Excellent equipment and every up-to- date feature. Individual Instruction The expenses are the lowest and the advantages the best. Our graduate* are employedi and mote demanded. CIGARS, TOBACCOS & CONFECTIONERY ICE CREAM AND SODA : : At Reasonable Rates No more thorough and compute busi­ LUNCH GOODS ness training can be had anywhere and the expense of securing such a course Central point Herald here is but little more than half the Eagle Point. Oregnn expense in the larger cities. Address: P. RITNER, A M„ Pres - H - l I I I H M M i l ; H - I-H -H H I H -l 4-H - t- H - HH I I I I M I l-t- h-H - l- l- l- K r