( 'K N i KAL i D IN I' i IK): A U r K t& M i» » « « ¡ î a ï w A Granite Garden G. W. Jeffeb«, who ix some HO years young, enjoys life because he enjoys living. He also enjoys good, fresh ■nap garden vegetables which he pro­ motes on the granite soil o f his own ■•rdenas a result of his keen enjoy- aaent of an active life rather than to ■it around and count his birthdays and try to imagine that he is getting old because he has been- here for some tiibe. Mr. Jeifers also believes in this country and he gets considerable en­ joyment oat of “ showing” h's neigh­ bors from Missouri what this granite ■oil will produce with a little water, lie has one of the finest little gardens in Oregon and he grows all kinds of vegetables and flowers to perfection. His irrigation plant consists of a good well and a common hand pump and, while he is resting, he just pumps some and then pumps some more because he does not enjoy being idle. And the vegetables and flowers just hump them- ■etves to show their appreciation of a good drink. His cabbages are so proud •f being permitted to grow under such favorable conditions that their heads aometimes swell to a point of bursting I and the bean pods get as fat and cor­ pulent as a trust magnate. Will Plant Pears F. O. Cochran, who has a fine fruit farm on the foothill road, was in town, Saturday. Mr. Cock ran is pre­ paring to plant 15 acres to pears this fall and will select the Du Comice and Buerre Boses varieties. His land is peculiarly adapted to this class of fruit and these varieties of pears are known to yield rich returns as soon as they come into bearing. If Fishes Had Wings They couldn’t get away from “ Tog­ gery Bill,” which we are led to re- hiark by his last achievement. In com­ pany with Joe Duvall and Wm Entrop, who went along to see the sport, last Saturday morning they skiddooed to the river and the next morning, for a brief period, he caught eight twelve- pound fish every three minutes. Dur­ ing the excitement incident to the big tun one of the 12-pounders took a side shoot between Duvall's legs, the latter being only too willing to assist in land­ ing the beauty, and before he know bis fare was paid Duval! took an in­ voluntary excursion down the center of the channel for about a hundred yards, or until the fish turned against the cur­ rent, when he allowed his victim to swim ashore. Duvall's enthusiasm en­ abled him to begin work at once after­ ward. The same day “ Toggery Bill” hooked a 30-inch steelheud, which is pronounced the largest ever caught With hook and line. After fishing the atream dry up to the hatchery, the party returned home and Bill’s friends have enjoyed the best mess o f fish this aeason. —Medford Mail. Old Reliable Barber Shop GLENN OWEN, r i l l ' i W I i . U ’ . A U G U S T ». 100«, jM tw w w iîii» « » « » !!— . i.-er r ~ . Absolutely without cost. on For every $5.00 cash purchase you get a waist. lowing prices: 6 - \ v f e S e l l Don’t forget our location —next door to the Postoffice. STORE 1 Sanderson & Sons CjntraaidriBuilder. ¿ h à IS ^ i H and will deliver, within the city limits, on “ schedule time, without a wreck. L. H A T F I E L D ,i il CENTRAL POINT, OREGON Hamilton H. Hendricks, erstwhile U. S. commissioner at Fossil, Wheeler county, who has been on trial for more than a week in the federal court at Portland on the charge o f suborna­ tion of perjury in connection with land frauds, was found guilty by the jury last Saturday evening, the verdict be­ ing reached on the first ballot. Hendricks was one of the most prom­ inent citizens of the Wheeler county capital. He is a lawyer, and through the peculiar methods of the Butte Creek Land, Lumber & Live Stock company, of which he is secretary and manager, he has acquired considerable property. He dabbled in local politics to a considerable extent and evidently thought he was backed by a sufficient- ly strong political ring to be able to pull out of any hole which his question­ able methods might get him into. This was shown by a letter of defiance which he wrote to Mr. Heney at the time of his indictment by the federal grand jury more than a year ago. “ You may indict me,” he wrote to Heney, “ but you can never convict me.” He will appear for sentence next Saturday. The maximum penalty for the crime for which Hendricks stands convicted is five years at hard