CENTRAL POINT HERALD, THURSDAY. SEPTEM BER 6. 1906, W - H H - 1 H I H I I H H- l H I M M H M !■»■»»+■»■»■♦■►»»»♦< )■ ¡-i i i i h - h - h - i - h - i i - i - h - h - h - i - h - i ¡ h h h - h i i i i i i h ih - » • ■ Humor «9 Philosophy All KJads of »T D U N C A N N . MITA A Good Investment CENTRAL P O IN T NOW IS THE TIME TO INVEST in lots and blocks before the Fall rush of homeseekers have picked out the choice property. Central Point is the most centrally located town DAIRYING, FARMING and MINING REGION on the Pacific Coast. Its climatic, commercial, social and educa­ tional advantages are unsurpassed and at the present low Í Jeffers & Peart G en eral B lacksm iths & prices, e very parcel of our property is a RARE BARGAIN. Woodworkers ; ; * HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY We treat you and your hones right l-H -l-H -H l I I'l 'M U H U I I I I I m -l-H -H 'H H 'l I I I I I M » » » ♦ » ♦ ..................... m m ; ........ . ii D o Y o u Need FURNITURE OR CARPETS ? See W e e k s & B a k e r: T h e ir G ood » I f I had m y Ilfs to live over again It seems to m s now I'd be wise. Dior w aste precious tim e in nonsense or crim e Or things that g o o d people despise. A t least th a t's the w ay I have mined a# the dope P rom w h at w ould appear a h o t Up. B ut I must co n fe ss I’ d m ake a worse coses. I tsar, than I'm m ovin g this trip. in the valley and is the hub of THE RICHEST FRUIT, « CENTRAL I f I had my life to lir e over again I*d capture the ladles indeed. Because I w ould kn ow ju st w hen ts go slow And when to g o fa st to succeed. I'd alw ays have tw enty o r so on the string A nd one o r tw o m ore in reserve. A nd no one In tow n w ould e'e r turn m s down Because o f m y wtt and m y nerve. THE most rapidly growing town in the Rogue River Valley. 1 Sa tisiactio I f I had ray Ilf« to ltv« e r r W hat .splendid *uoc«aa I w ould w tai X never would maJce a stock» m lstak* Or waste golden m om ents In aha. Ttj cutting out th in «» that not w orth the while The world very soon would bs mina; Success at my beck w ould m ost break Its neck i T o corns w hen I ga v e it the sign. ! I f I had m y life to live over again W h a t w ca d e rìnl things X w ou ld dai .Without an excuse I'd turn m yself tasse And grab off a d ollar o r two. W henever a good tiling presented Itself I 'd know It w as go o d a t a gtanea. A nd o o the sure things w ith ou t o a r strings l*d play w ithout takin g a cboooa . Y Promptly Dose LOST OPPORTIJNTTXES. May be found in our Residence and Business Property in Repair W ort M E D F O R D m are F ir e t-c la « M - - O R E G O N j I I I I I 11 H I I H H - H - I H -H 1 U -l I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I t >»M t Belter YcL G . a M OORE; D KALBE IN Cigars, Tobaccos, Confectioneries and Soft Drinks For the Next ICE CREAM PARLORS IN CONNECTION 30 Days We are offering choice business lots at from $150 each and upwards; and choice residence property at $50 and upwards. Now is the time to invest, before an ad Cali on or address: CENTRAL POINT Ï0WNSITE CO. CENTRAL POINT, OREGON. ONE M AN’ S . 1 I I I 1 1 I ID O L (Original.] Manj years ago In Madrid there lived a grandee, Don Aoderigo de Sandoval. His bouse was on a little square, or rather court. In the center of which waa a fountain with a cup where an; one might quench bis thirst. Don ltoderlgo had married a girl very much younger than himself and set her up on a pedes­ tal as hla mother bad placed a crucifix ea bar dressing table, to worship. Si­ gnora de Sandoval while she at first found It pleasant to be thus adored, •specially since adoration brought with it every comfort, soon found It tire- gome. Her husband devoted but a brief time to her every day, the rest being given to affairs of state, he being one « f the king's cabinet. The rest of the time the young wife spent alone, and It did not occur ts the husband that the time would bang heavy on her hands or that she would crave aoclety, espe­ cially of the opposite sex. Did she not have servants at her beck and call, the finest apparel to wear, the most savory dishes upon her table? What moro could any woman need? One Dlght when Don Roderlgo was re­ turning from the palace where he had been In conference with the king. Jnst before entering the court In which be lived he stopped short and fastened bis eyes on a scene before him. A young man stood st the fountsln bolding the cu;> In his hand and looking up at the balcony projecting from the second floor of Don Roderlgo'« bouse. Just within s window opening on to the bal­ cony fluttered a handkerchief, while tbs young man waa making signs with the cup. His back was toward De San­ doval. so that be could not be recog nixed. The husband