Central Point herald. (Central Point, Or.) 1906-1917, October 11, 1906, Image 1

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V O L-
Local and Personal
Al i. e Snowy Butte Orchard.
P O IN T .
O R E G O N .
T H U R S D A Y ,
The Norcross Orchard
O C T O B E R 11. 1906.
N O . 25
•H - H - H - M - H H I I I I I l-l l » I 1 I H .
Gondonites Arrive
Another delegation o f Condon people
The Snowy Butte Orchard, which ad­
One o f the prettiest and richest
joins the Central Point townsite on the sights in all o f this Rouge River Vailey arrived in the valley a few days ago to
Miss Eva Norcross visited iYiends in ou'h. is an industry o f which every res- land o f horticultural wonders just now locate in this favored region. They are
Medford Sunday.
thi j faction o f the valley should is the apple crop in the fine orchard of L. A. Chamberlain and family and
f Miss Esther Merritt visited friends in pe proud. That portion which is n«>w in W. H. Norcross, one-half mile east Messrs. Lewis and Lee Shellman.
bearing, containing 160 acres, is about from town. Every tree is literally There being a scarcity o f houses for j
Medford Saturday.
I 17 years old and is this year producing 1 loaded to the limit with fruit, and in rent in Central Point, Mr. Chamberlain
W a n t e d — A cook a t Hotel Pleasants.
j its banner crop. It was planted by 01- size and coloring the quality cannot be secured a place in Medford, where he
Wages $30 per month.
well & Son at a time
when fruit grow- surpassed in any country on earth.
will spend the Winter and will probably
Mrs. Van Hardenburg is visiting her j ing, as a commercial proposition, was a
The bearing trees' in Mr. Norcross’ i invest in a good farm in this section o f
daughter, Mrs. Clift, o f this city.
! decided experiment and it must have | orchard comprise Ben Davis, Newtown the valley between now and Spring.
Mrs. Mary Middlebusher, o f Trail, required some nerve as well as faith and Spitzenberg, three o f the best Lew Shellman, who is an expert mason
was in after supplies on Wednesday. and foresight for men to take chances moneymakers grown anywhere. While and plasterer, secured employment on
on a full quarter section o f apple trees. the Ben Davis do not command so high the new school building here and com­
S. S. Aiken, one o f Prospect’ s promi­
Mr. F. H. Hopkins, the present a price in the markets as the Newtowr.s menced work Monday morning, and his
nent business men, spent Thursday in
| proprietor, purchased the orchard about and Spitzenbergs they make up for brother is working his teams at Med­
our city.
j two years ago and since that time the that shortcoming in the prodigal crops, ford.
F. H. Webb has moved his business ! property has been improved to a won- which the orchardist can count on every
The people coming to this valley from
into his new building which has just ¿erf ui extent. Some mistakes were season with almost absolute certainty. Gilliam County are just the class o f I
been completed.
made in the selection of varieties when This season the Ben Davis in the Nor- whom we need plenty—good citizens
Mrs. A. L. Harvey, a well known the orchard was pianted, but since Mr. crot3 orchard are yielding better than with means to go ahead with. Jack-
pioneer resident of Gold Hill, visited Hopkins became the owner all the un­ twenty boxes to the tree, and while 800 County is fortunate that when they
profitable varieties have been eliminat­ not many o f this variety have been prepared to leave the great wheat belt
friends here Tuesday.
ed by being cut back and the stubs top gathered so far, the owner feels safe they turned their faces in this direction.
F. R. Moore and family, who have
------------------------ ,
grafted to standard varieties. Besides in counting on at least 3000 boxes o
been Spending the Summer at Bly, re­
this, every vacant space where a tree first-class fruit from his 200 trees. The
Important Timber Deal
turned home last Saturday.
was missing has been reset, as well as Newtowns and Spitzenbergs are mak­
The ladies o f the Christian Church 100 acres to new orchard adjoining the ing about twelve boxes or better to the 1
One o f the most important timber
will give a dinner and bazaar at the old on the west. But by far the most j tree, which is considered a very heavy
land deals which has been consumated
Christian Church on Thanksgiving day. important improvement o f all is that of crop for these top-notch varieties,
in this cv'.ntv for some time was closed
Your patronage is solicited.
securing water for irrigation.
At a
Mr. Norcross expects to ship at least
last Friday at Medford, when W. I.
