C E N TR A L PO IN T HERALD, THURSDAY. OJTOBER 4, 190«. ■ViVjp-'a t -------------------- A ll K in d s o f R e p a ir I A G o o d Investment P ro m p tly W o rk Done Satisfactio AMATEUR ROSE GROWING. C E N T R A I. Jeffers & Peart F o r Insects, H a r d y R o u « R e* Q u i r e L i t t l e Cu r e. From now until the ground Is too biir^ to break with a pick rosea may be successfully planted. Roses make a belter showing when mussed, but wherever the individual bushes may be put give them u sunny spot. They love the sunshine und not too much wind, so i f the exposure is wind swept it will be well to set up a hedge. The bushes must not be so near or so high as to shude the roses. Yet if the ground about them Is sandy' and the sun very hot the flowers will be glad of a little shade during the warmest weather. A location which gives the shade of a few trees for a short time during the day Is Just the place for j them. The soil must be n strong rich loam that is well drained. I f there is cluy in it, so much the better. Most heavy loam contains enough, and hybrid per­ petual roses do well In this, especially If the earth has a good many librous I roots in it. Tea roses, on the contrary, j like a #nmly gravel to grow In. It ] must be spaded to a good depth and all the stones, roots and grass re­ moved. Well rotted stable fertilizer should he fed the plants abundantly, for roses can hardly be too much enriched. The fertilizer must be well rotted or It will burn the roots of the plants and hinder growth, If it does not kill them. The hybrid perpetuáis are best of all garden roses for growing 111 the northern states. Teas usually have to be protected with some kind of bed ding. May be found in our Residence and Business Property in CENTRAL P O IN T TH E most rap'dly growing town in the Rogue River Valley. N OW IS TH E TIM E TO INVEST in lots and blocks before the Fall rush o f homeseekers have picked out the choice I property. Central Point is the most centrally located town in the valley and is th DA IR Y IN G , 1 r TH E RICHEST FRUIT, FAR M IN G and M IN IN G Pacific Coast. REGION on the Its climatic, commercial, social and educa­ tional advantages are unsurpassed and at the present low prices, every parcel o f our property is a RARE B AR G AIN . General Blacksmiths & Woodworkers HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY We treat you and your horses right T-H-H-1-H-K "M -I"I,,M"M"H--M ,,I"H 1 1 Do You I H -H M I H I I 1 Need FURNITURE OR CARPETS ? See W e e k s B a k e r !: T h e ir Goods are K irst-class M EDFORD OREGON* Ï -H -I-l-l-H "! t-H -H -l-l-H -H - G. S. MOORE DEALER IN Cigars, Tobaccos, Confectioneries and Soft Drinks N O V E L T R E E MOVING. F o r the Next 3 0 D a y s i A E l m In M o v e d on L i k e a House. ICE CREAM PARLORS IN CONNECTION R olle r«, Posti Office Bnidlug A beautiful specimen of the Ameri cau elm was moved by Alexander Klokner, landscape architect, In the manner shown In the Illustration. To vacnto a lot where a street was to bo cut through It became necessary to cut down the tree or to move It sixty five feet toward the east. It was decided to move it, the work being carefully laid out by Mr. Klokner, and six men accomplished It In two days. In spite of the sandy loam which constituted the ball it arrived at Its destination In perfect shape. This was due largo We are offering choice business lots at from $150 each and upwards; and choice residence property at $50 and upwards. Giant Now is the time to invest, before an ad­ vance in prices is made.. Call on or address: CENTRAL POINT TOWNSITE CO. •l-l- l-l-l-l-l-l-H - l-l-l-l-l-H -H -H - l- l-H -H 'I-; I-H -H -M-H -l-H-l-H '-l I I I I j! Hay & Learned P a i n t i n g , L 'e c o r n t i n g a n d P a p e r - H a n g in g In A ll Its B r a n c h e s . CENTRAL P O IN T . O R . ¡ ! -H-l-l- H -H -H -H -l-H -H -H -H 1 H -l VERS - P retty A u stralian ria n t Pleasin g; P e r f u m e . Central Point, Oregon •H-M-H-M-H- FADELESS FLOWER. A : I-1-I-I"l-H "l-I-M-1-H-H-M-1"I"1"1"I"1"1"H"I"M -I"t-1. i--:—;—I—:-:--:-!—:--:—:--:—'—:—:--:--:— s W : -l-H-l-H--H-H-t-l-H-H-l-H-H-H--H-H-I-I- H -l-I"l-l"l"l"l 'l l-l"l"l-l | | | | |.