CEN TRAL POINT HERALD, THURSDAY. OCTOBER 11. 190G. C entral P oint H erald L ancaster & P attison , P ublishers S. A. P attison , E ditor . J. E. L ancaster , B usiness M anager st National Bank An independent local newspaper devoted to the interests of Central Point and the Rogue River Valley. Published Every Thursday. Subscription price, $1.50 'per year, advance. b t * r # 4 »• » H M d c l i M a t M r r , l i ; 4, I K K , »I Ik» I*®»* NWc » I 1 N i n i P w lM , O r m a , u « 4 e r tU. aol « ( f o u g r ca a «*/ Varrh *, I « » , W RITES O f OKLAHOM A P. J. Micken R is o u rc e s , $ 1 8 0 , 0 0 0 ! Jeweler OF MEDFORD Cash Capital, $ [ 0 , 0 0 0 ■I- H - l-H -H - I- I- I- l- l- l-i- I Permanently located in JONES’ CASH The Youngest and the Strongest STORE, Central Point. WE GUARANTEE ALL --- Wm. S. Crowell, F. K. Deuel, Chas. Strang, F. V. Carter, Geo. W. Dunr ] DEALER IN ! Rough and Dressed Lumber, Shingles, Doors, Windows, Etc. i Yard on track ir.aar depot. Estimates furnished. Let us figure on your lumber bill. CENTRAL POINT, OREGON -I—:-! Send the H erald to your friends. Wiil Return to Oregon. A i . d en , O k l a h o m a , Sept. 27, 1900. E d it o r H e r a l d :— Blacksmithing -Hi-I -J' l- M-l- l- l -l-l- l-l-l- H - H -l- l-l-l- i. |, I A WORD TO THE FARM ER-W hen you come to Centsal Point call at the Kandy Kitchen if you should be hungry. You can get a hot cup •of «coffee, butter and bread or cake for 10c and a little biftfuer for 15c, and a good square meal for 25c. If you want to take a lunch with you, such as sandwiches, cakes and pies, you can get it for from 10c to 25c. Canned lunch goods always on hand. We also carry fresh bread and cakes and pies of all kinds. A WORD TO THE BOYS AND GIRLS— Young and old—Think of i t ! Ice cream and cake, 10c; milk shake 5c: ice cream soda, 5c. Home made candies at from 15c to 26c per lb. Kandy O r . Pleasants Says it is a Good Country still. A more healthy country cannot he found anywhere, especially for those with weak lungs and those with rheu­ matism. Scarcely any consumption here and rheumatism is rare, and it was to get rid o f rheumatism that brought me here, and already I have been greatly benefitted. But aside from health, give me Ore­ gon, even if it does rain too much in Winter. Give me Oregon, I am an Oregonian, and will return. J. H P l e a s a n t s . ; J. h. G A Y Written guarantee on all work for 12 j T FAIR DEALING - FIDELITY - SAFETY months. High grade watch repairing -j- 1 j" [And guard our customers’ interests with the ame good faith we do i a specialty. Gold, silver, steel and soft soldering “ those o f the Bank. done successfully. A Member of American Bankers’ Association. We are Strongly Insured Against Burglary and Hold-Up' I Orders taken for evervthinv known « the jeweler’s line. Old gold andsilver WE SOLICIT YOIJR BUSINESS taken in exchange Wm. S. Crowell, President directors : F. K. Deuel, Vice-President M. L. Alford, Cashier 1 b 1-H - H - I'H -H- H- i-H ' l- H- Kitchen Blacks! East Pine Street After leaving Portland in coming here, I passed through no country that K. A . H A W K A . P . Gillett & Son looked any better to me than the Rugue Cenemi Bluckamithln, River Valley, in which Central Point is Central Point Repair work of all kinds. situated, but a great deal that was in­ Wood Turning and Scroll Work. ferior to it; but it may have been bet­ Horseshoeing and Wagonwork ter than it looked, however, for a car Cast Iron Brazing window is a poor place to judge a coun­ CENTRAL POINT, OR. - H - :~¡- I- H - H- I- l- H- H—H -H -M -H -l-H 1 1 ¡ I I I 1 M | 1 try from. On reaching Kansas I was surprised Must Attend School at the great improvements of that state since I left there but a few years ago. .;—;— r—? I— The farms, towns and buildings of all It is compulsory for children to at­ H O T EL IN CON N ECTIO N kinds, as well as the stock of all kinds, tend school. The last legislature passed indicate thrift, enterprise and pros­ a law making it such, o f which the perity. But the winds of Kansas, the following are the principal provisions: Shorty Williams, Prop. I same as here in Oklahoma, are holy Sec. 2. No child under 14 years of terrors; yet they gave me a kind of age shall be employed in any factory ¡home feeling and reminded me of days store, workshop, in or about any mine, Fast Horses, First-class Rigs, areful. Experienced Drivers. past when I lived there, especially so or in the telegraph, telephone or public j Daily Stage to Eagle Point. When 1 passed over the track of a messenger service. 