Central Point herald. (Central Point, Or.) 1906-1917, October 18, 1906, Image 1

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    c EN[TRA] L
C EN TRAL, POINT. O R E O O N . T H U R S D A Y . OCTOBER 18. 1900.
expense to produce anything, he at (
once decided that this was the locality
for wh’ ch he had been looking and here
Medford Man Mistaken fo r Deer and
While too much cannot be said o f the he drove his stakes.
Mr. Marshall harvests his com crop ¡
wonderful possibilities o f the Rogue
W. E. Price is reroofing and other­
River Valley in general, and o f the Cen­ when it is in the milk, or just leaving
wise improving his residence.
One o f the usual tragedies o f the tral Point section in particular, along the roastingear stage. A t that time,
A. A. Hull, o f Rogue River ferry,
season occurred on Elk Creek, the line o f the production o f top-notch he says, it possesses the greatest value
was in after supplies last Saturday.
about 50 miles from here, last Thurs­ pears and apples, for which there is a as a milk ration and the cattle eat the
Wm. Breeding, o f Woodville, was
day by which Edgar Robinson, o f Med­ practically unlimited demand at almost entire plant, ear, stock and foliage. ’
trading with our merchants last Friday.
ford, lost his life. A particularly sad fabulous prices in the eastern cities and He has made a study not only o f the
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Mee, o f Apple- feature o f the accident is that the vic­ in Europe, there are other industries dairying business in the narrower sense,
gate, visited relatives here during the tim ’ s own brother fired the fatal shot. just beginning to materialize here that but o f plant life, soil properties and
The Medford Tribune o f last Friday are worthy o f more than passing notice. in fact everything that bears directly
One o f these, if not at the present or indirectly on his business. When he
Joe Boswell is in the mountains this gives the following version o f the sad
time the principal one, is the dairying settled here his intention was to put in
week layin his W inter’s supply o f deer affair:
A hunting party consisting o f Perry business. It is only within the last a private creamery, but last Spring
when the proposition was made by the
The H erald is, always has been and D. Scott, his three nephhws, Edgar, couple o f years that the farmers o f this
Hastings Industrial company to put in
always will be, for a greater Central Albert and Leonard Robinson, and Ed. section have given any serious con­
Pierce were hunting deer. Leaving sideration to the actual commercial a co-operative creamery here, Mr. Mar­
shall was the first to fall is line and to
The ladies o f the Christian Church Price in camp the four started out in value o f the milch cow. Prior to that
time, it is true, the cow was here. head the stock list with a subscription.
will give a dinner and bazaar at the
He realized that “ in union there is
Christian Church on Thanksgiving day. tance, Scott and Edgar and Leonard She was looked upon as something o f a
strength” and that a strong company
Your patronage is solicited.
Albert proceeded on to a distance of family had to have milk and butter for backed by the best farming and busi- I
H. Cornell and family have removed about a hundred yards. The weather home consumption, and v'bile it may ness interests o f the community was
His four grown
to Medford, where they will spend the was thick and he must have been con­ readily be conceded that every farm er’ s good enough for him
fused a9 to the direction that he had wife or mother could make better but­ sons are associated with him in the I
Miss Florence Houston left for left his companions, for hearing a crack­ ter than any o f her neighbors, it must business, tw o o f them who remained
Waldo, Josephine County, last Friday ing in the brush and catching sight of also be admitted that when it came to in Washington to carry on the business ;
to begin a term o f school.
some object which he supposed was a marketing the surplus at a profit, the there until the expiration o f their lease, ¡
having arrived here a few days ago. j
Watches and all kinds o f jew elry at deer he fired, the bullet passing through ' gentle bovine was not much o f a suc-
They now have on their farm a herd of
the Central Point Pharmacy. New the body o f Edgar Robinsou killing him cess. What was needed to bring this
30 cows and are arranging to increase j
stock just received. Call and see instantly. The remains were carried to industry to the front was somebody
the herd to 100 at an early date. This
11-tf camp and the return home immediately who thoroughly understood the dairying
herd will include strains o f blood from
Fred Mahn, o f Yoncalla, has taken commenced the party reaching Medford business, who could demonstrate to
as good milk producing herds as are to '
the position o f assistant agent and night
be found in the Northwest.
arrived from Gold Hill at noon and held running a dairy farm.
man at the Southern Pacific station.