labor and a fine of »2000. There is no recom­ mendation for mercy coupled with this verdict, as there wa3 in the case of Hoge, and it is expected he will re­ ceive a pretty severe sentence. m J g ç _____________ ________ I-XririririririXriririririri-X-X-X-X-X- commissioner of Medford, burned last night The buildings were only recently Beagle Briefs constructed and cost about $2500. There was an insurance o f $1400, leav­ ing Mr. Brandenburg’s loss in the Nearly everyone in this section has neighborhood of $1100. had his grain threshed. One house was occupied by R. L. Monroe Gorden, accompanied by his Hale, of Fitzgerald & Hale, and the daughter, Miss Bessie, went to Central other by the Rev. Mr. Jacoubi, o f the Point Tuesday for a load o f wire fenc­ Methodist Church ¡south. The origin ing. of the fire, which started in Mr. Ja- Thomas Bailey, who has spent the coubi’s house at 11 p. m., is unknown, ' winter at Chetco, Oregon, with his and no fire had been in the stove since sons, Araon and Esly, has returned to 7 a. m., when Mr. Jacoubi prepared Beagle again. He says there is too breakfast and then left for Ashland, much f(Jg about chetco to auit hjm where his family are encamped. M ost, of the household goods were removed, Ilis sons will also return shortly. as were also those o f Mr. Hale, who Mr. J. Richardson went to Central estimates his loss at about $150, due to \ Point Tuesday on business. breakage. The hose companies res­ William L. Jones killed a big coyote ponded to the alarm but found, upon their arrival, that they did not have one day last week. hose enough to reach the fire from the Mrs George Stacy and family, ac­ supposed nearest hydrant, and by the companied by her daughter-in-law, time the second installment o f hose Mrs. A. D. Houston and family, of reached the scene, the houses were a Jacksonville, were the guests o f Mrs. thing of the past. When the w ater! William Houston, Thursday. was finally turned on it was found t o ! have no pressure to speak of, and it was not until the houses were almost For Sale entirely consumed that a sufficient We will sell or trade for wood any or force developed to be of any use at all. The timelv presence of the chemical all o f the following articles : One steel beam 12-inch plow: one engine manned by the crew from th e; sulkey 11-inch plow; one section har­ Iowa Lumber & Box company, prob­ row, one single shovel plow; one Deer- ably saved the Lutheran church from destruction.—Medford Tribune. ing mower; one disc harrow. and S p e c if ic a t io n s F u r n is h e d 2 CENTRAL POINT OREGON gj RETAIL DEALER IN WOOD LX C . G R I M C i t y . U r a y i n < r etn ei T r a n s f e r All Kinds o f Hauling Promptly Done. CENTRAL POINT, OR. FRUIT JARS large consignment (three different styles) o f the best known Jars Just Received SPECIAL OFFERING—For each six dozen lot sold to one purchaser we will give one dozen of the famous Schram Jars FREE. All kinds and sizes o f Caps and Rubbers on hand. W . C. L E E V E R F. H. WEBB Î The town of Eagle Point, on Little Butte creek, is quiet but prosperous ; these summer days, this condition being ■ due to the fact that most o f the pop- ! C en tra l P oin t, O regon ulation are busy looking after their i [ -X-l-l-l -l-X-M-X-l-I-X- ■i-I-l-l-M-l-l-X-l-l-.X-l-H-l-H-M-l-X : -X - H - I- l- I- :- !- bountiful grain harvest and coming fruit j ■ and onion crops. A new building, 30x60 . feet, designed for a public hall is under course o f construction by Mr. Daley anil Fine Sam ple Hoome many minor improvements were noted by the writer during a recent visit. Geo. Brown & Sons, who conduct a big general merchandise business, J. H. Carlton, drugs and hardware, and H. Watkins, confectionery, all report good T lie I (o m e o f C o m m er­ business, considering the season, and cial and M in in g M e n all are confident o f a heavy fall and winter trade. All are anxiously await­ HOTEL NASH CO., PROPS. ing definite news regarding the pro- j posed completion and operation o f the REFURNISHED THROUGHOUT DINING ROOM UNSURPASSED. railroad to that town and are sure that OREGON MEDFORD. Eagle Point will be all right, with a big R, when the road is completed and trains are running. I . T h e G. R. LINDLEY. C ashier L. L. J acobs , A sst . C ashier Under one Management for nearly Twenty Years. Promptness. Courtesy nnd Conservatism is a part of our policy. •. x - i -;- i -;-;-;- k - x -:-, i - i - x - x - h - i - m - h -:-4-:-1 ";- i - i - k - i ,'1"1 - i - i - i - i - i - i - w - h - h -!