Central Point herald. (Central Point, Or.) 1906-1917, October 04, 1906, Image 1

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    C entral
point herald
P O IN T . O R E G O N . T H U R S D A Y , O C T O B E R 4 . 1906.
o f the transports.ion companies ai d
the good people of Nye Creek. Arriv­
ing in Albany and Corvallis over the
Messrs. Hammersly and McLendon,
The annual meeting o f the Oregon Southern Pacific road, they were joined
| two prominent citizens of Gold Hill, Press association which closed at New­ by Mr. Neil V. Murray, confidential
W an ted — A cook at Hotel Pleasants, j were in town yesterday.
port last week was one o f the very best clerk to Manager Mayo of the Corvallis
Wages $30 per month.
Space has been reserved in this issue meetings ever held by that organiza­ & Eastern, and nothing was overlooked
Verge Odin, o f Woodville, spent by “ The Toggery,” o f Medford, and tion. It was business from start to that would add to their pleasure 8r
Wednesday in our city.
some interesting matter regarding finish, and by cutting out all undue comfort. The visitors are grateful to
Hon. S. M. Nealon, of Sams Valley, clothing and furnishings will appear formality everv member was given an the peoprietors of the Irvin House and
opportunity o f being heard on questions the Nyebrook Hotel.and to Editors John
next week.
was in town last Friday.
of importance that were up for dis­ and William Matthews, C. F. Soule and
The Savage alfalfa huiler is running
O. H. Chapman, of Gold Hill pre­
A. B. Clark for many kindnesses.
cinct, was in town Tuesday.
The meetings were held in Irvin’ s
The new officers of the association
better than was ev en expected. Some
.Albert Pankey, of Ashland, was here fields are said to be yielding as much log cabin club house, that quaint but are:
cosy structure having been placed at
President—C. L. Ireland, of Moro
during the week visiting friends.
as $30 worth o f seed per acre.
the disposal o f the association by mine Observer.
Mrs. Bartlett, of Portland, is here
Ray Crow, o f Eugene, has taken a host Irvin, of the Irvin hotel at Nye
First vice-president-E. H. Wood­
visiting her mother, Mrs. M. M. Cook­ position in Cranfill & Robnett’s estab­
Creek Beach.
ward, o f Newberg Graphic.
lishment. Mr. Crow is a U. o f O. man
The daily sessions began at 9 o ’clock
Second vice-president—D. W. Bath,
The H erald office “ devil” wa- laid and was a member o f the crack foot­
each morning and continued until 10 of Hillsboro Independent.
up last Friday. He probably ate too ball team o f that institution a few years o ’clock at night, with only short inter­
Secretary—Albert Tozier, of Port­
much “ pi.”
missions at the luncheon and dinner land Hop World.
Mrs. Thos. Smith, o f Bly, Klamath
Treasurer—Miss Frances E. Gotts
Ed. Waud brought in the prize Jona­ hours. The greater portion o f the
County, is paying relatives of this city
than apples the other day from the time o f the convention was devoted to - chatl, of Portland Woman’s Tribune.
a visit.
Freeman ranch on Bear Creek. They discussion of uniform advertising rates. ' Historian—George H. Himes, of
Miss Ethel Wimer left for Sacra­ are from four-year-old trees and one The result o f this discussion was the Historical Quarterly, Portland.
mento Tuesday to spend a few weeks sample measures 12i inches around. adoption o f resolutions and a contract! Sargeant-at-arms—J. C. Hayter, of
with relatives.
Mr. Waud also brought in a fine sample proposed by Mr. C. C. Chapman, the j Dallas Observer.
Mrs. James M.cDougal, o f Willow o f corn from the same ranch. It car­ well-known advertising agent o f Port- | The appointive committees are:
Legislative—M. A. Ferguson, Helix
Springs precinct, .was shopping with ries two big ears to the stock with land, whereby uniform rates will be
guaranteed to all foreign advertisers. Herald, S.-L. Moorhead, Junction City
our merchants Friday.
extra heavy foliage.
An effort will be made to organize Times; T. Brownhtll, Beaver State
Claude White and Mis3 Mary A. Mee
The Medford laundry wagon will call county press associations for the pur­ Herald, Gresham; W. J. Clarke, Ger-
made relatives and friends of Thomp­ for woik in Central Point each Monday
pose of bringing the publishers of each vais Star; J. C. Hayter, Dallas Ob­
son Creel; a visit last Sunday.
afternoon and Friday morning. Expert county Into an agreement on the rates server.