| ; C EN TRA L POINT, OREGON. FRUiT : W ith Some Tery sensational statements have been given out concerning the prospective value of the new fadeless flower developed by Luther Burbitnk, Santa Rosa, Cal. It Is declared the blooms are so attractive and perma­ nent that they may be expected large­ ly to displace artificial flo t v e r B for mil­ linery and similar decorative purposes. Burbank's variety is not to be given to the public for a year or two, but seed of Cephallpterum drummondll, the spe­ cies from which It was selected, Is freely offered this season by leading seedsmen for 25 cents a packet. This plant, a half hardy annual, was discov­ ered In central Australia not long ago. It Is easily grown from seeds, quickly when dried, as the attachment to the stalk Is of a rather flimsy character. The color, though delicate nud agree­ able, will not suit every oue. The re­ tained perfume Is a pleasing feature we have not noticed In other garden everlastings, though It Is common with many grasses used for drying, con­ cludes Rural New Yorker, in com­ menting upon the new floral sensation. P la n tin g Straw berries. t •:-i-;-:-;-;-!-;-i-;-i'-i-i-i-i-H--H-H-H-i-H-;-H - i-i- i- i"i-i-i-i-H ' n i n n i l i » * ¡¡P R O F E S S IO N A L l * •• Physician and Surgeon EAGLE POINT, OREGON MRS, M A R Y ASH U RST STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS ONLY WHITE HELP EMPLOYED ■ • '■ WM. W. F». H O L T , M. II t M O V IN G A B IG T R E E ON H O LLE R S. HOTEL PLEASANTS ly to the unusual amount of fibrous roots which were kept constantly moist during the Journey. The foliage never showed any 111 effects from the moving. | Central Point, Oregon Rollers were put under the ball, and j the tree was carried along as easily ) as moving a house. "The people who Rates—$1.00 Up. S p e c ia l A ttention lived near the tree were Indignant at Special by the Week P aid to T r ave ling M en our work,” said Mr. Klokner, “ but their bet was met, and we did the smoking. The tree today Is us beau-1 $ .HH- H - l-l-'H " H --l-l"l- l"b-H ''b'H - l- l- l-I--l ‘l"l-TT--I-t-I H - H - l-H -l-l"l"l-l' H I 1 1 J tiful as over. The cost o f the moving was $31.” —Gardening. It has always been my practice to — Teacher of — plant strawberries in rows three and one-half feet apart, and the distance lu O rgan the rows depends very much on the .P ian o an d variety. With such rank growing va­ rieties as the Excelsior three feet In a row’ Is plenty close enough. They will fill up then. But, taking a variety like Inquire of Pleasants’ Hotel. the Novice or the Bubach, fifteen or S t r a w b e r r y C u lture. eighteen Inches would be better. There R. L. HALE Fourteen years’ experience lu straw is quite a little said about pedigree | DR. A. B. SW EET J. H. FITZGERALD berry culture shows the best plan la to plants. I have had some experience follow nature us nearly as possible PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. along that line. All the pedigree I aud keep u firm soil underneath the want Is a good, thrifty plant true to Diseases of Women and Children a strawberry, writes u New Jersey the name, plenty o f manure nud plenty farmer lu Itural New Yorker. It re­ Specialty o f cultivation. That covers the whole quires a Ann soil to grow In nud do its Day and Night Calls Answered. pedigree business as far ns my Judg best. Avoid the rank, heavy growth i MEDFORD, OREGON. rnent goes. In propagating strawberry that causes the berries to mold aud rot plants It Is not like vegetables that can ou the vines before they are ripe. When I ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING be grown from seed. A plant Is noth­ once you set out a good profitable sort j Constructing, Contracting and ing more than a cutting, and I have keep It In the same field or beds year General Repairing. Electrical never seen that there was any chance after year by building up after fruit I Supplies. — Phone 831 - - - - o f Its ehnnglng Its character that way. lug. In this way you can keep the soil —A New Jersey Strawberry Specialist. underneath firm and grow largo and successful crops each seuson from the C Street, Opposite Postoffice MEDFORD, OREGON - J H o u r Cat tin g:« . game beds without plowing or reset & U The time to Insert cuttings of roses ting plants and at very little expense. Is about the end of September or the month o f October. Tbelr growth then K a l « l n i r C h ic o r y . Is practically complete and the shoots A light aud moderately rich soli Is | are fairly firm. recommeuded for chicory. The seed Is A plan which has been often success­ sown lu drills twelve Inches apart ami ful is to