Central Point herald. (Central Point, Or.) 1906-1917, August 09, 1906, Image 1

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    C en tral
V O L .
H erald
po in t
C E N T R A L P O IN T . O U E U O N . T H U R S D A Y . A U G U S T
N O . 10
•H-iri-l-l-l-l-l-l-I-l-l-l'l-l -l-l-l-l-l-H-H-h
Local and Personal
T h is
P e r m a n e n tly
~= B
t h e ~ .................
The object of all development
leagues is to induce immigration
of good citizens from the eastern
states to the Rogue River Valley.
The Roque River Land Co.
has been a pioneer in this devel­
opment business, having made
the first move in the valley to in­
duce desirable immigrants to re­
move here and to partake of our
advantages and climate. In the
last two years we have located a
large number of the best citizens
to be found in the valley. Cen­
tral Point has attracted many of
The Rogue River Land com­
pany guarantees fair treatment
to its customers. We will irr a
short time again send a man east
to extol the merits of this sec­
tion. Give us a credit mark and
boost our way. It is high time
for all sections of this valley to
pull together and quit “ knock­
Hop Gold Beer
Strictly Straight
Double Stumped Whiskey
We will ship you from 1 to
4 7-8 gallons of fine whis­
key or best quality of
Bottled Beer
By Dozen, Case or Barrel
V. E. Snyder & Co.
M edford , O re .
“ The Best on Earth ”
3 Quickest Modes
o f Transm ission
Our up-to-date, two-horse, rapid
nox ’em all.
Even Papa Grieve, the sassy free
rural mail deliveryman, isn’t in it.
As far as
practicable, we are delivering goods in the
immediate surrounding country to the tune of
Cranfill & Robnett
C entral Point, O regon.
R e s e rv e d
— -
l-l-l-l-l-l-l -H-l-l-H-l-l-H-l11-H-H-I-I-I1-I"I-I"I M Il 1 ! H-l-1-1 I - H -l-M I M U -
patch in the Prospect country. They a piece of property which is worth ) phant climbing a tree. Another talk-
report having had a splendid time at twice what he paid for it. The prop­ fest was then in order.
“ I wonder if they might shoot?” re­
erty consists of two lots and a frame
Dead Indian and Fish lake.
building, which he occupies. This ins­ marked one. “ 1 don’t believe the
T. M. Jones was called to Gold Hill
tance shows the rapid advance in Cen­ melons are ripe, do you?” suggested
Friday to officiate at the funeral of
tral Point property during the past another. “Oh, I’m terribly fright­
Send the H erald to your friends.
Geo. W. Knowlts, who died at his
year, and the end is not yet. Central ened,” acknowledged a third.
| home at that place on the 2nd instant.
“ Oh, girls,” remarked another timo-
Point has only just begun to grow and
Watermelons of the "Ma le in Ore­
Deceased was a native of Iowa and
take on new life, but it is, even now, i rous one, “1 know an awfully nice man
gon” variety are now on the market.
had resided at Gold Hill about two
no longer referred to by people who less than a mile from here who has a
Mr. and Mrs. Veatch, of Ashland* years. He was 57 years old and leaves
know, as an unimportant village. The melon field and 1 am quite certain h e
visited their daughter, Mrs. Veaghte, a widow and two daughters.
town is fast becoming one of the recog­ would give us all the melors we
last Sunday.
J. E. Lancaster arrived in Condon nized trade centers of Jackson county. want.” So it was soon decided to fol­
Pure prepared Paint and Pure Lin­ Wednesday evening and left the next
low the scriptural injunction, “ Ask
seed Oil at Leever’s. Get prices before morning for Portland. Jack stated
and ye shall receive,” and it worked
that he and Sam Pattison are doing
all right. There were not only melons
The Plot That failed
served the company, but music and
Mrs. Geary, of Eagle Point, left yes­ well at Central Point and that the
dancing and a general good time, and
terday for Alaska to join her husband, prospects for the development of that
town and Rogue river valley look very There was a sound of deviltry by there was not the least suggestion that
who is in business in that country.
bright. —Condon Globe.
a bold crime had been or was being
And a dozen C. P. girls had gathered committed
F or S ale —A six-room dwelling in
Mrs. B. Vincent, of Table Rock, was
Central Point, in good repair. Bam, in town Saturday and while here was a To rob then
So this was “ the plot that failed.”
a melon patch, by strength and
good water, some fruit. A bargain. pleasant caller at this office Mrs.
The girls who had determined to have
_ might.
Protected only by three puny men. ! melons at any cost, even to being filled
Inquire at this
Vincent enjoys a good joke, even if at
j with buck-shot, lost their nerve-got
Select a present for your wife or her own expense, and she told the
The cause of all the trouble was that
sweetheart from the jewelry stock at H erald , confidentially, that she did the girls, poor dears, got desperate. i cold feet and had to accept a treat
from a man, after all.
the Central Point Pharmacy. New and not intend appropriating someone else’s |
Here it was well along in the first week
When town was reached on the re-
11-tf buggy to go home in, as Will Owen
of the watermelon season and not a i turn trip a vote was taken by which it
says she tried to, the last time she was
single man, penurious creatures, had %
Watches and all kinds of jewelry at in town.