The Rogue River Valley and the ironers from City Hall French laundry, to be charged foreign advertisers in
Executive—D. W. Bath, Hillsboro
Hood River Valley have no occasion to San Francisco, employed. First class such county. It is believed that when Independent; E H. Flagg, St. Helens
quarrel; each can beat the world, if not work guaranteed.
the publishers once effect organization Mist; E. R. Bradley, Hood River News
each other, on apples.
Oliver G. Ward arrived from Condon, by counties, it will be an easy matter Letter; Frank Davey, Salem States­
Watches and all kinds of jewelry at Gilliam County, Monday to take a look to reach a uniform rate law in the state. man; J. S. Dellinger, Astorian.
the Central Point Pharmacy. New at Southern Oregon. Mr. Ward recent­
Sunday was given over to rest and
Finance—A. D. Moe, Hood River
stock just received. Call and see ly sold a valuable farm near Condon, recreation, a number of the news­ Glacier; S. A. Pattison, Central Point
11-tf and is so well pleased with Southern papermen and their ladies making an Herald; K. B. Carter, lone Proclaimer;
Mr. and Mrs. A. P Hawk, who have Oregon that he has already purchased excursion to the government lighthouse Walter Lyon, Independence Enterprise;
been visiting their son, Frank Hawk a stock ranch in Josephine County. at Cape Foulweather, six miles from R. W. Watson, Tillamook Herald.
The next meeting will be held in
.and his family for almost a year, left He is more than pleased with the val­ Nye Creek. The trip was a highly
for their home in Kansas last Saturday ley around Central Point and is likely interesting one and the party was Salem on January 22, 1907, when the
shown every courtesy by the light- united strength o f the organization
to.make some investments here.
keepers in charge. The lighthouse will be exerted in an effort to secure
James Lindsay, Jeff. Wilson and Geo.
W. J. Freeman and family returned
Obenehain and their families, of Klam­ from their eastern trip last Monday was completed-in 1872, and for 34 years needed newspaper legislation at the
ath County, were in after supplies and evening, While they were in the east it has given nightly warning to mari­ hands of Oregon’s lawmakers.
making relatives and friends a visit they visited with his parents in Illinois ners o f the treacherous rocks at its
feet. The light is of 500 candle power,
last week.
and also visited relatives in Michigan.
by powerful magnifying lenses it is
Table Rockets
Select a present for your wife or .On their return they were accompanied
increased to 9000 candle power, and
sweetheart from the jewelry stock at west by Mr. Freeman’s father and
may be readily seen from a point 14J
the Central Point Pharmacy. New and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Freeman,
miles out at sea. In the evening a
The bulk of the grain raised in this
U -tf and also by the elder Freeman’s sister.
pleasant social meeting of the associa­ section was marketed in Central Point,
They stopped off at Salem Monday to
Guy Tex has rented the building soon visit relatives there and will come on tion was held in the spacious parlors of
Dr. Pickell was in attendance on Mrs.
to be vacated by F. H. Webb and will to Central Point later. Mr. Freeman the Irvin House, when Geo. H. Himes,
Eisenhart Wednesday. She has an at­
move the postoffice there as soon as and family report having had a very
tack of rheumatism.
his commission as postmaster arrives enjoyable trip but did not see any place highly interesting paper on "Oregon’ s
Those operating the fish hatchery are
First Agricultural Paper.” A splendid
from Washington
that suited them so well as Central
classical musical program was also doing a rushing business giving away
Frank Hawk is all kinds of a venison Point.
furnished the members by the Misses the fish after securing the eggs.
man. Besides having some meat with
Mrs. M E. Fries and son Clover re­ Fitzpatrick, of the Montery Hotel, Nye
A : C. Chittenden is having his cane
which to treat the printers once in a turned from the hopfields near Grants
Creek, and by Miss Fay Dellinger, of made into syrup at the Adams mill and
while, he has real live venison running Pass last Friday after having spent a
will soon have a fine article for sale.
around in his back yard.
pleasant and profitable vacation at that
A live business session was held Mon-
Wm. Mayfield, o f the Meadows, ac- J
Wanted—A good girl for general place. A number o f Central Pointers dayjnoming, and in the afternoon the j COmpanie<l by Mrs. Mayfield, will leave
housework. Enquire o f Mrs. W. H.
members were entertained at the life­ on an extended visit to a son in Klam-
Norcross at Norcross orchard, one mile a pleasant outing besides making good saving station by an exhibition drill;
ath county soon.
east from Centaal'Point.