watched thla pantomime In a sort of stupor. He could not have been more thunderstruck had be aeen an angel from heaven alight on the fountain and pour mud upon the wa­ ters. That the being be had worshiped could thus dishonor him filled him with agony. While be looked be saw a fan wared frantically from within the win­ dow «n 1 111 M M H 'H H Hay & Learned A Royal Nam«. Before the heir to the German throne Painting Decora'ins and Paper« had been In the world long enough to Hanging Ist A.II Ito Brasateti»«, know whether he was going to like It or not they broke the news to him that bis name was William. C E N T R A L P O IN T , O H . Having In prospect the Job of run­ ning so large a country as Germany, It I I I I U -M -H 11 U l M l-l l - t t H - m - I H I I H I I' H I I I I H I I I I was not necessary to hand him one of those contlnued-ln-our-next names so : : 1 I 1 H I M I I I 1 1 1 1 1 t t l-M 'l t- H - t H - H - l-M -t-M - H - t I- H -H » > l l«M l popular with royalty that Is obliged to Impress the nelghlMm in order to carry out the bluff. I l"l-l- l- M - H - l 'l 'l"l-l"H -t 1 1 1-H - H - l 'l 'l I t I111111 l l - t ' t t ' t I t-fr-H -H " l-c v + It can generally be depended on that the length of a royal name Is In la- verse ratio to the size of the kingdom • ■ STRICTLY FIRST- CLASS CMLi w liiTK Bri l r * f r o r « r over which the kid expects to rule. If It Is a power of the first class plain _ I Bill will do, but If It Is one of those toy kingdoms that s race horse man can put In his vest pocket you can de­ pend on It that his folks looked In the hack part of the dictionary for the six Central t Gie..< or eight pages of names and said to him pleasantly, "They are all your#." HOTEL W M .W , 1. K n M. D F r iiy s lc ia s » a n d B u r g e o n EAGLE POINT, OREGON Rates—11.00 Up. Special by the We,*k Bui It Dare Not. Break, tweak, break On the hotel bills. O purse! Ob. would tl. t iny tongue could attar The la ngu uci I m adly nurse! MRS. MARY ASHURST M2 E E l < : - Teacher of —, E&- P ia n o a n d O rg an Inquire of Pleasants’ Hotel. D R . A.. B . S W E E T PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Diseases of Women and Children a Specialty Day and Night Calls Answered MEDFORD, OREGON. Always Bag. “ The eternal fitness doesn't apply to I I I I H -I-I-H I I I I I I I H I U H -W l f H -M -H -H l-> H -H -H trousers.'' "No?" ''Because no trousers ever fit long." Personal Animus. Rogue River Electrical “ Jones says you are cold aud heart leas." "That's because I never felt his touch the other day." Construction Gompany ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Constructing, Contracting and Gonarnl Repairing. Electrical Supplies. — Phone 8S1 - - - » PERT PARAGRAPHS. A milliner who would Invent s bat that would stay on straight without a hatpin would do much to put thu par agraphers out of busluess. C Street, Opposite Postofllce It appears to take all of a young man's time to tie tbs son of a rich father. Merchandise Best Quality of Goods. Lowest Prices. Highest Prices Paid for Farm Products. Pom and S h ak es fob S als EAGLE POINT, OR. All kinds of stationery, Mank books, fancy letter paper», mourning note, Ja pan ess goods- from cheapest grades to finest quality- at the Central Point Pharmacy I I’l 'M M*H l l i m i l H l H U I M M D o w n ii.g <51 K m r y Self Interest caa put sympathy out of business any day. General MEDFORD, OREGON ] I I I I H -H -1 I I I I I I I l- l l I I I 11 Borne women seem to think that nag­ ging is necessary to make the nag go. G EO . BROWN & SONS S p e c ia l A t t b n t io n P a id t o T r a v s l in u M sn I te n l r o t a t e A g e n ts C e n tr a l P o in t We now have the exclusive sale of some fine alfalfa A deep seated sense of your owe rights Is not s bad thing to bava If you are a good pugilist. farms, grain and fruit lands, stock ranches, unimproved timber lands and gold-bearing quarts ledges, partly devel- Many people who bava a good aim sel set a poor target. ' oped. Business and residence property at reasonable prieea. We respectfully solicit the homeseekers’ patronage. Our motto is, "Small Commission and Square Dealing.” i U requires sa «spart to Esaka I I II 11 IH I I I 11 H I Mi l l It H l l l l l 1 I H M I I I 1 Job and a goad ¡ ) ; salary. I H . W A R N E R & SO N The more practica you bava le trylag ; ta look young the loos your «nee— . Lumber, Doors, W indow s U thsra wäre fowar fioota ta tba world m m of uo would la d aor aaau- patton gone. Building Oood talbers raraly mab» »neb aa affort far yoor bssiadt slona. A summer raaort Is a placa wOa pan find alt tbo modera lat an i l —es« - Hardware, Old Hickory Wagons, Baggioe Rad Fan* Implements. CENTRAL POINT, OREGON a t ao Ireawdarata prtea. MM