- I also carry a fine lot of Confec­ tionery. Cigars and Tobacco and receive the finest Bread and Pas­ try in the valley every day. ' »--t- l l l t i i l l * • • • I i Two fresh cows; one Jersey. Two miles north of Jacksonville, (Willow Spring road). R. A. C lark j 12d 15 Subscribe for the H erald , MEDFORD, OREGON. -I-H - M- H - H- H - : Shafts H - H- H. W A R N E R & SON Lumber, Door , Windows, Price, the Horseshoer, HAS JUST RECEIVED A NEW DUN; Building Ha? I ware, Hickory Wagons, I Old and Farm Implements. Wheels N A S H Cows for Sale M ain S t . - - - - C entral P oint :— r— H ard w arem an H O T E L 1 < 'iipHa.1 mtk I S u r p lu s , ¡"i— P lans B eal B ros ., Central Point. On LittLe butte , The reasons why you should contract with us to build your house are— Our work is executed with neatness and dispatch and completed in a work- manlike manner. Two cottages on north J street I Correspondence | longing to J. A. Bradenburg, ex-street Received Sentence j E stablished 18 « Estimates given on work in all parts of the valley Ì Fire at Medford Hendricks Feund Guilty JACKSON COUNTY HANK ♦4 ^ . » I t - G R O C E R IE S I : Tong ues Price, $1:75. We sell $1.70 “ 75. 70 75. “ - - “ 00. - - - - * “ 50. “ - - “ 3 75. “ 2.75. “ - - - M 15. “ - - - - ” 25. “ 25. “ lines except furniture. Goedonly 10 days - JONES’ CASH Jeweler •♦-♦-X' H-i-M-b-i-t-i-x-x-t-x -H-x-i-i-. We quote the fol­ We also handle a complete line of P. J. Hicken : Wheels Sherwin-Williams paint - Pure Lin5eed Oil - - Overalls - Overalls - - - - - Overalls - - Ladies’ Skirts - - - «. Violet Oats - - - Graham Flour - W W. Flour These cut prices apply to all We handle the BEST GOODS for the price, in these lines, that we know of. Charles Nickell, of Medford, who B>bee Ranches for Sale was convicted o f complicity in land frauds severul days ago, was on Mon­ From and after this date, I will sell day sentenced by Judge Hunt, in the to the best advantage, and for cash, (Old Boswell Stand) U. S. oourt, to 13 months’ imprison­ all or any portion of those two certain CENTRAL POINT, OREGON ment oh McNeil’s island. Before sen­ ranches known as the Bybee River tence was pronounced, Nickell made Ranch, at the Bybee bridge on Rogue the statement that he knew himself to river, consisting of 1240 acres, and the he innocent and felt that he had been Bybee Antelope Ranch, consisting of unjustly convicted. He will appeal the 1560 acres. With the Bybee River / case, pending which he is held under Ranch will be sold that portion of the »6000 bail. I crop upon the part purchased. This [ ranch is partly under irrigation and • more can be put under irrigation. For Sale or Rent Permanently located in JONES’ CASH I Address me at Agate, Oregon. STORE, Central Point. : 12-tf F. E. B ybee . -OOI) BUSINESS LOT ON PINE Written guarantee on all work for 12 V Street, 31x140, with two good bus­ month*. High grade watch repairing iness houses thereon. Will sell out­ i- H - HH- l- I- I- i- l- l- M -H -H -fl-fl-i-H -H -l- a specialty. right or lease one or both buildings at Cold, silver, steel and soft soldering reasonable price. For price, terms, done successfully. etc., call on or address New and Second-hand Furniture Orders taken for everything known in W. A. O wen , the jeweler’s line. Old gold andsilver Bought and Sold ISdlti Central Point, Ore. taken in exchange.__________________________________ _____________________ a: • 100 Nice Shirtwaists CLOTHING SHOES COFFEE Sleek Shaves and Handsome Haircuts Vi. I. VAW TER, P res t q F.-fcMvtNs. VtfK Pio-s Given Aw ay W e are Cranks P rop . , -■rjLTC.y?, r.T (T.NTRAL ■ i-b b -H -H -H -H <■ t-K -l- M -M - K - H -l- Freeman & Wiley farm Implements, V e h i c l e s , Etc. X We carry a full line of BAIN WAGONS. BUGGIES. HACKS. SURRIES. ETC. • RUNABOUTS IN STEEL and RUBBER TIRES PRICES Always the CHEAPEST, Quality Considerea. CALL AND SEE US Hdrness. Saddles, Robes and Whips. Gasoline Engines. Pumps. Bicycles and Incubators We carry one of the largest stocks in Jackson County POT OREGON -K 11 M I I I I I t- H -l i CENTRAL POINT. OR. ■■H- H - K -l-H - l-R - l- H M I MI I l- H- l-UH !■>■»>> 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 » , .