.as declared that Joe Hoagland is not
bought the melons and stood treat. j only the handsomest and most gallant
the Central Point Pharmacy. New
Mr. and Mrs F. M. Amy returned Just think of it. Twenty bundles of man in the valley, but that his melons
stock just received. Call and see
11-tf Monday night from a month’s camping | sweetness hungering and thirsting for I are the finest in Oregon.
trip at Dead Indian. Frank has been j watermelon, and no man around g a l-1
A complete line of watches has just
climbing mountains and doing other | lant enough to “ do the right thing. ” |
been received at the Central Point
athletic stunts until he is down to his A dozen rosebud mouths puckered in ,
Idlly-nO tarty
Pharmacy. Call and examine this stock
fighting weight, and so when he asked j thirst for just a nip of the luscious |
before placing your order.
the H erald man if it was him we fruit, and melons 4-bits apiece on the ! A merry tally-ho party of 18 young
Miss McLean, a talented music teach­ meant when reference was made, a ; market. Is it any wonder that an in­ I people enjoyed a ride to Medford last
er of San Francisco, who has been week or so ago, to the neversweat club j dignation meeting was held and a reso- ] evening, where refreshments were
visiting her friend, Mrs. J. C. Pendle­ having disbanded because its leading lution passed declaring that “we will served and the return drive made about
ton, at “The Oaks,” left for her home member had gone to the mountains, j have melons if we have to get shot all midnight. Those making up the party
we assured him that it was not—that to pieces, so there” ? Then the plot ; were : Misses Julia Olsson, Marguerite
in the Bay city Frid.' y.
anybody ought to know that it would was hatched. It was agreed that thev Holmes, Maud Gray, Fay Ploasants,
Francis J. Heney, the famous land
make him sweat just to think of a job. would go in a body and the stilly
| Bessie Lee, Alta Wood, Ethel Wimer,
fraud prosecutor, was a passenger on
Anyway, Mr. Amy says they had a watches of the night, invade a melon
| Stella Pleasants and Mrs. Mary Ashurst.
Sunday’s train, en route to San Fran­
fine time, and since the weathei1 is still field, help themselves, and show the
Messrs. Beal, i. ngell, Kuper, Muller,
cisco, where he was called from Port­
so warm he wishes they were back lazy, penurious men that they were not
| Little, Merritt* Pleasants, Owen and
land on a short business trip.
afraid. As a precautionary measure,
J De Succa.
they each assumed a new name and it
L. Mintner, a capitalist of Vancou-1
I was agreed that while on the firing
ver, Washington, was here a day or |
Will T tst Local Option
line each girl would answer to some
Birthday Party
two during the week, taking a look at j
| such name as Jack, Bill or George, etc.
the country. He was well pleased with
Coquille City, over in Coos county, Then they gathered up their skirts and
the general appearance of the valley
Little Miss Helen Price, daughter of j
has started to make a fight on the re made a start. But as they looked out Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Price, was 101
and will return later in the season.
suit of the recent local option election i beyond the area of electric lights the
The Medford laundry wagon will call by which it is claimed the town was night looked gloomy, and a creepy, ! years old last Saturday and in honor of
for work in Central Point each Monday voted dry by voters of those portions lonesome feeling began to envelop the I the event a dozen of her young friends
I were royally entertained at the Price
afternoon and Friday morning. Expert of the voting precinct which lie out­ bold band of midnight marauders.
I home Saturday evening.
ironers from City Hall French laundry, side of the city limits.
Who’ll carry the melons home?” I games furnished the entertainment of
San Francisco, employed. First class
The test will be made through the inquired an anxious miss. “ Wonder if
theefening, and dainty refresements
work guaranteed.
medium of the constitutional amend-j there are any dogs out there?” chirped in ample quantities to make glad the
W. D. Lewis and wife, of Siskiyou ment adopted by the people of the state : another. “ I wish there was just one ; 'uvenile heart, were served. Those
county, California, are the guests this on the fourth day of last June, which man along,” almost sobbed a third,
j resent w ere: Sarah Bebb, Gladys
week of their old-time friends, Mr. and gives to the people of every incorpor-! i n passing over the Bear creek bridge Holmes, Audry Holmes, Edith Emer­
Mrs. J. F. Hay. Mr. Lewis is looking
son, Cecil Emerson, Mable Mann,
about the valley and may determine to and amend their own charters. An [ templated depredation, a frightened Ruthie Holmes, Mary Holmes, Flor­
election was held on July 9, when bv mouse ran about in the midst of this ence Holmes, Ella Hay, Bessie Price
locate here.
an overwhelming vote an amendment t brave band of marauders in a panic- and Willie Price.