'cyclone that preceded me but a few HAS JUST RECEIVED A N E W BUNCH i ; ; Special attention to Commercial Men. Sec. 3. No child under the age of 11 weeks, tearing up houses and killing years shall be employed in any work, or : ! I -H - t- I- H - H - K -H -i-i-W -I- l- t-i- l-I-l-H- H - l- H - m - H - l-H - t-H- H - H - H -H !■ ! several persons. But in way of good labor of any form, for wages or other country, rapid improvements and prog­ compensation to whomsoever payable, j ress, no country has ever equaled Okla­ during the hours when the public school j homa. I was over a considerable part of the town, district or city in which he o f the Indian territory—now Oklahoma or she resides are session. ■M- H - l- H- H - H - H- l- H - H- l-HH - H -H - H -H U M -FM I I I H - —more than twenty years ago, when Sec. 4. Attendance at school shall be the whole country was overrun with compulsory upon all children between | •I-i-H- H - H - l-H " • -H -H -H —K - wild Indians and almost equally wild the ages of 8 and 14 years during the Manufacturers of alJ classes of cowboys; and now to see tile country whole of the school term in the city, crossed up with railroads, and numerous town or village in which the child re­ Marble and Granite Designs furnished & cities larger than Ashland or Grants sides, and upon all children between the j or will manufa- Cemetery Work Pass and doing ten times as much busi­ ages of 14 aud 16 who are not employed \ cure from private ness as either of those cities, seems in some lawful work. drawings. strange, but such is true. Sec 6 provides that any employer i Our Granite Quarries, near Central Point, are I am writing this in the southern part or corporation employing children under the finest on the Coast. Electric polishing of the state, which has been settled but 16 years of age must hold an age and j machines in our local factory. Iron fencing. Fine Cold A L B A N Y BEER on draught six years, and almost within the Wichi­ schooling certificate and keep a com­ CENTRAL POINT, OREGON or by the bottle, for personal delivery ta mountains. They are called moun­ plete list of all children employed. tains here, are bare of timber and, in Sec. 11 provides a minimum fine of | or by express or freight. way of height, hardly equal the foot­ $10 for the first offense, and a maxi- j hills that surround Central Point, yet mum penalty of 30 days in jail on the I possess some grandeur, and they do third offense, for all violations of these Central Point trade solicited. much in the way of relieving the vast provisions. amount of surrounding level country of Sec. 12 provides a fine of from $5 its terrible monotony. But a few years to $25 for any parent or guardain who entral o in t h ar m acy ago, comparatively speaking, this part permits a child to he employed contrary fl-H -H -l- H -H -H -H- H - H - l of Oklahoma was in possession of the to this statute. Kiawa and (kjmanche Indians, the most savage of all tribes, and were always M A R Y A . M E E . P r o p r ie to r :: at war with the whites, were very ex Willing to Insure Water pert with the scalping knife and quite * * accommodating in that way. They PRINTING THAT PRINTING slighted none, for they scalped men, The George Harmon Well Drilling i * • PLEASES women and children all alike when they Company, o f Sandusky, Ohio, has made THAT PLEASES could do so without danger to their the following proposition to the city of PARTICULAR PEOPLE cowardly selves. These same Indian Medford, to bore for a supply of arte- : L V tribes are here now and their allot­ sian water for citv use: PEOPLE WHO PAY ments—which they are too lazy and “ Will drill a 21-inch hole 1000 feet for indolent to work and improve - com­ $10,000; 1500 feet for $12,000 an.i 2000 . : prise the best lands. They arc peace­ 1’eet for $15,000. able and friendly now because they “ Will insure a flow o f 25,000 gallons 1 have tu he; lazy, indolent and filthy per hour $20,000. because it is their nature to be so. A l “ Will insure a flow of 7,500 gallons few o f them are said to be fairly pros­ per hour for $28,000 and a flow of 10,000 perous, hut the greater number are gallons per hour for $45,000. the same us ever—just Indians. “ Insurance of water not good after Corn, wheat, cotton and broom-corn December 1st, providing the ice plant's , are the principal crops grown here and well is a dry hole, if same is a wet hole $ the amount