While Mr. Marshall is a dairyman by ¡
an inquest, the jury returning a verdict
M. Marshall, who came here and
G. M. Bogart orders his copy o f the that deceased came to his death by a located permanently about two years breeding and inclination, he is n o :
H erald forwarded to Gold Hill, he gunshot wound inflicted by Albert Rob­ ago, was just such a man. Mr. Mar­ “ crank” on the subject to the ex-1
having removed to the C C. McLendon inson and that the killing was acciden­ shall was bom and raised in Western elusion o f other good things and he i
farm near that place.
New York, which is the pioneer com­ was not slow to realize the money­
E. L. Moore, who has been spending
Deceased was a son o f Mr. and Mrs. mercial dairying section o f the United making possibilities o f the fruit in­
the Summer at Klamath Falls, returned H. L. Robinson, well known people who States. His father was a dairyman dustry in this valley and, to show his
last week and is now employed at the live near Medford.
He was a devout before him and owned one o f the larg­ faith in that line, he has already put
Williams livery stables.
member o f the Christian churbh and a est and most profitable herds in that out 12 acres o f pears and apples and is
preparing to put out about 18 acres
A complete line o f watches has just member o f the Modern Woodmen of section. Our Mr. Marshall was raised
to the business. He followed it success more next Spring. He has also recent­
been received at the Central Point America.
fully in his native state until five years ly erected a commodious dwelling on
Pharmacy. Call and examine this stock
when a desire for a less rigorous his farm, and many other improvements
School Report.
before placing your order.
are contemplated.
A two-line want ad in the H erald
Report o f Central Point public school climate and a better opportunity for
secured a cook for the Hotel Pleasants for month ending October 12, 1906:
last week and domestic help is scarce
Number o f days taught 20; days at­ same line brought him to the West.
as hens’ teeth in this country. It pays tendance, 3855; days absent, boys 65, The family first located in the state of
Last Saturday evening at the home
to advertise.
girls 64, total 129; tardys, boys 21, girls Washington, near Seattle, where they
o f the bride’ s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Central Point has such a start now 14, total 35; number enrolled on regis­
for a term o f years, which they con­ C. H. Chapman, o f Willow Springs,
that it' is making some o f the citizens’ ter, boys 93, girls 119, total 212; aver­
ducted with marked success. N ot be­ was solmnized the marriage o f their
heads swim to watch the new buildings age daily attendance, 193; percent of
daughter, Miss Katie Chapman, to Mr.
attendance, 96; number o f visitors, 5; ing perfectly satisfied with the condi­
going up and the old ones being
Fred B. Test, o f Manton, California.
number cases o f corporal punishment 0.
paired, repainted, etc.
The bride was one o f Willow Springs’
The enrollment is 27 more than for get settled permanently on his own
S. F. Hathaway left some fine sam­
land, Mr. Marshall, two years ago, most popular yonng ladies, and the
ples of Newtown apples for the H erald the corresponding month last year and
traveled extensively over the states o f groom is a young man o f sterlin g!
window the other day and also some
Washington and Oregon and thoroughly qualities. The marriage was solmnized J
beautiful samples o f Ben Davis from er. Ten new pupils entered the school
the conditions in many by Rev. A. J. Hanby, o f this city, in I
the orchard o f Mr. Barnett, the nurs­ Monday, October 15, making the total
localities as they might affect his line the presence o f the bride’ s family and ,
enrollment 222.
A . J. H anby ,
ery man.
a few immediate friends.
Principal. o f business. He finally dropped into
Once upon a time there was an editor
The happy couple left Saturday even- j
Central Point, and, after studying the
who went out on the prairie and started
conditions here for a few days, decided ing for Manton, where Mr. Test has j
And Still They Come.
a newspaper and in a short time they
that he had at last found an ideal dairy­ business interests and a handsome
built a town around him. It would
ing locality. He purchased a farm o f home alrerdy prepared awaiting their i
seem that Central Point people have
Hardly a day passes but what new 184 acres about tw o miles north o f arrival. They take with them the best
been doing that very same thing as settlers arrive to assist in making the
town, paying $12,000 for it, and there wishes o f many friends in this county.
regards the H erald .
fertile valley o f the Rogue blossom as he is laying the foundation for a com­
Pear Record Broken.
bined dairying and fruit farm that is
Wm. Leathers and family, o f Hard­ the rose.
Wednesday o f last week Ira Marshall sure to yield him rich returns. Com
man, Morrow County, arrived last Fri­
and alfalfa, Mr Marshall says, is the
day to cast their lot with the people of
C. H. Lewis, who owns a fine orchard
this section o f the valley. They have shall arrived from Dungeness, Wash., perfect ration for a milch cow. When near Medford, received returns Tuesday
rented the Freel cottage, where they to make this place their permanent he came here two years ago and saw from a recent shipment o f Comice pears
will reside while Mr. Leathers is look­ home. They are sons o f M. Marshall, the com fields, almost equal in yield to that smashes the world’ s record for
who owns a fine fruit and dairy farm those in the great corn belt o f the mid­
ing around for a good farm to buy.
that class o f fruit.