Watches and all kinds o f jewelry at heavy expense during the past Summer 5000 boxes o f strictly first grade apples Vawter and his associates transferred
the Central Point Pharmacy. New
to the Iowa Lumber & Box Co. 5800
stock just received. Call and see from the Fish Lake Ditch company and are really as fine fruit as any except in acres o f choice timber land in the sugar
size and coloring, will bring him a con­
pine belt east o f this city, the con­
o f way and constructing several miles siderable sum on the side. The N ew ­
sideration being $164,400. The same
W . E. Price, the horseshoer, is hav­
o f ditch to his property hindered him in towns are shipped direct to London and
parties also transferred to the Butte
ing his shop improved with a few coats
securing the water quite soon enough Liverpool, England, where they com­
Fails Lumber Co. a tract o f timber
o f paint at the hands o f Artist Hay and
for the very best results this season, mand the highest prices o f any apples
laud ;n the same section o f country,
his force. Price is doing this just to
the size, coloring and quality o f the
the price being $38,000. Such deals at
show that in Central Point prosperity
The harvesting o f a big crop o f ap­
fruit at this time clearly demonstrates
this time are encouraging, indicating
will not even let the blacksmiths alone,
the fact that water is required to ob­ ples in a commercial orchard is an in-
as they do that activity in the latent
regardless o f Price.
tain the best results in growing high ! teresting process. The orchardiata o f
rich timber resources o f this region
Several of our young people went to , grade fruit in this valley. Mr. Hop- this valley are getting their business
may soon be expected to materialize.
Medford last Friday evening to take in kins is so well pleased with his invest-' thoroughly systematized and the work
Although, as yet, nothing definite
the show, among whom were Miss Fay ment and with the climatic and com- is handled with the same precision and
can be learned as to the intentions of
Pleasants, Miss Maud Gray, Mr. Miller, 1 mercial advantages o f this valley that attention to details as is that o f any
the new owners of the M edford-C rater
Miss Margueiite Holmes, Mr. Hanna, he is erecting an elegant home here I other industrial or commercial business.
Lake railroad as regards the com­
Miss Anna Pankey, Mr. Shipley Ross and making other extensive improve- The pickers are divided into two squads
pletion o f that line, the logical con­
and Mr. Glenn Pleasants.
meets with a view to making the —ground men and ladder'men. The for­
clusion to be drawn from this activity
A complete line o f watches has just Snow Butte orchard the permanent mer pick all the fruit that can be con­
in the timber land market is that there
been received at the Central Point abiding place o f himself and family. veniently reached from the ground and
is likely to be "something doing” some­
Pharmacy. Call and examine this stock He is about completing one o f the are followed by the ladder men, who
where before many moons pass. It
before placing your order.
11-tf best, i f not the best residence, in finish the tree. This method is follow­
may mean that there will yet be a race
Jackson County, besides a modem ed to avoid the danger o f knocking off
D. W. Stone and wife, o f Sacremento,
into the timber belt between the M. &
horse bam 60x100 feet. The improve­ fruit from the lower limbs with the
are here visiting his parents and other
C. L. and the projected line from Cen­
ments being made on the place this
relatives. Mr. Stone is a railroad man,
tral Point. But no matter which gets
ground is a “ Becond” and is not put in
year will cost something like $10,000.
being a brakeman on the passenger
there first, it will benefit both towns to
A representative o f the H erald the box with the first-class fruit, i
run between Sacremento and Dunsmuir.
g et the timber to market
called at the Snowy Butte orchard the Great care is therefore exercised to i
He is an enthusiastic fisherman and
other day to take a look at the harvest­ avoid this, as a picker can easily lose I
while here he did not fail to take ad­
for his employer more than the price j Mrs. Charles Jefferys and Mrs. Fred
vantage o f the excellent fishing in ing o f the pear crop. Mr. Hopkins has
o f his day’s wages by dropping less Wiley, o f this city, spent Thursday
Rogue River.
afternoon at the grape vineyards,
orchard and from this small plat o f than 100 apples. ’For this reason fast
bringing home some o f Southern Ore­
Select a 'present for your w ife or
ground he will harvest from 10 to 12 picking is not demanded nor encour­
gon’s -finest grapes- and a pleasant
sweetheart from the jew elry stock at
car loads o f choicest fruit, which will aged, at least to that extent as would
smile, it being Mrs. J .’s birthday.
the Central Point Pharmacy. New and
net him f. o. b. here $2 per box, or at breed carelessness. Apples which rep­
the rate o f $500 a car. Think o f it. resent 2J to 3 cents each net to the
Stanley Aitkin, a pioneer resident of
W . C. Leever brought in some splen­ From $10,000 to $12,000 from 15 acres grower are worth handling with care, Prospect and for many years post­
did specimens o f Spitzenberg and N ew­ o f ground. Is it any wonder the and that is about what the Rogue River master, merchant and hotelman at that
town apples from his young orchard in H erald and all the other boosters of Valley product stands for.