take an ordinary garden one Inch deep. They are thinned to frame, stand It on a bard bottom amt from six to ulne leches and hoed fro In It place a compost made up of H e a l Krttate A «o n tH C e n t r a l P o in t quently through the summer. Iu Kug loam, self mold and sand in equal pro­ land It Is found tbnt chicory may be We now have the exclusive sale o f some fine alfalfa portions. This must lie thoroughly In­ produced In winter In mushroom, corporated and when placed In posi­ NEW FADELESS FLOWEB. bouses or In boxes under greenhouse farms, grain and fruit lands, stock ranches, unimproved benches where a temperature of 00 making good sized plants, growing tion and pressed down firmly should degrees can be had. In some localities timber lands and gold-bearing quartz ledges, partly devel­ freely in any light garden soil. The be about six inches deep. It must then be watered and allowed to stand a few In France caves or cellars are much blooms are shown In the Illustration. days before Inserting the cuttings. Best Quality of oped. Business and residence property at reasonable prices. Used for forcing chicory.—American Tbq color of the flewer varies from Goods. Lowest Cultivator. blush white to a very pretty rosy crim­ These should be taken from shoots We respectfully solicit the homeseekers' patronage. Our Prices. son, and flowers are produced In great which have borne the first crop of motto is, “ Small Commission and Square Dealing." roses of the year, as they will then be profusion lu clusters at the end of In the half ripened condition required. FRUIT AND FLOWER NOTES m every branch. There Is a faint but They must be stripped off with a agreeable fragrance that Is preserved slight heel and not cut from the plant. Bush fruits may be set In the fall. to a slight extent when the blooms are Highest Prices Paid for Farm Four Inches Is the proper length for Strawlterrles are planted In Septem­ l-i-H-l-H - l- H -l-l-l- I-l- l- l-H -HH-l-l-l-l- ; -l-H-l- l-l-H -l-l-l-H -H -h'l 1 I f » M M » dried. The color and shape are pre­ Products. the cuttings.—Washington Star. ber. served In the dried flower, as Is the case, with other popular everlastings, Sow flower seeds now for winter P osts and S h akes for S a l e H y a c in t h B e d «. Immortelles or eternal flowers, long bloom In windows or conservatory. Beds for hyacinth planting should EAGLE POINT, OR. known In our gardens, such as xenau W et lands are not fit for orchards, bo prepared with one-half of rotted themum, bellchrysum, gompbrena aud and especially If set to fruit trees it turfy loam and one-half of equal por­ the hellpterums. formerly catalogue-1 should not be done In the fall. tions of rotted manure, leaf mold and as acroellnium and rbodanthe. This Hard wooded cuttings of deutxla sand. The beds should be rounded up new Australian everlasting as now o f­ two to four Inches above the path to All kinds of stationery, blank books, may be taken In the fall and treated fered Is not equal in beauty to many In the same manner as currant cut­ carry off superfluous water. ! fancy letter papers, mourning note, of these old favorites, and It is not tings. Hickory Wagons, Buggies and Farm 'Japanese goods—from cheapest grades easy to understand why such great As there is usually fine weather aft­ H e a v y T h in n in g : F o r Plains. value and Interest are assigned to Bu •- ! to finest quality—at the Central Point er the first frosts many plants and Implements. The Americana plants fruit ao heav­ bank's selection, even though It may | flowen may be kept presentable for ily that In an experiment conducted a* Pharmacy produce larger and finer blooms. aueh weather by protecting them on the Wisconsin experiment atatlon It The floweis of Cephallpterum d r u : I nights when the cold Is likely to nip was found that nearly four-fifths of CENTRAL POINT, OREGON mondll are ueat and the color attractive, them the crop should be removed In order FOR SALE. lint they show little Indication of l>»l> i I ,T to set really satisfactory results. Clean, seed rye. S. M. N e alo n , mere durable than other Immortel! i Rogue River Electrical Construction Company G EO . BROWN SONS D o w n i n g ct E m r y General Merchandise H. W ARNER & SON Lumber, Doors, Windows Building Hardware, . Old. Table Bock. Subscribe for the IlKCALP. .< »v H h i 1 1 I I 1 I I I ! I H -M -H l-H -H -M-K - H I I I I I I I « I-1 • H