C entral VOL 1. point herald CENTRAL POINT. OHKGMIN. THURSDAY, SEPTEM BER 6. 190«. Warren Wood, of Eagle Point, was On the Burning Deck y e 16295919 in town Tuesday. The boy stood on the burning deck, Joe lioagiand shipped a carload of Eating peaches by the peck; watermelons Tuesday. . He called aloud “ say, father, say, Eight o'clock, and found them calling Must I throw these pita away?” I. F. Williams is repairing and paint­ “ copy,” “copy," "copy!” This is our busy day. ing his livery barn. Foreman cussing at a change of ad. How about the waterworks? Wm. Mayfield's new residence is Sawed a column from exchanges — A Busy Town If you want the news, read the H er ­ well along towards completion. rather stale and sloppy, | Everybody works in this town ald . But, by Jiminy, ’twas all I had. Dave Grim and Ben Peart returned But those who are too old— Tried to write some locals, but an Last Monday ws ‘ Labor D .y and a from their hunting trip Sunday. Nit. They sit around in the shady spots agent for O-Jell-0 legal holiday. And count their glittering gold. Mrs. Stidham and daughter returned Pestered me and quibbled two hours Mr. Brisco, of Trail, was in town on last Saturday evening from a visit to Merchants, mechanics and newspaper S traight- the Opp mine. business during the week. men Reading matter both sides, top of col­ Are "busy as nailors” —th at’s it— These cool nights and mornings will F or S ale —A six-room dwelling in umn! (Dart the fellow! soon bring all the campers home. Central Point, in good repair. Bam, , Everybody works in this town Got a contract far below the rate!) But the old people—they’ve quit. If you see it in the H erald , it’s so, good water, some fruit. A bargain. Once again the locals—but the fore­ Inquire at this office. tf provided, of course, it’s not a joke. man waxed sarcastic. Arthur Beal went to Junction City Asking when the proof I meant to This is fin a l! J. H. Fitzgerald and Mr. Kennedy read. were in town from Medford last Thurs­ Monday, where he has secured a posi­ Everybody hunts in this town tion in a flouring mill. Arthur is a But those who can kill some game, Deacon Simpkins stopped the paper, day. good boy, painstaking and honest. saying, cold and drastic: I. B. McDonald and J. R. Vincent, We know, for he was formerly a Tiie fellows who come back tell stories, “ Reckon you an’ me are not agreed. ” But their “making good” is lame. of Table Rock, were in town last Thurs­ trusted employe in this office. Mrs. Richards, also, just becaues I did The printer man gets tired day. Slot mention Send the H erald to your friends. Printing “air stories” that sound “ Hop picking has just begun, and Her in writing Bradley’s party up It is better th«n a letter, as it gives rather “hot;” we are having lots of fun,” writes a all the local news “ hot from the bat” Next man who gets a “ write-up” here Bill Duane dropped in to hint he wished poetic genius from the hop yards. I ’d draw attention and that is what your friends want to Must produce the venison—that’s Mrs. J. C. Wilson, of Waldo, came know. The H erald is only five cents (Gratis) to the fact he’d sell his pup. what 1 I ! up last week and Mrs. J. S. Sims went a copy, wrapped and ready for mailing. Ought to write those locals, but I get home with her for a few weeks 'visit. out and hustle, T. J. O’Hara and family returned Picking up some bus’ness on the Table Rockets Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Gay, who have from the huckleberry country Saturday street; been visiting their son in Seattle for and report having had a pleasant trip the past two weeks, returned Tuesday. but few berries. Deer are also less T. C. Law and family, of Willow Gosh, you bet it' ■ nothsng but one big eternal tussle Mrs. L. Hatfield and Mrs S. A. plentiful than they were 50 or 60 years Springs, spent Monday with relatives How to keep the paper on its feet. ago, and hunting stories are hard to here. Pattison visited at the Merrick fruit Mrs B. Vincent and Miss Maude Now the firebell’s ringing—see some farm, east from Medford, yesterdry. get hold of. smoke—hear people yelling; Mr. and Mrs. Homer Brown, who Fields, of Sams Valley, were shopping J. C Pendleton came over from Looks as though it might be Wilkins' with our merchants last Thursday. Table Rock last Thursday to get ma­ heve been visiting her parents, Dr. roof. and Mrs. J. H. Pleasants, for the past Talent Bros, have done saistfactory terial to repair and enlarge his house. few weeks, left yesterday for Port­ work with their threshing machine in Foreman warns he cannot use those cuts, the base is swelling; The thanks of the H erald office land, where they expect to make their this neighborhood, and, by their gen­ Can't make up until I read the proof. force is due Mr. J. H. Downing for a future home. Dr. Pleasants and family tlemanly conduct, have made lastimg very fine basket of peaches and nec­ will follow them to that city in a week friends among our farmers. Haven’t time for dimer. Must grind tarines left here Tuesday. out that batch of local. or so, where they will aUo make their Mies Mae Nealon has been engaged Jonys, the grocer, wants no see his Wanted—A good girl for general future home. to teach the Fall term of the Agate puff. housework. Enquire of Mrs. W. H. Ed. Waud, who is doing something school. Bqy;U.digging at me with his exercises Norcross at Norcross orchard, one mile in melon culture this season, brought Miss Ethel Davis, who has been tak­ vocal, east from Central Point. 