This particular
just north o f town, and the united dle west and the alfalfa meadows yield­
shipment contained but 589 half boxes
Select a present for your w ife or
family will form a strong combination ing, without irrigation.
three and four o f pears, the car being filled out with
sweetheart from the jew elry stock at
in the work of putting the Central Point crops, and a tonnage equal to that o f | other fruit. The pears brought $4.00 j
the Central Point Pharmacy. New and
section in the front rank as an ideal
Yakima or the Payette, where water ' per half box or the phenominal price of
fruit and dairying community.
must be used in abundance and at heavy $8.00 per box.
A safe for the depot arrived yester­
day and Agent Kuper says that electric
E . L . Chapman Dead.
lights will be pul in the depot within a
few days. A well will also be drilled
E. L. Chapman, son o f Mr. and Mrs.
in the near future, all o f which indi­
cates that the S. P. is making an J. I. Chapman, formerly o f Sams Val­
N ow Open and Ready for
herculean effort to keep up with the ley, died at Phoeniz, Arizona, Tuesday
o f last week o f a complication o f dis­
procession in Central Point.
eases, aged 32 years.
F or S ale —A six-room dwelling in
Deceased was a resident o f this coun­
Central Point, in good repair. Barn, ty for some time and was highly re­
LA R G E ST C A P A C IT Y and most U P -T O -D A T E M A C H IN E R Y
good water, some fruit. A bargain. spected by a large circle o f acquaint­
in the Valley.
Inquire at this office.
tf ances. A few month ago his parents
A. L. Aitkins, o f Ashland, who re­ disposed o f their interests here and re­ W e pay patrons the F U L L V A L U E o f their product after paying
cently purchased a portion o f the Bow­ moved to Arizona in hopes that the
running expenses of the plant. This is a purely
ers farm on Rogue River, was in town salubrious climate o f that state would
Saturday. Mr. Aitkins is spending his restore him to health, but in this they
time on the farm, although his family were disappointed. He continued to
is still at Ashland, where they will re­ fail after going south, and death came and SH O U L D BE P A T R O N IZE D by everyone who wishes to
main during the Winter. He intends as above stated.
enjoy the full product o f his labor.
to make his permanent home in Central
The funeral was held at Phoenix on
G IV E U S A T R IA L and be convinced o f the success o f co-opera­
Point, but was unable to secure a house the 10th inst. Deceased was a brother
tion under business methods.
here this Fall and did not have time to o f E. Chapman, o f this city.
build. It is hardly too much to say
that more than twenty good houses
The H erald is not offering horse- C a n s f u r n is h e d F R E E a n d C r e a m S h ip p e d f r o m a l l
p o in t s b y e x p r e s s
could have been rented here this Fall chestnuts as an inducement for new
had they been available. Hardly a day subscribers, notwithstanding the report
passes but some stranger is inquiring to the contrary. W e offer nothing but
Central Point Creamery,
Central Point, Oregon.
for a house to rent.
advise, and that is always on tap here.
Local and Personal
BV ßR0,HE8-
NO. 26
The Marshall Dairy Farm.
The object o f all development
leagues is to induce immigration
o f good citizens from the eastern
states to the Rogue River Valley.
The Rogue River Land Co.
has been a pioneer in this devel­
opment business, having made
the first move in the valley to in­
duce desirable immigrants to re­
move here and to partake o f our
advantages and climate. In the
last two years we have located a
large number o f the best citizens
to be found in the valley. Cen­
tral Point has attracted many o f
The Rogue River Land com­
pany guarantees fair treatment
to its customers. W e will in a
short time again send a man east
to extol the merits o f this sec­
tion. Give us a credit mark and
boost our way. It is high time
for all sections o f this valley to
pull together and quit “ knock­
in g.”
Strictly Straight
Double Stam p ed W hiskey
! +
W e will ship you from 1 to
4 7-8 gallon, o f fine whis-
key or bast quality o f
Bottled Beer
By Dozen, Case or Barrel
• •
! • •
V. E . Snyder & Co.
M edford , O re .
• •
‘ ‘ The Best on E a r th ”
! *r
30 Cents the
Dozen for ’em
In Trade.
------------- BUSINESS-------------
Hop Cold Beer
Granfill & Robnett,
Leading Egg Merchants and
Dealers in Everything.
Teamsters with Teams Wanted
O R R G O .N