19tf wages as hoppickers. Mrs. Robert given by Captain Wellander and his I
Harvey Richardson, our road super |
Boswell, o f Medford, lost a valuable excellent crew o f life savers. These
Caldwell Bros, are busy with a force
watch the morning the party broke men constitute a part o f one o f the J visor, called on our citizens to donate
o f carpenters repairing and enlarging
camp at the yard and did not miss it most important branches of the govern­ work on the road near the bridge, and
their residence. A second story will
until they had arrived at the depot. ment service and also one o f the most met with a generous response.
be added to the building and other
The raid of town hunters has caused
She telephoned to the yard, and one of poorly paid. They must be ready at
necessary ¡¡repairs will be made.
the proprietors went to the camping all times to take their lives in their our farmers to post trespass notices.
F or S ale - A six-room dwelling in placn and was fortunate enough to find hands in an effort to save the lives of After fattening the Chinese pheasants j
Central Point, in .good repair. Bam, it. The case was made from native others, and must brave the worst the grangers want to eat some of them.
good water, some fruit. A bargain. Jackson County gold which was mined storms and the most inclement weather
Frank Adams and Emmet Nealon,
Inquire at this office.
tf by her father, and the watch is much that sweeps the coast, and for this two old Table Rockers, have rented
service they receive $60 a month and j the old McDonough farm at Tolo for
W. D. Lewis has taken possession of prized by Mrs. Boswell.
board themselves.
j the next year, and if energetic hard
the big hotel near the S. P. depot and
The newspaper men were the re- work counts for anything, they will
is cleanng add renovating the place
cipients of every courtesy at the hands “‘ win out.”
Death of E . E . Scudder.
preparatory to opening the house.
He expects to be ready to open for
business in a week or two.
Emiel E. Scudder, proprietor of the
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mayfield, o f near Eagle Point hotel, died at - his home at
Beagle, w ill'leave today for Roslyn, that place Monday evening of typhoid
Crook County, where they will spend fever, at the rge o f 39 years.
N o w Open and R eady for
the Winter visiting relatives. The
Deceased was a native of Maine, but
H erald will follow them to keep them resided for many years in Pennsylvania,
posted on home news during their coming from that state to Oregon a
year ago. He leaves a wife and two LARGEST CAPACITY and most UP-TO-DATE M ACHINERY
A complete line o f watches has just daughters. The funeral was held yes­
in the Valley.
been received at the Central Point terday, interment being in the cemetery
pay patrons the FULL VALU E of their product after paying
Pharmacy. Call and examine this stock at this place.
running expenses of the plant. This is a purely
before placing your order.
Local and Personal
N O. 2 4
I he State Press Meeting
J. L. Downing and wife, o f Ashland,
are visiting relatives here this we k.
Hop Cold Beer
The object of all development
leagues is to induce immigration
of good citizens from the eastern
states to the Rogue River Valley.
Strictly Straight
The Rogue River hind Co.
has been a pioneer in this devel­
opment business, having made
the first move in the valley to in­
duce desirable immigrants to re­
move here and to partake o f our
advantages and climate. In the
last two years we have located a
large number o f the best citizens
to be found in the valley. Cen­
tral Point has attracted many, of
The Rogue River Land com­
pany guarantees fair treatment
to its customers. We will in a
short time again send a man east
to extol the merits o f this sec­
tion. Give us a credit mark and
boost our way. It is high time
for ail sections o f this valley to
pull together and quit “ knock­
Double Stamped Whiskey
We will ship you from 1 to
4 7-8 gallons of fine whis-
key or beet quality of
Bottled Beer
By Dozen, Case or Barrel
» >
V . t Snyder & C o.
M ed fo rd , O re .
“ The Best on
-M .
30 Cents the
Dozen for ’em
In Trade,
J. H. Gav, the well-known lumber
dealer, reports- business in his line al­
most at a standstill on account of the
difficulty in securing'lumber. Mr. Gay
has made'contfacts with almost every
lumber mill in Southern Oregon during
the last month or so for the purchase
of stock for his yard, and almost in­
variably they have disappointed him.
Car shortage is given as the reason by
the mills down the road, and scarcity
o f teams and big demand for lumber is
the excuse given by many local mills.
Meat Market Chaoges hands
and SHOULD BE PATRONIZED by everyone who wishes to
E. L. Ford has sold his butcher busi­
enjoy the full product of his labor.
ness and leased the shop and fixtures
US A TRIAL and be convinced of the success of co-opera­
to Lewis & Sons, the new firm taking
tion under business methods.
possession last Thursday morning. The
junior member of the firm, who is man­
ager o f the business, is a practical Cans furnished FREE and Cream Shipped from a l l
points by express
butcher, and he expects to carry a line
of fresh and salt meats in the future.
An advertisement of the new firm ap­
Central Point, Oregon.
Central Point Creamery,
pears in this issue.
Cranfill £ Robnett,
Leading Egg Merchants and
Dealers in Everything.
Teamsters with Teams Wanted
th e
- —