19tf in a casaba the other day for the H er ­ ing her vacation with her parents, left ' ‘Shouting "Copy!” “ flroof!” “This The H erald gives the news while it ald exhibition window, which is en­ last Saturday for Tacoma, Wash., ain’t enough!” is news; unlike many country weeklies titled to first permium, so far as size where she holds a responsible position Press won’t work—confound! We've goes. The casaba weighs 22) pounds that print news so stale it would fail to in the auditor's office. missed the mail! and was broken from the vine by ac­ pass the health committee. Our school opens next Monday, with And there’s an error in the Perkins cident at least a week before it was It is said that watermelons will keep fully ripe. If anybody can beat this, Miss Corum of Central Point aataacher. double-column ad! all Winter if a thick coat of varnish is we’d like to see the specimen—in the A. C. Eisenhart and family are rus­ Swears he’ll never pay me; applied to the rind. But who cares for H erald exhibit window. ticating in the mountains of Klamath, Just been in, and he's a terror! watermelon in Winter, anyway? with Clenn May along to keep the Well, a day is done, and I am glad. T. M Witten, of the Central Point snakes and coyotes off. Loads and loads of watermelons have State Bank, reports that the business —Edwin L. Sabin. been brought in and shipped to Port­ outlook for that new financial institu­ But little attention was paid to Labor land dealers every <|ay during the past tion is particularly bright. The bank Day in this community. two weeks, and the end is not yet. Good Price Is Expected fo r Apples has been open now for about two weeks The corn and squash specimens sent Watches and all kinds of jewelry at and Mr. Witten says the business Is to Salem from here were huge. the Central Point Pharmacy. New starting off much better than he really Few or no Rogue River apples have stock just received. Call and see expected. The number of customers been sold yet by the grqwecs, said John Buys Town Property them. 11-tf and the amount of deposits are both D. dw ell, of Medford, Wednesday, and much greater than was expected during An editor with a few hundred dol­ the first few months of the bank’s J. A. Wetzel, who recently sold the when the market opens they expect to get from $2.50 to $3.00 a .box for the lars, says an exchange, can buy a type existence. improved portion of his Willow Springs best fruit. The export crop ,tbis year i setting machine and do away with the Last Saturday morning the weather farm to Mr. Sisty, of Idaho, has pur­ will amount to about 150 psrigads, 30 old style of typesetting. Puzzle: Find looked threatening, and many of our chased the East property, on Third per cent of which will be Spitzynbergs the editor with a few hundred dollars. citizens, thinking it was going to rain, .street, and will make his future home and 30 per cent Newtowns. About,60 j Central Point has an excellent elec­ began to hustle around and prepare for in this city. The deal was made carloads of pears have been exported tric light system. We don’t have to a spell of wet weather, some carrying through the real estate firm of Down­ this year to all parts of the Eayt. cry “more light!” I t’s “more water" in wood, while others could be seen ing & Emry. Within two or three years Rogue with us just now and will continue to cleaning up their yards and making bon River’s crop of Spitzenberg and New­ be so until a system of waterworks is fires. The H erald force got busy, J. M. Hurley, who is operating the town apples and Bartlet and Winter established. also, and put in a pleasant (?) half day pears will be considerably increased by Savage threshing outfit, says the grain Fitzgerald & Hale, the well-known cleaning up around outside the office, is yieldng fairly well, although some new orchards coming into bearing. firm of electrical engineers of Medford, It didn’t rain, however, but we’ll be of the wheat was somewhat damaged When Rogue Rjver went into apple have secured the contact for wiring the ready for it when it does come, anyway. by the hot weather. As soon as the culture, some 15 years ago, the grower« fine new residence of F. H. Hopkins, in Frank Amy has been buying his s^gre wheat and barley crops are threshed planted a number of verities of apples, this city. They commenced work on of the wheat crop the last week or so the outfit will commence on a big run without knowing the special advantage and up to date he has received About of alfalfa seed, which will require the of the Spitz mbergs and Newtowns— I .the job last Thursday. 