that was raised this season insurance still holds good, regardless of When in the city give me a call. You will find my goods first- -which was better thun common was the amout of flow. immense to say the least. Nearly dass and my prices reasonable. “ If said insurance wells do not flow i $ every quarter section is in cultivation, full capacity as stated the said city or and land is already high and will he any other person will not he responsible higher still from now on. to the George Harmon Well Drilling For corn, wheal and cotton, this part Campany for a cent." T IS TO OUR INTEREST TO TURN OUT of Oklahoma is a success, provided it U CENTRAL POINT OREGON rains. Alfalfa does fairly well, hut j* Printing that will please our customers. We are t nothing like in Oregon. Gardens here Bvbec Ranches for Sale j. 1,1 «■ don't begin to Compare with those in V fully equipped to do all classes of Commercial and ' ttfegon, and when it comes to fruit From and after this date. I will ael1 ,' the country is new anil has not had a ASHLAND Job Printing and we respectfully solicit your orders H - i- l- l- H I i l-l-l-H 'H I I 1 r m » M ' fair test, hut in my .opinion, it will to the best advantage, and for cash, .j. in never he a success. I Drought with me all or any portion of those two certain Ijl a few apples from Mr. John Barnet’s ranches known as the Bybee River T LETTER HEADS orchard, near the Bear Creek bridge, Ranch, at the llybee bridge oil Rogue -j- river, consisting of 1240 acres, and the J BILL HEADS that iny friends here might see what ASHLAND, ORE. T •j an Oregon apple looks like. A number Bybee Antelope Ranch, consisting of STATEMENTS Complete and thorough training in ft saw them and several helped eat them 1560 acres. With the By bee River Ranch will he sold that portion of the ' and pronounced them the finest apples ENVELOPES COMMERCIAL, SHORTHAND they ever saw. Such an orchard here crop upon the part purchased. This ■ I DODGERS AN D ENGLISH BRANCHES would lie worth a fortune, hut such, in ranch is partly under irrigation anil my o| inion, will never he, for no one more can lie put under irrigation. Excellent equipment and every ap-to- POSTERS Address me at Agate, Oivgon. country esn (Hive ffU advantage date feature. V. E. B y b e e . Drouth is the worst drawback to this 12-tf VISITING CARDS •!: CIGARS, TOBACCOS X Individual Instruction country and comes often, though this BUSINESS CARDS season there was more rain than was & CONFECTIONERY The expenses are the lowest and the NOTICE. needed and which injured some crops. Or anything else that you may need. advantage« the best. Our graduates Another drawback to this country are employed and more demanded. Call and let us figure with you. We are.here to is thut w hen it does rain, it don t rain All persons having claims against the ICE CREAM AN D SODA in a good civilised and gentle way, but Hastings Industrial company on account stay and to help you make Central Point worth At Reasonable Rates (tours, and ia often accompanied by j o f the building of the Central Point while. Help us with your printing orders. wind and hail that do crops as much or creamery, ale requested to present the LUNCH GOODS No more thorough and complete busi­ mole injmy than the rain does good. same at once to the undersigned or at ness training can be had anywhere and Cyclones are dreaded, and every house- the Central Point State Bank, with the ho'i er, either in town or country, con- pro(#r vouchers. I desire to settle all the expense o f securing such a course rideia a cyclone «logout as indispensable matter* ofctl 1* kind at once. here ia but little more than half the Eagle Point. Oregon lu bob into in case of a cyclone, as an H J. T urner , expense in the larger citiee. ( regon squirrel doe* a hole to run ill to Adjuster. to escape the hoy's target rifle. But Add reus: taking it all in all, Oklahoma is a great 8 4 turnin' for ti p H erald , P. RITNER, A M„ Pré» -l-H -H -i-HW- fr-f-H -M . I H I H -i-l -b giur.trv, and in tim«> will la- greater 1 NH- H I-SM« H- H W Black; Central Point W heels Livery Shafts Stables Price, the Horseshoer, Tongues W heels J. W . J a c o b s & C o . Murphy Downing “ Ivy Leaf Saloon” C P Pure Fresh P Drugs and Medicines Druggists* Sundries, Toilet Articles, Stationery Books, Etc. ... - __ _ -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ You Pay fo r Printing And We Print for Pay I Î Commercial C o lle g e ! H. W a t k i n s f Central point Herald