Charles Mason, of Ashland, was here to the charter was enacted restoring stricken effort to escape and caused a
Misses Maud Simms and Grace Up­
Monday looking for an investment in a to the city council the regulation of | stampede that threatened to wreck the
good farm near Central Point, where the sale of liquors within the corporate I bridge. The screams would have put ton assisted in entertaining the young
people and a most pleasant evening
he desires to make a permanent home. limits.
to flight a herd of elephants, and a was enjoyed by all.
He will return in a few days on the
The anti-saloon league will probably fleet footed deer would not have been
same errand.
make a test of the legality of this in the race that followed. Unfor­
City Telephone System
action of the people of Coquille by tunately, just as they had succeeded in
L. W. Coe was enjoying a rest for a
causing the arrest of some liquor dealer effecting a courageous retreat from
day or two the first of the week, after
there, so that the matter can be taken the frightened little animal, the leader
John Goodrich of Portland, repre­
having finished irrigating his orchard
the Pacific States Telephone
and garden west of town. Mr. Coe
The point to be settled is regarding and landed in six inches of dust ; those company, is here for the purpose of es­
uses a windmill pump and tank and
the actual meaning of the last clause behind piled on top and soon there was tablishing a city circuit in this place.
has plenty water for his purpose.
of the new amendment, which reads : a heaping mass of lingerie, skirts, The proposition offered by Mr. Good­
Robt. Ashworth sent in sample “The legal voters of every city and shoes, etc., on display that would have rich is very liberal and it is doubtful if
branches of Petite prunes and Bartlett town are hereby granted power to done credit to a first-class department the people of the town will ever have
pears from his orchard the other day enact and amend their municipal char­ store. With the exception of a few a better. It is, in short, that the sub­
that are hard to beat, even in the ter, subject to the constitution and slight but painful bruises and the neces­ scribers shall construct and own their
Rogue river valley. They may be seen criminal laws of the state of Oregon.” sity for an amount of extra laundry own pole lines, purchase the instru­
The kernel of the matter is whether work next day, there was no damage ments from the Pacific States com­
in the H erald office windows.
or not the local option law is a crimi­ done and the brave party, encouraged pany at the price of $8.60 each, and
To Mr. Gillett, of the Kandy Kitch- nal law. Lawyers disagree on this
by the success of their miraculous es­ pay a yearly rental of $1 per year for
jb en, is due the thanks of the whole point and only an appeal to the courts
cape from the frightened mouse, re­ the use of the transmitters and re­
mechanical department of the H erald can settle it. Many other towns in
ceivers, which are only leased from the
sumed their march.
for a treat to some of the finest ice Oregon will watch the outcome of this
Soon, however, a halt was called and patentee by the company and can only
cream ever turned out in Central Point. case with much interest and if Coquille
a little talk-fest was held and it was be leased by them to the patron. The
With one voice they all declared it— City wins out there may be expected
decided that a counter-march should be I system is intended as a nucleus for
and put it —“out of sight.”
many city elections to adopt a similar made and a few male slaves captured local lines, which it is proposed to es­
J. S. March left a pear branch at amendment in towns which are now who might be fed to vicious canines if tablish from every section of this part
this office the other day that takes the presumably dry and really without any appeared, stop any bullets that of the valley. Business men will read­
might be fired at the party, shoo away ily see the advantage such a service I
bakery for profligacy of production. revenue from liquor licenses.
any field mice that might be encount­ will be to the business interests of the
The branch is about three feet long
ered, carry home the booty and other­ town.
and has almost 100 well developed
A Good Investment
wise make themselves useful.
pears. If anybody can beat it, bring
They had not far to go before en-1 A cement sidewalk is being laid in
’em in.
W. E. Price, proprietor of the Snowy countering three male acquaintances front of the new bank building.
J. B Groat, representing the Ault- Butte blacksmith shop, is very well who, after an enchanting smile from |
man & aylor company, of Portland,
The Hopkins residence is well along,
pleased with a real estate deal which twenty-four beautiful eyes, were found
was here during the week on business
he consumated the other day, feeling willing to be shot to pieces, chewed up j the structure being almost enclosed.
for his firm. While in the valley he
that he has doubled his money in the or used for pack animals, and so once 1
The Central Point State Bank will
sold a threshing outfit to Talent Bros.,
transaction. One year ago Mr. Price aga n the march was taken up.
of Talent. He left Monday evening
When the field was reached, the first open its doors for business next Mon-1
secured an option on the property he
for Portland.
occupies as a workshop on Pine street, problem was to climb the rail fence. |
T. M. Witten’s family have arrived
T. J. O’Hara and family, who have from Wm. Holmes, the consideration Some of the girl3 had never attempted
been spending a few weeks at Dead to be $600. Last Thursday he took up this feat before, and the graceful­ and are getting settled in the Gibson
Indian, have returned and are now pre­ the option and paid over the money and ness (?) with which this was accom- house recently purchased by Mr. Wit­
paring for a trip to the big huckleberry now congratulates himself on owning ' plished reminded one forcibly of an ele- ten.
9. 1906.