22,000 bushels of wheat and 8000 bush­ the remainder of the Fall to finish. varieties that have since taken,the chief 1 A complete line of watches has just els of barley at the Central Point depot. Mr. Savage has an alfalfa huller or­ place in the apple culture of that place, been received at the Central Point and Hood Rivyr. In the last few years, | Pharmacy. Call and examine this stock Mr. Amy stated to the H erald yester­ dered from the East, but there is so the orchards of those verities have day that it is now settled that the mill much delay in freight shipments at before placing your order. 11-tf been steadily increased, and will cotv 1 will be operated here next season So M arribd — At the home of the bride's much work was found to be necessary this time that he fears it will not ar- tinue to be augmented. —Oregonian. reve in time for this season’s run. In parents, Mr and Mrs. David Grisham, to put the plant.in first-class condition of Table Rock, Wednesday, September that it was not expedient to attempt to that case they will use the regular Will Soon Say "Hello:” 6, 1906, Mr. Earl Heft and Miss Stella make flour thiB Fall. Mr. Amy says threshing machine for the alfalfa. M. Grisham, Rev. Geo. L. Burbank there is more wheat in the valley than R. M. Stocker, an attorney of Hones- officiating. The Wedding was a quiet was expected at the beginning of har dale, Pennsylvania, arrived last Thurs­ John Goodrich, representing the Pa­ affair, no guests being present but the vest. day from the Keystone state to visit cific States Telephone Co., was in town immediate relatives of the happy Pat Stidham, electrician at the Opp for awhile with his relatives, S. M. during the .week srrsinging for the couple mine, is here spending his vacation Adams, of Table Rook. Mr. Stocker construction of the new city circuit and Mr. and Mrs. Homer Brown returned visiting with his mother and sisters was here a yaar ago and at that time exchange in this place. The contract Saturday from a pleasant outing at Mr. Stidham says everything is look­ was so favorably impressed with this for construction has been let to Edgar the Grieves ranch, near Prospect. Mr. ing good at the Opp, although the mill section af Oregon that he could not, Spence, of Ashland. Mr. Spence would Brown put in a pleasant week hunting has been shut down for the past two as he says, stay away very long at a be at work on the line now but for the deer, but, as the deer in that sec­ months on account of a shortage of time. He is enthusiastic over the rich fact that he is detained at home on tion are of a rather retiring disposition water. Much work has been done in and varied undeveloped resources of account of sickness in his family. The and do not court the company of stran­ the mine during the Summer, however, this valley, and believes that Central instruments and othrr material are here gers, switched to bear. He saw six and a fine display of ore is now in Point is destined to become one of the ready for the workmen. bear, but they looked so cute and inno­ sight. The water shortage will soon most important cities of this section of cent that, after he had his trusty rifle be remedied, Mr. Stidham says, by a Oregon. Mr. Stocker will spend sev­ TOR S A LT. primed, cocked and ready to kill the pipe line from an unfailing source of eral weeks here before returning to All kinds of plums and prunes, at my whole bunch, his heart failed him, and supply two miles back jp the mountains the East. farm at Table Rock. Price, ic, a pound. he lowered his gun and said “ shoo,” and when that is finished the mill can Subscribe for the H erald . S. M. N ealon . be operated every day in the year. and they skidooed N O . 2 0 I I I 11 1 1 I'M I I I H -H I I I H U »» Local and Personal The object of all development leagues is to induce irqinigration of good citizens from t^ie eastern states to the Rogue River Valley. The Rogue River lan d Co. has been a pioneer in this devel­ opment business, haying made the first move in the valley to in­ duce desirable immigrants to re­ move here and to partake of our advantages and climate. In the last two years we have located a large number of the best citizens to be found in the valley. Cen­ tral Point has attracted many of them. The Rogue River Land com­ pany guarantees fair treatiqynt to its customers. We will in a short time again send a man yast to extol the merits of this sec­ tion. Give us a credit mark and boost our way. It is high time for all sections of this valley to pull together and quit “ knock­ ing.” Hop Cold Beer Strictly Straight Double Stamped Whiskey We will ship you from 1 to 4 7-8 gallons of fin* whis­ key or beat quality of Bottled Beer By Dozen, Case or Barrel V . E. Snyder & Co. M edi - ord , O rs . AGENTS FOR HOP GOLD BEER “ The Best on Earth " ■H -H -l-l-l I H-H-H-H I -H -H-I-H- JU ST RECEIVED • One of rho Most Complote Linos of Ladies’ Dress Skirts M en’s Hats and B o y s’ Clothing EVER CARRIED IN STOCK BY ANY HOUSE IN THE ROGUE RIVER VALLEY Cranfill & Robnett Central Point, Oregon. T h irty Men Wanted. Men, Team s and one 4-Horse Logging - By IOWA LUMBER MEDFORD th e & Truck. ~ BOX COMPANY OREGON