I place, came down from there last week ;
Mr. Norcross will put out 20 acres of and left Friday for a year’s visit at his j
the foothills Saturday that, are hard to this wonderful valley get enthusiastic
beat. The former weigh 15 ounces once in a while? These same pear Comice pears this Fall, and when they old home in New York state
His i
and the latter 16 ounces each. They trees have not been bearing well for a come into bearing he will have a fruit children, two sons and a daughter, will
are from
six-year-old trees. Mr. few years past, but last Winter they farm that will be worth talking about. remain in this city during his absence
to continue their studie»in eur excellent
Leever’s orchard is said to be one o f were heavily pruned, and at the time
J. W. Abbott, a resident o f Eagle public schools.
the best and most thrifty o f its age in they most needed moisture the water
the valley.
was turned on them and the result Point, was accidentally killed while en­
Wanted—A good girl for general shows for itself. A drive through the gaged in logging on Wagner Creek last
housework. Enquire o f Mrs. W. H. orchard in company with Superintend­ week. While loading a heavy log a
A fine, new Richmond piano may be
Norcross at Norcross orchard, one mile ent Tom Pankey was a revelation. The dead tree, to which a chain had been
east from Central Point.
19tf pear trees can best be described in the attached to facilitate the loading, broke bought at a rare bargain. Instrument
words o f the boy telling o f the cats in off and falling across Mr. Abbott, kill­ can be seen at the home o f Prof. A. J.
I. J. Estes, who is well known as a his back yard—it is just one solid pear. ed him instantly. He leaves a widow Hanby, !n whose care it has been left.
melon grower, le ft a wonderfully large In the apple orchard may be seen miles and seven children.
M rs . J. II. P l e a s a n t s .
cluster o f grapes in the H erald ex­ o f trees loaded to the limit with mag­
hibit window the other evening, but nificent fruit.
through an unfortunate accident they
Abont 40 people are now at work
dropped to the floor and were badly de­ harvesting the pears. Men gather the
fruit in the orchard, from where it is
The-M«riford laundry wagon will call hauled to the packing house, where ex­
N o w Open and Readv for
for work in Central Point each Monday pert graders sort out the seconds, or
afternoon and Friday morning. Expert inferior grades, and young ladies are
ironers from City Hall French laundry, employed to pack them in boxes for
San Francisco, employed. First class the market. Every pear is wrapped
L A R G E S T C A P A C I T Y an d m ost U P - T O - D A T E M A C H I N E R Y
work guaranteed.
in paper and packed snugly in its place,
in the V alley .
y . W. Ingram, who has been at Soda
Springs for several weeks, has return­ measure so that when the lid is pressed W e p ay patrons the F U L L V A L U E o f their product a ft e r p ay in g
ru n n in g exp en ses o f the plant.
T his is a purely
ed home very much improved in health. down and securely nailed not a pear
Mr. Ingram has been for years a suf­ can move or become bruised in the long
ferer from asthma, and he found the ride across the continent, and some
vapor baths at the Springs the most across the Atlantic, to a market.
A fte r the pears are harvested rand and S H O U L D B E P A T R O N I Z E D by ev eryon e w h o w ish es to
efficacious treatment he has yet tried
en jo y the fu ll product o f his labor.
for that ailment. The vapor baths are shipped, the apples will 'be gathered
strongly impregnated with carbonic and stored in the big packing houses
U S A T R I A L an d be convinced o f the success o f co -o p era­
acid gas, which, Mr. Ingram thinks, is until the crop is all in, when the grad­
tion u n d er business methods.
an excellent treatment for pulmonary ing and packing will be dsne without
regard to the weather. It is expected
and bronchial troubles.
the apple crop will yield from 15 to 20 C a n t fu rn ish e d F R E E an d C rea m Shipped fro m
F or S a l e - A six-room' dwelling in cars o f sélect fru it.
points by express
Central Point, in good repair. Bam,
good water, some fruit. A bargain.
C entral Point, O rego n .
Inqmrwat this office.
Send the 'H b r a ld to your friends.
C e n tr a l P o in t C ream ery ,
Hop Cold Beer
The object o f all development
leagues is to induce immigration
o f good citizens from the eastern
states to the Rogue River Valley.
The Rogue River land Co.
has been a pioneer in this devel­
opment business, having made
the first move in the valley to in­
duce desirable immigrants to re­
move here and to partake of our
advantages and climate. In the
last two years we have located a
large number o f the best citizens
to be found in the valley. Cen­
tral Point has attracted many of
The Rogue River Land com­
pany guarantees fair treatment
to its customers. W e will in a
short time again send a man east
to extol the merits o f this sec­
tion. Give us a credit mark and
boost our way. It iB high time
for all sections o f this valley to
pull together and quit “ knock­
Strictly Straight
Double Stamped Whiskey
W e will ship you from 1 to
4 7-8 gallons o f fine whis­
key or best quality o f
Bottled Beer
By Dozen, Case or Barrel
V. E . Snyder & Co.
M edford , O re .
“ T h e B est on E a rt h ”
■H-H - l- H -H -H -l- l -l-1 1 I I H H I I
30 Cents the
Dozen for ’em
In Trade.
Granfill & Robnett,
Leading Egg Merchants and
Dealers in Everything.
Teamsters with Teams Wanted
B y
th e